Android gps tracking example일자리


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    2,000 android gps tracking example 찾은 프로젝트

    현재 워드프레스 기반의 홈페이지가 있습니다. 오랫동안 사용하지 않아, 홈페이지 디자인이 트렌디 하지 않아 전체적으로 디자인 요소를 변경 하고, 결제 게이트웨이 연결 과 GPS 기반 주소 입력 시스템을 적용하고 싶습니다. 또한 스마트폰에서 더욱 사용하기 편하도록 인터페이스를 조정하고 싶습니다. 현재 홈페이지는 입니다.

    $460 Average bid
    $460 (평균 입찰가)
    26 건의 입찰

    google play console로 부터 아래의 메시지를 받아서 앱이 store에서 삭제된 상태입니다. 그래서 코드를 IONIC7으로 업그레이드 하여 문제를 해결하려고 합니다. 앱이 Android 13(API 수준 33) 이상을 타겟팅해야 함 사용자에게 안전한 환경을 제공하기 위해 Google Play의 모든 앱은 대상 API 수준 요구사항을 충족해야 합니다. 2023년 8월 31일부터 최신 Android 출시로부터 1년 이내의 대상 API 수준을 타겟팅하지 않는 경우 앱을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.

    $750 Average bid
    $750 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    Texas hold 'em Mobile Game Development 1. function - 9 Room Game, Tournament, friend showdown 2. Android, IOS, DeskTop 3. RNG algorithm, Packet Encryption

    $8750 Average bid
    $8750 (평균 입찰가)
    2 건의 입찰

    기존에 개발되어 있는 하이브리드 웹 사이트를 웹뷰 형태로 앱 패키징 하는 프로젝트. 안드로이드, IOS 양쪽 다 진행 필요. Social account 로그인, 파일 업로드 등의 기능이 구현 되어야 함.

    $1274 Average bid
    $1274 (평균 입찰가)
    23 건의 입찰

    특정 소규모 비즈니스 간에 정보공유를 목적으로 하는 앱 개발 프로젝트

    $1041 Average bid
    $1041 (평균 입찰가)
    6 건의 입찰

    android ffmpegplayer audio stream .. cordova plugin 으로 만들어졌으면 합니다. - HTTP - RTP/RTSP/RTMP - MMS - HTTP Live Streaming . 한국인이라 영어에 능숙하지 못합니다... 구글번역기를 이용해서 대화하기때문에 의사 소통에 문제가 있을수 있습니다.. 되도록이면 한국어가 가능한 분이면 좋겠습니다.

    $462 Average bid
    $462 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    안녕하세요. 싸이트 를 판매 하려고 합니다. 과 같은 기능을 수행 하고 웹 페이지 발포 가능하고,Android,Ios 플랫홈 실행파일도 빌드 하실수 있어요. 소스코드와 설치까지 해드리겠습니다. 적당한 가격에 판매 하려고 합니다. 관신 계시는 분들은 연계 해주세요. 감사하네요.

    $30 - $250
    $30 - $250
    0 건의 입찰

    기존 스마트폰 APP에 대해서 업그레이드를 위한 단기 프로젝트입니다. 현재 1차 버전은 안드로이드와 iOS APP 으로 BLE 제품과 연동하고 있으며 2차 버전에 대한 디자인은 완료되어 있음. 중점적으로 2차 버전의 User interface 에 대해서 구성하는 것이 핵심적인 내용이 될 듯 함.

    $4336 Average bid
    $4336 (평균 입찰가)
    25 건의 입찰

    ...- 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : node.js # 2015년5월 ~ 2016년3월 : 홍선군 상수도 누수관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : 홍성군 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, Mybatis, Daum Map API, amchart, , jqgrid , bootstrap

    $500 Average bid
    $500 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    모바일 폰에 저장되어 있는 사진들을 지속적으로 수집해서, 이를 기반으로 새로운 컨텐츠를 구성하는 앱을 개발하고 있습니다. 하이브리드 앱의 형태로 개발하고 있으며, 기반 framework로 ionic을 사용하고 있습니다. 하이브리드 앱의 특성상 기존에 개발된 플러그인이 없다면, native resource에 직접 접근하는데에 한계가 있어 다음과 같은 기능을 가지는 plug-in 개발을 요청합니다. * Specification 1. Definition - F-key : 이미지 파일에 영구적으로 접근할 수 있도록 하는 file key 또는 URI 2. Requirements - Cordova plug-in 제작, iphone과 android 지원. - (Optional) 아이폰의 경우 가능하면 swift로 제작 - 소스코드와 테스트 파일 필요 - 핸드폰에 저장되어 있는 전체 사진의 F-key 목록을 얻기 - 특정 시간을 argument로 넘기면, 그 시간 이후에 추가 된 사진의 F-key 목록을 받을 수 있음 - 특정 F-key와 원하는 해상도를 넘기면 이미지 데이터를 반환 - 직접 넘긴다면 Base64 encoding 된 데이터 - Or 임시 디렉토리에 파일 복사후 해당 파일의 URI를 넘기는 것도 가능 (차선책) - EXIF 정보는 그대로 보존이 되어야 함

    $792 Average bid
    $792 (평균 입찰가)
    2 건의 입찰

    모바일웹에서 통화 버튼을 누르면 상대편 회원과 음성채팅을 할 수 있으면 됩니다. 모바일웹은 이미 만들어져있고, javascript로 웹-앱 간 통신을 하면 될것으로 보입니다. 안드로이드 아이폰 두버전의 앱을 모두 만들예정입니다. 두개 다 만드는 견적을 주세요. -- We already made mobile web. We need voice chatting module between our members. So, you can include our mobile web to android(or iOS) app. It would be kind of hybrid app. ※ We need android & iOS version both app Estimate to make both app.

    $4199 Average bid
    $4199 (평균 입찰가)
    9 건의 입찰

    저희가 영상채팅앱을 만들고자합니다. ※ 안드로이드+iOS 두 버전 모두 견적을 주세요 디자인+개발 까지 다 해주실 팀을 찾고 있습니다. 기획이나 디자인은 구글 플레이스토어에 AZAR라는 앱이 있는데 거의 비슷하게 만들면 됩니다. 디자인이나 컬러톤 정도만 바...안드로이드+iOS 두 버전 모두 견적을 주세요 디자인+개발 까지 다 해주실 팀을 찾고 있습니다. 기획이나 디자인은 구글 플레이스토어에 AZAR라는 앱이 있는데 거의 비슷하게 만들면 됩니다. 디자인이나 컬러톤 정도만 바꾼다고 생각하시면됩니다. We try to find the team that makes video chatting app. It means to make apps totally.. design+programming and, It looks like almost the same as ""azar""app. on google play store. You have only to a little chage colors and user interface from azar. ※ Android & iOS version both (Estimate fot both apps.)

    $6500 Average bid
    $6500 (평균 입찰가)
    12 건의 입찰

    1. mp4(영상)과 wav(음성) 파일의 실시간 인코딩 기능을 구현 (Unity C# 랭기지 기준으로 android+ios 빌드) 2. 각각의 플랫폼에서 안정적으로 구동 3. 구동된 기능은 Vuforia + NGUI +ScreenShotCapture + Kamcord 플러그인 환경에서 안정적으로 구동이 가능하여야 함(안정적인 구동이라 함은 포함된 플러그인 들의 기능과 의뢰결과물의 사용에 있어 에러, 워닝, 버그, 충돌이 없음을 의미)

    $1750 Average bid
    $1750 (평균 입찰가)
    4 건의 입찰

    1. App presser, app push 활용하여 하이브리드 앱 제작 - 현 워드프레스 기반 웹 사이트를 Android, iOS 앱으로 제작 - 런처아이콘 셋팅 2. App push 연계: 워드프레스 관리자 페이지 연동 - 관리자페이지에서 푸시 메세지 작성, 앱에서는 메세지 확인만 가능하면 됨 , ipa 파일 전달

    $1119 Average bid
    $1119 (평균 입찰가)
    3 건의 입찰

    안드로이드 앱 및 모바일웹 개발건 법률관련 어플,웹개발로 복잡하지 않습니다. 1차 2차 고객과의 연계하는 O2O(오프엔온라인) 비지니스로 가입, 관리, 비용지급, 계산, GPS기능 등 기능이 포함됩니다. 경험있는 개발자분들의 연락주시기 바랍니다. 접수기간 : 1월5일까지 접수 위치 : 한국,인천 연락 : 010.8200.4391

    $1800 Average bid
    $1800 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    Want to develop some kind of Video Call App on Android. However, the Android Phone of Calller's Video won't be show on the screen. just show callee's Video & Voice only. Need to support at least 1year for un-expected error for our business.

    $4210 Average bid
    $4210 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    부동산중개서비스 앱 과 웹 개발건입니다. (한가지만 해도 됩니다) 참고 싸이트 Play store "두껍아 두껍아" web () 위 참고 싸이트에서 컨텐츠 50% 정도 잘라 내고, 한가지 아이템만으로 서비스를 만들려고 합니다. (서울지역만, 아파트만, APT 단지 정보 DB 는 하실수 있으면 하고, 힘들면 저희가 직접 가능합니다) Android, iOS, Web 모두 고려 하고 있습니다 ( 하실수 있는 부분만 진행 하셔도 됨.) - PM 까지 해주기를 바랍니다 (한국분, 서울경기 지역 거주, 만날수 있는 분) - 컨셉과 스케치만 가지고 있고, Story board, 작업지시서 등 없습니다. - 필요시 사무실 제공 가능 1 & 4호선 금정역 - 기타 작업은 모듈, 템플릿, 솔루션 구매나 3자 외주를 줘도 상관없습니다 - 기타 내용은 협의.

    min $5000
    min $5000
    0 건의 입찰

    저희의 이전 프로젝트에 관련된 진행중인 작업이 있습니다app for android & ios including tablet'

    $15 - $15 / hr
    $15 - $15 / hr
    0 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a professional and experienced app developer to create an Uber-like application specifically for the hair and beauty industry. This app should connect hairdressers with potential clients, allowing hairdressers to find work and clients to find hairdressers who can come to their location. Key Requirements: - Cross-platform development for both iOS and Android. - Design and implement user profiles. - Incorporate a robust booking system. - Seamless payment integration for hassle-free transactions. - Implement an admin approval system for user profiles. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly in creating service-based applications. - Proficient in cross-platform development. - Strong understanding of UI/UX design principles. - E...

    $2498 Average bid
    $2498 (평균 입찰가)
    36 건의 입찰

    보다 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면, 회원 가입 또는 로그인 절차가 필요합니다.

    Aplicación Android Básica. -- 2
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    Se necesita desarrollar una aplicación simple en Android Studio, puntos a tener en cuenta. 1- Visor Web. 2- Integración Admob. 3- Lenguaje Android Studio. 4- Menú de Opciones de fácil edición, inserción de código para visor web. 5- Llamados a aplicaciones exteriores como Whatsapp, Instagram y otros. Se aceptan opiniones y sugerencias para mejorar la misma.

    $77 Average bid
    $77 (평균 입찰가)
    9 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a dedicated Customer Service Officer for my online brand. it is a furniture drop shipping brand. - I prefer if a person can do up to 5 hours a day, Australian time will be preferred. Key responsibilities will include: - Answering customer inquiries promptly and professionally - Handling complaints with empathy and efficiency - Processing orders accurately - Entering tracking numbers for orders - Following up with order queries and customisations - Processing customer returns and refunds - Providing comprehensive reports on customer service metrics - Communicating with Chinese suppliers via texts (can use translating tools like Google Translate etc) The ideal candidate will be proficient in interacting with customers across various platforms, including: - Email ...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    31 건의 입찰

    I need a proficient Android app developer to create a telecalling application. The app's main function will be for lead generation. Key Features: - Admin Panel: A separate web-based dashboard where I can upload contact details from an Excel sheet. - Click-to-Call Functionality: The app should display contact details for easy dialing. - API Integration: The app must utilize the Gsm (Phone SIM) for calling. - WhatsApp API: To send messages to end users directly from the app. - Feedback Mechanism: Incorporating a call disposition mechanism to capture conversation feedback through predefined options. - Tracking Features: The app should monitor total calls dialed, average talk time, and various call statuses (completed, missed, lead, callback, prospect, etc.) - Reporting: An...

    $17 Average bid
    $17 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a productivity app for both iOS and Android. The app should primarily focus on task management, calendar integration, and collaboration tools. Key Features: - Task Management: Users should be able to create, edit, and track tasks. - Calendar Integration: The app should sync with users' calendars to help manage deadlines and appointments. - Collaboration Tools: This app should enable users to work together on tasks, fostering teamwork and communication. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in cross-platform app development, particularly using frameworks like Flutter or React Native. - Previous experience in developing productivity apps is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of task management systems and collaboration t...

    $121 Average bid
    $121 (평균 입찰가)
    113 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a full-time freelancer for two months, focused on building a front-end container using Flutter for both iOS and Android. The project encompasses a straightforward website integrated with SAAS billing modules via Stripe. Key Responsibilities: - Mobile App Development: Building a simple, user-friendly mobile application with Flutter. To design the user journey using Figma. The mobile application is a simple profile / chat interface (integrated to api) - Website Development: Creating a simple website with integrated SAAS billing modules. - Payment Processing: Implementing seamless payment processing through Stripe. - User Authentication: Setting up a user login system. - Push Notifications: Integrating push notifications within the app. Essential Skills: - Flutter: P...

    $27 / hr Average bid
    $27 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    146 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking an experienced developer who can deliver an app for automating the process of selecting and grabbing orders in the Amazon Flex app. This app should work on both iOS and Android platforms. The main features of the app should include: - Automated selection and grabbing of orders - Order history tracking - Custom notifications The ideal candidate for this project should have prior experience in developing similar applications, and can provide demonstrable work. I'm open to purchasing an already built app, provided it meets the requirements. Please reach out if you're interested in this project.

    $493 Average bid
    $493 (평균 입찰가)
    55 건의 입찰

    ...seamless functionality. Key Requirements: : The tracker should automatically update and process data. : It should provide regular insights and analysis of team activities. : If another tool is used, it must integrate effectively with Google Sheets. The ideal freelancer should have experience in Google Sheets automation, data analysis, and creating customized tracking solutions. A proactive approach to suggesting improvements or additional features is highly valued. Deliverables: -Fully functional and automated tracker. -Analytical features with clear reports. -Documentation or a short tutorial on using the tracker. If you have relevant expertise, please provide examples of similar projects you’ve worked on. Deadline: 1st Jan, 2025 Looking forward to working

    $15 Average bid
    $15 (평균 입찰가)
    3 건의 입찰
    Trophy icon Wedding Planning Platform Design
    4 일 left

    ...the rest of the job. This prize money is for the two areas. If you have the best design and we can agree on a reasonable price for designing the whole platform, then I will reward you this contest and create a new project for you. Key Features: - The website should serve as a general platform encompassing all essential tools for wedding planning. This includes, but is not limited to, budget tracking, task checklists, and seating arrangement tools. - It should also incorporate interactive features for user engagement. - Guest RSVP management: This tool should enable couples to track their guest list effectively. - Vendor Communication: A seamless interface for couples to correspond with their chosen vendors. - Photo Sharing Gallery: A space for couples and their guests to sh...

    $100 Average bid
    상금 보장형
    14 건의 응모작

    I'm in need of a talented developer to create a mobile app and website tailored for airline ticket purchases, akin to Sky Scanner. Key Aspects of the Mobile App: - The primary function of the app will be to search and book flights - Compatibility with both iOS and Android Additional Features: - Integration with a loyalty program - Push notifications for deals - Updates on flight status Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly within the travel sector - Proficiency in creating cross-platform apps - Knowledge of integrating loyalty programs and push notifications - Ability to develop a user-friendly, efficient website I'm looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality product that meets these specifications.

    $2782 Average bid
    $2782 (평균 입찰가)
    109 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking an experienced developer who can deliver an app for automating the process of selecting and grabbing orders in the Amazon Flex app. This app should work on both iOS and Android platforms. The main features of the app should include: - Automated selection and grabbing of orders - Order history tracking - Custom notifications The ideal candidate for this project should have prior experience in developing similar applications, and can provide demonstrable work. I'm open to purchasing an already built app, provided it meets the requirements. Please reach out if you're interested in this project.

    $2278 Average bid
    $2278 (평균 입찰가)
    62 건의 입찰
    ENGLISH Prep App Development
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    I'm looking to create...The app should provide a series of practice quizzes that mimic the format and difficulty of the actual tests. Instant feedback will help students learn and improve their performance over time. - Progress tracking and analytics: I want students to be able to track their progress over time. The app should provide analytics on their performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. - Study material and tips: The app should include a library of study material and test-taking tips to assist students in their preparation. The app needs to be developed for both iOS and Android platforms. Experience in developing educational apps and understanding of standardized test formats will be an advantage. Please provide previous work examples re...

    $482 Average bid
    $482 (평균 입찰가)
    59 건의 입찰

    I want to develop a multi-platform app akin to Airbnb, but catering to a distinct market. The app needs to be functional on iOS, Android, and the Web, and should incorporate a reliable booking system and a user review feature. Key requirements: - Proficiency in cross-platform mobile and web application development - Experience with implementing booking systems in apps - Knowledge in integrating user review functionalities - Understanding of UX/UI design principles for seamless user experience across platforms -User back office, for the costumer and for the service provider Please note: The specific market for this app is yet to be determined, hence flexibility and innovative thinking are key. Previous experience in developing marketplace apps will be a significant advantage.

    $2384 Average bid
    $2384 (평균 입찰가)
    100 건의 입찰

    Here’s the refined version in English: Title: Development of a Social Platform with React and Flexible Backend Project Description: I am looking for a skilled developer to build a modern social platform. The backend should be flexible and scalable, ready to support future iOS and Android apps. The developer can choose the backend technology (e.g., Node.js, FastAPI, Django, etc.) as long as it meets the project requirements. The frontend will be developed using React. Core Functional Requirements: 1. User Authentication and Registration: • User registration system. • Email validation for account activation. • Password recovery feature. • Enforcement of unique user accounts. 2. Bad Word Filtering: • Implementation of a profanity filter for Rom...

    $458 Average bid
    $458 (평균 입찰가)
    107 건의 입찰

    ...Automatically power on the TV and switch to the video call interface. Answer incoming calls without user interaction. Return to the previous TV show or turn off the TV post-call. Group Calling: Support for multiple participants in a single video call. Backend Features: User management, call scheduling, and remote device control. Smart Home Features: Leverage KA2 Plus AI capabilities for fitness tracking, fall detection, and other smart home integrations. Inspiration and Context: Drawing inspiration from platforms like ONSCREEN Inc., the app will combine the simplicity of TV-based video calling with advanced automation, offering an intuitive solution for seniors and their families to stay connected. Key Features to Deliver: User-Friendly Interface: Simplified navigation tailored ...

    $471 Average bid
    $471 (평균 입찰가)
    85 건의 입찰

    ...sizes. Implement lazy loading for images and videos. Set up caching and a Content Delivery Network (CDN). 7) Security: Ensure the website is secure with HTTPS and SSL certification. Add security measures such as reCAPTCHA for forms, firewall setup, and anti-spam protection. 8) Other Requirements: Ensure compatibility with major browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge). Integrate analytics and tracking tools (Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager). Test thoroughly for bugs and responsiveness before final delivery. Deliverables: A fully functional WordPress website with all the features outlined above including back-up and security plugins installed and working. Setting site live on hosting and domain. Support for a short post-launch period to address potential issues including man...

    $78 Average bid
    $78 (평균 입찰가)
    81 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for an experienced React Native developer to create a cross-platform (iOS & Android) e-commerce application. Key Features: - A comprehensive product catalog: The app should have a user-friendly interface displaying various products. - Payment Gateway Integration: The app needs to have secure and reliable payment gateway integration. Experience with popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, etc. will be highly beneficial. - Social Feature: Users should be able to request and post to connect with other users. A knack for implementing social networking features within an e-commerce platform would be an advantage. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in React Native and cross-platform app development - Experience in developing e-commerce applications - Knowledge of i...

    $638 Average bid
    $638 (평균 입찰가)
    11 건의 입찰

    I urgently need a Primavera expert to develop a comprehensive schedule for my commercial building construction project. This schedule will primarily assist in tracking the project's progress. Key aspects to focus on: - Structural work - Electrical and plumbing The schedule should provide a high-level overview, encompassing detailed tasks and subtasks, whilst enabling effective tracking of project progress. Prior experience with scheduling for construction projects is crucial. Your expertise in Primavera and understanding of construction project dynamics will be pivotal in helping me manage the project more efficiently. Please note, proficiency in the Arabic language is required for this project.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 (평균 입찰가)
    24 건의 입찰

    ...decoding features. Please note, this project does not require development for Android or Web, its focus is solely on a Desktop application. - key scraping api app and web top level and androad app - Web Scraping: The app should have web scraping capabilities, specifically for gathering availability information from different websites. - Session Management: Implement a robust session manager to handle multiple user sessions effectively. - Cookie Management: A cookie manager is necessary for maintaining user states and preferences. - JWT: The application should incorporate JSON Web Tokens for secure data transmission. CAPTCHA solving feature to enhance the web scraping process. Additionally, I require an Android application that can: - Scrape APIs: Decode and interact w...

    $28 / hr Average bid
    $28 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    40 건의 입찰

    I am looking for a professional marketer who specializes in social media to help boost my business. - Focus: The primary focus will be on social media marketing, particularly on Facebook and Instagram, along with other relevant third-party platforms. - Goal: The main objective of this campaign boost my business. - Focus: The primary focus will be on social media marketing, particularly on Facebook and Instagram, along with other relevant third-party platforms. - Goal: The main objective of this campaign is to generate leads. The ideal freelancer for this project would have a proven track record in lead generation through social media, with access to data analytics tools for tracking progress and optimising strategies. Skills in content creation and audience engagement a...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    18 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a skilled developer or a team to create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) sports betting application and corresponding website. Key Features: - Sports Betting: The platform will primarily focus on sports betting, so a deep understanding and experience in this area is highly beneficial. - Live Betting: An integral feature of the app will be live betting. Experience in implementing real-time features in apps will be a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in developing cross-platform mobile applications, preferably with Flutter or React Native. - Previous work on a betting app or a similar project will be highly regarded. - Understanding of sports betting and its regulations. - Ability to create a user-friendly, engaging interface. - Strong focus on...

    $1464 Average bid
    $1464 (평균 입찰가)
    64 건의 입찰

    I'm looking to develop a mobile app that transforms the transportation sector in a system to purchase bus tickets from travel agencies without needing to visit the agencies in person. Key components of the project include: - A user-friendly interface for the general population to book rides and buy tickets. - An agency registration system for travel agencies, taxi, and motorbike owners to register and use the platform. - The app should be compatible with both iOS and Android operating systems. Ideal skills for this job include mobile app development, UX/UI design, and experience with building booking systems. A background in transportation sector tech solutions would be a plus. I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a high-quality, functional, and efficie...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    63 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a skilled Android developer to create a straightforward contact management app for my mobile. The core functionality of the app should include: - The capability to search and filter contacts Additionally, this app needs to sync seamlessly with Google Contacts. The ideal candidate should have: - Proficient experience in Android app development - Prior experience in developing contact management apps - Knowledge and experience with Google Contacts API - Strong skills in creating user-friendly, efficient apps

    $140 Average bid
    $140 (평균 입찰가)
    114 건의 입찰
    Install Facebook Pixel in Zen Cart
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    I need a professional to help me install my Facebook Pixel on my Zen Cart v1.5.x store. The core task is integrating tracking for page views, add to cart actions and purchases. I already have a Facebook Pixel ID, so the job is purely technical installation and configuration. Ideal skills for this task include: - Experience with Zen Cart - Proficiency with Facebook Pixel - E-commerce tracking expertise

    $21 Average bid
    $21 (평균 입찰가)
    35 건의 입찰

    ...Develop the integration in PHP, ensuring compatibility with WooCommerce. Implement caching and pagination for optimized performance. Ensure robust error handling and logging for all API interactions. Technical Details: Endpoints to Implement: Inventory: Retrieve product availability and stock levels. Pricing: Synchronize real-time product pricing. Order Management: Enable order placement and tracking. Authentication: The API uses token-based authentication, which must be securely implemented. Performance Optimization: Implement caching for frequently accessed data. Use pagination to handle large datasets efficiently. Expected Timeline and Budget: Timeline: Please provide an estimated timeframe for API integration. Budget: Share a detailed quote based on the outlined scope. H...

    $459 Average bid
    $459 (평균 입찰가)
    88 건의 입찰 Currently, I track student progress manually, and it's becoming increasingly time-consuming. Key Aspects to Automate: - Student Progress Tracking: I want to automate monitoring attendance records as well as generating feedback and reports on a student's progress. - Scheduling: At the moment, I manage my appointments manually with a calendar. I'm open to implementing a more streamlined, efficient scheduling system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Automation Software: Proficiency in automation software and tools is a must. - Scheduling Software: Experience with scheduling software is preferred. - Data Tracking: Ability to set up systems for tracking student progress effectively. - Report Generation: Skills in creating automated feedback and ...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 (평균 입찰가)
    4 건의 입찰

    Hello, I am looking for a freelancer to create a Telegram bot with a monthly subscription feature. Once the client pays for the subscription, the bot will ask the client to provide the Instagram handle of a profile. After receiving this information, the bot will need to monitor the followers of that profile and provide detailed information, such as who the person started following, who they stopped following, who started following that person, and other actions related to the profile’s followers. The bot could provide those informations in a space of time to not get overload. I would like to know if it’s possible to develop such a bot, since there is an extension/app called Snoopy Report, which performs a similar process. The idea is for the bot to be simple and efficient, p...

    $119 Average bid
    $119 (평균 입찰가)
    49 건의 입찰

    I am seeking an experienced web developer to create a high-level website tailored for crypto investors. This site will primarily function as an investment portfolio management platform and will incorporate: - A robust portfolio tracking feature that allows users to monitor their investments in real-time. - Advanced performance analytics tools to help users assess their investment's progress and make informed decisions. The ideal candidate for this project should have a deep understanding of crypto market dynamics and previous experience in developing investment-focused websites. Knowledge in implementing secure and efficient portfolio management systems is crucial. A portfolio showcasing similar projects will be highly advantageous. Please note, this site will not require e-c...

    $654 Average bid
    $654 (평균 입찰가)
    35 건의 입찰

    ...Notifications: Sends a notification to the administrator when a new form is submitted. Option for manual resending of the contract. 5. Database Management Module Database (MySQL): Tables to store client data: A table for clients (name, date of birth, passport details, etc.). A table for contracts (contract number, generation date, status). Relationships between clients and contracts for easy tracking. Security Features: Encryption of sensitive information (e.g., passport numbers). Logging of system activities (user action logs). 6. Customization Module Dynamic Templates: Administrators can create and edit contract templates directly from the admin panel. Multi-Language Support: Option to generate contracts in multiple languages (e.g., English, Arabic). Technologies Programming ...

    $136 Average bid
    $136 (평균 입찰가)
    158 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a developer experienced in AI and mobile app development to create an app that allows users to...feature of the app is a virtual fitting room where users can see how different pieces of clothing look on them in real time. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an intuitive and user-friendly mobile app - Implement advanced AI technologies for realistic virtual try-ons - Ensure the app is smooth, fast and free of bugs Ideal Skills: - Proficient in mobile app development, particularly for iOS and Android - Strong background in AI and machine learning - Experience in developing fashion-related apps would be a plus I'm looking for a freelancer with a track record of delivering high-quality, innovative mobile apps. Please provide examples of previous relevant projec...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 (평균 입찰가)
    5 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a dual-platform (iOS and Android) hospitality recruiting app. The app's primary function is to connect job seekers with employers within the hospitality industry. The app should incorporate key features such as: - Job Listings and Search: A comprehensive, user-friendly interface for job seekers to browse and apply for hospitality positions. - In-app Messaging: A seamless communication tool for employers and potential employees to connect and discuss opportunities. - User Profiles and Resumes: A platform for job seekers to create personalized profiles, upload resumes, and showcase their skills and experience. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in mobile app development, preferably with a portfolio d...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    113 건의 입찰