Flash streaming server open source apple일자리
Hello. I want to become an smm service provider. I don't want to be a reseller. I want to have my own service (my own API). I don't want to be a reseller that links APIs to other panels. I want the services needed for many platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, SoundCloud, Spotify, etc. But for now, you only need the YouTube service. Subscribers, Likes, Dislikes, Views, Watching Time For these services to work, many IPs and accounts are required. I want someone who can explain this to me. We plan to gradually increase the service. As much as possible, I want to entrust this project to a developer who has made smm panels. Take care of your health in cold weather.
추가 플러그인이나 ActivX 연동 없이 Html5 로 동작할 수 있는 Html5 Web Live viewer 개발을 원합니다. 자세한 내용은 첨부된 그림을 참고해주시고, 외주개발의 범위는 아래와 같습니다. 1. 장치로 부터 RTSP로 전달 받아, WebSocket 으로 전달할 WebSocket ProxyServer 2. WebScoket 으로 전달 받은 영상을 Html5/JS 등을 이용해 디스플레이 해줄 Html5 Web Viewer
Windows Server를 이용하여 여러 국가에 분산되어 있는 조직의 Active Directory 설계 및 구성 Active Directory에 등록된 계정을 개인 디스크 설정 및 공유 디스크 설정 추가 계정시 자동설정 환경 구축 내부에서 사용할 수 있는 Windows Server 기반의 Certificate Authority 구축
android ffmpegplayer audio stream .. cordova plugin 으로 만들어졌으면 합니다. - HTTP - RTP/RTSP/RTMP - MMS - HTTP Live Streaming . 한국인이라 영어에 능숙하지 못합니다... 구글번역기를 이용해서 대화하기때문에 의사 소통에 문제가 있을수 있습니다.. 되도록이면 한국어가 가능한 분이면 좋겠습니다.
update n helper i wanna update nhelper!!! 엔헬퍼 업데이트좀 하려하는데 언제쯤 퇴원하시는건지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 빨리 연락되었으면 하네요. 한달이라는 시간이 너무 길어서 ㅠㅠ
We wish to purchase Source Code for Casino Games such as: 1) Roulette 2) Baccarat 1. Live streaming with metadata ( metadata have etc infomation ex) card number, win/lose, bet start / bet stop) 2. use websocket communite to server need flash source and server source.
회사홈페이지 영문작업할것들 번역입니다. 확인해서 견적 부탁드립니다. 일반 페이지들도 있구요 이미지가 거의 주니까 번역량은 생각보다 적으실거라고 생각됩니다. pdf파일 확인후 번역 가능 여부 및 견적 메세지 주세요.
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 시작시에 미팅 1회 및 재택근무[사내근무가능] <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다.
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 미팅 1회 가능하시면 좋구요. 저희 사무실에서 근무하시면 더좋지만 여건 안되실 경우 재택근무로 합니다 14일 정도 작업일입니다 <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다. .
안녕하세요. 이번에 처음으로 앱개발한번 해보려고하는 25살 학생입니다. 일단 앱개발하는 업체에도 견적문의 해놓은상태라서요 가격이랑 여러가지 따져보고 결정하려고 합니다. 처음이라 이쪽분야에 많이 모르는 상태라 질문이좀 미흡하더라도 이해해주시면 감사하겠습니다. '길건너친구들'같은 모바일게임앱이나 'Sleep Cycle alarm clock'같은 수면,알람앱 그리고 '카톡'과 '보이스톡'처럼 데이터로 문자와 통화가 가능한 메신저앱은 일반적으로 견적이 얼마정도 나오나요? 일정은 얼마나 걸릴가요? 수면,알람앱경우 제가 사운드파일을 만들거나 가지고 있어야하나요? 아이폰과 안드로이드 각각 따로 만들어야하나요? 개발후 관리는 어떤식으로 되는건가요? 추가로 관리비가 있는지 궁금합니다. 개발후 추가적으로 업데이트가 필요할경우 어떻게 되나요? 앱의 권한은 전부 제가 갖게 되나요? 로열티라든지 그런게 있는지 궁금합니다. 그래픽적인부분은 제가 어느정도 구상해야하나요? 견적은 처음 나온 견적금이외에 따로 추가금이 있나요? 지불일정은 어떻게 되나요? 선불인가요 아님 후불인가요 아니면 중간중간 나눠서 내나요? 앱스토어에 앱을 어떻게 제출하게 되나요? 마지막으로 앱개발하면서 궁금한사항들을 좀 물어보면 간단하게라도 알려주실 수 있나요? 질문이 좀 많죠? 첫 앱개발이라 좀 심사숙고해서 정하려고하다보니 궁금한게 많네요.^^;;
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
안녕하세요. 이렇게 신청하는게 맞는지 모르겠네요. 이사이트의 진행에 대한 지식이 없어서 너무 어렵네요. 이렇게 프로젝트 진행하는것이 아니면 이메일로 연락부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
I'm in need of a talented PNG designer who can either recreate a specific image with a different watermark or remove the watermark from the original image, all while keeping the same background effect. Key Responsibilities: 1. Recreate the image wi...keeping the same background effect. Key Responsibilities: 1. Recreate the image with a different watermark, maintaining the same background effect. 2. Alternatively, remove the watermark from the original image without compromising the visual integrity. *Please Note:* Your goal is to produce an exact replica of the image, with every detail, effect, and element identical to the original. I'm open to whichever task you find easier. Please provide bids only if you have the necessary skills and experience to deliver this exa...
...bot for user authentication and IP address management. The system is designed for traffic forwarding, where: Server 1 (Entry Point) receives VPN connections from users. Server 2 (Exit Point) routes the traffic so that clients appear to be browsing from Server 2. The solution must ensure seamless NAT configuration, secure traffic forwarding, and dynamic IP assignment using a Telegram bot. Deliverables & Features 1️⃣ WireGuard VPN Dual-Server Setup & Traffic Forwarding ✅ Automated deployment of WireGuard VPN on two Ubuntu servers. ✅ Traffic flows from Server 1 (Entry) → Server 2 (Exit). ✅ IP masquerading (NAT) and routing configuration to ensure clients appear to be coming from Server 2. ✅ Firewall rules for DNS leak protect...
...connect to various crypto wallets, make purchases using both crypto and fiat currencies, and record these transactions in a specific way. Key Features: - Wallet Compatibility: Integration with MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Trust Wallet. - Cryptocurrency Support: Facilitating purchases with Ethereum, BNB, USDT, and potentially more. - Fiat Transaction Services: Incorporating MoonPay, Google Pay, and Apple Pay for fiat currency transactions. Requirements: - Proficient in web development with experience in e-commerce integration. - Familiar with crypto wallet APIs and payment service SDKs. - Capable of implementing a transaction logging system that records each purchase under the respective wallet address. I expect a clean, user-friendly interface that ensures a seamless transa...
I'm seeking a graphic designer to create a unique and engaging flyer that promotes my availability for design consulting contract positions. With nearly two decades of experience in design, particularly with Autodesk Inventor, I've worked across various sectors including sanitary piping design, water filtration tank design, and oil refineries. Key Requirements: - A creative touch that can make the flyer stand out - Ability to showcase my experience across different industries - Design skills to create an editable text section for me to input my skills Core Skills to Highlight: - Technical drawings - 3D Modeling - Conceptual to fabrication Ideal candidates should have experience in designing promotional materials, a strong understanding of the design industry and its key compo...
Two cripts to run on Excel file located on SharePoint (cannot use VB): First: Has a button to execute, or runs on open, hides any row with dates in that row more than 7 days or more from the current date. Second: Has a button, or runs on open, find any cell with a date with text in bold, and the date is today’s date or before and turns that cell text white and the background red.
Movie/Course Website Overview • Frontend: Vue.js with Tailwind CSS • Backend: Laravel • Database: MySQL/PostgreSQL • Payment System: TBD • Infrastructure: AWS/DigitalOcean with CDN support for video streaming • Multilingual Support: English, Persian, and Pashto (RTL Support) • Responsive Design: Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile UI/UX Implementation & Frontend Development Scope: • Convert Figma designs into Vue.js + Tailwind • Implement multilingual support (English, Persian, Pashto) • Ensure RTL support for Persian and Pashto • Implement responsive design (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile) • Basic routing and UI elements Backend Development & Database Architecture Scope: • Authentication System (User Registration, Login, So...
I need an experienced developer to help me transfer my app from Replit to my own WebWiz server. The server is shared hosting and I need all app functions to work as they currently do on Replit. Key Tasks: - Migrate the app to WebWiz - Ensure all functions work perfectly post-migration Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in server management - Experience with app migration - Familiarity with WebWiz hosting - Excellent troubleshooting skills Please note: The operating system of my server and the programming language used for the app are currently not specified.
I have a Flutter desktop application that requires the integration of Apple and Google authentication using Supabase. The primary deliverable is example code demonstrating the implementation. The project involves: - Setting up and configuring Supabase for the app - Creating example code for Apple and Google authentication - Ensuring the code is compatible with the stable version of Flutter Ideal skills would include: - Extensive experience with Flutter, particularly desktop applications - Familiarity with Supabase and its authentication features - Ability to write clear, understandable example code
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a sleek, minimalist website for my business that sells the latest iPhones (11 and up) and iPad tablets. The site should cater to a modern, tech-savvy audience. Key Features: - An online store with a user-friendly shopping cart. The site should be easy to navigate, with a seamless checkout process. - A section ...seamless checkout process. - A section for limited-time offers. I want to create a sense of urgency for my customers, so they'll be more inclined to make a purchase. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in eCommerce website development - Strong understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to integrate promotional features into the site - Familiarity with the latest trends in Apple produ...
Looking for an awesome designer for our food delivery app flyer. This will be placed in restaurants. Please, no AI generated designs. Size: 8.5x11" (will also be used in smaller sizes, so keep this in mind when de... Please, no AI generated designs. Size: 8.5x11" (will also be used in smaller sizes, so keep this in mind when designing) Images: Golf Course Guy ordering on phone Iphone App screen mockup Headline: Order on the Course Subheadline: Get freshly prepared food & drinks for Delivery or Pickup QR Code w/ text: View menu, & order App store badges (ios and google play) Credit card icons (apple pay, google pay, visa, mastercard, amex) Google drive for stock & brand images to use:
I'm in need of an experienced AWS DevOps professional who can handle the deployment of various AWS services and build a comprehensive monitoring system. ...development - Cloudfront + S3 The monitoring system should cover: - Performance metrics - Log management - Alerting and notifications The primary tool for monitoring will be CloudWatch. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficiency in AWS services, particularly EC2, S3, EBS, Pipeline, CDK development, and Cloudfront. - Extensive experience in setting up and managing CloudWatch, Open search and Kibana. Also, cost prediction of all these services - Strong skills in creating and implementing performance metrics, log management systems, and alerting and notification processes. - Background in DevOps practices ...
I'm looking to create a straightforward streaming website that can handle 50,000 simultaneous viewers, with the potential to peak at 1,00,000 users. The streaming will be conducted via OBS Studio. The site needs to be uncomplicated, but crucially it must include geo-blocking capabilities for IP protection. Key Requirements: - Capability to stream to 5,000 users, with peak capacity of 100,000 - Stream from OBS Studio - Simple design: just a video player and the website name - Geo-blocking for IP protection Ideal Skills: - Socket creation, server handling and maximum free components usage. - Extensive experience in web development and streaming website creation - Familiarity with OBS Studio - Knowledge and expertise in implementing geo-blocking - Ability to...
I need a website to attract participants to my art workshops, which focus on teaching how to start your own business in the art world. Key Features: - Display workshop schedules - Showcase instructo...Key Features: - Display workshop schedules - Showcase instructor bios - Share success stories - Include my personal details - Host recordings of past workshops Ideal Skills: - Web design and development - Content management system (CMS) expertise - SEO knowledge for attracting participants - Experience with creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces - Ability to integrate video hosting and streaming capabilities Experience: - Proven track record with similar projects - Portfolio of interactive and informative websites - References from previous clients in the arts sector will be ap...
...top priority is getting the touch panel working again. I have already checked the manufacturer's website for drivers but was unable to find the correct ones. Keep in mind this is a fresh installed XP, not the original one for the icon2. Also the brand of the touch is unknown BUT i see USB to serial thats unknown. The job will be conducted over TeamViewer or AnyDesk, directly on the machine. I'm open to other suggestions if you have them. Please note, this is a payment through Freelancer job only, I prefer not to engage in any transactions outside of this platform for security reasons. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in troubleshooting Windows XP systems - Experience with nsm music Icon2 machines is a plus - Ability to locate and inst...
I need an expert to update my iOS app. Carplay works but there are some to be improved. My priority is carplay. - Updating carplay by the way that works on carplay devices without user need to open app on iphone (Multi radio streaming app) - Updating pods's to latest versions and codes beloging pods - Updating deprecated codes Please if you have experience on carplay audio apps send send me pm (if not please dont waste my time). I look forward to your proposal.
We are seeking an experienced mob...texts. While the library content can be cached on the device, synchronization with the server is essential to keep data up-to-date. Technical Requirements: Framework & Tools: Develop the mobile app using Vue.js integrated with Ionic Framework. Leverage Ionic’s tools and Capacitor to package and deploy a single codebase as native apps on both iOS and Android. API Integration: Consume RESTful API endpoints (authentication, diary, library content) developed by our internal team. Real-Time Communication & Cloud Integration: Implement a real-time chat system using AWS Lambda, API Gateway (WebSockets), and AWS RDS. Integrate push notifications using services like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Android and Apple Push Notific...
I need an expert to configure advanced DDoS protection on my MikroTik device. This will include: - Comprehensive security measures to prevent all types of DDoS attacks. - Real-time monitoring and alerts for any potential attacks. The ideal candidate for this project will have extensive experience with MikroTik devices, a deep understanding of DDoS attack vectors, and the ability to implement complex security measures. Excellent skills in network security and monitoring, as well as experience in providing advanced DDoS protection, are crucial for this job. You should also be able to set up a reliable alert system for real-time attack notifications.
... Frontend: React.js / Vue.js / Angular (open to suggestions) Backend: Node.js / Django / Laravel / Ruby on Rails Database: PostgreSQL / MongoDB / MySQL Mobile App: Flutter / React Native (iOS & Android) Cloud Hosting: AWS / Google Cloud / DigitalOcean Others: AI/ML integration for recommendation systems Ideal Candidate/Team Should Have: Proven experience in developing large-scale web and mobile applications. Strong UI/UX design skills. Experience in implementing secure payment gateways. Ability to deliver within the specified timeline. Experience with AI-based recommendation systems (optional but desirable). Project Timeline: MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Development: 3-4 months Full Feature Development: 6-8 months Budget: We are open to discussing the b...
I'm in need of an expert who can assist me with installing Adobe After Effects on my Mac, specifically for creating visual effects. My Mac is the latest Apple M4 model. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficient in installing software on macOS - Extensive knowledge and experience with Adobe After Effects - Understanding of visual effects creation - Familiarity with Apple M4 hardware and its compatibility with software - Excellent communication skills for guiding through the process
I'm experiencing a major issue with my Wordpress site. Both CSS and JS are not loading on a specific page, resulting in a blank page. I need an expert to help troubleshoot and fix this. In addition to the above issue, I have another problem related to single sign-on (SSO). I'm using SAML for this. I need assistance to make a second request in the background, which is currently being blocked. I'm open to alternative solutions, but the priority is to get everything working smoothly again. Please note: - I am only willing to pay when the issue is fully resolved. - If you don't resolve the issue, you won't get paid. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience with Wordpress and troubleshooting custom plugins/themes - Proficiency in CSS and...
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer who can help me with a variety of design tasks. As of now, I haven't narrowed down the specific types of graphics I need, but they may include logo design, marketing materials, or ...they will likely be used for branding, advertising, or event promotion. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. - Experience in creating a variety of design types. - Strong understanding of branding and marketing principles. - Ability to work independently and suggest designs based on industry best practices. Please note, I am open to suggestions regarding colors and fonts, as I do not yet have specific brand colors or fonts that need to be used. Creativity and a good eye for d...
I'm seeking a modern, minimalist logo for my women's clothing shop, 'Folia'. The logo should skillfully incorporate both text and an icon. While I prefer a modern style, I am open to color suggestions from a designer's perspective, so feel free to propose a suitable scheme. Key Requirements: - Design a modern, minimalist logo incorporating both text ('Folia') and an icon - Propose a suitable color scheme - Willingness to revise the design based on my feedback Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience in logo design - Understanding of modern design aesthetics - Excellent communication and willingness to collaborate
I am an affiliate seeking a savvy and intelligent professional to help attract beginner traders to open accounts on my link. I offer EUR 10 for every active account. I live between Dubai, France, and Lebanon and can provide marketing materials and links to publish upon discussion. Target Regions: - Middle East - Africa - China - Asia Methods of Engagement: - Social Media Campaigns - Email Marketing - Partnerships with Local Influencers Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in social media marketing - Experience with email marketing tactics - Established connections with local influencers - Understanding of the trading market, specifically targeting beginner and experienced traders - Ability to strategize and execute a comprehensive trader acquisition plan
I'm looking for a talented artist to develop layout designs for boxes and bags, all with a modern and clean aesthetic. - Box Design: I'm looking for one design that can be adjusted to fit 3 bo...looking for a talented artist to develop layout designs for boxes and bags, all with a modern and clean aesthetic. - Box Design: I'm looking for one design that can be adjusted to fit 3 boxes of different sizes. The boxes will be used for food items. - Bag Design: Similarly, I need another design for a bag that can be adjusted to 2 bags of different sizes. These bags will also be for food items. I'm open to suggestions for color schemes or palettes. The ideal candidate would have experience in packaging design, particularly for food items, and have a strong portfolio i...
I'm looking for a professional to create a casino overlay for OBS. The overlay should feature a modern and sleek design, with a "blue" template. Key elements of the overlay: - Player stats display - Chat box - Game progress bar The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong background in graphic design and experience with creating overlays for streaming software like OBS. Your ability to create custom icons and animated transitions will set you apart. Please ensure the graphics are visually appealing and fit within the modern and sleek style I've specified. Will pay 200-400 for the project if I can interact with you when you have drafts I can give specifics on how to improve what I like and dislike.
I need a skilled developer who can connect my VB.NET program to an Access database. I'm open to any connection method, whether it's ODBC, OLEDB, or , so your expertise will guide this decision. Key Requirements: - The program needs to be able to read, write, and update or delete data within the database. - It should be able to move through the database seamlessly. - A search functionality is required for navigating through the database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in VB.NET and familiar with Access databases. - Experience with ODBC, OLEDB, and ADO.NET. - Strong problem-solving skills to ensure smooth database navigation. - Prior experience implementing search functionalities within a program is preferred.
I have access to a private streaming service through my Fire Stick, which provides live TV channels. I want an app that allows me to stream these channels on multiple devices (phones, tablets, smart TVs, computers, and web browsers) without requiring a Fire Stick. Key Features: • Ability to extract and stream live channels from my existing service. • Multi-device support (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Web). • Simultaneous streaming on multiple devices. • Secure authentication method (should integrate with my existing login system). • Casting Support: Chromecast, AirPlay, and DLNA. • Adaptive streaming to optimize video quality. • Simple UI with channel list and search function.
I need assistance migrating 3 corporate email doma...ru service to a suitable free alternative. Options include Zimbra, Postfix + Dovecot, Mailcow, or iRedMail. Key Tasks: - Recommend and set up the optimal free email server - Configure email records (MX, SPF, DKIM, DMARC) for each domain - Ensure stable sending/receiving of new emails post-migration - Test the email functionality after the move - If possible, transfer old emails (not necessary, but ideal) You will have access to all required domains and existing server. I am open to suggestions for the server and configurations. The sooner this can be done, the better. The ideal candidate should have experience with email server setups and migrations, with a strong understanding of the necessary email ...
...scenario showing someone shopping without a discount, then discovering Rabatta and celebrating the savings. 4. Voiceover: Provide an energetic and friendly voiceover that complements on-screen text. (We’ll need it in our different languages or at least a voiceover in English plus subtitles. We can discuss translations.) & Platform: Ads should typically be 15–30 seconds, but we’re open to your recommendations based on best practices for each platform. Interested? - Feel free to ask questions if you need more details about our brand identity, target audience, or the product’s features. - Share samples or a portfolio of your previous animation and voiceover work. - Provide a rough timeline and cost estimate for storyline development, animatio...
Need some design ideas for this backyard. All the current walls will stay as is. Looking for something that is kid friendly and modern. The big wall in the back will be painted same color as the house. Which is the cream color. I don't need a pool. I prefer to have some sort of grass/sod and pavers combination in the middle perhaps. But open to all ideas. I just need one or 2 3D rendering shots to visualize this. Update: The longest distance from left to right is about 55 ft. The width is about 35ft.
...line or inside the box it should open a trade (based on 5min candles) step 3 - open a trade - stop x candles back from the opening trade candle with option x candles back on long / x candles back on short and option to choose if 1m candles or 5m candles and option to choose if high / low of the candle or highest /lowest from the x candles, take profit on risk reward ratio as i choose (1 to 1 , 1 to 1.2 1 to 1.5 etc.. ) step 4 - if it hits a take profit it should not open any more trades on the same day step 5 - Counter Trade - if it hits stop loss it should open a counter trade , when stop loss is hitten - on Normal short trade candle must close above session box and open long counter trade and on Normal long trade candle must close below session box a...
...The final product should be suitable for online streaming, with clear voice quality and picture quality no less than 1080p. Key Responsibilities: - Locate and source the K-Drama 'Revenant' (2023). - Perform and edit the Hindi dubbing with an online streaming quality standard. - Ensure the dubbing is in a neutral Hindi accent suitable for a regional audience. Budget: I have a maximum budget of ₹20,000 for this project. Please only bid if you can complete the work within this budget. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Hindi with a clear, engaging voice. - Experience in dubbing, preferably with K-Dramas. - Access to high-quality recording equipment and software. - Ability to source and edit video content. - Understanding of online streaming...
Project Description: The project involves creating and implementing a comprehen...effective sales tools. Expected Deliverables: 1)A detailed strategic document (objectives, target audience, USP, key messages, channels). 2)A multichannel operational plan (digital marketing, social media, email marketing, partnerships). 3)A detailed roadmap for: Pre-launch phase: Teaser campaigns and informational materials. Official launch: Organizing an online event (webinar/live streaming) and managing coordinated campaigns. Support materials for campaigns (creative briefs, report templates). Collaboration Mode: We will provide all necessary inputs: company documentation, market data, commercial objectives. Periodic review meetings are planned to monitor progress and provide...
...Application with multi-language support and automatic language detection. The ideal candidate should have expertise in Rails I18n, API integrations, and geolocation services. Key Features & Requirements: 1. Currency Conversion Functionality A form to input the amount for conversion. Dropdowns for selecting "From" and "To" currencies. Fetch real-time exchange rates using an external API (e.g., Open Exchange Rates, – free tier for testing). Display the converted amount with appropriate error handling. 2. Localization & Multi-Language Support (Rails I18n) Implement Rails I18n to support multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, etc.). Store translations in YAML files (e.g., config/locales/, config/locales/). A dropdow...
As a professional trader-turned-freelancer, I offer top-notch design services tailored to your business and event needs. Key Offerings: - Custom Office Cards: Enhance your corporate identity with personalized designs. - Professional Event Invitations: Be it birthdays or business events, I create ...freelancer, I understand the importance of cost-effective solutions without compromising quality. Let me assist you with your branding and stationery needs at a price that fits your budget. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Print Design - Cost-effective Design Solutions - Timely Delivery Experience: - Prior experience in designing business and event materials is a plus. Please note, I am open to any design requirements you may have. Let's work together to bring your ...
...are looking for an experienced developer with a deep understanding of websockets, financial markets, and third-party API integrations. This project involves creating a real-time trading system that can efficiently process live data for accurate and timely trade executions. **Key Requirements**: - **Expertise in Websockets**: Must have proven experience in using websockets for real-time data streaming. - **Financial Market Knowledge**: Solid understanding of financial markets to make informed decisions based on live data. - **Third-party APIs Integration**: Experience in integrating with various financial market data APIs for comprehensive market insights. **Proficiency in Python**: Strong programming skills in Python, preferred for its efficiency in financial applications. The ...