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2,000 download historical quotes yahoo finance vba 찾은 프로젝트

VBA 코드 구현 능력 (Excel Macro를 이용한 프로그램 개발 및 요건정의) 1) 데이터 수집/정리 유형 : 분석 데이터 수집/정리와 관련된 자동화 2) 데이터 분석 유형 : 데이터에 수식/로직 적용 관련된 자동화 3) 데이터 시각화 유형 : 분석 결과를 그래프 표현 관련된 자동화 4) 보고서 작성 유형 : 분석 결과로 요약/결과 보고서 작성 관련된 자동화

$54 / hr Average bid
$54 / hr (평균 입찰가)
9 건의 입찰

...조항 6에 명시되어 있는 불공정한 경쟁을 금지하는 규정을 위반한다면 연수생은 미국 본사에 후15,000에 해당하 는 비용을 지급할 것에 동의한다. 이 금액은 미국 본사의 지적재산권을 사용하는데 있 어 지불해야 하는 금액이다. 315,000의 비용은 벌금이 아니라 연수생이 세부조항 지향 에 있어 침해를 한 행위로 인해 야기된 합당한 손해배상금이다. 제4조 : 수강생은 이 사건 학원과 사이에 라이센스 계약 또는 프랜차이즈 계약이 체결 된 스튜디오에서 유효한 이 사건 요가 강사 자격증을 소지한 상태에서만 반중력 요가를 가르칠 수 있다는 사실에 동의한다. Further cooperation in this language pair is also possible. Thank you for your quotes.

$45 / hr Average bid
$45 / hr (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

...엡실론의 로고를 디자인하고 웹 사이트를 디자인, 개설하는 프로젝트입니다. 총체적인 브랜드의 이미지를 고려하여 심플하고 아름다운 로고와 이를 바탕으로 한 효과적인 반응형 웹사이트를 개설하는 것이 주요 업무입니다. 웹 사이트가 신생기업의 야망(?)과 신 기술을 선도한다는 미래 지향적인 이미지를 심어줄 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. 웹사이트에 들어갈 내용은 그다지 많지 않기 때문에 아마 디자인 측면이 상당히 중요할 것으로 생각됩니다. Epsilon Technologies is a bitcoin technology company (hardware manufacturing, in particular) based in Seoul, Korea, aspiring to be a global leader in future finance industry. This project will be to design a brand logo and design and build a website. The purpose of the website is mainly for informative purposes(what technologies we have and our vision, blog posts, etc.). We would like to have a clear, simple design and website should be intutitive and very easy-to-use. Apparently it should be beautiful as well. There will be nothing complicate...

$439 Average bid
$439 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

안녕하세요, 소셜 쇼핑몰 사이트에 판매하기 위해 상품 상세페이지 작업을 하던 도중 담당 디자이너가 개인적인 사정으로 일을 마무리하지 못한 상태로 연락이 끊겨버렸습니다. 아래 첫번째 첨부 화일 '슬리폰즈상세페이지(초안)'을 보면 알 수 있다시피 전체적인 프레임과 컨텐츠는 거의 잡혀있는 상태입니다, ping화일이다보니 새로 만들어야 하겠지요. 하지만 여기에 쓰인 이미지 대부분을 psd화일로 제공할 수 있습니다. 위 링크 페이지에서 커서를 중간 쯤 내리면 Download Images제목 밑으로 작업에 쓸 이미지 다 있습니다. 하지만 원활한 작업을 위해 이메일로 일일이 해당 이미지를 보내드릴 것입니다.참고: 아래 첨부 화일---> SPs 소셜사이트 담당 MD가 소셜쇼핑 디자인가이드 방침에 맞지않는 부분을 몇가지 지적했기에 수정할 부분이 있으므로 그러한 내용을 숙지하고 적용해서 제작하면 되는 것입니다. 물론 그것도 저희가 다 알려드립니다. 구체적으로 예를 들어 열거해보겠습니다. - 시안에서는 "선택A-1,2,3 B-1,2"로 했으나 "선택1~선택5"로 바꾸기. - 맨 첫 이미지에 있는 우측 세줄의 홍보문구는 없이 만들기. - 38% 61,500 모두 필요없고 "쿠팡가 39,800원"으로 통일. - Hotdeal 박스--->작업할 필요 없음 - 맨 아래 아마존 피드백 모음도 안집어넣으면 되고요 그 아래 사진도 올리지 않고 다른 이미지로 업로드할 겁니다. -............

$221 Average bid
$221 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

We are looking for an experienced Pine Script or Python developer with expertise in algorithmic trading to develop an intraday trading bot for Nifty 50. The bot should automatically identify trade signals, execute orders, manage risk, and implement a trailing stop-loss mechanism. Key Responsibilities: Develop a fully automated trading ...optimized for intraday trading. Error handling and logging capabilities. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in algorithmic trading and automation. Knowledge of Nifty 50 and options trading. Prior experience with broker APIs for live trade execution. Deliverables: Fully functional trading bot script (Pine Script or Python). Detailed documentation for installation and usage. Backtesting results with historical data. Support for initial testing and ...

$104 Average bid
$104 (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰
PHP File Upload & Download Script
6 일 left
인증 완료

I'm looking for a PHP developer to create a script for me. The script should allow me to u...upload various file types (Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions) to a folder on my hosting server. Subsequently, I should be able to download these files from a designated page. the project must be done in PHP and Html Key Requirements: - The script must support all types of files, specifically Images, Music, Video, and all Excel extensions. - I do not require a user-friendly graphical interface. Command-line interfacing is sufficient. - There should be no restrictions on file size. I want the ability to upload and download files of any size without limitations. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP - Experience in creating file upload and download scripts - Comma...

$19 Average bid
$19 (평균 입찰가)
36 건의 입찰

...policies, organizations, and research. The goal is to create a user-friendly and searchable directory, providing valuable climate information to researchers, NGOs, policymakers, and the public. The directory should include: • A repository of climate change and environmental documents (PDFs, reports, policies). • A categorized database covering adaptation, mitigation, food security, energy, finance, etc. • A search function for easy document retrieval. • A clean, mobile-responsive website with a simple CMS (Content Management System). • User engagement metrics (e.g., clicks, downloads, searches). Key Responsibilities • Web Development: Design and develop a website similar to the Kenya Climate Directory (). • Database Setup: Create a str...

$1209 Average bid
$1209 (평균 입찰가)
45 건의 입찰

My current QCollector expert for ESignal has stopped working. I need a new application that can automatically download intraday stock data and save it as a CSV file on my hard drive. It should be compatible with Windows. Key requirements: - Windows compatibility - Ability to download intraday stock data - Saving data in CSV format - Automatic operation Ideal skills and experience: - Prior experience with stock data applications - Proficiency in Windows software development - Understanding of CSV file format - Experience with automating data download tasks

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰

Im looking for an experienced email deliverability expert to configure our email-sending setup to ensure maximum inbox placement. We already have our email content ready, but we need a professional to optimize our domain authentication and technical settings, including SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and ...professional to optimize our domain authentication and technical settings, including SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and other necessary configurations. Requirements: Set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records correctly Optimize email headers and authentication for maximum inbox placement Configure PTR records, MX records, and custom Return-Path if needed Ensure compliance with major email providers (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.) Avoid spam filters and improve email reputation Test deliverability and provide recom...

$55 Average bid
$55 (평균 입찰가)
20 건의 입찰

보다 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면, 회원 가입 또는 로그인 절차가 필요합니다.

봉인형 NDA (비밀 유지 계약서)

...Plugin for a photographer and videographer. This is very much Real Estate based. I will take photos and video and then the client will be able to download photos and videos from a secure page. I need to be able to upload photos and videos in admin. I then need to be able to set a password -( or, a place to add the clients email, and once published, an email is sent with the link and the password). The link will be sent to the client who will then be able to view the images in an aesthetic gallery with lightbox in the front end after adding the page protected password. The client should be able to download images and video one by one, or bulk download. At this point, no other functionality is needed, but it needs to be developed keeping in mind that in the future whe...

$143 Average bid
$143 (평균 입찰가)
76 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a skilled web developer to create a website for my aviation academy, primarily focusing on a robust student portal. Key tasks include: - Developing a course enrollment system: This will allow students to easily sign up for courses online, streamlining the process and making it more accessible. - Implementing a resource and material download section: This part of the portal will enable students to access and download course materials and other resources at their convenience. The student portal will also need to integrate seamlessly with an existing student information system. Therefore, prior experience with such integrations is essential. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive web development experience, with a strong portfolio of sim...

$630 Average bid
$630 (평균 입찰가)
19 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me pull specific data from the website I need the following data orga...Gulfstream G650/G650ER 2. Bombardier Global 6000/7500 3. Dassault Falcon 8X 4. Embraer Lineage 1000E 5. Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) 6. Airbus Corporate Jet (ACJ) 7. Gulfstream G550 8. Bombardier Challenger 650 9. Dassault Falcon 7X 10. Cessna Citation Longitude 11. Gulfstream G4/G4SP The final data delivery should be in both Excel and KML format. The completed files should be made available for direct download from Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in data extraction and organization - Familiarity with Excel and KML formats - Previous experience with web scraping tools - Knowledge of aviation and aircraft t...

$114 Average bid
$114 (평균 입찰가)
87 건의 입찰

The Software has 3 major Modules. 1. Human Resources ( HR ) 2. Business Development 3. Finance and Accounting Management Total Roles : Employees : Basic Employee (Business Head, Regional Head, Area Sales Manager, Union Sales Manager all will have same dashboards ) Admin Management : HR, Business Development, Finance Management , Main Admin Basic Employee Dashboard : The Following sections will be present in basic employee dashboards : 1. User Profile : Full Name Profile Picture Employee ID / Staff Code Date of Birth Gender Blood Group Contact Number Email Address Emergency Contact Details Job Title / Designation Department (HR, Sales, IT, etc.) Reporting Manager / Supervisor Employee Type (Full-Time, Part-Time, Contract) Employment Start Date Work Location / ...

$203 Average bid
$203 (평균 입찰가)
22 건의 입찰

...stocks using various indicators. The analysis should be based on daily data and sourced from Yahoo Finance. Specifics: - Indicators: Moving Averages (106 and 260), Relative Strength Index (RSI), MACD, ADX (+DI and -DI) - Data Source: Yahoo Finance - Time Frame: Daily - analyze which stock today performed +3% or more - calculate the above values ​​for each stock that performed 3% or more - calculate in the previous 5 days what were the above values NOT NEED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT HOLIDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS. The results will go into a csv file that I will receive by email. The file must contain a simple table (see the XLS in attach). After sending by email the data downloaded from Yahoo Finance and the support files used, will be deleted. ...

$121 Average bid
$121 (평균 입찰가)
82 건의 입찰
JPG Texture Color Balancing
6 일 left
인증 완료

I have a set of JPGs that require color adjustments, specifically to balance skin tones. Your task will involve: - Adjusting the color balance of the images to ensure skin tones are represented accurately and consistently using Affinity P..."Face Texture Cleanup " video for details. Step1: Run the "Head Paint " file creates 1 new image Step2: Run the "Bod 1 " file process creates 1 new image with Pinetools and Step3: Run the "Arm 1 " file process create 1 new image Step4: Run the "Leg 1 " file process create 1 new image Check the download link "Link to Task " for details or message me if the download link doesn't work Budget $40 to $50 this is a very simple task to do manually or automated it is only a ted...

$80 Average bid
$80 (평균 입찰가)
83 건의 입찰

I am looking for an Enthusiast in electronics to build a prototype for a custom water level monitoring solution. This system will be used to monitor water Enthusiast in electronics to build a prototype for a custom water level monitoring solution. This system will be used to monitor water levels in a tank. Key Requirements: - Experience in building electronic prototypes from commonly available electronic boards - Ability to package the circuit for trial use. Please note that this project doesn't require features such as real-time alerts, historical data logging, or remote access. The focus is solely on developing a system that displays water level in 10+ tanks. The attached picture shows one of the tanks with the 5 level sensors, for multiple tanks to be transmi...

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

I'm looking for an experienced Unity & Android developer who can integrate in-app update (download & install) feature and update my app to modify the PhonePe payment gateway. Key Requirements: -Implement an in-app update feature in a Unity-based Android app, allowing users to download and install the latest version directly from our server. The update button should check for new versions, prompt the user when an update is available, and handle the download and installation process smoothly. - The payment page should open in the user's default browser. Currently, the payment page opens within the app, but due to NPCI guidelines, the UPI payment option isn't visible. I need this updated so the payment page opens in the user's default brow...

$81 Average bid
$81 (평균 입찰가)
8 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a modern, bold and vibrant logo for my company, Roof Map Pro. The logo should incorporate roof imagery, reflecting the nature of our business. It’s for mapping roof quotes using google maps. Here’s a image that is for what we do… Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Creative Thinking Requirements: - Experience in designing modern, minimalist logos - Ability to use bold and vibrant colors effectively - Creativity in incorporating roof imagery in the design

$10 Average bid
96 건의 응모작

...service with the following features: - User Profiles: Each user should be able to create a personalized profile, with the ability to save their favorite movies, track their viewing history, and customize their experience. - Recommendation System: A robust algorithm is needed to suggest movies based on a user's viewing habits and preferences. - Offline Viewing: Users should have the ability to download select movies for offline viewing. The service needs to be compatible with a variety of devices including smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, Smart TVs, and Apple TV. Ideal candidates should have experience in developing streaming services, with a strong understanding of user interface design and experience implementing recommendation systems. Knowledge of offline view...

$750 Average bid
$750 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

...explain its value, and encourage app downloads. The site should be modern, visually appealing, and informative, reflecting the app’s innovative approach to event networking. **Required Features**: 1. **Homepage**: - Clean, modern design showcasing the app’s value proposition. - A brief introduction to MeetX and how it helps users connect through events. - Call-to-action buttons (e.g., “Download the App”, “Learn More”). 2. **App Features Section**: - Detailed breakdown of the MeetX app’s key features (event discovery, networking, personalized recommendations, etc.). - Screenshots or visuals from the app to demonstrate how it works. - Short descriptions of each feature with icons or images for visual appeal. 3. **How I...

$145 Average bid
$145 (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a talented writer who specializes in supernatural horror. Your task will be to create a gripping, spine-chilling narrative aimed at adults aged 18-35, all set in a meticulously crafted historical period. Key Requirements: - Expertise in supernatural horror with a knack for creating suspense and intrigue. - Understanding of the preferences and sensibilities of the target demographic (18-35). - Ability to accurately depict and weave a compelling narrative within a historical context. Your story should be able to captivate and terrify, blending the elements of horror with the richness of history. Looking forward to your proposals.

$224 Average bid
$224 (평균 입찰가)
28 건의 입찰

I'm looking to develop an innovative app that incorporates AI to provide personalized financial recommendations. The AI will analyze a variety of data sources to generate these suggestions, including: - User financial data - Current market trends and news - Historical financial data The ideal candidate for this project should have a strong background in AI and app development, with the ability to create a system that can process and interpret complex data sets. Experience in finance or financial software development would be a significant advantage. Please include examples of similar projects you've worked on in your proposal.

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr (평균 입찰가)
42 건의 입찰

I am looking for a seasoned training course material developer to create a high-level course specifically designed for facility management companies. The course materials should be engagingly presented in slides. Management topic: Finance Management  Budgeting and Forecasting  Cost Control and Containment Measures  Financial Analysis and Reporting  Investment Analysis  CAPEX and OPEX Planning and Management  Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Total Cost of Ownership Calculation Key Expectations: - Develop advanced-level course content: The materials should challenge seasoned professionals and elevate their understanding and skills. - Presentation Slides: Create all course content in a clear, concise, and visually appealing slide format. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive b...

$544 Average bid
$544 (평균 입찰가)
24 건의 입찰
Midway Atoll Arma 3 Mod Creation
6 일 left
인증 완료

I'm looking for a skilled game developer to create a Steam downloadable Arma 3 mod featuring a Midway Atoll map. The map should be of medium detail with some realistic features, and should include: - Military installations - Natural landscapes The map does not need to contain any specific historical references or landmarks, however, an understanding of the geography and features of Midway Atoll would be beneficial. Ideal candidates for this project would have experience in game development, particularly with Arma 3, and a good understanding of level design and texturing. A portfolio showcasing similar projects would be a plus. The current Wake Island Map is a perfect example of what I am looking for.

$471 Average bid
$471 (평균 입찰가)
24 건의 입찰

I'm seeking an experienced web designer to create a finance industry-focused website. The primary purpose of this site is to build trust with our clients. Key requirements: - Prominent display of client testimonials on the homepage. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web design with a focus on the finance industry. - Experience in designing trust-building websites. - Ability to creatively showcase client testimonials.

$79 Average bid
$79 (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰

As a specialized staffing service, we are dedicated to connecting qualified individuals with senior-level finance opportunities in the USA, specifically within established corporations. Your role will involve: - Identifying and targeting suitable positions in the finance sector - Assisting candidates in navigating the application process - Providing ongoing support to ensure successful placements Ideal candidates for this project should possess: - Extensive experience in finance recruitment - In-depth understanding of established corporations' hiring processes - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to liaise with candidates and employers Your goal will be to match the right candidates with the right employers, ensuring fruitful employment outcomes....

$20000 - $50000
$20000 - $50000
0 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a high-quality database focused on CFOs, Finance Controllers, and Heads of Finance within India, preferably from Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), but any industry will be considered. The database should ideally contain all of the following: - Full name and title of the finance executives - Contact details, including official company email and phone - Company name and location Total number of data entries: At least 1000 contacts. No upper limit Skills and Experience: - Data mining and database creation - Familiarity with finance industry and executive roles - Proficiency in sourcing accurate and verified contact information

$72 Average bid
$72 (평균 입찰가)
26 건의 입찰

I'm looking to produce a series of 60-second historical video reels with a focus on historical figures, using AI. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI video production (animated) - Strong understanding of historical content, particularly figures - Creative storytelling and presentation skills Give me the price of one video, considering that this task shall be a weekly task

$27 Average bid
$27 (평균 입찰가)
32 건의 입찰

...time-stamped. Helps prevent fraud or outdated submissions. 2.4 AI-Powered Vehicle Valuation Market Data Integration: Pulls real-time market price comparisons from: Classic car auctions Online marketplaces (eBay, Classic Trader, ) Insurance databases Valuation Algorithm: Uses machine learning to assess condition vs. price history. Provides estimated resale and insurance value. Displays historical price trends of similar vehicles. 2.5 Report Generation & Export Automated PDF Generation: Includes vehicle details, photos, AI valuation, and expert notes. Downloadable and shareable for insurance, resale, or documentation. Export Options: Email sharing. Integration with insurance providers. Cloud storage backup (Google Drive, OneDrive). 2.6 Admin & Expert Verification Dashbo...

$9 - $43 / hr
봉인형 NDA (비밀 유지 계약서)
$9 - $43 / hr
81 건의 입찰
Lead Generation for Office Cleaning
6 일 left
인증 완료

...straightforward and profitable opportunity for call centers to help businesses across the U.S. connect with trusted Janitorial Service Providers (JSPs). Your role is simple: set up free on-site inspections & quotes, and earn $40 per visited appointment once the JSP completes the visit. Campaign Details: ✅ Target Market: Businesses across U.S. NJ states (specific states will be provided) ✅ Target Audience: Decision-makers responsible for janitorial services ? What Your Team Will Do: ? Call business decision-makers responsible for janitorial services ? Schedule appointments for FREE on-site inspections & quotes ? Ensure the JSP completes the visit and provides a quote ? Get paid $40 per visited appointment ( No limits – the more you book, the more you ear...

$153 Average bid
$153 (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

...track customer data, sales, support tickets, and marketing efforts. ## Company Management - Add Company - Edit Company - List Company - Delete Company - Filter - Example : Tata Motors, Tata Communication, Tata Capital, TCS ## Business Type Management - Add Business Type - Edit Business Type - List Business Type - Delete Business Type - Filter - Example : Medical, Petrolium, IT, Finance, ## User Management - Add User - Edit User - List User - Delete User - FIlter ## User Role & Module Permission Management - Add User Role & Module Permission - Edit User Role & Module Permission - List User Role & Module Permission - Delete User Role & Module Permission - FIlter ## Contact / Lead Management - Add Contact - Edit Contact - Manage...

$433 Average bid
$433 (평균 입찰가)
21 건의 입찰

I'm looking to customize a wall in my space with photographs and text/quotes, all in a modern design style. Key Requirements: - Incorporate photographs and text/quotes into the wall design. - Use a contemporary, modern style. - Ability to visualize and create a cohesive design. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience in interior design or wall art creation. - Strong graphic design skills. - Good communication skills to understand and interpret my ideas. Your bid should include examples of previous similar projects you've worked on. The wall is 14 feet x 6 feet

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

I need a full-service freelancer for managing my insurance business's social media. The ideal candidate will be a content creator, marketer, and community manager all...Hinglish that are both engaging and informative - Edit videos for YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels in 9:16 format - Design appealing graphics using Canva or similar tools - Schedule and post content 3-4 times a week on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube - Manage basic engagement by replying to comments and messages Budget: ₹5,000/month (~$60 USD) Experience: - Prior experience in insurance, finance, or related fields is highly preferred. - Proven track record in social media marketing is essential. Tone: - All content should be delivered in a formal tone. Please share your previous work and ideas to increas...

$56 Average bid
$56 (평균 입찰가)
16 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a professional banner design for my tax consultancy firm. The banner will be displayed at a physical location, so it needs to be eye-catching and effectively communicate the 'Professional Service' aspect of my business. Key Requirements: - The banner must be designed in a 'Blue and White' color scheme, which aligns with my brand identity...communicate the 'Professional Service' aspect of my business. Key Requirements: - The banner must be designed in a 'Blue and White' color scheme, which aligns with my brand identity. - Experience in creating physical banners is a plus. - A strong understanding of design principles and ability to create visually appealing layouts is essential. - Previous experience with designing for the cons...

$14 Average bid
$14 (평균 입찰가)
25 건의 입찰

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GUI for Vector Design Manipulation
6 일 left
인증 완료

...align with the original layout. - Keyword-Based Search: Utilizing keyword tags on my art, users can edit text and clipart (e.g., replace a car with a monkey from my library) through a keyword search. - Additional Functions: A few more functions will be needed, but they essentially mirror the primary tasks. - Art Library Access: I'm also interested in a separate site that allows users to search and download from my art library. There will be no need for user authentication, making the application straightforward to access and use. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in developing desktop GUI applications, preferably for design manipulation. Familiarity with vector file types is a plus. Please note, the focus is on functionality over aesthetics. Here is ...

$2323 Average bid
$2323 (평균 입찰가)
19 건의 입찰

...entry and management. This application will primarily use Excel as the database. Key Features: - Data Entry: Using a form with some drop down lists and radio buttons. The application should also have the ability to upload several PDFs (all PDFs are stored together in the cloud). - Data Search: Using a form to search on various parameters like name, supplier, etc. There should also be an option to download the PDFs. - General Management: The application should allow adding and deleting PDFs, and altering the data entered (like updating a phone number). Ideal Candidate: - Proficiency in Desktop Applications development. - Experience with data entry and management systems. - Familiarity with Excel as a database. - Ability to incorporate cloud-based PDF access. I look forward to y...

$116 Average bid
$116 (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a skilled mobile application developer to create a dual platform (iOS and Android) productivity app for me that focuses on provid...dual platform (iOS and Android) productivity app for me that focuses on providing reports and updates. This is application is devloped for clinets to view the progress of the constructing homes Key Features: - Calendar Integration: The app needs to sync with users' calendars. - Time Tracking: Users should be able to track the time spent on different tasks. The users should be able to view and download the images and any files uploaded The user should have a login access Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform Mobile App Development - Calendar Integration Techniques - Time Tracking Features Implementation - E-commerce and Social Networki...

$396 Average bid
$396 (평균 입찰가)
41 건의 입찰
Multi-Perspective Novel Development
6 일 left
인증 완료

I'm seeking a creative fiction writer to develop a multi-perspective novel. The genre will be based on your preference, as will the setting, whether it be a historical period, contemporary world, or futuristic environment. The main theme of the novel will revolve around three separate first-person interpretations of a shared event. The story will be presented in a series of episodes. Readers will be able to read one character's episodes of the story or read all the character's episode each release. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in creative fiction writing - Experience writing in various genres - Ability to develop complex characters - Skilled in creating engaging narratives from multiple perspectives - Strong understanding of thematic development in st...

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
29 건의 입찰

... or request a new version. 5. Content Is Stored for Posting • Saves approved content in the scheduling system. 2. AI Auto-Schedule Post Workflow Objective: Automatically schedule and post Instagram content at the best times for engagement. Steps: 1. Connect Instagram Business Account • Uses Instagram Graph API for direct posting. 2. Fetch Best Posting Times • AI analyzes historical engagement data to determine optimal times. • Identifies audience active hours. 3. AI Organizes Posting Calendar • Auto-schedules posts at the best times. • Ensures variety in content types (e.g., images, reels, carousels). • Avoids content clashes. 4. User Confirmation (Optional) • User reviews and adjusts posting schedule if n...

$1400 Average bid
$1400 (평균 입찰가)
76 건의 입찰

We're looking for a skilled developer who can optimization an online PDF to DOCX conversion tool for VNCONVERT DOT COM, not need ORC The key requirements for this tool include: maintaining the original formatting of the PDF in the converted DOCX file Currently we use Python pdf2docx to convert...ORC The key requirements for this tool include: maintaining the original formatting of the PDF in the converted DOCX file Currently we use Python pdf2docx to convert, but the result was not good such as many online tools. So the required is optimization to get the result same ilovepdf dot com and smallpdf dot com, such as files we proviced on vnconvert dot com/ (give full URL to download) Please view REQUIRED pdf result files to bid, only those who meet the REQUIRED are eligible to bid.

$117 Average bid
$117 (평균 입찰가)
34 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a talented developer to create a stock tracking program for me. This program should be able to analyze historical data, specifically focusing on trend analysis, performance comparison, and data visualization. Key Requirements: - The program must be a desktop executable version. - Integration with financial APIs for real-time stock data. - Utilization of Excel (VBA) and Python for seamless functionality. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in VBA and Python. - Experience with developing user-friendly applications. - Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills. If you have a passion for programming and can deliver a robust, intuitive stock tracking program, I would love to hear from you.

$72 Average bid
$72 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a talented developer to improve my existing stock tracking program and create a Windows-compatible desktop executable. The program should be developed using Excel (VBA) and Python, ensuring smooth integration and functionality. Key Improvements: - Enhancing the user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly - Improving data processing speed for efficient stock tracking - Developing a desktop executable version of the program Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both VBA and Python - Experience in developing desktop applications - Strong attention to detail and problem-solving skills - Passion for programming and creating user-friendly applications If you can provide these enhancements and have the required skills, I look forward to hearing from y...

$96 Average bid
$96 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a professional web developer to create a website primarily focused on student loans. The website will serve as an informational resource, providing comprehensive insights, updates, and advice about student loans. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a user-friendly, engaging website - Integrate SEO best practices to enhance visibility - Regularly ...Responsibilities: - Design and develop a user-friendly, engaging website - Integrate SEO best practices to enhance visibility - Regularly update the site with the latest information on student loans Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in creating informational websites - Strong understanding of SEO - Familiarity with student loans and the education finance sector ...

$245 Average bid
$245 (평균 입찰가)
80 건의 입찰
Yahoo Financial Data Scraper
6 일 left
인증 완료

A yahoo data scraper is required to retrieve data and place it into a MsAccess database that runs on a Windows Computer. Set up the scraping environment: Write a script to scrape Yahoo Finance: Use the requests library to fetch the HTML content of the Yahoo Finance page, and BeautifulSoup to parse and extract the desired data. Extract the relevant data from the page Connect to Microsoft Access database (on a Windows Computer) Establish a connection to the Access database. Insert the scraped data into the Access database: Use SQL commands to insert the data into the MsAccess Access table. Automate the scraping process: Set up a scheduling tool like Windows Task Scheduler to run the Python script at regular intervals to ensure that the database is...

$328 Average bid
$328 (평균 입찰가)
88 건의 입찰

I'm looking for someone to use my storymap outline () focused on historical GIS analysis for Sumner, WA. This is a project final. Ideal Skills: - GIS Software Proficiency - Educational Content Creation - Historical Analysis - Teacher-Centric Approach Experience: - Previous work in creating story maps - Background in history or education - Familiarity with Sumner, WA's historical context Overview of project requirements: A final project that uses GIS analysis is due by the end of the quarter. This project requires that you select, research, and evaluate an IPM-related problem or issue, using GIS as the primary tool of analysis. You will create a storymap for your final project. The text included in the story map should be roughly equivalent to five to seve...

$138 Average bid
$138 (평균 입찰가)
14 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a professional telecaller to reach out to potential customers from a provided dataset. Your primary tasks will be to: 1. G...relevant customer information such as salary, total EMI payments, and CIBIL score. You will be primarily targeting salaried employees. The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Excellent communication skills - Experience in telemarketing or lead generation - Ability to collect and report customer data accurately Please initiate the call with: "Hii sir priyanshu here on behalf of bajaj finance. You enquired for personal loan... so may I know how much fund do you need right now?" If a customer expresses readiness to proceed, please send me their contact number. I will handle the follow-up and compensate you for each su...

$6 Average bid
$6 (평균 입찰가)
8 건의 입찰

I'm seeking an experienced academic writer to help me with a research paper in the field of humanities, specifically focusing on history. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in writing academic papers, particularly in the field of history. - Strong research skills and ability to critically analyse historical sources. - Excellent command of English and ability to write in a clear, concise, and academic style. - Experience with formatting and referencing according to academic standards.

$13 Average bid
$13 (평균 입찰가)
27 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a Google Sheets app that can help me track stock prices using data from Google Finance. Key Features: - Historical Data Comparison: The app should allow me to compare daily stock prices over time. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets - Experience with data analysis - Familiarity with Google Finance - Understanding of stock market dynamics.

$292 Average bid
$292 (평균 입찰가)
22 건의 입찰