Freelance english latvian translator일자리
저는 터키어 원어민입니다. 한국어문학과를 졸업했고 현대 자동차 제조압사에서 통역사 및 품질 리포터로 근무했습니다. 터키어 번역 필요 시 연락 주시길 바랍니다.
I need to translate below Korean to English 무중생유(無中生有) 제갈공명이 적벽대전에서 빈 배를 보내 적의 화살 10만개를 쏘게하여 전장에서 화살을 만들어 쓴 전략은 탁월했습니다. 이렇게 "無에서 有를 창조"하는 전략을 '무중생유' 전략이라고 합니다. 경기가 안 좋고, 자본이 부족하다고 한탄만 한다고 해결방법이 찾아지는 것은 아닙니다. 도저히 방법이 없을 것 같은 상황 속에서 답을 찾아내는 것이 바로 ‘무중생유’의 전략을 이해하는 사람들의 행동방식이죠. 살다보면 얼마든지 위기에 빠질 수 있는데, 중요한 것은 어떻게 그 위기를 극복하느냐가 관건이 아닌지요. 우리가 모든 것을 다 잃었다고 생각될 때가 어쩌면 가장 많이 얻을 수 있는 기회일 수도 있습니다. 그리고 진화는 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 진행되는 것이 아니라 절박하고 아무 대안이 없을 때 급박하게 이루어진다고 합니다. 그래서 모든 것이 편안할 때보다 어렵고 힘들 때 더 많은 대안을 찾아낼 수 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.
Hello, We are looking for freelancers to watch or YouTube and translate what the host is saying from Korean to English and Vice Versa. The work itself is very casual, flexible and most importantly, 'FUN' because it'll usually cover gameing, music and general talking. If you're interested, please message me because there are some pre-screening we need to do. Thank you. 안녕하세요, 현재 유튜브나 트위치에서 스트리머의 말을 영어에서 한국어로, 또는 그 반대로 번역해주실 프리랜서분들을 모시고 있습니다. 일의 강도 자체는 굉장히 가볍고 캐주얼하며, 무엇보다 재밌습니다! (대체로 게임, 음악 혹은 토크쇼 위주를 작업하고 있습니다.) 혹 관심이 있으시다면, 사전인터뷰를 위해 꼭 메세지 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
I need someone to translate Korean to English. I am native speaker in both Korean and English, but I am posting this as a project because it needs to be looked professional. For example. 규석 정의 1) 규산(Sio2)을 화학성분으로 하는 암석의 총칭, 광물학적으로 석영과 같음 2) 주로 석영으로부터 생산되는 광물 및 암석류 3) 공업적으로는 괴상의 규산질 원료를 총칭하여 규석이라는 용어를 사용할 뿐이며, 요업, 중화학공업 등의 수요 업계에서 사용되는 용어 ▶ 규석 용도 1) 백규석 : 유리 도자기, 실리콘 금속 및 페로실리콘 원료 2) 연규석 : 몰타르, 시멘트 혼합재 3) 노재 규석 : 내화벽돌 these are example of the words you need to translate.
한국 인터넷 사이트를 외국인한테 설명하는 글을 써주세요. 모든 단계를 다 설명해야 합니다. 스크린샷도 첨부하면서 영어로 설명하면 됩니다. 1. I need a Korean freelance or speak Korean for a project. 2. please only people who are from Korea or who speak good Korean.
Translator Korean to English. Example translation : 6. 평온한 황금시대 태초에 그들을 위협하는 것은 아무 것도 없었지만, 또한 그들을 돕는 것도 없었다. 해도 달도 없는 공간에 태양도 없는 하늘에서 적당한 밝기의 빛이 비춰졌고, 아침이면 하늘에서 뿌려지는 ‘만나’가 그들의 양식이었다. 그들을 위협하는 재해,사고,맹수도 없었다. 동물들은 온순했고, 땅은 풍요롭고 스스로 열매를 맺었기에 사냥도 농경도 필요없는 평온한 삶이었다.
Hi. I just need you to write out a paragraph of this that is written professionally. Just very basic! 단기 6개월 - 맥스 1년. inside/supply chain support. 잘하면 연장가능성 있고. 영어 must 여야해. 손님층이 다 미국인이라. 일할 조건 (영주권, 시민권) 최소 opt는 있어야하고. 내 이름걸고 사람 추천하는거라. 영어 must에 진짜 책임감있고 성실한 사람. 혹시 일할 친구 있으면 추천좀해줘요 Basically like here is an example: 안녕하십니까, KOJOBS USC 입니다. Kojobs Usc 와 함께 2월 4일 목요일, 오전 10시부터 오후 5시까지 USC 교내 TCC 320A에서 LG U+ 채용 면담회를 진행할 예정입니다. 본 면담은 석/박사 학위 취득예정자 뿐만 아니라, 학부생 (3,4 학년)을 대상으로 한국 LG U+에서의 취업 기회를 제공하기 위해 마련되었습니다. 면담에 참석하시는 분들에게는 소정의 기념품 (Starbucks gift card)을 드립니다. 하단 참고사항을 필히 읽어주시길 바랍니다. 참가 대상과 분야에 대한 자세한 정보는 Kojobs Usc 혹은 Kcoso Usc usc를 통해 알아보실 수 있습니다. ***참고사항*** -방문시에 resume를 지참하시면 더 좋습니다. -친구와 함께 방문하기 보다는 개별적으로 오시는 것이 면담을 충분히 받는데 도움이 됩니다. -공지해드린 시간 내에 방문하시는 것이 가능하시나, ...
1. 수질개선 관련 제안서 번역 (한글 > 영어) 2. 시연회자료 번역.(한글 > 영어) - ppt문서, 그림과 사진이 많아서 번역할 대상은 많지 않음. - 전문용어에 유의.
Dear Translators, We have 48 pages Korean file to be translated into English by 11am GMT on 7th April. The subject matter is legal. Please quote your best per word rate and please translate below very short sample if you're immediately available and interested: 변상과 기타 조항 : 만약에 법원에서 인가받지 않은 장소에서 이 사건 요가를 가르 치는 행위를 금지하는 조항 4에 명시된 세부조항을 위반하거나 조항 6에 명시되어 있는 불공정한 경쟁을 금지하는 규정을 위반한다면 연수생은 미국 본사에 후15,000에 해당하 는 비용을 지급할 것에 동의한다. 이 금액은 미국 본사의 지적재산권을 사용하는데 있 어 지불해야 하는 금액이다. 315,000의 비용은 벌금이 아니라 연수생이 세부조항 지향 에 있어 침해를 한 행위로 인해 야기된 합당한 손해배상금이다. 제4조 : 수강생은 이 사건 학원과 사이에 라이센스 계약 또는 프랜차이즈 계약이 체결 된 스튜디오에서 유효한 이 사건 요가 강사 자격증을 소지한 상태에서만 반중력 요가를 가르칠 수 있다는 사실에 동의한다. Further cooperation in this language pair is also possible. Thank you for your quotes.
We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.
שלום, אני צריך לתרגם מסמך מעברית לאנגלית. שבעה עשר עמודים. את המשפטים באנגלית או התמונות, במקור, יש להכניס למסמך החדש תודה
We are looking for freelance Pilates Instructor for Demonstration at IHRSA 2014 exhibition in San Diego CA. 2014 Working Time: 10.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m. $30 per/hour We prefer a person who lives in San Diego. 안녕하세요. 저희 케어 필라테스에서 IHRSA 2014에 함께 하실 필라테스 강사분을 모십니다. 근무시간은 14일 오전10:00부터 오후05:00까지이며 시간당 $30을 지급할 예정이나 조정 가능합니다. 로 자세한 사항 문의 바랍니다.
We are looking for a translator in Korean - English and Spanish, Pilates understanding who is working with us at the IHRSA 2014 exhibition in San Diego CA. Exhibition takes place from: 12.Mar- 2014 Working Time: 09.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m. 09.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m. 09.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m. We prefer a person who lives in San Diego. 안녕하세요. 저희 케어 필라테스에서 IHRSA 2014에 함께 하실 통역을 찾고 있습니다. 영어와 스페인어가 가능한 한국교민, 학생 모두 참여 하실수 있고 필라테스 경험이 있으신 여성분은 우대해드립니다. 근무시간은 위와 같습니다. 가까이 사시는 분이면 더 좋을것 같네요. 많은 지원 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
We are looking for a translator in Korean - English and Spanish, Pilates understanding who is working with us at the IHRSA 2014 exhibition in San Diego CA. Exhibition takes place from: 12.Mar- 2014 Working Time: 09.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m. 09.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m. 09.00 a.m. - 04.00 p.m. We prefer a person who lives in San Diego. 안녕하세요. 저희 케어 필라테스에서 IHRSA 2014에 함께 하실 통역을 찾고 있습니다. 영어와 스페인어가 가능한 한국교민, 학생 모두 참여 하실수 있고 필라테스 경험이 있으신 여성분은 우대해드립니다. 근무시간은 위와 같습니다. 가까이 사시는 분이면 더 좋을것 같네요. 많은 지원 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
Translate the phrases attached from English to Korean. These are medical phrases, so knowledge of medical terminology is a must. In the attached file, there is also a column where the English meaning of words is clarified to help with the translation. DO NOT change any of the text in the English phrases (not even typos), or the order of phrases. To qualify for the job, please provide translation samples for the following 5 phrases: 5. About how many tissues of blood have you coughed up? ("tissues" refers to paper tissues that the person has coughed blood into) 13. Are the bowel movements watery? 24. Are you breastfeeding? 28. Are you experiencing any stoppages or hesitation during urination? 40. Are you experiencing any flashing lights in your vision? ...
We want to develop a new freelance marketplace and career platform. This platform will not only be for freelancers but also a system where companies can post job listings and professionals can showcase their skills. 1- Freelance Marketplace * Freelancer & employer registration system * Service listing and offer creation * User review and rating system * Secure payment systems (Stripe, PayPal, Crypto, Escrow) Example websites: 2- Full-Time Job Posting & Career System * Companies and employers can post job listings * Users can apply for full-time, part-time, or project-based jobs * Employers can view candidate profiles and receive applications Example website: 3- Social Media & Content Sharing
I'm a seasoned professional seeking freelance opportunities in the field of business development, with a focus on sales and partnerships. Key Skills & Experience Required: - Proven track record in business development - Excellent sales skills - Experience in establishing partnerships - Strong communication and negotiation skills - Ability to conduct market analysis - Strategic planning capabilities Please bid if you can help me secure lucrative freelance opportunities.
At WorkBridge, we are looking for talented freelance software developers to join our rapidly growing team! We currently have 1,348 employees and collaborate with 487 firms. Today, we successfully partnered with 746 new freelancers and aim to expand our team to 3,000 freelancers. With WorkBridge, you don't have to worry about finding work – we assign projects to you directly so you can focus on doing what you do best. If you're looking to work on dynamic and innovative projects, we'd love to hear from you!
Core Concept The platform is a digital marketplace connecting freelance fashion stylists with clients seeking personalized outfit recommendations. It integrates directly with popular fashion stores like Shein and Trendyol, allowing seamless outfit selection. The platform operates on a dual revenue model, where clients can hire professional stylists for personalized outfit coordination while affiliate links are generated for selected items. This allows the platform to earn commissions whenever clients purchase clothing through the provided links. How the Platform Works 1️⃣ User Registration - Freelance fashion stylists can register, showcase their portfolios, and set their pricing. - Clients sign up and input their preferences, including skin tone, sizes, and s...
Job Opening: Voice Representative (Freelancer)+ Full TimeAre you a confident communicator with excellent speaking skills? We are hiring Freelance Voice Representatives to join our team! Job Details: ✅ Fixed Salary: ₹6,000 - ₹8,000 per month ✅ Additional Night Shift Bonus: ₹2,000 ✅ Work Type:Freelance (Remote/On-site, as required) ✅ Shift:Flexible (Night shift bonus available) ✅ Requirements:- Good communication skills - Ability to handle customer interactions professionally - Basic computer knowledge Join us and grow your career in customer support!
I'm seeking a skilled translator to convert various documents from English to Russian. This project requires a strong command of both languages and the ability to accurately convey the meaning and tone of the original text. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in English and Russian - Experience in document translation - Attention to detail - Ability to meet deadlines
Freelance Job: Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis & Regression for Academic Research Project Overview I am looking for an experienced statistician or data analyst to conduct a series of statistical analyses on a pilot dataset (N=100) using SPSS or R. The analysis will focus on descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, factor analysis, and regression modeling. The dataset is in Danish, but only variable names are affected. The results must be delivered in clear academic English, ready to be used in a research article. The freelancer should also provide well-documented SPSS syntax or R scripts, along with appropriate visualizations. Key Analyses Required 1. Descriptive Analysis Summary statistics for key variables (mean, SD, frequencies, distributions). Graphical visuali...
similar to the list you created for arabic but from jarir and ingram - 4 days deadline so on the 19 of feb
Tired of wasting time searching for freelance jobs? At WorkBridge, we secure the projects for you and connect you directly with clients! Now, you can focus on your skills instead of job hunting. We currently have 1,348 active freelancers and 118 job providers. Now, we are expanding our team with 3,000 new talents! What We Offer: ✅ Consistent job flow – No more time wasted searching, we bring the work to you! ✅ Secure payments & regular projects ✅ Flexible working hours, fully remote work ✅ Opportunity to expand your professional network & client base Who We’re Looking For: ? Graphic designers skilled in logo design, branding, social media content, and posters ? Video editors proficient in video montage, animation, reels, and promotional videos ? Proficiency in...
I am looking for a talented freelance logo designer to create a unique and visually striking logo for a designer. The logo should incorporate Tajik/Persian ornaments, with a strong preference for the boteh (buta) motif, and reflect the essence of traditional fashion. The design should creatively integrate elements that relate to clothing or textile design while maintaining a modern and sophisticated look. The brand name, “Jahon” (meaning “world”), should be a key part of the logo, seamlessly blending with the ornamentation. The color palette should be primarily Electra Blue, with additional accent colors that complement the overall aesthetic. Requirements: • Incorporate Tajik/Persian ornamental designs - the boteh/buta pattern!! (ornament) • I...
I require a certified translator for an English to Arabic translation. The document is a literary piece intended to be translated into Arabic for a medical report. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native Arabic speaker with exceptional English proficiency - Certified translator with experience in literary translations - Understanding of medical terminology - Attention to detail and ability to convey tone and style of original document.
ChatGPT Log in You said: Tell description for html css javascript asp. Net sql for freelance work ChatGPT said: Here’s a brief description of each technology you can use for freelance work: HTML (HyperText Markup Language): HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. It structures the content of a webpage, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, and other elements. As a freelancer, you’ll use HTML to design the skeleton or layout of websites and ensure that content is organized in a way that’s easy for both users and search engines to understand. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS controls the presentation, layout, and design of a webpage. You can define styles such as colors, fonts, spacing, and positioning for the HTML elemen...
Estamos en la búsqueda de un especialista freelance en Glide para colaborar en la creación y optimización de aplicaciones sin código (no-code) con esta plataforma. Buscamos a alguien con experiencia en el desarrollo de apps con Glide, capaz de integrar datos, automatizar procesos y optimizar el diseño y la experiencia de usuario. Requisitos: Experiencia demostrable en la creación de aplicaciones con Glide. Conocimiento en el uso de Google Sheets, Airtable u otras bases de datos conectadas a Glide. Habilidad para diseñar interfaces intuitivas y funcionales. Capacidad para automatizar flujos de trabajo e integrar herramientas externas. Resolución de problemas y optimización de rendimiento en apps Glide.
We are looking for a freelance graphic designer to help with branding, logo updates, and promotional materials for our men’s tailoring business. This project will start as a test case, where you will: • Refine our logo and branding to align with our premium, elegant style. • Create promotional materials for social media, flyers, and Google My Business offers. • Design limited-time promotional offers to attract new customers. Requirements: • Experience in branding, logo design, and marketing materials. • Ability to create clean, high-end, and luxury-focused designs. • Strong skills in social media graphics and promotional offers. • Experience with fashion or retail branding (preferred but not required). Future Collaboration: This is...
I'm looking for an English tutor who can help me improve my storytelling skills, specifically focusing on using descriptive language to tell fictional stories. Key Requirements: - Help me understand and use descriptive language effectively to enhance my storytelling - Teach me how to incorporate metaphors and similes into my narratives - Assist me in developing a strong command of English through these lessons Ideal Skills: - Proficient in English with a focus on descriptive language - Experience in teaching storytelling and narrative structure - Creative, patient and able to provide constructive feedback
Hello, I'm in need of a professional translator to translate the attached document from Dari into English. Requirements: - Translate every part of the document, - Deliver the translation as an MS Word file. -please use the pdf file as a reference. Budget: 5 $. Deadline: within the next 24 hours. Ideal Skills: - Excellent translation skills with attention to detail. - Quick turnaround time. Please confirm if you can deliver on time?
I'm seeking a proficient translator who can translate legal contracts and agreements from Mandarin to Portuguese. Key Requirements: - Expertise in legal terminology in both Mandarin and Portuguese - Experience in translating contracts and agreements - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy and clarity - Ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality
I'm in need of a professional and experienced translator who can translate legal documents from English to Brazilian Portuguese. The ideal candidate should have: - Proven experience in translating legal documents to ensure accuracy and adherence to legal terminology. - Exceptional command of both English and Brazilian Portuguese. - Attention to detail to maintain the integrity of the original document. - Ability to meet deadlines without compromising quality. Please provide your rate per word and your estimated turnaround time for a 5000 word document.
We are looking for an experienced Full-Stack Developer to build a Casino & Sports Betting Website that caters to both Indian & International markets. The platform should include real-time multiplayer games, sports betting, casino games, payment integration, and an admin panel. Key Fea...Paytm UPI, Stripe, Crypto Requirements: ✔ Proven experience in casino/betting/game development. ✔ Expertise in frontend, backend, and database management. ✔ Ability to implement real-time multiplayer functionality. ✔ Experience with payment gateway integration. ✔ Strong knowledge of security protocols for financial transactions. ? Budget: [ 25000 ] ⏳ Timeline: [2 month] ? Work Type: Remote/Freelance ? How to Apply: Interested developers can DM me with their portfolio and previous work sa...
Freelance Project Posting – Python Dataset Creation with Pandas for Data Visualization Project Overview: I am looking for an expert in Python to help me create and manage a dataset specifically designed for data visualization. The project involves sourcing, cleaning, and structuring data using Pandas, and then preparing it for effective visualization with tools such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly. The ultimate goal is to generate clear, actionable visual insights from the dataset. Requirements: Strong expertise in Python, with extensive experience using Pandas for data manipulation Proven track record in data cleaning, processing, and structuring large datasets Familiarity with data visualization libraries (e.g., Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly) Ability to clearly explain th...
Freelance Project Posting – ABAQUS Simulation for 3D Printed Structures with Foam Filling Project Overview: I am looking for an expert in ABAQUS to help me set up and simulate 3D printed structures with specific infill patterns and topologies. These structures will be foam-filled and tested under different loading conditions such as: - Compression Test - Tensile Test - Shear Test The goal is to perform accurate simulations and analyze the mechanical response of these structures. Requirements: - Strong expertise in ABAQUS simulation - Experience with 3D printing infill structures and foam materials modeling - Ability to perform and interpret mechanical tests in ABAQUS - Good communication skills to explain the process and answer my questions during the ...
I'm an experienced, professional freelance developer specializing in both Drupal and Shopify. I offer a wide range of services including: Drupal: - Custom theme development - Module development - Website migration - Performance optimization - Troubleshooting Shopify: - Store setup - Theme customization - App integration - Custom functionality development I welcome any projects related to these platforms and am committed to delivering high-quality, tailored solutions. Let's connect and discuss your project needs!
eveloper Needed for Bar / Restaurant Game Product for web Posted 3 hours ago Worldwide Job Posting: Web Developer for Bar & Restaurant Engagement System MVP Project Overview We are looking for a talented freelance web developer to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a web-based bar & restaurant engagement system. The MVP will include interactive games, trivia, and digital signage features designed to keep patrons engaged while providing a seamless experience for bar owners. While this posting is for the initial development of the MVP, we anticipate the need for ongoing support, maintenance, and future enhancements. Ideally, we are looking for a developer who is open to continued collaboration as the project evolves.
Freelance Developer Needed: Web & Mobile App (Flutter) with Cloud Integration We’re looking for an experienced Flutter developer to help build a web and mobile management system for a specialized service-based organization. The system will have distinct user roles, AI-driven insights, and structured database management, running on a cloud-based infrastructure for seamless access. Project Scope: Tech Stack: Flutter (Web & Mobile), SQL (PostgreSQL/MySQL), Cloud Hosting (AWS, Firebase, or similar) User Interfaces: Admin Panel: Manage users, schedules, payments, and reports Volunteer Portal: Task assignments, attendance tracking, insights Client/Rider Dashboard: Registrations, progress tracking, therapy scheduling Sponsor Portal – Support tracking, sponsorship manag...
Position: Freelance Angular Front End Developer About the Company We are a dynamic service and manufacturing provider dedicated to supporting startups. Our work spans a wide range—from basic electronic and mechanical tasks to full-scale projects that integrate electronics, mechanical engineering, and comprehensive backend and frontend solutions. We pride ourselves on delivering innovative and high-quality solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients. Overview We are seeking a highly skilled and independent Angular Front End Developer to join our small team of two developers. This part-time, freelance opportunity (approximately 2–4 hours per day) offers the potential to transition to a full-time role within six months. You will work remotely, collaborati...
I'm in urgent need of a Freelance Recruiter to assist with hiring for my electronic manufacturing company. The roles to be filled include Engineers and Quality Control Inspectors, primarily at the entry-level and mid-level. Key Responsibilities: - Source, screen and recruit suitable candidates for engineering and quality control positions. - Understand and implement our specific requirements in terms of technical skills and experience. Ideal Candidate: - Has a strong background in the electronic manufacturing industry. - Possesses technical knowledge in electronics and experience with quality control processes. - Has previous experience in recruiting for engineering positions. - Is able to identify potential candidates from entry-level to mid-level.
I'm in need of a skilled freelance writer and data entry professional. The successful candidate will handle tasks involving updating information in a database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in freelance writing with a strong command of English - Experience in data management and updating databases - Attention to detail and ability to work independently - Excellent time management skills
I'm an automotive engineer working on engine swaps. I need a CAN bus translator that can facilitate communication between swapped engine ECUs and the dashboard. This will help me get data like RPM, coolant temp, oil pressure, and warning lights on the cluster. The translator should also support my 8HP gearbox swaps by enabling communication with its controller. Key Requirements: - Support for various signals: Engine RPM, coolant temperature, oil pressure, and warning lights - Translation for an 8HP gearbox - Real-time data logging capabilities Please note: - The CAN bus translator does not need to be compatible with specific car models; it should work with any model. - I have the hardware and software to sniff CAN bus signals, so I can assist with initial testin...
I'm looking for a Slovenian language translator. Your service is highly needed on a project.
I need a professional translator who can translate 1 to 5 general documents from English to Danish and English to Spanish. The documents are not technical or legal, but they require a high level of fluency in both the source and target languages. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Native or near-native proficiency in Danish and Spanish - Proven experience in translating English general documents to Danish and Spanish - Excellent understanding of English - Strong attention to detail, ensuring high-quality translation - Ability to meet deadlines
We are seeking a skilled translator to provide high- quality Spanish translation services for various documents. The ideal candidate should have experience translating technical, marketing, and general content. Attention to detail and the ability to maintain the original tone and context are crucial. If you are proficient in both English and Spanish and can deliver translations on time, we would love to hear from you. Message this number below on WhatsApp for more information: +1 (840) 900‑7540
Edit woocommerce customer email from English to Deutch without installing plugin only via code.
I award you the file for $15 and files will be sent to me later today February 15 at 10 am US est
We are looking for a skilled native Mexican Spanish translator to assist with translating various documents and content from English to Mexican Spanish. The ideal candidate should have a strong grasp of both languages and be able to convey cultural nuances effectively. You will be responsible for ensuring the translated material is accurate, engaging, and culturally relevant. If you have experience in translation and a passion for language, we would love to hear from you! If you’re in this job kindly send a dm to this number via what’s app for more info about the job +1 (343) 901‑8872