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  • building 3d model
  • golang p2p example
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프로젝트 진행 단계
2,000 building 3d model 찾은 프로젝트

주거 인테리어 도면 작업해주실 디자이너 찾습니다. 시간이 유연한 디자이너면 좋겠습니다.

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

홈페이지 등에 사용할 3D 캐릭터 디자이너를 구합니다. 홈페이지와 영상에도 사용이 되며, 몇 가지 동작도 추가가 됩니다. 다양한 캐릭터가 필요하며, 장기간 같이 할 수 있는 분들을 찾습니다.

$109 / hr Average bid
$109 / hr (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

3d 캐릭터를 만드는 프로젝트 입니다. 에니메이션을 만들어야 할 수도 있습니다.

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

스케치업 3D 건축디자인이 가능한 전문가로 파트타임으로 일할 분을 찾습니다. 비용은 협의 후 확정하며, 작업기간은 최소 2주~3개월 내외로 이 부분도 협의 후 확정합니다. 필수는 아니지만 영어가 가능하시면 더욱 좋습니다

$1907 Average bid
$1907 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

아래 내용으로 외주 진행이 가능한지 궁금합니다. 1단계 데이터수집: 레이져스캐너를 통한 차량의 높이정보 수집 2단계 정보가공: 높이정보를 점단위로 저장 3단계 표출: 점단위 높이정보를 통해 3D로 차량의 이미지를 표출 위 단계중 "3단계 표출" 부분에 대한 프로젝트 진행이 가능할까요? 결과는 개발보듈과 소스를 요청합니다. 2단계까지는 MFC로 구현되어 있다고 보시면 됩니다. 자료파일 중 오른쪽 3D 이미지를 참고하시면 될 듯 합니다. 이 작업이 가능한지와 기간, 비용 등이 궁금합니다.

$908 Average bid
$908 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

아이스크림 브랜드를 전부 리뉴얼 준비를 하고있습니다. 기존엔 아이스크림만 팔았지만..카페로서 리뉴얼을 준비하고 있으며 깔끔하면서도 포인트 하나하나가 고급스러운 브랜드를 기획하고 있습니다. 위치는 공원형태의 대형 쇼핑몰이며, 메뉴는 커피, 아이스크림, 밀크티, 디저트 정도이며 전부 수제로 만들어 판매되는 프리미엄 브랜드입니다. 주 고객층은 쇼핑몰 특성상 어린 아이들, 젊은세대가 많습니다. 수많은 디자인 요소가 들어가 좀 복잡한 디자인보다는 깔끔함속에 포인트로 멋을 내는 인테리어 를 원합니다. 디자인 컬러 키워드 : 밝은 계열의 인디핑크, 화이트, 딥블루또는 코발트 블루 (포인트 골드) 유광 타일로 포인트를 주는것도 고려하는 사항중 하나입니다. 조명 : 포인트 네온사인과 웜라이트

$121 Average bid
$121 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

The game I want to make is a 1: 1 showdown basketball game. 1. 3d model. 2. About 40 animations. Information about the detailed animation is summarized in the document.

$1642 Average bid
$1642 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰
Design project
종료 left

3D 모델링 언어 교육용으로 사용할 인물 캐릭터 , 상황에 맞는 언어를 쓸 상황 묘사 배경 및 도구들 , 만들어 주실 분 찾아요

$220 Average bid
$220 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

3D 모델링 화장품 매장

$315 Average bid
$315 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

3D 모델링 저희는 Airbus 공모전에 참가하고 있는 팀 입니다. 항공기의 좌석프레임과 레일에 자동차 좌석의 adjustment 시스템이 도입되어 앞 뒤로 이동할 수 있는 것을 보여주는 3D 영상이 필요합니다. 처음엔 항공기 내에 좌석들이 보여지고, 좌석 하단부를 줌인한 후에 좌석이 투명해지면서 프레임과 레일에 adjustment system이 적용된 부분을 표현해주고 좌석이 앞뒤로 이동하는 모션을 표현하고 싶습니다. 저희 예산 범위는 20만 원 이내 입니다. 6월 1일 금요일 내에 작업이 완료되길 바랍니다.

$157 Average bid
$157 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

웹, 모바일 사이트 구축 작업임. 디자인, 개발, 기획, 운영 요소 다 필요함 웹, 모바일 사이트 구축 작업임. 디자인, 개발, 기획, 운영 요소 다 필요함웹, 모바일 사이트 구축 작업임. 디자인, 개발, 기획, 운영 요소 다 필요함웹, 모바일 사이트 구축 작업임. 디자인, 개발, 기획, 운영 요소 다 필요함웹, 모바일 사이트 구축 작업임. 디자인, 개발, 기획, 운영 요소 다 필요함웹, 모바일 사이트 구축 작업임. 디자인, 개발, 기획, 운영 요소 다 필요함

$615 Average bid
$615 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

3D 모델이 필요합니다.

$91 Average bid
$91 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

제가 가진 디자인으로 멘홀뚜껑을 모델링 하고 싶습니다.

$133 Average bid
$133 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

5층 근린생활시설 모델링을 사이트와 주변도로까지 모델링을 해서 재질입혀 납품하면 됩니다.

$50 Average bid
$50 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰
3D 모델링
종료 left

원형 모양의 건물에 존재하는 원형의 방 모양의 노래방을 만드려고 합니다.

$212 Average bid
$212 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

...중복인원(2명_앵콜과정) 제외, 수료생수 중복인원 포함 ※ 수료기준 : 1과정이 2회차 이상으로 구성된 경우 출석률 75%이상을 달성한 교육생을 수료처리함 참고 본 참고자료는 2016 위탁용역 입찰공고용으로 무단발췌 및 배포를 금합니다. 2016 위탁용역 제안요청서 내용과 매칭하지 마시고 단순 참고용으로 활용바랍니다. - 2 - [별첨 1] 교육과정별 운영결과 ㅇ 콘텐츠 창의마스터클래스 운영 (매주 2회, 월 2개과정, 집중 주·야간과정) 과정명 일정 강사 주제 수료인원 IoT, 3D프린트 06.02. 김○현 교수 (카이스트) IoT 기술이 가져다주는 산업의 변화 36명 06.16. IoT 사례와 콘텐츠 산업에서의 적용점 06.23. 유○환 대표 (로킷) 세상을 바꾸는 제 3의 산업혁명, 3D 프린트 핀테크, 헬스케어 06.18. 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) 인공지능 기술로 현실화 되는 헬스케어 의료 서비스 06.24. 22명 김○현 연구원 (우리금융경영연구소) 국내 핀테크 산업의 현주소와 과제 06.25 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) IoT, 3D프린트 산업과 융합되는 헬스케어 산업 관점별 미래트렌드 07.07. 전○영 연구원 (서울대) 소비자 트렌드 분석으로 콘텐츠 기획 주제 도출 32명 07.14. 유○혁 작가 (한국경제신문) 한류 엔터테인먼트 리더들의 성공 비결 07.21. 정○훈 교수 (경희사이버대) 미래 사회를 이끌 인공지능과 모바일 트렌드 07.28. 정○진 경제평론가 경제학 관점에서 본 콘텐츠 산업의 주요 키워드...

$1000 Average bid
$1000 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다3D Modelling'

$35 / hr Average bid
$35 / hr (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

kiosk 디자인입니다. 본 키오스크는 동전을 포인트로 적립하는 기계이고 약 1천대 정도 생산예정입니다. 생산 이전에 3d 모델링을 해보고 생산 과 운용중에 생길수 있는 문제를 미리 검토하려고 합니다.

$998 Average bid
$998 (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

3D 애니메이션 제작 및 완성 해외 인력 애니메이터의 채용

$206 Average bid
$206 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a mid-poly 3D model of a sword adorned with a black ribbon. This model is intended for use in animation or film, so it will need to be detailed enough to stand up to close scrutiny, but not so complex that it can't be easily rendered. Key Requirements: - Proficient in creating mid-poly 3D models - Experience in designing for animation or film - Ability to create visually appealing and accurate representations of the given design Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software (e.g., Blender, Maya, 3ds Max) - Strong understanding of the principles of 3D modeling, including topology, UV mapping, and texturing - Prior experience with sword designs preferred

$101 Average bid
$101 (평균 입찰가)
14 건의 입찰
Project Finance Model Management
6 일 left
인증 완료

I'm looking for a finance expert to manage and update my project finance model. This includes adjusting existing projections across all areas: revenue, expenses, and capital expenditure. Ideal skills for this project would include: - Strong financial modeling expertise - Experience with project finance - Ability to make accurate projections - Proficiency in adjusting existing financial models Please bid if you have the relevant skills and experience.

$945 Average bid
$945 (평균 입찰가)
31 건의 입찰
LBO Modeling for FIG Company
22 시간 left
인증 완료

I'm seeking an expert in financial modeling, specifically in Leveraged Buyout (LBO) scenarios. The primary goal of the model is to simulate various financial scenarios for a FIG (Financial, Insurance, and Government) sector company. Key Requirements: - Expertise in LBO modeling - Familiarity with the FIG industry - Ability to focus on cash flow projections The model will need to assess different scenarios based on cash flow projections, which are the most crucial financial metrics for this project. Please, only apply if you have significant experience working on this type of project and can deliver high-quality work in a timely manner.

$60 / hr Average bid
$60 / hr (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

I have a product prototype mesh model that is currently in the initial blocking stage. I need someone to fill in the holes and add a couple of elements to complete the model. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software - Experience with product prototype mesh models - Attention to detail - Able to work efficiently to meet project deadlines

$132 Average bid
$132 (평균 입찰가)
17 건의 입찰

보다 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면, 회원 가입 또는 로그인 절차가 필요합니다.

NDA (비밀 유지 계약서)

I need a skilled CAD designer to replicate an existing port design for CNC machining. The port is intended for automotive use, so familiarity with automotive standards and requirements is a plus. The existing design is available as a 3D CAD model. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAD software - Experience with CNC design - Understanding of automotive design standards Please, only bid if you can work with a 3D CAD model and have experience in port design for automotive use.

$116 Average bid
$116 (평균 입찰가)
27 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a talented freelancer to help me build a marketplace similar to Amazon using Webflow Commerce and Stripe. The goal is to create a seamless shoppin...banking details. - A tracking system for order statuses. - An OAuth-based authentication system using third-party services, specifically Google and Facebook. - A space to manage product collections and send requests for collection updates to Webflow. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Webflow Commerce and Stripe. - Experience with GraphQL and StripeConnect. - Knowledge of building OAuth systems. - Understanding of eCommerce and marketplace dynamics. Please refer to this flow diagram for a visual representation of the project:

$15 - $25 / hr
봉인형 NDA (비밀 유지 계약서)
$15 - $25 / hr
13 건의 입찰
Trophy icon Modern Cold Plunge Design
14 일 left

...remains cost-effective and practical for production. ## WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FOR ✅ A modern, standout design that differentiates us from competitors ✅ Versatile for home, gym, and wellness environments ✅ Innovative yet feasible for production ## DELIVERABLES* Your final concept can be submitted in any of the following formats: - 3D models (Blender, CAD, PSD, etc.) - Hand-drawn & colored sketches (as long as they are clear and detailed) We have 3D artists on staff, so focus on the design concept—we’ll bring it to life! ## TO ENTER: ✔️ Submit a fully developed final design that clearly communicates your concept ✔️ Ensure it is manufacturable & cost-effective ✔️ Make it unique and different from competitors ? We won’t w...

$50 Average bid
상금 보장형
14 건의 응모작

I'm looking for a professional 3D designer who can create a modern-style 3D house plan based on my provided images of designs. I have interior and exterior photos of the house, floor plans that need alteration, and additional design inspiration photos. - Key Requirements: - Use of provided interior and exterior photos - Alteration of the provided floor plans - Incorporation of design inspirations from photos I have - Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D design software - Experience with architectural design - Ability to interpret and apply design inspiration The project involves the entire house, both interior and exterior spaces. Please note, I value efficiency and I am looking for a quick turnaround. I do not have the time to use AI for this task. Th...

$55 Average bid
$55 (평균 입찰가)
13 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a skilled 3D animator who can help me with the rendering of a building scenario. All elements are prepared, I just need a clean, high-quality realistic exterior rendering. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in using 3D software for rendering (preferably Blender, Autodesk Maya, or 3ds Max) - Exceptional 3D animation and visualization skills - Expertise in producing high-quality, realistic renderings - Previous experience with exterior building animations Don't hesitate to apply if you have the necessary proven skills.

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr (평균 입찰가)
18 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a creative and innovative website to introduce our engineering firm. We specialize in Mechanical Engineering, Product Engineering, 3D printing, design, and rapid prototyping, but we're capable of all types of engineering including structural, civil, software, etc. The website will initially include: - A home page - A profile page for one engineer - A contact page As we grow, more engineers and specialties will be added, each having their own dedicated page. I want this website to: - Showcase our engineering services and expertise - Be aligned with our logo and color scheme (which I will provide) - Potentially attracting new clients - Acting as a portfolio for our completed projects The ideal candidate for this project will not only have a strong backgro...

$183 Average bid
$183 (평균 입찰가)
92 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a long-term partnership with an interior and exterior designer as well as a 3D visualizer. The scope of our collaboration will cover both residential and commercial spaces. Key Responsibilities: - Pricing based on square meters for transparency in cost, by distance for each new project - Delivering competitive pricing, timely outcomes, and exceptional design Preferred Design Styles: - Modern - Traditional - Minimalist Expected Deliverables: - 3D visualizations - Detailed floor plans - Material specifications - Comprehensive interior design - Strategic furniture distribution A good fit for this project will have extensive experience in interior and exterior design, 3D visualization, and providing detailed floor plans and material specifications. Pl...

$12 Average bid
$12 (평균 입찰가)
11 건의 입찰

...Data Storage: The system will utilize in-memory storage to keep a collection of transcriptions from YouTube videos. Initially, the prototype will include transcriptions from five specific videos. Search Functionality: Users can enter queries into a search bar to find videos relevant to their interests. Upon receiving a query, the system will analyze the stored video transcriptions using a GPT model or a similar deep learning framework to identify the most relevant video suggestions. Video Embedding: The actual videos will be embedded directly from YouTube, ensuring users can watch the recommended videos within the interface. Technologies Used: C# .NET 9 Blazor for client-side web development This prototype is designed to showcase the potential of integrating advanced AI text ...

$31 Average bid
$31 (평균 입찰가)
5 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a talented comic page artist who specializes in Western style work to illustrate a moderate to highly detailed, 1-5 pages NSFW comic section. This is pornographic in nature and over-the-top! Some sex, gore, bdsm, cannibalism, human mutants and more all in a post-apocalyptic reformation setting. This project has four artists currently working on pages. There would be a model sheet provided. Page rate negotiable. Black and white line art only, halftones if you insist on adding it due to your style. I would send page rough of blocking and detailed notes. Would expect a rough page back before starting on final ink, unless you are all digital. No rush on turnaround. Payment per page in advance when my rough delivered. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in Western ...

$81 Average bid
$81 (평균 입찰가)
27 건의 입찰

I need a skilled 3D modeller to add mesh to my product model, which is a consumer electronic device (a radio), and render 12 realistic images of it. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D modelling and rendering - Experience with consumer electronic product modelling - Ability to deliver high-quality, realistic renders Please note that specific details or features of the product that need to be highlighted in the renders have not been defined yet, so the freelancer will need to use their professional judgement to showcase the product effectively.

$8 Average bid
$8 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

I have the Slamtec RPLIDAR A2M12 360...delete. Here ( ) you can see my progress with Arduino Mega 2560 board. This project will be suitable for someone who is more into learning new stuff rather than looking for monetary gains. The end goal of this project is a map of the environment that is saved to the mobile device after walking around a building for example. I can release any payment only when this end goal is achieved and is fully working on my end. I cannot release any milestone intermediate payments etc. because if you don’t succeed or disappear, then I don’t have anything that works. You don’t necessarily need to buy the sensor, we can work together using video calls or TeamViewer.

$40 Average bid
$40 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a highly detailed, realistic style 3D model of a spaceship. The final model will be used for 3D printing, so it's important that the model is designed with this in mind. Have an existing model "in flight" want a version with doors open and landing gear down.

$426 Average bid
$426 (평균 입찰가)
17 건의 입찰

Start your application with "edit" to let me know your read the entire post. ***Be sure to take a look at the content examples attached*** About Scale Stream Capital: Scale Stream Capital is a fast-growing media company specializing in building, scaling, and operating TikTok Shop accounts. Our goal is to create highly scalable content in various niches and rapidly grow our accounts by leveraging a performance-based compensation structure. Position: Video Editor We are looking for a skilled and motivated video editor to join our team. This role is perfect for someone who thrives in a startup environment, enjoys creating content, and is excited about the opportunity to earn a share of the profits from their work. Key Responsibilities: Edit and produce 5 videos per day...

$129 Average bid
$129 (평균 입찰가)
35 건의 입찰

text me then I will give you the job description and the file to draw

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr (평균 입찰가)
57 건의 입찰

Interior & Exterior Design for a 4-Level Residential Building I am looking for a skilled interior and exterior designer to help me design my four-level residential building. Project Overview: Ground Floor: Already occupied by my parents. First Floor: My personal full-floor residence. Second & Third Floors: Two apartments per floor, which I plan to sell or rent in the Status: The layout and partitioning of the rooms are already finalized. Now, I need assistance with the interior and exterior I Need: Exterior Design Options Modern and aesthetically appealing façade and color selection that enhances curb for lighting, balconies, and windows. Interior Design for My Residence (First Floor) Living Room, Bedroom, and Kitchen:Modern

$32 Average bid
$32 (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a moderate-detail 3D sketch of my bike, specifically adding side bags and fairing. The perspective should be a 360 view, allowing for a comprehensive look at the bike from all angles. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in 3D modelling software - Experience with creating moderate-detail sketches - Understanding of bike design and components I downloaded some pics. The first 2 are my bike. the other 3 are bikes that I like the look of. I am hoping to turn my bike into a bagger er without taking away from the appearance it has now.

$182 / hr Average bid
$182 / hr (평균 입찰가)
31 건의 입찰

I'm in urgent need of a professional who can organically rank my T-shirts on the first page of Amazon Merch on Demand. This role specifically focuses on Amazon Merch on Demand for T-shirts and does not involve ads or link building or products. Must be organic and be an expert with Amazon A10 Algorithm and can guarantee to rank on first page Key Responsibilities: - Optimizing listings for T-shirt designs, including title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. - Conducting 1st free test listing to determine if you can rank on first page -Will determine if you know what you are doing with Merch on demand for Amazon tshirts (not products which are different) The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the Amazon A10 algorithm and can demonstrate their ability to r...

$60 Average bid
$60 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

I'm in need a website like with a few tweaks. The primary goal is to build a platform that... images, links, receipts, and recipes. - Additional functionalities such as: - Enabling users to share their notes with others. - Integrating with other applications. - Supporting multiple user access. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Expertise in AI development and its integration into web platforms. - Strong background in full-stack web development, particularly in building responsive sites for both desktop and mobile. - Experience in developing user-friendly interfaces that cater to both individual and multi-user access. - Proficiency in creating secure platforms that allow for safe and easy note sharing. - Knowledge of various app integration processes.

$361 Average bid
$361 (평균 입찰가)
83 건의 입찰

...baby chicken (katkout). On the other wall, the same picture of a female baby chicken (katkouta). I will attach pictures to inspire the design of the chick design and colors. I might also want to tell the life story of a cool baby chick in picture form surrounding the big baby chick in the middle. I will attach a picture of the real restaurant sign that we already installed. I want the design to be 3D, I want a specific pattern of decoration that I can use around the baby chicken and on the rest of the restaurant fixtures, such as cash register and so on. The main color of the birds would be white feathers, the female baby chicken should have eyelashes. Yellow beaks and red combs, maybe pink for (katkouta). Ensure smooth blending so the chicks look natural in the design. Match...

$200 Average bid
상금 보장형
6 건의 응모작
Farm-to-Table Mini Resort Design
6 일 left
인증 완료

I'm seeking a designer...mini resort layout. This will be on a compact parcel of land, roughly 2 plots in size. The project will involve creating a minimalist accommodation design, specifically bungalows, and producing both 2D and 3D layouts to help visualize the concept for a prospective site is 31m x 35 m long Key Requirements: - Design needs to incorporate a dining area, swimming pool, and outdoor lounge - Accommodation styled as comfortable, minimalist bungalows - Dining experience is a casual, farm-to-table concept possibly farm, plat and animal areas. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D and 3D design software - Experience in hospitality and resort design - Understanding of minimalist design principles - Ability to deliver visually compelling layouts for client p...

$25 Average bid
$25 (평균 입찰가)
21 건의 입찰

...processing. Allow cart updates and order placement directly from chat. 5️⃣ Multi-Platform Integration Deploy chatbot on (web-based widget). Integrate with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram DMs. 6️⃣ Admin Dashboard (Optional) Track chatbot interactions, sales conversions, and engagement analytics. Export customer inquiries and chatbot performance reports. ? Tech Stack: AI Model: OpenAI GPT-4 API with Function Calling Backend: Python (FastAPI/Django/Flask) or Node.js Database: MySQL / Firebase / PostgreSQL E-Commerce Integration: Shopify API / WooCommerce API (if applicable) Payment Gateway: Stripe / PayPal API Deployment: AWS / DigitalOcean / Google Cloud ? Requirements: ✅ Experience with OpenAI GPT-4 API (including Function Calling). ✅ Strong Python or Node.js skills

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr (평균 입찰가)
34 건의 입찰

We are looking for an experienced mechanical/structural/automotive engineer to finalize the design of food trailers, RVs, van conversions for our manufacturing business. The project requires precise engineering plans that can be used for fabrication. ✅ Scope of Work: -Engineering Drawings (chassis, walls, floor, roof, electrical, plumbing) -3D Renderings for visualization and photorealistic images to present to customers -Fabrication-Ready CAD Files (DXF/DWG for CNC/laser cutting) -Bill of Materials (BOM) with material specifications & quantities. Optimization for material cost reduction -Stress & Load Analysis (ensures weight distribution for safe towing) -Compliance with US DOT & NFPA 1192 standards -Modular or scalable design for multiple trailers ? Requirements: E...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr (평균 입찰가)
32 건의 입찰

I'm seeking an expert in aeronautical engineering and 3D modeling to help refine a rough concept for a new airplane. The primary use of this aircraft is mixed cargo and passenger transport. Key Requirements: - Refine a rough concept for a new airplane based on provided ideas - Create a functional 3D model with movable parts for testing and tweaking - Expertise in 3D modeling software is a must - Experience in aeronautical engineering or related field preferred Please note, I have some rough ideas and sketches, but I will need your expertise to fully develop the design. The 3D model should be comprehensive enough to include all necessary components for a mixed use cargo and passenger plane. This project is crucial in bringing this concept to...

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰

we are looking for a professional pitch deck to attract investors and secure funding for our startup. Scope of Work: Design a compelling and visually appealing pitch deck. Clearly articulate our business model, value proposition, and market opportunity. Include key financial projections, competitive analysis, and go-to-market strategy. Provide a clear roadmap for product development and regulatory compliance. Ensure the pitch deck is investor-ready with a strong narrative and persuasive content. Requirements: Prior experience in creating pitch decks for fintech, AI, or trading-related startups. Strong understanding of financial markets, trading platforms, and broking services. Ability to present complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. Expertise in PowerPoint, Google...

$33 Average bid
$33 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a professional who can stage a house and garage/guest house building on bare land/lot in a modern style to provide potential buyers with ideas on what is possible to build. Ideal candidates should have a strong portfolio in modern residential property staging, with experience in working with vacant land properties (mountain top lot). Excellent design skills and a keen eye for detail are essential, as well as the capacity to manage the project from start to finish.

$380 Average bid
$380 (평균 입찰가)
74 건의 입찰

✅Technical Hiring Consultant (With Option to Stay as Freelance CTO) for AI-Driven PropTech App ✅ Remote | Part-time (1-3 months) | Long-term potential ✅About Us We are building , an AI-powered mobile app that helps property buyers, renters, and estate agents connect through a Tinder-style matching system. I’m a non-technical founder, and I need a technical hiring consultant to: ✅ Define the best tech stack for our MVP. ✅ Write clear job descriptions for front-end & back-end developers. ✅ Screen candidates and conduct technical interviews. ✅ Advise on hiring decisions to ensure we get the right talent. ✅ Opportunity for Long-Term Role: After the hiring process, there is potential for you to stay on as a freelance CTO, advising on technical strategy, overseeing developmen...

$21 / hr Average bid
$21 / hr (평균 입찰가)
32 건의 입찰