Android phone change language일자리
google play console로 부터 아래의 메시지를 받아서 앱이 store에서 삭제된 상태입니다. 그래서 코드를 IONIC7으로 업그레이드 하여 문제를 해결하려고 합니다. 앱이 Android 13(API 수준 33) 이상을 타겟팅해야 함 사용자에게 안전한 환경을 제공하기 위해 Google Play의 모든 앱은 대상 API 수준 요구사항을 충족해야 합니다. 2023년 8월 31일부터 최신 Android 출시로부터 1년 이내의 대상 API 수준을 타겟팅하지 않는 경우 앱을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.
...consultation application that targets cross-platform. - Features required: - User account creation and login capabilities - Online payment system (credit card payment and account transfer available) - Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features - Ability to enable users to convert to counselors and generate revenue Specific functional description: 1. Create and Log In User Accounts: Users must be able to create and log in to a private account. 2. Online Payment System: Users must be able to make payments within the app. 3. Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features: Users and counselors should be able to consult anonymously through the chat room, and a 1:1 telephone connection function should also be available. 4. Ability for users to convert to coun...
Texas hold 'em Mobile Game Development 1. function - 9 Room Game, Tournament, friend showdown 2. Android, IOS, DeskTop 3. RNG algorithm, Packet Encryption
1st. we need space for upload K-Contents(Korean TV show, pop and etc), 2nd. We need space for many amateurs from various culture fields can sign up to upload and evaluate their work. 3rd. We need ads likes Google Ad-Sense. It can be posted for their work, and this is how we and that amateurs share profits. 4nd. We need a global comm...upload and evaluate their work. 3rd. We need ads likes Google Ad-Sense. It can be posted for their work, and this is how we and that amateurs share profits. 4nd. We need a global community board. Global community board must be translated into English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Turkish, Portuguese, and Russian. Each translation shall be automatically translated according to the language set by each user. P.S. We will provide desi...
LMS 웹 서비스 구축을 기반으로 글로벌 홈페이지를 만들기를 희망합니다. 전화 프랑스어 수업을 운영하는 온라인 어학원이며, 지난 4년간 직접 개발한 홈페이지를 통해 운영되어지고 있습니다. 외국인 수강신청을 받기 위해 새 홈페이지 구축을 기획하게 되었습니다. 현재 홈페이지는 Wix에서 만들어진 관계로 새로운 홈페이지는 몇가지 기능을 더 추가하고자 합니다. 웹 서비스 구축 (수강신청 및 로그인을 한 고객이 결제 이후 개인 스케줄표 및 담당 강사 스케줄 확인 - 예약/취소 가능 및 그에 따라 강사도 접속하여 학생 전체 수업 스케줄표 확인 가능, 전세계 시간대 확인 가능) 2.신용카드 결제 시스템 (한국, 외국 카드사 통용 - 수강료 결제) 3.다국어 지원 (한국어/영어 외 3개 언어 사이트가 필요합니다.) 4.사회적 기업으로 변경할 컨텐츠 구성 추가 필요 (이후 설명)
기존에 개발되어 있는 하이브리드 웹 사이트를 웹뷰 형태로 앱 패키징 하는 프로젝트. 안드로이드, IOS 양쪽 다 진행 필요. Social account 로그인, 파일 업로드 등의 기능이 구현 되어야 함.
Ich benötige den Text meiner Website in Koreanisch und suche einen Koreanischen Muttersprachler, der mir diesen Text, der einige Fachausdrücke aus dem Klavierbau enthält, ins Koreanische übersetzt. Die Anzahl der Wörter ist 1496. Ich freue mich über eure Angebote. Danke! 내 웹 사이트의 텍스트가 한국어로되어 있어야하며 일부 피아노 용어가 들어있는 텍스트를 한국어로 번역하기 위해 한국어 원어민을 찾고 있습니다. 단어의 수는 1496입니다. 당신의 제안에 만족합니다. 감사합니다!
android ffmpegplayer audio stream .. cordova plugin 으로 만들어졌으면 합니다. - HTTP - RTP/RTSP/RTMP - MMS - HTTP Live Streaming . 한국인이라 영어에 능숙하지 못합니다... 구글번역기를 이용해서 대화하기때문에 의사 소통에 문제가 있을수 있습니다.. 되도록이면 한국어가 가능한 분이면 좋겠습니다.
윈도우 자바 Automatic generation of Google ID. You should be able to create many Google IDs on a single computer. Platform, language Anything can be used (구글 아이디 자동 생성. 1개의 컴퓨터에서 많은 구글 아이디 생성이 가능해야 합니다. 플랫폼, 언어 아무거나 사용해도 됩니다.)
안녕하세요. 싸이트 를 판매 하려고 합니다. 과 같은 기능을 수행 하고 웹 페이지 발포 가능하고,Android,Ios 플랫홈 실행파일도 빌드 하실수 있어요. 소스코드와 설치까지 해드리겠습니다. 적당한 가격에 판매 하려고 합니다. 관신 계시는 분들은 연계 해주세요. 감사하네요.
기존 스마트폰 APP에 대해서 업그레이드를 위한 단기 프로젝트입니다. 현재 1차 버전은 안드로이드와 iOS APP 으로 BLE 제품과 연동하고 있으며 2차 버전에 대한 디자인은 완료되어 있음. 중점적으로 2차 버전의 User interface 에 대해서 구성하는 것이 핵심적인 내용이 될 듯 함.
...- 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : node.js # 2015년5월 ~ 2016년3월 : 홍선군 상수도 누수관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : 홍성군 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, Mybatis, Daum Map API, amchart, , jqgrid , bootstrap
모바일 폰에 저장되어 있는 사진들을 지속적으로 수집해서, 이를 기반으로 새로운 컨텐츠를 구성하는 앱을 개발하고 있습니다. 하이브리드 앱의 형태로 개발하고 있으며, 기반 framework로 ionic을 사용하고 있습니다. 하이브리드 앱의 특성상 기존에 개발된 플러그인이 없다면, native resource에 직접 접근하는데에 한계가 있어 다음과 같은 기능을 가지는 plug-in 개발을 요청합니다. * Specification 1. Definition - F-key : 이미지 파일에 영구적으로 접근할 수 있도록 하는 file key 또는 URI 2. Requirements - Cordova plug-in 제작, iphone과 android 지원. - (Optional) 아이폰의 경우 가능하면 swift로 제작 - 소스코드와 테스트 파일 필요 - 핸드폰에 저장되어 있는 전체 사진의 F-key 목록을 얻기 - 특정 시간을 argument로 넘기면, 그 시간 이후에 추가 된 사진의 F-key 목록을 받을 수 있음 - 특정 F-key와 원하는 해상도를 넘기면 이미지 데이터를 반환 - 직접 넘긴다면 Base64 encoding 된 데이터 - Or 임시 디렉토리에 파일 복사후 해당 파일의 URI를 넘기는 것도 가능 (차선책) - EXIF 정보는 그대로 보존이 되어야 함
모바일웹에서 통화 버튼을 누르면 상대편 회원과 음성채팅을 할 수 있으면 됩니다. 모바일웹은 이미 만들어져있고, javascript로 웹-앱 간 통신을 하면 될것으로 보입니다. 안드로이드 아이폰 두버전의 앱을 모두 만들예정입니다. 두개 다 만드는 견적을 주세요. -- We already made mobile web. We need voice chatting module between our members. So, you can include our mobile web to android(or iOS) app. It would be kind of hybrid app. ※ We need android & iOS version both app Estimate to make both app.
저희가 영상채팅앱을 만들고자합니다. ※ 안드로이드+iOS 두 버전 모두 견적을 주세요 디자인+개발 까지 다 해주실 팀을 찾고 있습니다. 기획이나 디자인은 구글 플레이스토어에 AZAR라는 앱이 있는데 거의 비슷하게 만들면 됩니다. 디자인이나 컬러톤 정도만 바...안드로이드+iOS 두 버전 모두 견적을 주세요 디자인+개발 까지 다 해주실 팀을 찾고 있습니다. 기획이나 디자인은 구글 플레이스토어에 AZAR라는 앱이 있는데 거의 비슷하게 만들면 됩니다. 디자인이나 컬러톤 정도만 바꾼다고 생각하시면됩니다. We try to find the team that makes video chatting app. It means to make apps totally.. design+programming and, It looks like almost the same as ""azar""app. on google play store. You have only to a little chage colors and user interface from azar. ※ Android & iOS version both (Estimate fot both apps.)
...않은 장소에서 이 사건 요가를 가르 치는 행위를 금지하는 조항 4에 명시된 세부조항을 위반하거나 조항 6에 명시되어 있는 불공정한 경쟁을 금지하는 규정을 위반한다면 연수생은 미국 본사에 후15,000에 해당하 는 비용을 지급할 것에 동의한다. 이 금액은 미국 본사의 지적재산권을 사용하는데 있 어 지불해야 하는 금액이다. 315,000의 비용은 벌금이 아니라 연수생이 세부조항 지향 에 있어 침해를 한 행위로 인해 야기된 합당한 손해배상금이다. 제4조 : 수강생은 이 사건 학원과 사이에 라이센스 계약 또는 프랜차이즈 계약이 체결 된 스튜디오에서 유효한 이 사건 요가 강사 자격증을 소지한 상태에서만 반중력 요가를 가르칠 수 있다는 사실에 동의한다. Further cooperation in this language pair is also possible. Thank you for your quotes.
Hello, my name is Emil Price and I am an online English teacher on Facebook (). I am looking for a quote on a website. This website will need to be able to stream live broadcasts, upload contents for viewers to purchase and view within the website and sell products and memberships to customers. We will also develop a phone application to support the websites content and so they must also be compatible. I will explain every part of the website in more detail. Home page – The home page will promote new events and guide users towards our 5 main sections. About • About 에밀티쳐(Emil Teacher) - The about section will give users information about 에밀티쳐 • Our vision- Information about our visions and goals • Our services – Here we will give information about ou...
1. mp4(영상)과 wav(음성) 파일의 실시간 인코딩 기능을 구현 (Unity C# 랭기지 기준으로 android+ios 빌드) 2. 각각의 플랫폼에서 안정적으로 구동 3. 구동된 기능은 Vuforia + NGUI +ScreenShotCapture + Kamcord 플러그인 환경에서 안정적으로 구동이 가능하여야 함(안정적인 구동이라 함은 포함된 플러그인 들의 기능과 의뢰결과물의 사용에 있어 에러, 워닝, 버그, 충돌이 없음을 의미)
We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.
We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.
1. App presser, app push 활용하여 하이브리드 앱 제작 - 현 워드프레스 기반 웹 사이트를 Android, iOS 앱으로 제작 - 런처아이콘 셋팅 2. App push 연계: 워드프레스 관리자 페이지 연동 - 관리자페이지에서 푸시 메세지 작성, 앱에서는 메세지 확인만 가능하면 됨 , ipa 파일 전달
안드로이드 앱 및 모바일웹 개발건 법률관련 어플,웹개발로 복잡하지 않습니다. 1차 2차 고객과의 연계하는 O2O(오프엔온라인) 비지니스로 가입, 관리, 비용지급, 계산, GPS기능 등 기능이 포함됩니다. 경험있는 개발자분들의 연락주시기 바랍니다. 접수기간 : 1월5일까지 접수 위치 : 한국,인천 연락 : 010.8200.4391
Want to develop some kind of Video Call App on Android. However, the Android Phone of Calller's Video won't be show on the screen. just show callee's Video & Voice only. Need to support at least 1year for un-expected error for our business.
부동산중개서비스 앱 과 웹 개발건입니다. (한가지만 해도 됩니다) 참고 싸이트 Play store "두껍아 두껍아" web () 위 참고 싸이트에서 컨텐츠 50% 정도 잘라 내고, 한가지 아이템만으로 서비스를 만들려고 합니다. (서울지역만, 아파트만, APT 단지 정보 DB 는 하실수 있으면 하고, 힘들면 저희가 직접 가능합니다) Android, iOS, Web 모두 고려 하고 있습니다 ( 하실수 있는 부분만 진행 하셔도 됨.) - PM 까지 해주기를 바랍니다 (한국분, 서울경기 지역 거주, 만날수 있는 분) - 컨셉과 스케치만 가지고 있고, Story board, 작업지시서 등 없습니다. - 필요시 사무실 제공 가능 1 & 4호선 금정역 - 기타 작업은 모듈, 템플릿, 솔루션 구매나 3자 외주를 줘도 상관없습니다 - 기타 내용은 협의.
저희의 이전 프로젝트에 관련된 진행중인 작업이 있습니다app for android & ios including tablet'
Translate the phrases attached from English to Korean. These are medical phrases, so knowledge of medical terminology is a must. In the attached file, there is also a column where the English meaning of words is clarified to help with the translation. DO NOT change any of the text in the English phrases (not even typos), or the order of phrases. To qualify for the job, please provide translation samples for the following 5 phrases: 5. About how many tissues of blood have you coughed up? ("tissues" refers to paper tissues that the person has coughed blood into) 13. Are the bowel movements watery? 24. Are you breastfeeding? 28. Are you experiencing any stoppages or hesitation during urination? 40. Are you experiencing any flashing lights in your vision? ------------...
...Trend Prediction: AI monitors global health trends, search behavior, and social media discussions to identify emerging topics for content and campaigns. Competitor Analysis: Continuously track competitors’ pricing, promotions, and customer reviews on major platforms. 9. Multilingual Global Expansion Localization: Tailor campaigns, content, and offers to regional health trends and preferences. Language Support: AI engages with users in multiple languages to expand global reach. 10. Advanced Analytics and Reporting Real-Time Dashboards: Monitor live metrics, including traffic, subscriptions, coupon engagement, and sales performance. Campaign Optimization: AI refines strategies based on analytics to improve ROI. A/B Testing: Conduct automated A/B testing for emails, blogs, C...
I'm in need of an expert in Facebook lead generation to collect contact information from my existing customers. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize Facebook to gather contact information from my existing customer base. - Primarily, I need the collection of email addresses and phone numbers. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience with Facebook lead generation. - Ability to gather and compile contact information efficiently. - Familiarity with data protection regulations.
I'm seeking a seasoned UX designer specialized in mobile applications to help shape an engaging, intuitive user experience for my cross-platform (iOS and Android) social networking app. Key Responsibilities: - Design user-friendly interfaces for essential app features such as User Profiles and Messaging. - Create a seamless, enjoyable user journey across both platforms. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in mobile UX design, particularly for social networking apps. - Proficiency in designing for both iOS and Android platforms. - Strong portfolio showcasing innovative, user-centric design solutions. Skills and Experience: - UX/UI design - Cross-platform mobile design - Familiarity with social networking app features - Strong visual design skills - Excellent comm...
I'm looking for a developer to create a language-learning app similar to Duolingo, along with a Laravel-based admin panel for managing the application. The admin panel should enable the addition of new languages and the creation of learning courses. Key Project Aspects: - The app should be developed for both iOS and Android. - Initially, the app should feature English as the sole language. - User authentication will be limited to Email and Password. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in cross-platform mobile app development. - Proficiency in Laravel for the creation of the admin panel. - Prior experience with developing language learning apps is a plus. - Knowledge in implementing secure user authentication systems.
Front end = React Back End = Django Issue: Im not able to login to my system via keycloak error "error":"unauthorized_client", "error_description":"Invalid client or Invalid client credentials" as per our keycloak admin the issue was the authentication via front end i have to change the to back end authentication.. Your work is to resolve the login issue via keycloak and you should work with other developer resolve the problem with login.. you are going to work via zoho assist remotely. I can provide the code if we agree on the cost if you want to check the code i will share the code via messenger if we agree on the cost
I'm in need of an experienced Android developer who can create a client app for me with a primary focus on productivity. We have a web app and would like to build an android client app for a fast and an easy access. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Android app development
...Victoria BC, Vancouver BC, Seaside OR, Newport OR, or Coeur D'Alene ID. Visit us at: VI Resorts, Andover Plaza 200 Andover Park East, Suite #5, Tukwila, WA 98188 Reserve Your Dream Vacation Today! Fill out your details and bring this brochure with you to the presentation: Name: __________________________ Address: ________________________ City: ___________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ___________ Phone Number: ___________________ Chosen Vacation Option: ___________________...
I'm seeking an experienced mobile app developer to create Android and iPhone apps for my existing website. The core features that need to be integrated into the mobile apps include: - User login and registration - Content viewing and updates - Task management - Organization tools - Access to the Marketplace User Authentication: The preferred method for user authentication is simple and secure - Email and Password. Content: The apps will need to support viewing and updating text articles. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mobile app development, particularly converting websites to apps. - Strong understanding of e-commerce functionality integration. - Expertise in user authentication systems. - Proficiency in designing for content viewing and updates. - Exp...
I'm seeking people to help with functionality testing of my Android app on the latest Google Play Store version. Your primary focus will be on testing in-app purchases. Ideal candidates should have: - Access to the latest Android version - Experience with functionality testing - Understanding of in-app purchase processes - Ability to provide detailed feedback Your role: - Test the app using the provided link - Focus on the functionality of in-app purchases - Provide comprehensive feedback on your experience
...powers and synchronizes data across , , , , and any future platforms within the ecosystem. The system will feature a multisite structure, allowing seamless data management and synchronization of sports fixtures, display advertising, venue promotion, and food listings. The project also includes the development of mobile apps for Android and iOS that will allow venue owners to upload sports events directly into the CMS and allow end users to browse fixtures, venue listings, and promotions. A key aspect of the project is leveraging the already developed display advertising CMS for targeted advertising, focusing on specific verticals like sports, restaurants, and generic display advertising, enabling personalized, location-based
...seeking a professional and sleek mobile app for both iOS and Android. The app needs to let users track their AFL card collection. Users should be able to: - Select the year of the set they are wanting to update - Find a card set from that year - Check off the new cards they have acquired - And something on the app that shows the percent of which the set is complete Additionally, there should be a chat section where users can showcase their new cards to others. While I will be responsible for adding the thousands of cards and sets, the app should ideally have a user-friendly interface with a professional and sleek design. Skills and experience that would be ideal for this project include: - Mobile app development for both iOS and Android - UI/UX design with a focus on...
...Course Detail Page (overview, lessons, progress tracking) Regular Training Page (puzzle feed with solving functionality) Forum Page Forum Discussion Thread Page About Page Contact Page Authentication Pages include: Login Page Sign-Up Page Forgot Password Page User Account Pages include: Dashboard (overview of enrolled courses, progress, leaderboard stats) Profile Page (update personal details, change password) Subscription Management Page (view, upgrade, or cancel plans) Admin Pages (optional): Admin Dashboard (analytics, user management, and activity overview) Course Creation Page (upload lessons, add puzzles, manage categories) Forum Moderation Page Other Pages: Pricing Page (membership tiers, benefits, and call-to-action) Search Results Page (results for courses, puzzles, ...
addition to language expertise, we highly value precision and efficiency. This project demands attention to detail and the ability to work on high-volume content, all while adhering to tight deadlines. You will work closely with our internal team, contributing insights and providing feedback to enhance the presentation’s impact on the intended audience. Collaboration and a commitment to excellence are at the heart of this role, as we aim to produce a final product that resonates with its readers. We also seek an innovator who embraces new methods and tools to optimize the adaptation process. Familiarity with digital resources, editing platforms, and quality control software will enable you to deliver consistent, high-quality results. By leveraging the latest technologies ...
I'm looking for a project that introduces primary school students to Thai culture, specifically the Thai par til. The primary focus of this project is to create engaging and educational content that can effectively reach and resonate with young learners. Key project components: - Understanding and translating the cultural significance of the Thai par ti...Understanding and translating the cultural significance of the Thai par til - Creating age-appropriate materials for primary school students - Incorporating elements that would engage this specific target audience Ideal skills for this project: - Experience working with primary school students - Strong understanding of Thai culture - Ability to create engaging educational content - Skills in language translation and cultural...
...knowledge base Downloads: Files required to play Updates/Patches: Information about future updates Integrate a dropdown menu system to facilitate navigation Optimize page performance to ensure smooth experience Implement a contact form Configure basic SEO to improve visibility in search engines Key multilingual requirements: Support for at least two languages (English and Spanish) Easy-to-use language switcher for users Fully translatable content including posts, pages, categories, tags, etc. Ability to add more languages in the future if needed I hope the design will be attractive and professional, maintaining a style similar to the provided examples. Previous experience with WordPress and website design is crucial for this project. You'll need to work independently and p...
I'm looking for a project that introduces primary school students to Thai culture, specifically the Thai par til. The primary focus of this project is to create engaging and educational content that can effectively reach and resonate with young learners. Key project components: - Understanding and translating the cultural significance of the Thai par ti...Understanding and translating the cultural significance of the Thai par til - Creating age-appropriate materials for primary school students - Incorporating elements that would engage this specific target audience Ideal skills for this project: - Experience working with primary school students - Strong understanding of Thai culture - Ability to create engaging educational content - Skills in language translation and cultural...
We are looking for Gas Leak detector for home. Below are the requirements. Type 1: Gas leak detector without App Ability to detect LPG(Methane), natural gas, ...detector adopts Easy-to-install Design, can be used by plugging directly into the power socket to detect leaked gas. Low warm up time (<1 Minute) Reboot system button LED with Alarm indicator, state indicator and power/low battery indicator. Gas leak detector should be wifi enabled (IOT) Code for further customization of gas sensor API for integrations with our company application. Mobile app for android and iphone App can be installed on multiple devices with same user id and password. App configuration Gas detector pairing option Ability to add multiple gas detectors Alert notification for Gas leak Low battery Hear...
...English with a strong understanding of medical terminology. - Experience in translating complex medical documents. - Able to deliver translations at a medical professional level. These translated documents will assist me in my research of a cancer treatment being conducted in China. Therefore, a high level of accuracy and attention to detail is essential. The job does not require any additional language services such as proofreading or localization, but the ability to deliver precise and understandable translations is paramount. Additional Task: I need help to research clinics, trial and Doctors. My friend need Cart-T treatments. And we saw that China was leading in this field. We are ready to pay a little more for that kind of work. As it's time sensitive. Hel...
I'm looking for a talented pixel artist who specializes in 1 bit style art to create game assets for me. Specifically, I need: - 1 bit Indoor scenes - Intricate and engaging animations, characters, and objects/items within those scenes - Whole project will approximately consist of 7-8 different scenes and 5-8 seconds for each scene. (seconds per scene may change but total of all animations will be around 1 minute) You can kindly view the screenshot in attachment which belongs to the trailer of "World Of Horror". If you watch that trailer, you will get the style and the level of detail I need.
We are looking for an experienced AI/ML development team or agency to build a fully functional AI Voice Assistant tailored for dental clinics. This AI should answer patient calls, book/reschedule appointments, integrate with major dental management software, and port our existing business phone number to a VoIP system. ? This is an urgent project with a hard deadline of 2 weeks. Only apply if you have pre-built AI voice solutions or the ability to execute this quickly. ? How to Apply ? Submit your proposal with: ✅ A working demo or past AI voice assistant project. ✅ Your approach to integrating with dental software (Curve Hero, Dentrix, Open Dental, etc.). ✅ Your VoIP experience & how you will handle number porting. ✅ Estimated timeline & milestones for 2 weeks execution. ...
...names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) MOO 9, KOH LAK SUBDISTRICT, MUEANG DISTRICT, PRACHUAP, KHIRI KHAN PROVINCE 77000 THAILAND • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during business hours (9 AM - 4 PM) on working days Please see the attached file for the site visit guidelines. You are only required to deliver the pictures, video & observations and are not expected to assemble a report like the Sample Report. Note: Milestone will be released...
Our ideal candidate hails from a Arabic-speaking country and possesses a deep understanding of both the source language and the target audience's cultural sensibilities. This role will require a nuanced approach, where literary devices, historical symbolism, and local idioms are meticulously adapted to resonate with readers. If you are passionate about preserving literary integrity and capable of immersing yourself in the narrative intricacies that make this story unique, we invite you to bring your cultural and linguistic expertise to this project. Join us in bridging cultural and linguistic boundaries while preserving the timeless beauty of fiction.