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한국 웹사이트의 고품질 백링크가 필요합니다. Google에서 유기적 트래픽이 발생하는 웹사이트를 찾고 있습니다. 저희는 Web 2.0이나 프로필 백링크와 같은 저품질 무료 백링크에는 관심이 없습니다. 저희는 정품 웹사이트의 고품질 기사 백링크에만 관심이 있습니다. 저희는 백링크당 500달러의 예산을 가지고 있습니다. 저품질 무료 백링크를 위한 메시지를 보내지 마세요!!! PLEASE DON'T SEND ME MESSAGES FOR LOW QUALITY FREE BACKLINKS!!
홈페이지 등에 사용할 3D 캐릭터 디자이너를 구합니다. 홈페이지와 영상에도 사용이 되며, 몇 가지 동작도 추가가 됩니다. 다양한 캐릭터가 필요하며, 장기간 같이 할 수 있는 분들을 찾습니다.
스케치업 3D 건축디자인이 가능한 전문가로 파트타임으로 일할 분을 찾습니다. 비용은 협의 후 확정하며, 작업기간은 최소 2주~3개월 내외로 이 부분도 협의 후 확정합니다. 필수는 아니지만 영어가 가능하시면 더욱 좋습니다
아래 내용으로 외주 진행이 가능한지 궁금합니다. 1단계 데이터수집: 레이져스캐너를 통한 차량의 높이정보 수집 2단계 정보가공: 높이정보를 점단위로 저장 3단계 표출: 점단위 높이정보를 통해 3D로 차량의 이미지를 표출 위 단계중 "3단계 표출" 부분에 대한 프로젝트 진행이 가능할까요? 결과는 개발보듈과 소스를 요청합니다. 2단계까지는 MFC로 구현되어 있다고 보시면 됩니다. 자료파일 중 오른쪽 3D 이미지를 참고하시면 될 듯 합니다. 이 작업이 가능한지와 기간, 비용 등이 궁금합니다.
아이스크림 브랜드를 전부 리뉴얼 준비를 하고있습니다. 기존엔 아이스크림만 팔았지만..카페로서 리뉴얼을 준비하고 있으며 깔끔하면서도 포인트 하나하나가 고급스러운 브랜드를 기획하고 있습니다. 위치는 공원형태의 대형 쇼핑몰이며, 메뉴는 커피, 아이스크림, 밀크티, 디저트 정도이며 전부 수제로 만들어 판매되는 프리미엄 브랜드입니다. 주 고객층은 쇼핑몰 특성상 어린 아이들, 젊은세대가 많습니다. 수많은 디자인 요소가 들어가 좀 복잡한 디자인보다는 깔끔함속에 포인트로 멋을 내는 인테리어 를 원합니다. 디자인 컬러 키워드 : 밝은 계열의 인디핑크, 화이트, 딥블루또는 코발트 블루 (포인트 골드) 유광 타일로 포인트를 주는것도 고려하는 사항중 하나입니다. 조명 : 포인트 네온사인과 웜라이트
The game I want to make is a 1: 1 showdown basketball game. 1. 3d model. 2. About 40 animations. Information about the detailed animation is summarized in the document.
3D 모델링 언어 교육용으로 사용할 인물 캐릭터 , 상황에 맞는 언어를 쓸 상황 묘사 배경 및 도구들 , 만들어 주실 분 찾아요
3D 모델링 저희는 Airbus 공모전에 참가하고 있는 팀 입니다. 항공기의 좌석프레임과 레일에 자동차 좌석의 adjustment 시스템이 도입되어 앞 뒤로 이동할 수 있는 것을 보여주는 3D 영상이 필요합니다. 처음엔 항공기 내에 좌석들이 보여지고, 좌석 하단부를 줌인한 후에 좌석이 투명해지면서 프레임과 레일에 adjustment system이 적용된 부분을 표현해주고 좌석이 앞뒤로 이동하는 모션을 표현하고 싶습니다. 저희 예산 범위는 20만 원 이내 입니다. 6월 1일 금요일 내에 작업이 완료되길 바랍니다.
...중복인원(2명_앵콜과정) 제외, 수료생수 중복인원 포함 ※ 수료기준 : 1과정이 2회차 이상으로 구성된 경우 출석률 75%이상을 달성한 교육생을 수료처리함 참고 본 참고자료는 2016 위탁용역 입찰공고용으로 무단발췌 및 배포를 금합니다. 2016 위탁용역 제안요청서 내용과 매칭하지 마시고 단순 참고용으로 활용바랍니다. - 2 - [별첨 1] 교육과정별 운영결과 ㅇ 콘텐츠 창의마스터클래스 운영 (매주 2회, 월 2개과정, 집중 주·야간과정) 과정명 일정 강사 주제 수료인원 IoT, 3D프린트 06.02. 김○현 교수 (카이스트) IoT 기술이 가져다주는 산업의 변화 36명 06.16. IoT 사례와 콘텐츠 산업에서의 적용점 06.23. 유○환 대표 (로킷) 세상을 바꾸는 제 3의 산업혁명, 3D 프린트 핀테크, 헬스케어 06.18. 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) 인공지능 기술로 현실화 되는 헬스케어 의료 서비스 06.24. 22명 김○현 연구원 (우리금융경영연구소) 국내 핀테크 산업의 현주소와 과제 06.25 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) IoT, 3D프린트 산업과 융합되는 헬스케어 산업 관점별 미래트렌드 07.07. 전○영 연구원 (서울대) 소비자 트렌드 분석으로 콘텐츠 기획 주제 도출 32명 07.14. 유○혁 작가 (한국경제신문) 한류 엔터테인먼트 리더들의 성공 비결 07.21. 정○훈 교수 (경희사이버대) 미래 사회를 이끌 인공지능과 모바일 트렌드 07.28. 정○진 경제평론가 경제학 관점에서 본 콘텐츠 산업의 주요 키워드...
이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다3D Modelling'
kiosk 디자인입니다. 본 키오스크는 동전을 포인트로 적립하는 기계이고 약 1천대 정도 생산예정입니다. 생산 이전에 3d 모델링을 해보고 생산 과 운용중에 생길수 있는 문제를 미리 검토하려고 합니다.
안녕하세요, 소셜 쇼핑몰 사이트에 판매하기 위해 상품 상세페이지 작업을 하던 도중 담당 디자이너가 개인적인 사정으로 일을 마무리하지 못한 상태로 연락이 끊겨버렸습니다. 아래 첫번째 첨부 화일 '슬리폰즈상세페이지(초안)'을 보면 알 수 있다시피 전체적인 프레임과 컨텐츠는 거의 잡혀있는 상태입니다, ping화일이다보니 새로 만들어야 하겠지요. 하지만 여기에 쓰인 이미지 대부분을 psd화일로 제공할 수 있습니다. 위 링크 페이지에서 커서를 중간 쯤 내리면 Download Images제목 밑으로 작업에 쓸 이미지 다 있습니다. 하지만 원활한 작업을 위해 이메일로 일일이 해당 이미지를 보내드릴 것입니다.참고: 아래 첨부 화일---> SPs 소셜사이트 담당 MD가 소셜쇼핑 디자인가이드 방침에 맞지않는 부분을 몇가지 지적했기에 수정할 부분이 있으므로 그러한 내용을 숙지하고 적용해서 제작하면 되는 것입니다. 물론 그것도 저희가 다 알려드립니다. 구체적으로 예를 들어 열거해보겠습니다. - 시안에서는 "선택A-1,2,3 B-1,2"로 했으나 "선택1~선택5"로 바꾸기. - 맨 첫 이미지에 있는 우측 세줄의 홍보문구는 없이 만들기. - 38% 61,500 모두 필요없고 "쿠팡가 39,800원"으로 통일. - Hotdeal 박스--->작업할 필요 없음 - 맨 아래 아마존 피드백 모음도 안집어넣으면 되고요 그 아래 사진도 올리지 않고 다른 이미지로 업로드할 겁니다. -............
We need a modern lightweight layout for a erotic model payzone. The design should be a mix of , , and maybe dita.net. The startpage should contain a preview of the last photo and video updates. And a preview of the upcoming updates. The resultshould be an Indesign Layout or a html/css layout. Maybe better the last one.
I need a realistic 3D animation for a transcatheter device aimed at treating aortic valve stenosis via ultrasonic shock waves. The animation will primarily serve marketing purposes, so it should be visually appealing and convey the effectiveness of the device to potential stakeholders. Key elements to highlight: - The functionality of the device The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Proven experience in creating realistic 3D animations, preferably in the medical field - A strong understanding of marketing-focused content - Excellent attention to detail to accurately depict the device's functionality.
Professional BIM Modeler/Coordinator Needed for High-Quality Video Production Only applicants with demonstrated Navisworks expertise will be considered. Job Description: I am seeking a professional BIM modeler or coordinator to produce a high-quality video based on an existing firefighting system project (Navisworks). The video will showcase the project and its Level of Development (LOD) with the following key requirements: This Video is the first one out of three Video Features: Professional production with smooth motion and visual effects. Display of sprinkler names and properties in text boxes when highlighted. Visual representation of water motion in pipes, highlighted in blue. Background soft music for the first video (AI voice-over will be required for the second and third videos)....
I've installed Seafile on my Apache server running Ubuntu 22.04. While I have access to the application, I'm unable to upload or download anything. I need a backend developer who can troubleshoot and rectify this issue. Logs indicate there's a problem, but they aren't clear. I made minor modifications to the default Seafile configuration, but it's mostly untouched. You can fully re install seafile. Please include your relevant experience in your application.
Project Description: We are looking for a Network Engineer or IT Specialist with expertise in campus-wide network setup and configuration to make our college campus, including admin and hostel buildings, network-enabled. This is an on-site project in Patna, Bihar, and the selected candidate must handle the entire...for network management. Additional Information: You will work closely with our team to ensure all requirements are met. Accommodation and logistics in Patna, if required, can be discussed. How to Apply: Please share your: Resume or portfolio highlighting similar projects. Proof of certifications. References or case studies of previous work (if available). Expected fee for this project. Note: Feel free to ask any questions regarding the project scope or deliverables before...
Budget: 5k to 8k (INR) for a month - Show interest only if you are ready for this budget for only WP related work. JD: I'm looking for a WordPress developer for a month with fixed pricing. As we are outsourcing our overdue projects, this opportunity is perfect for someone who can handle tasks, finish them and give daily updates. Key Responsibilities: - Customizing themes to meet project spe...- Hands-on experience with E-commerce, Blogs, and Corporate websites - A strong focus on improving user experience and increasing conversion rates The ideal candidate will have the ability to deliver high-quality work consistently and within deadlines. Your input will be crucial for enhancing website speed and ultimately meeting our project goals. Please note, this is not a work-based pricin...
Looking for a Provider to Create Plans and a BIM Model for a Resort Hotel Project Description: We are seeking an experienced professional in architecture and BIM modeling to develop detailed plans and a comprehensive BIM model for a resort hotel located on Kadous Beach, Algiers. The project includes: Architectural Design: General plans (site plan, floor plans). Plans for ancillary facilities (swimming pools, restaurants, spa, etc.). Landscaping plans (gardens, access roads, parking areas). BIM Modeling: Creation of a BIM model incorporating architectural, structural, and technical elements (MEP). Deliverables compatible with Autodesk Revit or equivalent software. Project Details: Total area: 2000 m2 Architectural style: Modern luxury with environmental integration....
...surveillance and questioning powers over Australian citizens (such as those afforded to ASIO) Journalism, disclosure of information about counter-terrorism operations and free speech Preventative detention orders in Victoria Commonwealth ‘Terrorist Act’ offences Local police counter-terrorism units Community-based partnerships for counter-terrorism/radicalisation strategies Counter-terrorism laws and the right to protest Counter-terrorism laws and whistleblowers Increased focus on terrorism within electoral politics (e.g., impacts of populism) Anti-encryption laws and counter-terrorism For other areas of focus, feel free to post on the discussion board or ask your lecturer for guidance on topics you may want to explore To accomplish this, st...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create both 2D and 3D interior drawings for my entire home. The design style should be modern, reflecting clean lines, minimalism, and functional aesthetics.
I'm in need of a professional who can help me finalize my Funnelr website. Tasks requiring ass...for a few product offerings related to coaching. This includes integrating and testing the system to ensure it's functioning properly. - Building an Author Page: I need a simple, clean author page designed with a bit of text and a couple of images. - Customer Capture Completion: I need assistance with finalizing the process for capturing potential customer information when they apply for a free download or gift. - Contact Us Page: Help me finalize the setup of this page, which should include payment information. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency with Funnelr - Website Development - E-commerce Setup Please take a look at my current website to get an idea of the work needed...
I'm looking for a cross-platform (iOS & Android) application that serves as a direct marketplace for farmers and consumers. The app should allow farmers to list their products, and consumers to purchase fresh produce without intermediaries. This model will enhance farmers' income and provide consumers access to fresh, affordable agricultural products. Key Features: - Product listing and search: Farmers should be able to easily list their products and consumers should be able to effortlessly search for and find these products. - Direct messaging between users: To facilitate communication between farmers and consumers for inquiries or negotiations. - Payment processing: An integrated, secure payment system for seamless transactions. Management of Listings: Farmers sho...
I'm seeking a professional to create a compelling pitch deck for my healthcare innovation, aimed at attracting investors. The deck should include all essential components, with specific emphasis on the Executive Summary, Revenue Model, and Competitive Analysis. Key Components: - SAM, TAM, SWOT analysis - Clearly articulated Executive Summary - Detailed and persuasive Revenue Model - Comprehensive Competitive Analysis Ideal skills and experience include: - Previous experience in creating pitch decks, particularly for the healthcare industry - Strong understanding of investor expectations and requirements - Excellent design skills to create visually appealing slides - Ability to communicate complex concepts in a clear and concise manner
I'm seeking a seasoned full-stack developer or a dedicated team to create a dynamic Carbon Calculator website on a service-oriented model. This platform will empower users to compute their carbon emissions (CO₂, CH₄, N₂O) on a global scale utilizing emission factors. The site needs to be developed with: - React.js for the frontend - Node.js for the backend - MySQL as the database Incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as , TypeScript, RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and JWT-based authentication to ensure a modern, scalable, and secure solution. Key Features of the Website: - User registration, login, and subscription plans based on different tiers. - Advanced carbon calculation mechanisms influenced by distance-based methods and EF databases. - Data visualization primarily using ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional who can create an educational brain model using Meta Sam and a MRI dataset. This model is intended for undergraduate students, so it needs to be detailed yet comprehensible. Key Requirements: - Model should include: - Detailed anatomical structures - Functional areas of the brain - 3D interactive elements - Proficiency in using Meta Sam - Experience with MRI datasets - Ability to create educational content
...HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and interactive frameworks like React, Vue.js, or for 3D rendering. Experience with interactive product presentations or 360-degree visualizations using tools like Blender, , or similar. Strong understanding of UX/UI principles, particularly in creating engaging storytelling tools. Ability to create responsive, cross-platform experiences optimized for mobile and desktop. Attention to detail, with a keen eye for aesthetics and brand consistency. Strong time management skills to deliver within the set timeline. Preferred Qualifications: Experience in creating branding-focused interactive experiences or multimedia storytelling projects. Familiarity with creating 3D models or integrating pre-designed assets into interactive environments. A portfolio ...
...repair shops, resellers). The website should offer a seamless shopping experience for both, with features tailored to each audience. Key Features: Homepage: Segmentation for individuals and merchants (e.g., "Shop for Personal Use" vs. "Merchant Login"). Product Pages: Detailed product descriptions, images, compatibility info, and availability. Search & Filters: Advanced search by vehicle make, model, and part type with filtering options. Cart & Checkout: Simple checkout for individuals; bulk order and volume discount options for merchants. User Accounts: Separate login/registration for consumers and merchants with different dashboard features (e.g., order history for consumers, bulk order management for merchants). Payment Integration: Multiple payme...
...work over an open wireless network connection is NOT allowed If you will be recording with your partner virtually and need to use the client’s recording platform, you must meet the following requirements: Operating system: Windows 7 or higher, macOS Big Sur or higher Browser: Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Recommended: CPU with 4 or more cores. At least 5 GB free space on your system, an internet connection with 10 Mbps or better download, and 5 Mbps or better upload. Technical Requirements for submitted recordings File Type: Unprocessed, RAW .wav (24 bit, 48 kHz, stereo) Stereo Recording: One voice panned to Left channel, other panned to Right channel Noise Floor: -60dB or better Quality: Naturally minimized background noise, breaths, and clicks (no plugins). Rec...
...installation, or would it be better to adapt the current setup? What security measures do you recommend to keep the website safe and updated? How would you approach maintaining the current SEO rankings during the redesign? Would you be open to providing monthly maintenance for the website? If so, could you include this in your proposal? Next Steps Let me know if this project interests you and feel free to share: Your timeline for completion. Your estimated fees, including the cost of monthly maintenance if applicable. Any additional recommendations or questions you may have. Looking forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Lola...
We are in the business of trading in renewable energy equipment. We sell equipment to our buyers on credit. We do this business in different geographies e.g. India, Mexico, Brazil. For each geography, we set up a new company (SPV) and then raise debt and equity in that SPV to conduct trading for that specific geography. We are now in the process of setting up a new SPV for...of trading in renewable energy equipment. We sell equipment to our buyers on credit. We do this business in different geographies e.g. India, Mexico, Brazil. For each geography, we set up a new company (SPV) and then raise debt and equity in that SPV to conduct trading for that specific geography. We are now in the process of setting up a new SPV for Africa. We need to create a financial model for...
I'm looking for a talented Unity developer to create a mobile-friendly low poly 3D map for a game. The map should cover an area of 2km x 2km and include diverse areas such as a collapsed railway station, a bridge, a shipyard, three towns, a factory area, and a temple. Key Requirements: - All models (trees, grass, buildings, rails, ships, bridges, etc.) should be created from scratch, with an emphasis on low polygon counts but high-quality detailing in textures. - The aesthetic should blend a realistic feel with stylized elements. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Unity and 3D modeling - Experience with creating low poly models - Understanding of mobile game development requirements - Ability to create high-quality textures and details on low poly models.
I'm in need of a skilled Motion Graphics animator for an engaging product promotion reel to be shared on Meta. The animation should compellingly showcase my product and drive viewer interest, ideally leading to potential purchases. Key requirements: - Proficiency in creating Motion Graphics - 3D animate - Experience with product promotion animations - Ability to incorporate specified branding elements It will be for an Australian underwear brand - 10 sec loop I have some elements of my branding that need to be integrated into the animation, so attention to detail and adherence to brand consistency is crucial. Please provide examples of previous similar work you have completed.
...existing articles from a source website. The goal is to create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Project Scope: Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirements: Uniqueness: 100% original content, free from plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain th...
...existing articles from a source website. The goal is to create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Project Scope: Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirements: Uniqueness: 100% original content, free from plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain th...
...women's and family collections. The sales model involves agents who will purchase from the store and sell to their customers. Key Requirements: - An online store built on the WooCommerce platform. - A wide range of product categories including Clothing, Accessories, and Home & Living. - A dedicated login portal for agents to access the store. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce. - Previous work designing online clothing and accessories stores. - Experience creating dedicated login portals for user-specific access. - Knowledge of Home & Living product e-commerce is a plus. This project offers a unique opportunity to create a store with a diverse product offering, catering to a specific demographic. The agents model adds a...
...data (e.g., scale prices and indicators). • Convert chart images into numerical matrices or use image processing techniques to extract features. 3. Model Selection: • Use a hybrid model combining: • A convolutional neural network (CNN) for image analysis (chart patterns). • A recurrent neural network (RNN) or transformer for sequential numerical data. 4. Training: • Feed the “before” data (images + numbers) as input. • Use the “after” data (movement labels or price changes) as the target output. • Train the model using a loss function like mean squared error (regression) or cross-entropy (classification). 5. Evaluation: • Test the model on unseen chart data to ensure accuracy and robus...
...existing articles from a source website. The goal is to create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Project Scope: Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirements: Uniqueness: 100% original content, free from plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain th...
I'm looking for an expert who can help me create a comprehensive strategy for a lead generation campaign. The primary goal of the project is to generate leads and ultimately drive sales. Objectives - The main objective is to develop a strategy that is effective in reaching potential customers and converting them into lea...outlining the campaign's different components. - Suggested content for various platforms, tailored to engage the target audience. - Key performance indicators to measure the success of the campaign. Additional Notes - I have a flexible budget and am open to investing in this project to ensure its success. - I would appreciate timely updates and communication throughout the process. Please feel free to reach out if you need more information or clarific...
Preciso de um projeto 3D em Archicad com a delimitação do terreno de um sítio de 2mil m2, demarcando a área onde foi executado um muro e projetando a entrada do sítio. Essa entrada terá 2 pilares, com telhado cobertura de 4 águas com vão de 3,80 metros, um portão social, uma rampa para veículos e escada para o lado interno do portão social. Preciso de detalhamentos do portal, com medidas e locação de pontos de elétrica.