3d modeling in maya job일자리
홈페이지 등에 사용할 3D 캐릭터 디자이너를 구합니다. 홈페이지와 영상에도 사용이 되며, 몇 가지 동작도 추가가 됩니다. 다양한 캐릭터가 필요하며, 장기간 같이 할 수 있는 분들을 찾습니다.
스케치업 3D 건축디자인이 가능한 전문가로 파트타임으로 일할 분을 찾습니다. 비용은 협의 후 확정하며, 작업기간은 최소 2주~3개월 내외로 이 부분도 협의 후 확정합니다. 필수는 아니지만 영어가 가능하시면 더욱 좋습니다
아래 내용으로 외주 진행이 가능한지 궁금합니다. 1단계 데이터수집: 레이져스캐너를 통한 차량의 높이정보 수집 2단계 정보가공: 높이정보를 점단위로 저장 3단계 표출: 점단위 높이정보를 통해 3D로 차량의 이미지를 표출 위 단계중 "3단계 표출" 부분에 대한 프로젝트 진행이 가능할까요? 결과는 개발보듈과 소스를 요청합니다. 2단계까지는 MFC로 구현되어 있다고 보시면 됩니다. 자료파일 중 오른쪽 3D 이미지를 참고하시면 될 듯 합니다. 이 작업이 가능한지와 기간, 비용 등이 궁금합니다.
아이스크림 브랜드를 전부 리뉴얼 준비를 하고있습니다. 기존엔 아이스크림만 팔았지만..카페로서 리뉴얼을 준비하고 있으며 깔끔하면서도 포인트 하나하나가 고급스러운 브랜드를 기획하고 있습니다. 위치는 공원형태의 대형 쇼핑몰이며, 메뉴는 커피, 아이스크림, 밀크티, 디저트 정도이며 전부 수제로 만들어 판매되는 프리미엄 브랜드입니다. 주 고객층은 쇼핑몰 특성상 어린 아이들, 젊은세대가 많습니다. 수많은 디자인 요소가 들어가 좀 복잡한 디자인보다는 깔끔함속에 포인트로 멋을 내는 인테리어 를 원합니다. 디자인 컬러 키워드 : 밝은 계열의 인디핑크, 화이트, 딥블루또는 코발트 블루 (포인트 골드) 유광 타일로 포인트를 주는것도 고려하는 사항중 하나입니다. 조명 : 포인트 네온사인과 웜라이트
The game I want to make is a 1: 1 showdown basketball game. 1. 3d model. 2. About 40 animations. Information about the detailed animation is summarized in the document.
3D 모델링 언어 교육용으로 사용할 인물 캐릭터 , 상황에 맞는 언어를 쓸 상황 묘사 배경 및 도구들 , 만들어 주실 분 찾아요
3D 모델링 저희는 Airbus 공모전에 참가하고 있는 팀 입니다. 항공기의 좌석프레임과 레일에 자동차 좌석의 adjustment 시스템이 도입되어 앞 뒤로 이동할 수 있는 것을 보여주는 3D 영상이 필요합니다. 처음엔 항공기 내에 좌석들이 보여지고, 좌석 하단부를 줌인한 후에 좌석이 투명해지면서 프레임과 레일에 adjustment system이 적용된 부분을 표현해주고 좌석이 앞뒤로 이동하는 모션을 표현하고 싶습니다. 저희 예산 범위는 20만 원 이내 입니다. 6월 1일 금요일 내에 작업이 완료되길 바랍니다.
...중복인원(2명_앵콜과정) 제외, 수료생수 중복인원 포함 ※ 수료기준 : 1과정이 2회차 이상으로 구성된 경우 출석률 75%이상을 달성한 교육생을 수료처리함 참고 본 참고자료는 2016 위탁용역 입찰공고용으로 무단발췌 및 배포를 금합니다. 2016 위탁용역 제안요청서 내용과 매칭하지 마시고 단순 참고용으로 활용바랍니다. - 2 - [별첨 1] 교육과정별 운영결과 ㅇ 콘텐츠 창의마스터클래스 운영 (매주 2회, 월 2개과정, 집중 주·야간과정) 과정명 일정 강사 주제 수료인원 IoT, 3D프린트 06.02. 김○현 교수 (카이스트) IoT 기술이 가져다주는 산업의 변화 36명 06.16. IoT 사례와 콘텐츠 산업에서의 적용점 06.23. 유○환 대표 (로킷) 세상을 바꾸는 제 3의 산업혁명, 3D 프린트 핀테크, 헬스케어 06.18. 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) 인공지능 기술로 현실화 되는 헬스케어 의료 서비스 06.24. 22명 김○현 연구원 (우리금융경영연구소) 국내 핀테크 산업의 현주소와 과제 06.25 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) IoT, 3D프린트 산업과 융합되는 헬스케어 산업 관점별 미래트렌드 07.07. 전○영 연구원 (서울대) 소비자 트렌드 분석으로 콘텐츠 기획 주제 도출 32명 07.14. 유○혁 작가 (한국경제신문) 한류 엔터테인먼트 리더들의 성공 비결 07.21. 정○훈 교수 (경희사이버대) 미래 사회를 이끌 인공지능과 모바일 트렌드 07.28. 정○진 경제평론가 경제학 관점에서 본 콘텐츠 산업의 주요 키워드...
이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다3D Modelling'
kiosk 디자인입니다. 본 키오스크는 동전을 포인트로 적립하는 기계이고 약 1천대 정도 생산예정입니다. 생산 이전에 3d 모델링을 해보고 생산 과 운용중에 생길수 있는 문제를 미리 검토하려고 합니다.
To create detailed 3D model and realistic renders (With 360 degree views) of the kitchen, dining and living along with the outdoor patio and lawn area. All details as per chat and the files shared. Milestone will include around 3 revisions for trying new colors, materials to achieve a good result.
I'm in need of a skilled CAD drafter who can convert my 3D drawing of a simple air tunnel into a detailed 2D drawing. This will need to include plan, front and side view, as well as basic dimensioning and insertion into a standard title block following ISO standards. Key requirements: - Convert 3D air tunnel drawing to 2D - Include plan, front and side view - Basic dimensioning - Insertion into a provided ISO standard title block - Two to three revisions - Produce fabrication drawing for materials assembly All final 2D drawings should be delivered in DWG, PDF, and DXF formats. Please note that basic dimensions only will be required for the dimensioning. I will provide the necessary details for the title block, which will include the information of the Ow...
I'm seeking a talented 3D Animator with Blender expertise to create a 5-minute animated video for my YouTube channel. The video will be geared towards entertainment and require a cartoonish style of animation. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasing previous 3D animation projects and have the ability to create engaging, visually appealing content. Responsibilities: - Create a 5-minute long cartoonish animated video using Blender. - Develop character designs and animations from scratch. - Ensure the animation is engaging, visually appealing, and suitable for YouTube. - Deliver the final animation promptly and in a professional format. - Collaborate with me for feedback and revisions, if necessary, to ensure the animation meets the required s...
Freelancer Job Posting: Dental CBCT Segmentation (DICOM to 3D Models) Project Overview: We need a high-accuracy segmentation of a dental CBCT scan (DICOM format) into separate 3D models for cortical bone, trabecular bone, and teeth. This data will be used for biomechanical research and further Finite Element Analysis (FEA). ⸻ ? Task Requirements: ✅ Import CBCT (DICOM) scan and segment the following structures: • Cortical Bone (separate STL/OBJ) • Trabecular Bone (separate STL/OBJ) • Each tooth individually segmented (separate STL/OBJ files) ✅ Provide step-by-step screenshots and videos of the segmentation process. ✅ Ensure precise, clean segmentation with no overlapping or artifacts. ⸻ ? Recommended Software: • 3D Slicer (Preferred...
I'm seeking a talented 3D artist to design a unique, low-poly, cartoonish Cheetah character model. This character is a stylized, yet realistic animal. The model should be "bloody but nice," striking a balance between fierce and appealing. Key requirements: - The model should have injuries and blood effects, but these should be stylized to fit the cartoonish aesthetic. - The character should wear a necklace with shoes on it. This should be an integral part of the character's design. - The model should be low-poly, suitable for animation and game development. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in creating low-poly, cartoonish character models. - Strong understanding of creating stylized, yet detailed character designs. - Ability to incorpora...
I'm currently working on a project focused on .NET API development and I'm in need of some professional assistance. The project heavily utilizes several AWS services, specifically Lambda, EC2, and S3. Your role will primarily focus on the development aspect of the project, with potential involvement in the deployment and maintenance phases as the project progresses. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in .NET development, specifically with API creation - Proficiency in using AWS services, particularly Lambda, EC2, and S3 - Prior experience with Terraform for infrastructure management - Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently - Excellent communication skills for clear project updates and discussions.
I'm seeking a professional with strong skills in architectural 3D modeling. The task involves creating a basic parametric model of an architectural project. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D architectural modeling software - Experience in creating parametric models - Able to deliver basic exterior-only models - Capable of generating high-quality rendered images for PDF The final deliverable should be a PDF containing rendered images of the model. Please note that the model should only include exterior details, as it's a basic level of detail. If you have this expertise and can meet the requirements, I look forward to your bid.
I'm looking for a professional who can edit and create a 3D animation video tailored for marketing purposes. The video should be aimed at children and utilize a cartoonish style of animation. Key Responsibilities: - Edit and create a high-quality 3D animation video - Ensure the content is suitable and engaging for children - Use a cartoonish style to appeal to the target audience Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D animation software - Previous experience in creating children-targeted content - Strong understanding of cartoonish animation style - Marketing-oriented mindset to understand the video's purpose
...into a highly detailed 3D model. The primary use of this 3D model will be for visualization purposes. Key details: - The 3D model should be highly detailed, incorporating all features and intricacies of the original 2D design. - It should include textures and finishes, specifically metallic surfaces, as per the requirements. - Experience with SolidWorks and AutoCAD is essential. Please ensure you're well-versed with these software. - Design calculation and forces analysis. Skills and experience: - Proficiency in SolidWorks and AutoCAD - Experience in creating detailed 3D models from 2D designs - Ability to incorporate textures and finishes into 3D models - Previous work on visualization-focused 3D models - Understanding of ...
I'm looking for a skilled data scientist with experience in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to help with a case study. Analysis, Use Case suggestion & modeling
Maya scene Fully modeled final with good topology, appropriate names, frozen transforms, deleted history, centered pivot and object at origin point (0,0,0). Use mesh cleanup tool to make sure you have no ngons.
I will do 2d floor plan of 4 plan and 3d wireframe with different budget
I'm looking for a professional with experience in product rendering to help me with visualizing 4 different products, each in 26 different colors. These will require the application of a fabric material, under studio lighting conditions, with a white background. Key Requirements: - Use provided .OBJ files to apply material and color for each render. - Expert knowledge in applying a fabric material consistently across all products and colors. - Ability to create high-quality, professional studio-lit renders. Your skills in 3D modelling and rendering software are crucial for this task. Previous experience with product visualization is highly desirable. Please provide a portfolio of similar work when bidding.
I'm seeking a skilled 2D/3D animator and UI graphics designer to create realistic character designs and environments for a casino game. The project includes: - Designing realistic casino-style characters and immersive backgrounds - Creating engaging and interactive game interface elements Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in creating realistic graphics and animations. Experience with casino game design will be a significant advantage.
...File Format: Provide a full home page draft in PSD format. Menu Structure: The site must include the following menu items: Home Page Search Functionality Create a Page About Vision & Mission Q&A’s Contact Us Charities Our Team Feel free to use dropdowns where applicable. Design Direction: The website is a subscription-based memorial site. All content frames with text and images should have a white background, framed with a gold border and shadow to create a 3D effect. Gold lines or buttons should separate sections of the site for a clean, structured layout. Pricing Plans: There will be 3 subscription pricing plans that need to be clearly displayed. Sample Text and Images: Use placeholder text and sample images that can be easily updated in Photo...
I'm seeking a skilled 2D/3D animator and UI graphics designer to create realistic character designs and environments for a casino game. The project includes: - Designing realistic casino-style characters and immersive backgrounds - Creating engaging and interactive game interface elements Ideal candidates should have a proven track record in creating realistic graphics and animations. Experience with casino game design will be a significant advantage.
I need a skilled professional who can modify a Stealthburner Fila...compromising the original functionality of the printhead or the hotend. Key Requirements: - Modify the mounting mechanism of the printhead for direct attachment to the hotend. - Ensure the compatibility of all parts involved in the modification. - Maintain the original functionality of the printhead post-modification. - Ideally, improve performance where possible. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with 3D printing hardware modifications. - Strong understanding of the Stealthburner Filametrix printhead and Creality Spider Speedy hotend. - Proven track record in designing and implementing direct attachment mounting solutions. - Ability to improve performance while maintaining compatib...
I am in need of a professional who can help me in posting job on both Indeed and Naukri. Key Requirements: - Posting 1-5 job vacancies in total Ideal Skills: - Experience with job posting on Indeed and Naukri - Excellent written communication skills for creating engaging job posts
...visuals suitable for young viewers. Ideal skills for the job include: - Proficiency in 2D animation software - Experience creating content for children - Ability to integrate educational elements seamlessly into the storyline - Understanding of diverse cultures to accurately represent them in the series This project provides a wonderful opportunity to create meaningful content that could potentially impact a young audience's understanding of the world. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this brief. Eventually we would want to develop a 3D cartoon possibly. All we need is the characters and story animated. All stories will be provided. The characters are already developed but need to be converted from a 3D to 2D cha...
I need help writing a job search introduction. This introduction needs to highlight my skills and qualifications as well as my career objectives. Ideally, I'd like to collaborate online, but any form of project completion would be considered.
I'm looking for a vibrant, cartoonish logo for my 3D printing website. The site caters to truckers and offers a variety of useful printed items. The logo should be: - Funny: It should bring a smile, capturing the lighthearted spirit of the brand. - Colorful: Utilize bright and bold colors to make the logo pop and grab attention. Specific elements to incorporate into the design: - 3D Printer: A representation of the heart of the operation. - Truck: A nod to our target audience and the utility of our printed objects. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design with a focus on logo creation. - Experience in designing cartoonish styles. - Ability to work with bright, bold colors. - An understanding of 3D printing and trucking to creati...
I'm seeking an animation specialist who can create engaging 3D character animations for a children's YouTube channel. Your role will involve: - Developing captivating 3D character animations to capture a young audience's attention - Collaborating with me to understand and implement specific animation requests - Meeting deadlines consistently to keep up with a regular upload schedule Ideal candidates should: - Have extensive experience in 3D character animation - Be able to create content that is suitable and appealing for children - Have a portfolio of similar work, specifically for children's content - Be able to communicate effectively and work collaboratively Please note, we will discuss specific project details via private message.
I'm looking for a talented 3D designer who can recreate a seashell in 3D EXACTLY as the attached image. Key Responsibilities: - Create a 3D seashell model taking into consideration the tiny pores/textures/details and silhouette. - Ensure the design has the best high definition possible for printing on paper - Collaborate with me to refine the design Ideal Skills and Experience: - Good eye for details that make the exact same seashell as the reference - Proficiency in 3D design software - Ability to collaborate and incorporate feedback into design Please provide a portfolio of relevant work when applying.
Final Instructions & Non-Negotiable Terms Key Requirements: Tech Stack: Frontend: React Native (Expo) + React Three Fiber for 3D. Backend: Django REST API + PostgreSQL/Neo4j. File Upload: Firebase Storage + AWS Textract/FFmpeg. Deadline: 72 hours total (≈2 weeks part-time). No extensions. Code Quality: you can code and use AI to help you, but if its 100% AI generated (I’ll run CodeBERT checks). Daily Loom screenshots showing progress (code + functionality). Payment Terms: Rate: ₹415/hour (INR) or ₨1,400/hour (PKR). this can go to ₹550 Total Budget: ₹29,880 (INR) or ₨100,800 (PKR). Milestones: ₹10,375 (INR) / ₨35,000 (PKR) after 3D family tree demo (Expo app). ₹19,505 (INR) / ₨65,800 (PKR) after App Store/Play Store submission. Penalties: GPT co...
Quero um video com imagens em 3d com a logo da empresa . Segue link de exemplo :
My Excel program, originally crafted in 1999, is still functioning remarkably well but requires significant updates to improve its compatibility with Mac systems, add new features, and enhance the user interface. It currently uses MACRO's for creating a Balance Sheet and conducting Cash Flow analyses. The program needs to be reviewed and revamped for better usability across a wider audience. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in Excel 365 - Expertise in Mac compatibility - Strong background in Excel macro programming - Experience in enhancing user interfaces - Knowledge in financial modeling and report generation - Ability to add new features and improve program functionality Please note, the program does no...
Hello Please make a 3D drawing of the women's bra pad. Please save in .STEP and .IGS format Drawing is needed to create a mold. Thank you
I need an expert in AI to distill and deploy AI models in the real estate industry. Using geolocation, the project aims to create AR portals to showcase real estate projects in 3D-rendered ultraleastic immersive videos on site.
I'm looking for a skilled 3D designer to help me create a modern interior for the saloon in my home. The focus will primarily be on the seating area, which will be furnished with sofas and armchairs. Your design should be able to optimize the use of space while ensuring comfort and style. The ideal freelancer for this job should have: - Proven experience in 3D interior design - A strong portfolio of modern-style projects - Excellent understanding of spatial relations and furniture arrangement. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project.