Java ee eclipse project sample일자리
SAS Data step 프로그램을 java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요. Enterprise Miner로 자동 생성된 .sas 프로그램을 .class로 컴파일이 가능한 .java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요.
Low-latency Video Chat Sample source 화상 회의의 영상은 300ms 이하의 latency를 유지하여야 합니다. 짧을 수록 좋습니다. 두 대의 스마트폰에서 서로 실시간 영상이 전송되는 샘플 정도면 됩니다. 안드로이드와 아이폰에서 서로 되면 좋겠습니다.
# 2013년6월 ~ 2013년12월 : 고양시 상수도 블록시스템 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, ibatis, amchart, eazy-ui # 2014년1월 ~ 2014년3월 : 고양시 상수조 블록시스템 GIS적용 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템...
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
Dear Translators, We have 48 pages Korean file to be translated into English by 11am GMT on 7th April. The subject matter is legal. Please quote your best per word rate and please translate below very short sample if you're immediately available and interested: 변상과 기타 조항 : 만약에 법원에서 인가받지 않은 장소에서 이 사건 요가를 가르 치는 행위를 금지하는 조항 4에 명시된 세부조항을 위반하거나 조항 6에 명시되어 있는 불공정한 경쟁을 금지하는 규정을 위반한다면 연수생은 미국 본사에 후15,000에 해당하 는 비용을 지급할 것에 동의한다. 이 금액은 미국 본사의 지적재산권을 사용하는데 있 어 지불해야 하는 금액이다. 315,000의 비용은 벌금이 아니라 연수생이 세부조항 지향 에 있어 침해를 한 행위로 인해 야기된 합당한 손해배상금이다. 제4조 : 수강생은 이 사건 학원과 사이에 라이센스 계약 또는 프랜차이즈 계약이 체결 된 스튜디오에서 유효한 이 사건 요가 강사 자격증을 소지한 상태에서만 반중력 요가를 가르칠 수 있다는 사실에 동의한다. Further cooperation in this language pair is also possible. Thank you for your quotes.
...part of the website in more detail. Home page – The home page will promote new events and guide users towards our 5 main sections. About • About 에밀티쳐(Emil Teacher) - The about section will give users information about 에밀티쳐 • Our vision- Information about our visions and goals • Our services – Here we will give information about our Live classes, Video lessons and books. Each will have small sample clips of the product for viewers to see and links to purchase the products. Live classes • Schedule – This will have a detailed schedule of that month’s classes. Including time, subject and any special events. • Live Classes – This page will have a live video stream of me teaching English. It will allow the users to intera...
안드로이드에서 월별 달력의 해당일자에 맞춰 주문내용(총금액, 건수, 미배송건수)을 보여주려 합니다. Eclipse 소스를 원합니다. 달력은 월별로 이동이 되어야 하고, 현재일자는 배경색을 달리해서 표시가 되어야 합니다. 주문이 없는 날은 표시가 안 되면 됩니다. 일자를 선택하면 그 날 주문한 상품의 이름,수량이 보였으면 합니다. 주문상세내용이 보였으면 합니다. 그리고, 원격 Database 접속정보와 관련된 쿼리는 아래와 같습니다. OS는 windows 2012 , 데이터베이스는 MS-sql이고, 원격주소, 계정, 암호는 실제 내용을 알려드릴 수 없는 점 양해바랍니다. 현재 디비접속은 이런 형식으로 하고 있습니다. -> ,1000 (사이트주소,포트번호) , 계정 : Testaccount , 암호 : Test 입니다. 금액 쿼리 : Select replace(convert(varchar, cast(Isnull(Sum(Ori_price*qty),0) as money),1),'.00','') as Orderamt from Orderdetail where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' 금액은 붉은 색 글씨로 표시되었으면 합니다. 주문 건수 : Select count(Order_id) from Orders where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력...
인스타그램 같은 사진 공유 서비스 개발을 의뢰하려고 합니다. JAVA 프로젝트로 개발하기를 원합니다. (커스텀을 위한 매뉴얼만 확실히 제공해주신다면 다른 언어나 프레임워크로 개발 되었거나 개발 되어도 상관없습니다. ) 인스타와 비슷한 것을 이미 개발한분을 우선적으로 찾고 있습니다. 사용하길 원하는 프레임워크 spring , mybatis, maven 그 외 프론트엔드 관련 프레임워크 (예:angularjs) 인스타와 똑같은 기능이 구현된 플랫폼 또는 sns 기능이 구현된 플랫폼을 개발 하신분이 있으시면 꼭 연락 부탁드립니다. 개발 가능하신분들도 쪽지로 연락부탁드립니다. ^^
나중에 제가 좀 시간이 나면 bidding 해 볼까요? ㅋㅋ 요즘 너무 바빠서... 중국도 다녀와야 하고... 뭐 랜딩페이지 하나 만들어주세요, 한장 만들어달라는 얘기. 쇼핑카트 만들어 주세요, 이런일들이 많아요. 뽀샵 사진을 짤라주세요. 이런 일도 있고. ㅋㅋㅋ 좀 비싼일들은 ajax chatting,, php 로 사이트 구축, php, jQuery, java, AJAX 이런거 복합적으로 섞어서 1년동안 일해야 하는 것도 있고.... 이런 건 제가 bidding 자체를 제가 못하겠죠. 어느정도 불러야 하는지도 모르니.... 그누보드 스킨만 갖고도 충분히 구축할수 있는 정도 사이트, 현재 bidding 이 대략 550만원이네요... living in (or nearby) Kabul Tower Qala Fathullah, Kabul, Afghanistan • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report....
I'm seeking a talented professional to help translate our migration design for a fintech mobile app into a compelling and well-structured UX case study. The aim is to highlight our design process and showcase the depth of our research and user insights and story telling Key elements to be included: - A detail...processes - A presentation of our final design solutions Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive background in UX/UI design - Exceptional storytelling and writing skills - Ability to present complex design processes in a relatable way - Experience in creating professional UX case studies I will provide all necessary design materials, insights, and data. Please provide a sample of your previous work demonstrating your storytelling abilities and de...
We are looking for a detail-oriented freelancer to gather contact information for professionals in the environmental engineering field, specifically targeting roles such as Environmental Engineer, Environmental Engineer, EHS, and SHE specialists. The task involves compiling a list that includes names, emails, designations, organizations, and cities of these individuals. The ideal candidate should have experience in data mining or lead generation and be able to deliver accurate and organized information in a timely manner. Candidates sending sample will be given preference. Also quote your prices per contact. If you send me a sample of approx 10 leads, I will prefer you for this job. I need active and accurate leads, you must be able to provide proof of their accura...
I'm a product design lead looking to translate our migration design for a fintech mobile app into a professional UX case study. The primary goal is to showcase our design process. I need someone with excellent storytelling skills who can present the case study in a well-structured, modern and professional manner. Key elements to highlight in the design process include: - Researc...of the case study should be inspirational and motivational. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Extensive background in UX/UI design - Exceptional storytelling and writing skills - Ability to present complex design processes in a relatable way - Experience in creating professional UX case studies I will provide the design, the insights and any other needed data, kindly provide sample...
I am looking for a skilled professional who can create Power BI and Python-based dashboards to provide actionable insights for a superstore focusing on the ready-to-eat or cooked food category, as well as for a restaurant business. The project involves working with sample data (you can either create data or use existing publicly available datasets) to generate comprehensive insights.
I'm in urgent need of a clothing manufacturer who specializes in acid washed garments. I require one sample of uncuffed, cotton gym sweatpants with a screen printed design (the design will be provided soon). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in manufacturing acid washed garments - Proficient in working with cotton - Experience in producing gym wear - Capable of high-quality screen printing - Ability to deliver the first sample ASAP.
I'm looking for an experienced freelancer who can create a custom invoice template for me in Perfex CRM. The template should closely resemble a sample I'll provide.
...viral videos WITH CLEAN EDITS to get our clients results - Work VERY CLOSELY with team members to refine and improve the videos - and be VERY responsive. - Have a general 1–2 day turnaround per project. What We’re Looking For - Proficiency in After Effects and Premiere Pro with prior video editing experience (portfolio REQUIRED). - A strong sense of pacing and storytelling to craft visually easy-to-consume content. - Ability to PERFECTLY REPLICATE specific editing styles while maintaining high-quality standards. - High responsiveness, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt. - Create a free sample video to demonstrate capabilities. - Must be willing to undergo a training session if needed. What We Offer - Pay: $15 per video to start, with opportuni...
I require a talented interior designer to transform my 3BHK apartment into a modern sanctuary focused on relaxation and comfort. The redesign will encompass the living room, bedrooms, kitchen, and bathroom. Also, Can provide sample photos, required measurements and ideas if required Key Aspects: - Style: The overall aesthetic should be modern, incorporating sleek lines, minimalist design and contemporary furnishings. - Purpose: Each space should be designed with comfort and relaxation in mind, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere and maximise storage Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in modern interior design. - Strong portfolio showcasing previous residential projects. - Excellent understanding of creating comfortable and functional spaces.
I'm seeking a seasoned Java developer with extensive experience in Kafka and EMP, to facilitate a migration from our fully operational and stable EMP setup to Kafka. This project isn't just about the migration; I'm interested in building new features with Java and Springboot during the process. Key Responsibilities: - Migrate our current EMP to Kafka with a focus on improving performance, enhancing security and scalability. - Develop new features alongside the migration using Java and Springboot. - Optimize our Oracle Database as needed. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency with Java, Springboot, Spring-JPA, and Oracle Database. - Deep understanding and experience with both EMP and Kafka. - Proven track record in enhancing per...
Requirements: Brand Name: The logo must include the text Cr8Catalyst. Style: Minimalistic, clean, and modern. Focus on professionalism while being approachable. Avoid overly complex or detailed designs. Icon/Graphic Element: Optional but preferred: An abstract icon or geometric element that symbolizes growth, acceleration, or creativity (e.g., spark, interconnected nodes, or an arr...clean, legible, and align with the brand's modern aesthetic. Colors: Explore these color palettes: Option 1: Electric blue (#007BFF) and vibrant orange (#FF6A00). Option 2: Teal (#17A2B8) and soft yellow (#FFC107). Option 3: Dark navy (#001F3F) and vibrant orange (#FF5733). Please present designs with a white background and, if possible, a dark background version for contrast. Usage: similar to sa...
I need a database for Space and Space Technology Companies - with a focus on company names and Email ID. Key Points: - The main data points to be included are full name, company names and Email ID's - Accuracy of data, specially Emails - Sample File of Required database is attached - To start with we require 10,000 records. - Will pay INR 0.60 per record. Ideal Freelancer: - Prior experience in creating detailed databases - Proficiency in data gathering, scraping and organization - Familiarity with the USA market would be a plus Please include your relevant experience in your application.
I'm seeking a designer with a deep understanding of classic and elegant styles to create a logo for our soon to launch boutique, luxury accommodation: "Fleurieu House". Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate both text and an icon or symbol, so a good sense for typography and symbolism w...color scheme is open for suggestions, but the resulting logo must work as a black & white as well. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software. - Prior experience in creating luxury brand logos. - Strong understanding of classic and elegant design principles. Reference Material: - Provided is a photo from the house entrance that can be used to inspire the icon. - Also uploaded is 2 sample images that we like to provide context. Please provide a portfolio ...
...the configuration file configs/coco/instance-segmentation/swin/ (from Hugging Face). 3) Training: The model should be trained from scratch. 4) Data Augmentation: - Use Albumentations for data augmentation. - Ensure data augmentation can be visualized with images (preferably during training). 5) Data: - Use any publicly available sample dataset in YOLOv8 format. - Limit the training to only one class (my dataset will also have only one class). 6) Metrics: - Display metrics during training (at least every N epochs). - Calculate and save the metrics to a file after training. 7) Validation: - Evaluate the model on validation data after training. - Save the resulting images with predictions
As a passionate computer science student, I'm keen on collaborating with experienced developers who share my enthusiasm for coding and software development. The project focuses on creating a robust web application with potential for future Android adaptation. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in web application development - Strong coding skills - Problem-solving mindset - Experience in automating processes and software development - Potential future work on Android adaptation Ideal Skills: - HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Python, Java, or relevant programming languages - Experience with software automation tools - Android development skills a plus - Game development experience appreciated Your expertise and creativity will be pivotal in turning this idea into reality. Let...
OCR, Markdown Rendering & GPT Context Integration for Exam Generation App Project Overview: I have an Exam Generation App built in (using Tailwind CSS). I need a specialist to implement three key features: OCR (Optical Character Recognition) for uploaded PDFs (or images of past exams and marking guides). Markdown support (reading and rendering teacher-edited text, “MarkItDown” style). Context Understanding via GPT (OpenAI or similar LLM) to categorize extracted data and suggest relevant exam questions by semester/topic. Scope of Work: OCR Implementation Set up OCR using (client-side) or an external OCR API. Convert multi-page PDFs into text. If using , handle PDF->Image conversion (e.g., using or a server-side function). Store extracted text (alongside
Project Overview: I’m building an Exam Generation App (front end in , styled with Tailwind CSS). I need an expert to set up the complete Firebase back-end, including Authentication, Firestore, and Firebase Storage. The goal is to securely store user (teacher) accounts, exam metadata, and uploaded PDFs (or images). You will also need to configure basic security rules so only authorized users can upload and view their own data. Scope of Work: Firebase Project Creation & Configuration Create (or link to) a Firebase project with Web credentials. Provide environment config details so I can integrate them into my front-end code. Authentication Setup Implement email/password authentication (and possibly Google Sign-In). Ensure new teachers can create accounts an...
Project Overview Develop and deploy a Python-based web scraping system to collect NBA player and team statistics from Basketball Reference, updating pre-configured Airtable sheets daily. The system will be hosted on AWS Lambda for automated execution. Fixed Budget: $100 Project Scope Data Collection Requirements Scrape statistics for ~550 players (90 fields per player) Scrape statistics for 30 teams (90 fields per team) Data sources span 4-5 specific URLs from Basketball Reference Update existing Airtable sheets with collected data Match data to pre-defined columns in Airtable Technical Requirements Python Web Scraping Implement robust scraping scripts using BeautifulSoup/Requests Handle rate limiting and site restrictions Include error handling and logging Maintain eff...
DotNet Tester required to test done work of other developer thenafter create of other developer thenafter create videos explaining existing errors in developer's done-work and new error born in during his development. Website Address - User emailid- userany303@gmail.c Password- kaspersky The work given to previous developer explained in below link videos- Sample video links explaining errors in developer's done-work is below-
I'm looking for a skilled programmer to develop a trading bot for the Stock Market. The bot should primarily focus on algorithmic tradin...skilled programmer to develop a trading bot for the Stock Market. The bot should primarily focus on algorithmic trading, employing complex algorithms to make trades at optimal times. Key Features: - Automated Trading: The bot should be capable of executing trades automatically based on pre-set criteria and algorithms. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming languages (like Python, C++, or Java). - Extensive knowledge and experience in stock market trading. - Familiarity with algorithmic trading strategies. - Previous experience in developing trading bots will be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of relevant past work in...
...size needs to be 1920px * 450px. My website is If you would like to use some product pictures, you can use some of the following. Please do not use titles or pricing. You may use other images from my website as well. New Years design and colors please. I will upload an image with our contact information as well as a couple of options for our logo. I am also including the a sample flyer and banner from our last years New Years. I would like a different style, please do not duplicate the samples.
I need an experienced Solana developer to edit my current Solana buy function. (Type or Java script) Requirement. 1. Add code to scan Solana Mempool for pending BUY transaction of token before continuing with rest of the Buy function The full Buy function code will be provided to you. You only need to make one small addition as described above. You are not required to write or develop any other code .
I need a tutorial video on how to make a grunge/distressed image in Photopea. The video should be less than 5 minutes long and in a sc...screen capture format with voice-over. It should cover basic steps with some advanced tips (if needed). This is to create a tee shirt design with that distressed look. Applying the distressed image in a PNG format so when printed the underlying shirt color whos through. I am doing this for military patches. Attached is an example. I will supply a sample image file and a sample grunge/distressed file to use in the video. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Photopea - Video editing and production - Clear and engaging voice-over delivery - Ability to explain concepts simply yet effectively - Knowledge of grunge/dis...
I'm conducting a clinical trial focused on adults, assessing the efficacy of an intervention. I need an expert in biostatistics to calculate the necessary sample size for this randomized control trial. I need a statistician who understands health research 3 groups, primary outcome of reduction expected effect size of 3 difference between groups and a standard deviation of 4 . The significance level was assumed to be 0.05 and power of 0.90. Ideal Skills: - Biostatistics - Clinical Trial Design - Statistical Software Proficiency (like R, SAS, SPSS) Please include in your proposal your relevant experience and examples of similar projects you've worked on. synced to general visuals. Please make sure you include sample /reference voices Key Requirements: - Deep, American mid-30s male voice - Ability to convey an inspirational tone - Experience with voice over for general visuals The script is as follows: IN AN EVER-CHANGING WORLD NEW COMMUNITIES EMERGE WE EMBARKED ON A MISSION TO TRANSFORM EGYPT'S REAL ESTATE LANDSCAPE EMPOWERED BY NUCA WE ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF A DIVERSE CLIENTELE, CRAFTING UNPARALLELED LIVING EXPERIENCES. OUR TEAM OF INDUSTRY EXPERTS MERGES FUNCTIONALITY WITH INNOVATION, COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE GROWTH FROM THRIVING RESIDENTIAL GATED COMMUNITIES TO VIBRANT COMMERCIAL SPACES, WE SHAPE THE FUTURE OF REAL ESTATE. Standard pronunciation is sufficient for this project, with no specific names or terms r...
I'm looking for a designer to add a festive touch to my logo for the New Year. The design should feel celebratory and be suitable for the holiday season. I need some "New Years" look added to my existing logo. Maybe fireworks, ball, year, etc.. You can see on my Christmas logo at: and where the logo sits. I am attaching a regular version of the logo as well as a sample of last year's logo. I am looking for a quick turnaround on this.
I need you create this logo: Organisation name: Adjalè Uflè Colour: Orange and blue. Same as on the on this sample. Instruction: make it same as this one:
...individuals to open a savings account online, completely remotely and securely. Platform : Java , Spring Boot , REST API , JPA , Hibernate , Web Services Key Features: - Document Upload: The application must facilitate the secure upload of necessary documentation. - Identity Verification: The application should incorporate robust identity verification processes to ensure security and compliance with banking regulations. - Customer Support Chat: An integrated customer support chat feature is essential for assisting users throughout the onboarding process. - Interaction with Banking System: The application should be able to seamlessly connect with the banking system digitally. Tool's : Eclipse, Maven, MySQL Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in deve...
...address, and forward them to international destinations. The ideal candidate will have experience with user-centric platforms, secure payment integrations, and API connections for shipping carriers. This description clearly outlines the project’s requirements while inviting qualified bids. You can adjust details like preferred tech stack or budget based on your specific needs. Please check the sample account dashboard picture and let me know what you think. If you have any questions please ask me. We can provide refer to functional app/site that can be used as model: Key Features: User Registration and Dashboard: User account management: Allow users to sign up
Hello, I am looking for a professional to process and add sound effects to voice-over audio tracks for a meditation app. Project Scope: * Initial Workload: 20 audio tracks. * Track Length: Each story averages 50+ minutes. * Audio Requirements: Adding background sounds such as rustling wind, footsteps, and other environmental effects to enhance the story's ambiance. * Voice: The voice-over is AI-generated (sample attached). Collaboration Details: * Potential for Ongoing Work: If the collaboration is successful, there is potential for additional projects in the future. * NDA: More details about the concept can be provided after signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). What I’m Looking For: * Experience in similar projects. * Examples of your previous work (if availa...
Project Title: Website Development for Existing Applications Project Details: We are looking for skilled website developers to create a website that complements our existing applications. The website should be designed to provide comprehensive information about the applications and offer seamless user interaction. The core features and functionalities we require are: Core Features: Content Management System (CMS): Easy-to-use CMS for content updates. Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly design to ensure accessibility across devices. User Registration and Login: Secure user authentication and profile management. Integration with Applications: Sync with our existing applications for data consistency. Search Functionality: Efficient search system for users to find relevant ...
I'm working on a Java JSP Servlet project primarily for learning purposes. I'm facing some compilation and logical errors across different parts of the application including the front-end, back-end, and database interaction. Key Requirements: - Identifying and fixing compilation and logical errors - Ensuring smooth interaction between front-end, back-end, and database - Helping me understand the errors for better learning The ideal freelancer for this project should have strong experience in Java, JSP, and Servlets, with a good understanding of front-end and back-end development, as well as database interaction. Good communication skills are essential, as I would like to learn from this experience.
I need a video editor for 30 hours of work per month at a rate of $130 per month. Milestones will be released at the end of each month. Intermediate-level skills are required. New freelancers are welcome to apply. You must complete one video as a sample before we get started. After one month, you may choose to continue or leave, and I will provide a positive review if the required work is delivered. Only bid if you are satisfied with these conditions and are happy to commit to at least one month of work. Thank you!
I'm seeking a classic and timeless logo for my photoframe product brand 'Thirozon'. It should embody a modern feel while being sleek and sophisticated, yet not overly required Sample design for Our Brand name. We need Source file also.
I am looking for a Shopify expert to develop an online store for me. Please send your previous work sample links. We need a serious and hard-working person
I need a clean, professional landing page for a weight loss program webinar and another for booking a call with a nutritionist. Both pages should be conversion-optimized. Landing Page Features: - Weight Loss Program Webinar Page: - A testimonial section - A countdown timer - A detailed program overview - Elements of social proof...Page Features: - Weight Loss Program Webinar Page: - A testimonial section - A countdown timer - A detailed program overview - Elements of social proof - Nutritionist Booking Page: - A section for client success stories - An FAQ section - A detailed profile of the nutritionist The ideal candidate will have experience in landing page creation and Google Ads conversion campaign. Sample Landing Page:
I'm looking for a web designer with proficiency in React JS to create a simple yet elegant and classic mobile-responsive design for a tours and travels website. Key Pages: - Homepage - Tour P...Page - Contact Us Page Design Elements: - The homepage should feature a hero image or video and a section for featured tours. - The overall style should be classic and elegant, not overly complicated but still appealing. Please note: - Only the design is required, no backend connection is needed at this stage. - The design should prioritize mobile responsiveness and speed. - I will provide a sample website for reference. Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in designing similar websites. - A strong portfolio of React JS projects. - Excellent understanding of mobile-res...
...Sasaran: [Target audiens, industri, atau pasar] 4. Batas Waktu: [Tanggal mulai dan akhir] 5. Anggaran: [Jumlah anggaran] Deskripsi Proyek 1. Latar Belakang: [Konteks dan alasan proyek] 2. Kebutuhan: [Masalah yang dihadapi] 3. Hasil Yang Diharapkan: [Kriteria keberhasilan] 4. Kriteria Penilaian: [Kualitas, waktu, biaya] Kebutuhan Teknis 1. Platform: [Web, mobile, desktop] 2. Bahasa Pemrograman: [Java, Python, dll.] 3. Basis Data: [MySQL, MongoDB, dll.] 4. Integrasi: [API, plugin] 5. Keamanan: [Protokol keamanan] Konten dan Desain 1. Jenis Konten: [Teks, gambar, video] 2. Desain: [Gaya, warna, font] 3. Logo dan Branding: [Deskripsikan identitas visual] 4. Struktur Navigasi: [Menu, submenu] Kriteria Penilaian 1. Kualitas Kerja: [Kriteria teknis] 2. Waktu Pengiriman: [Batas waktu...
I'm encountering some hiccups during the build process of my java/Node.js React application on Ubuntu server. I'm running mvn clean install with npm/yarn as my build tool and am facing dependency issues. Key tasks: - Identify the specific dependency issues causing the build to fail - Troubleshoot and resolve these issues to allow a successful build - Provide a brief report on the problems encountered and solutions implemented Ideal skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript and React.js - Extensive experience with Node.js and the npm/yarn build tools - Strong problem-solving skills with a knack for troubleshooting complex dependency issues - Ability to communicate technical details in a clear, concise manner
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