Online south african software architecture jobs일자리
"Hello, how are you? My name is Leonardo, and I’m looking for someone to create videos and audios in Korean for iGaming. I will be running these ads in South Korea. If you do this type of advertising, please let me know, and we can discuss the details further." **Coreano:** "안녕하세요, 잘 지내고 계신가요? 제 이름은 레오나르도이고, 아이게이밍 관련 한국어 비디오와 오디오를 제작할 사람을 찾고 있습니다. 이 광고는 한국에서 실행될 예정입니다. 만약 이 종류의 광고를 하신다면, 알려주세요. 자세한 내용을 논의할 수 있습니다."
Inkspired는 현재 웹사이트의 AI 컴포넌트 개발을 지원할 주니어 소프트웨어 개발자 직책에 한국 국적을 소지한 인재를 찾고 있습니다. : 담당업무: - 기술 과제에 대한 기본 개념, 프로세스, 관행 및 절차를 적용합니다. - 실무 경험과 교육이 필요한 업무를 수행합니다. - 일반 컴퓨터 응용 소프트웨어 또는 특수 유틸리티 프로그램을 개발, 생성 및 수정합니다. - 사용자 요구 사항을 분석하고 소프트웨어 솔루션을 개발합니다. - 운영 효율성을 최적화하기 위해 고객이 사용할 소프트웨어를 설계하거나 사용자를 지정합니다. - 애플리케이션 영역 내에서 데이터베이스를 분석하고 설계하며, 개별적으로 작업하거나 팀의 일원으로 데이터베이스 개발을 조율합니다. - 의료, 산업, 군사, 통신, 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션을 위한 운영 체제 수준의 소프트웨어, 컴파일러 및 네트워크 배포 소프트웨어를 연구, 설계, 개발 및 테스트합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고 소프트웨어 요구 사항을 공식화 및 분석합니다. 임베디드 시스템 소프트웨어를 설계합니다. - 컴퓨터 과학, 공학 및 수학적 분석의 원리와 기술을 적용합니다. 자격요건: 소프트웨어 공학 학위 또는 이와 유사한 학위. 최소 3년 이상의 관련 경력. 영어와 한국어에 능통해야 합니다. 압박감 속에서도 잘 일할 수 있어야 합니다. 구두 및 서면 커뮤니케이션 능력이 뛰어나고 조직력이 뛰어나야 합니다. 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션에서 검증된 파이썬 코딩 경험이 필요합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고...
Our company is that starts exporting adhesive/nonadhesive films (Vinyls) to Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, India, China etc. I'd like to invite great freelancers who can grow up with our company by pioneering new markets. 점착식/비점착식 필름(sheet)을 유럽,남미,동남아,인도 등으로 수출을 시작 하고 있는 업체입니다. 앞으로 신규 시장 개척으로 저희 회사와 동반 성장 할 수 있는 훌륭하신 프리랜서 분들을 모시고 싶습니다.
안녕하십니까? SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필을 보고, 제 프로젝트를 제안하고자 합니다. 자세한 사항에 대해서는 채팅 서비스를 이용하여 주십시오.
안녕하십니까? 제가 SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
안녕하십니까? 제가 SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
안녕하십니까? 제가 Xiaolin Software님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
나는 온라인 게임을 판매하는 프로그래머 또는 회사 / 나는 다음과 같은 서버를 사고 싶다. 계보 영원한 - NCSOFT 잃어버린 방주 Mu2- 웹젠 다른 사람들과 누군가가 연락을하거나 파일에 연락 한 경우 내 얼굴 접촉 또는 여기 얼굴 : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am looking for a programmer or companies that sell online games / I want to buy servers like: Lineage Eternal-NCSOFT Lost Ark Mu2- Webzen among others if someone has contact or has the files contact my face to contact or here face: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procuro programador ou empresas que vendem jogos onlines/ quero comprar servidores como: Lineage Eternal-NCSOFT Lost Ark Mu2-
윈도우 자바 Automatic generation of Google ID. You should be able to create many Google IDs on a single computer. Platform, language Anything can be used (구글 아이디 자동 생성. 1개의 컴퓨터에서 많은 구글 아이디 생성이 가능해야 합니다. 플랫폼, 언어 아무거나 사용해도 됩니다.)
윈도우 C 또는 C++ 간단한 커피숍시뮬레이션 프로그램 쓸것 멀티쓰레드- 손님 세마포어-자리 I/O GUI 알고리즘 네트워크 손님몇명인지을 입력하면 손님이들어가서 커피를받아서 자리에 앉고 일정시간동안 커피를 먹고 다시 나가는시뮬레이터
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다Write some Software '
Bug Fix in 2~3000 line c# source (WinCE Embeded Target Board) 2~3000라인 정도되는 C#소스(Hnst 사의 임베디드 보드)의 Freezing 버그를 잡아 주세요. FrameWork 3.5 에서 디버그 모드동작시 2~3시간안에 발생하고 릴리즈 모드 컴파일시 1주일정도 만에 멈춤 현상발생합니다.
...register on that site. After registration, please advise me of the ID and password. After that, you will be required to purchase the clothes I choose, and send them to Japan. The item costs and postage will be paid via PayPal. Remuneration From registration to delivery of the items to Japan USD20 From the second purchase and transfer to Japan USD15 Qualifications Who lives in South Korea Must be responsible and sincere A person who can be contacted regularly Please contact us if you have any other questions. ■ 한국 거주자로서, 한국어 ←→ 영어, 한국어 ←→ 일본어 중 하나가 가능한 분에 한정합니다. 저는 일본에서 아동복을 판매하고 있습니다. 한국의 아동복을 구매하고 싶습니다만, 한국에서는 해외로 발송하지 않는 업체가 많아, 제품 구매 대행과 일본까지의 전송을 부탁드립니다. 업무 내용 이곳에서 지정한 한국의 아동복 도매 사이트를 방문하여 해당 사이트에 회원 가입을 합니다. 회...
We need to build a Korean version of a website is the website but needs to be integrated with South Korean payment systems. 와 같은 틀의 웹페이지를 만드는 것입니다. 필요한 기능들은 다음과 같습니다. -웹디자인 -준회원과 결제회원 따로 관리 -결제회원만 볼수 있는 동영상 페이지 -결제 시스템 결합 -보안
We need to build a Korean version of a website is the website but needs to be integrated with South Korean payment systems. 와 같은 틀의 웹페이지를 만드는 것입니다. 필요한 기능들은 다음과 같습니다. -웹디자인 -준회원과 결제회원 따로 관리 -결제회원만 볼수 있는 동영상 페이지 -결제 시스템 결합 -보안
Aug 2024 - PresentAug 2024 - Present 1. Find customers who have never ordered 2. Average Price/dish 3. Find the top restaurant in terms of the number of orders for a given month 4. restaurants with monthly sales greater than x for 5. Show all orders with order details for a particular customer in a particular date range 6. Find restaurants with max repeated customers 7. Month over month revenue growth of swiggy 8. Customer - favorite food we get to know about CTE and use of join in various way to get our result
? Suche: Physiotherapeut/Sporttherapeut für Online-Workouts (Freelancer) ? Projekt: Entwicklung von hochwertigen Video-Workouts für eine Firmenfitness-App ? Wen wir suchen: Wir suchen einen erfahrenen Physiotherapeuten, Sporttherapeuten oder Bewegungscoach, der fachlich fundierte und praxisnahe Übungsvideos für unsere digitale Firmenfitness-Plattform erstellt. Die Workouts sollen auf typische Problemzonen von Arbeitnehmern (z. B. Rücken, Nacken, Schultern, Knie) zugeschnitten sein. ? Deine Aufgaben: ✅ Erstellung & Durchführung von gezielten Übungen für verschiedene Schmerz- & Problemzonen ✅ Aufnahme von hochwertigen Workout-Videos (ggf. mit Unterstützung eines Kamerateams) ✅ Vermittlung der Übungen in einer verständlic...
...functional requirements covering all platform features. ✅ User stories & process workflows. ✅ Role-based access & system interaction documentation. 4️⃣ Technical Requirements Document (TRD) Purpose: Outline system architecture, integrations, security, and compliance. ? Tasks for Business Analyst: ✔ Complete technical architecture documentation. ✔ Define API integration requirements for third-party services. ✔ Document security & compliance measures aligned with industry standards. ✔ Develop scalability & performance recommendations. ? Deliverables for TRD: ✅ System architecture & API integration strategy. ✅ Security, compliance, and data protection documentation. ✅ Technical requirements for future scalability. 5️⃣ API Documentation, Integrat...
Project Title: JOB TO BE CREATED IN FRENCH 1. Create a notification service for smartphone to receive error notifications from Rika Firenet webapp Software Overview: We use a heating system from the brand RIKA, model DOMO. They have a webapp software called FIRENET were user can monitor through wifi the heater, in a very limited way. But in case of error or stop of the machine, user don't receive any information, user has to open the webapp manualy to see if there is a problem, what is not ok. The solution to make: receive automatic notification on smartphone when machine has stopped because of error. The main notification has be received when: - no more material in the oven. - machine stopped because of a problem - all error possibility have to be checked I want a ...
I'm looking for a skilled Android developer to improve and add some features to my browser. Key Features to Enhance: Change icon and name of the app - Bookmarks: I need an improved bookmark management system that is user-frie...improve and add some features to my browser. Key Features to Enhance: Change icon and name of the app - Bookmarks: I need an improved bookmark management system that is user-friendly and efficient. - Login: This should be transformed to provide secure login functionality. - Home Page: The home page needs to be customizable. Ideal candidate should have: - Deep understanding of Android's browser architecture. - Experience in UI/UX design for Android. - Proven track record of implementing feature enhancements in Android applications. Languages pyt...
Hello, I need a plan for a house. 2 floors. Basement half of the house. Roof as small as possible and not so visible from below. Exterior color mostly white and combined with black. Please send me a complete offer. Complete plans, living room & kitchen interior architecture. including 3D rendering
I am seeking a skilled developer to create a USDT payment processing software for both Mobile and Desktop platforms. The software should be able to detect fraud, providing robust security against fraudulent activities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in software development, specifically for payment processing systems - Experience in creating cross-platform (Mobile and Desktop) software - Knowledge and experience in implementing fraud detection systems - Familiarity with USDT and its payment processing requirements - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail
Looking for someone that can assist me get a report on the competitor landscape for Marsh and Mercer (South African Insurance Company) from a marketing perspective. I'm looking to see how we compare with the likes of AON, Willis, etc. in terms of: • Marketing campaigns • Share of voice • Social media presence • Events and sponsorships • New joiners in their space • What they're spokespeople are talking about • What colleague engagement initiatives are retaining their talent • Press mentions What they are doing different from us that we could do better and where we are beating them in terms of brand presence
...skilled and reliable partners for a long-term collaboration on engineering and software development projects worldwide. We are looking for experienced professionals and agencies in the following fields: ✅ FEA & Structural Analysis and CFD & Fluid Simulation ✅ CAD & 3D Modeling and Product Design & Development ✅ Mechanical & Electrical Engineering and civil Engineering ✅ Embedded Systems & IoT and Python, C++, MATLAB, etc. And WEB & Mobile app development What We Offer: ? Competitive compensation and flexible work arrangements ? Global exposure with cutting-edge engineering challenges Who Should Apply? ✔️ Engineers, developers, and agencies with proven expertise ✔️ Individuals with experience in industry-specific software (ANSYS, SolidWorks, ...
A detailed presentation covering African insurance market.
---------- software based on the Bitcoin blockchain network.------------ The function of the software is to generate flashing btc (fake btc(maximum of 500 flash btc per day)) that stays in the wallet for 60-90 days in the wallet. Features : - flash and send those flashing btc (support send btc only) - those flashing btc stay 60-90 days in the wallet. - software needs to support all kinds of wallets like : binance, blockchain, trust wallet, paxful and so on(P2PKH P2SH P2WPKH P2WSH and all Exchange). - btc transaction with 2/2 confirmations. - those flashing btc needs to be transferable, tradable, spendable, convertible between the wallets(we can send it from one wallet to another). - the software sends the btc instantly with a message to send it or errors when ...
I'm looking for a freelancer who is skilled in data entry tasks, specifically copy & paste jobs from online databases to spreadsheet data. Key Responsibilities: - Copying and pasting data from online databases to spreadsheets - Ensuring accuracy and attention to detail Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Experience with copying and pasting from online databases - Strong attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines. Please provide examples of similar work you have done in the past.
I'm seeking a property manager Position for CCK Holding Group LLC. - Location: Ideal candidates are from Europe or South America (Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Uruguay, or Mexico). - Background: Preferred candidates are from the Virtual Assistant sector. However, any candidate from the Customer Support or Virtual Assistant sectors will be considered. - Airbnb Requirement: An active Airbnb account (as a guest) is mandatory for all potential candidates. - Language: Fluency in English is required. Don't worry if you lack experience, as full training, materials, and instructional videos will be provided. website: Salary : Full-time: Starting from $3,200 per month (8 hours/day, 5 days/week) Part-time: Starting from $1,600 per month (4 hours/day, 5 days/week) Benefits:
I'm looking for a skilled software developer to create a comprehensive application. This project entails developing a software that will run on Web, Mobile and Desktop platforms. Key Requirements: - Development of a web application with user authentication and profiles, E-commerce capabilities, and a content management system. - The application should be designed to be fully functional on both Mobile and Desktop platforms. - The software should have an intuitive interface and seamless user experience across all platforms. Ideal qualifications: - Proven experience in software development, particularly in creating cross-platform applications. - Strong skills in E-commerce and content management system development. - Excellent understanding and exp...
I'm seeking a proficient Power BI instructor for live online classes tailored for intermediate users. The classes should cover a comprehensive range of key topics such as: - Data visualization techniques - DAX functions and formulas - Data modeling - BI Service Cloud The ideal candidate should have extensive experience with Power BI and a proven track record of teaching intermediate users. They should be able to explain complex concepts in a clear and engaging way, and provide practical examples and exercises to reinforce learning. Experience with live online teaching is a must. Please provide your teaching methodology and any relevant teaching credentials or experiences in your bid.
...manpower training. The website should integrate with LearnDash as its Learning Management System (LMS) and incorporate a payment gateway suitable for Indian transactions. Key Project Features: - WordPress Development: The website will be built on WordPress, so expertise in this platform is crucial. - LearnDash Integration: The selected professional will need to incorporate LearnDash for seamless online training delivery. - SEO Optimization: The website must be optimized for search engines to increase visibility and reach. - Indian Payment Gateway: The site should support transactions through a reliable Indian payment gateway. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress development with a portfolio of similar projects. - Experienced in integrating and customizing Lear...
About the Study: I am looking for professionals with practical experience in managing software vulnerabilities (weaknesses, bugs, or flaws in code) to participate in a research study (Online Survey). Your feedback will shed light on the challenges and opportunities associated with security tools, enhancing their effectiveness for industry professionals. ======================================================================================= What is Software Vulnerability Management (SVM)? Key tasks in SVM include: • Vulnerability Discovery / Detection: Finding weaknesses in code. • Vulnerability Assessment: Evaluating the severity and exploitability of identified vulnerabilities. • Vulnerability Patching / Remediation: Addressing weaknesses to secure syst...
I'm seeking a skilled Python develope...a skilled Python developer to create an automated trading system for me. This software will apply my proprietary trading strategies and execute trades automatically through an Interactive Brokers account. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Python, with extensive experience in software development. - Deep understanding of algorithmic trading, including the implementation of Moving Average and RSI strategies. - Previous experience with Interactive Brokers API. Ideal Skills: - Algorithm Development - API Integration - Python Programming - Trading Strategy Implementation - Software Automation Please note, I have all necessary resources and materials ready for this project. Your role will primarily involve software deve...
I'm seeking a company with a strong background in software development to create several software products for me. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in software development - Strong portfolio of software products - Expertise in web, mobile, and desktop applications - Excellent project management and communication skills Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
I'm looking for a professional web developer with substantial experience in building ecommerce websites specifically for digital products. This project primarily revolves around creating a platform for selling software. Key Requirements: - The platform must include the functionality for automatic updates. - It should be user-friendly, secure, and able to handle high traffic. - The website should be optimized for SEO and mobile use. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Previous experience in ecommerce website development, particularly for digital products. - Strong understanding of UX/UI design principles. - Knowledge of SEO and mobile optimization strategies. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if...
Designer/Illustrator Brief: THE TASK: Our client is a ‘human services’ company who helps and assists unemployed and. the long-term unemployed find meaningful jobs in the Australian workforce. The company has a strong Brand Essence that is inculcated throughout the business that drives staff culture and behaviour. The overarching Brand Essence is: Enterprising Heart. Enterprising Heart has 5 ‘behaviour’ principles (see below) that management want to communicate throughout their business that will encourage staff to adopt these behaviours in their day-to-day work environment. We require an illustrative metaphor to summarise and depicts EACH of these 5 Principles. The illustrations (and their narrative) will be used in: a) Posters throughout branch offices...
I'm looking to create an online course that focuses on promoting and advertising entertainment media through a mobile app. The main goal of this project is to generate revenue from course enrolments and app interactions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in course creation - Understanding of the entertainment industry - Experience with mobile app promotion - Knowledge in advertising and marketing strategies - Ability to create engaging educational content
I am seeking an Electrical Engineer to approve and stamp a simple design for a battery/inverter feed into a critical loads electrical sub ...attached. Note - error on dwg, the 60 amp breaker at upper left should be connected with 6ga wire, not the 10 ga as shown. Key requirements: - The primary purpose of this design is to provide backup power. - The engineer's approval must ensure compliance with utility company standards. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A valid Electrical Engineer's stamp. Must be currently valid for South Carolina. - Prior experience with designs aimed at providing backup power. - A comprehensive understanding of utility company requirements for design approval. My local inspector is asking for this simple signoff before I submit f...
I'm looking to build a custom online test software that primarily supports multiple choice tests. The software should be capable of: - Automatic grading of the tests - Being accessed from desktop computers and smartphones. The software needs to be uploaded on my server or cloud after development. Ideal candidates should have experience in educational software development and server management. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
I'm seeking a talented graphic designer to create a brochure for my SAAS project management software. This brochure will be used primarily for marketing to potential customers, so it needs to effectively highlight the product's features and our various hosting models in a clear and appealing way. Key Aspects: - Focus on product features and hosting models - Use a professional and formal tone and style Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Marketing Materials Production - Experience with SAAS Products Your design should reflect a professional and formal tone, suitable for a business-oriented audience. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past. Online Exam Module. The project requires daily 4 hours of commitment on a live server, with a budget of 200 INR per hour. Key Areas of Focus: - User Interface: Enhancing navigation, design and layout, and accessibility of the module. - Performance: Improving the overall speed and efficiency of the system. - Security: Strengthening the module's security measures to ensure a safe testing environment. - Scalability: Ensuring the module can handle increasing numbers of users and tests without performance degradation. - Mobile Responsiveness: Optimizing the module for use on mobile devices to enhance user experience. The ideal candidate for this project should be proficient in Laravel with extensive fullstack experience, capable of working on a live server. Prior experience ...
I need a WordPress job portal designed with specific features and optimized for Google. I want it to be similar to job board sites like and but without the user account functionality. Key project aspects include: - Developing a job board site like - Implementing job listings - Incorporating the jobs schema functionality for Google indexing - Ensuring the website passes all Google tests The ideal candidate for this project should have extensive experience in WordPress development and job portal creation. A keen understanding of SEO, particularly Google’s indexing systems, is crucial. Previous experience designing sites that adhere to a minimalistic and clean aesthetic, like and , is highly preferred. Please note that using drag-and-drop
...platform similar in look, feel, and operations to the AusDoc website. But, unlike AusDoc, which is dedicated solely to medical job postings, this platform will cater to all industries, allowing employers from various sectors to post job vacancies and job seekers to find relevant opportunities. The platform will enable clients (employers) to post job vacancies with an initial free limit of 15 jobs. Beyond this limit, a payment gateway will be introduced to allow additional job postings. The website will include a dedicated client portal for job posting and management, an applicant portal for job searching and applications, and an admin portal for monitoring and managing payments, content moderation, job postings, subscriptions, and user interactions. This job board website aim...
Project scope: Label Specifications: Size: Approx. 12 oz bottle label (e.g., 3” x 5” or 4” x 6”) Style: Organic, African-inspired, fresh, and premium Color Scheme: Warm, earthy tones (yellow, orange, brown, green) Key Elements: Brand Name: Tamu Juice (Bold, stylish font) Flavor: Fresh Ginger (or “Organic Ginger”) Tagline: Something like "Pure. Spicy. Refreshing." Illustrations: A ginger root, leaves, and possibly a splash of juice Certifications: “100% Natural,” “No Preservatives,”