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    2,000 3d cad design job 찾은 프로젝트

    주거 인테리어 도면 작업해주실 디자이너 찾습니다. 시간이 유연한 디자이너면 좋겠습니다.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    홈페이지 등에 사용할 3D 캐릭터 디자이너를 구합니다. 홈페이지와 영상에도 사용이 되며, 몇 가지 동작도 추가가 됩니다. 다양한 캐릭터가 필요하며, 장기간 같이 할 수 있는 분들을 찾습니다.

    $109 / hr Average bid
    $109 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    4 건의 입찰

    3d 캐릭터를 만드는 프로젝트 입니다. 에니메이션을 만들어야 할 수도 있습니다.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    2 건의 입찰

    스케치업 3D 건축디자인이 가능한 전문가로 파트타임으로 일할 분을 찾습니다. 비용은 협의 후 확정하며, 작업기간은 최소 2주~3개월 내외로 이 부분도 협의 후 확정합니다. 필수는 아니지만 영어가 가능하시면 더욱 좋습니다

    $1907 Average bid
    $1907 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    아래 내용으로 외주 진행이 가능한지 궁금합니다. 1단계 데이터수집: 레이져스캐너를 통한 차량의 높이정보 수집 2단계 정보가공: 높이정보를 점단위로 저장 3단계 표출: 점단위 높이정보를 통해 3D로 차량의 이미지를 표출 위 단계중 "3단계 표출" 부분에 대한 프로젝트 진행이 가능할까요? 결과는 개발보듈과 소스를 요청합니다. 2단계까지는 MFC로 구현되어 있다고 보시면 됩니다. 자료파일 중 오른쪽 3D 이미지를 참고하시면 될 듯 합니다. 이 작업이 가능한지와 기간, 비용 등이 궁금합니다.

    $908 Average bid
    $908 (평균 입찰가)
    6 건의 입찰

    아이스크림 브랜드를 전부 리뉴얼 준비를 하고있습니다. 기존엔 아이스크림만 팔았지만..카페로서 리뉴얼을 준비하고 있으며 깔끔하면서도 포인트 하나하나가 고급스러운 브랜드를 기획하고 있습니다. 위치는 공원형태의 대형 쇼핑몰이며, 메뉴는 커피, 아이스크림, 밀크티, 디저트 정도이며 전부 수제로 만들어 판매되는 프리미엄 브랜드입니다. 주 고객층은 쇼핑몰 특성상 어린 아이들, 젊은세대가 많습니다. 수많은 디자인 요소가 들어가 좀 복잡한 디자인보다는 깔끔함속에 포인트로 멋을 내는 인테리어 를 원합니다. 디자인 컬러 키워드 : 밝은 계열의 인디핑크, 화이트, 딥블루또는 코발트 블루 (포인트 골드) 유광 타일로 포인트를 주는것도 고려하는 사항중 하나입니다. 조명 : 포인트 네온사인과 웜라이트

    $121 Average bid
    $121 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    The game I want to make is a 1: 1 showdown basketball game. 1. 3d model. 2. About 40 animations. Information about the detailed animation is summarized in the document.

    $1642 Average bid
    $1642 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰
    Design project
    종료 left

    3D 모델링 언어 교육용으로 사용할 인물 캐릭터 , 상황에 맞는 언어를 쓸 상황 묘사 배경 및 도구들 , 만들어 주실 분 찾아요

    $220 Average bid
    $220 (평균 입찰가)
    2 건의 입찰

    3D 모델링 화장품 매장

    $315 Average bid
    $315 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    3D 모델링 저희는 Airbus 공모전에 참가하고 있는 팀 입니다. 항공기의 좌석프레임과 레일에 자동차 좌석의 adjustment 시스템이 도입되어 앞 뒤로 이동할 수 있는 것을 보여주는 3D 영상이 필요합니다. 처음엔 항공기 내에 좌석들이 보여지고, 좌석 하단부를 줌인한 후에 좌석이 투명해지면서 프레임과 레일에 adjustment system이 적용된 부분을 표현해주고 좌석이 앞뒤로 이동하는 모션을 표현하고 싶습니다. 저희 예산 범위는 20만 원 이내 입니다. 6월 1일 금요일 내에 작업이 완료되길 바랍니다.

    $157 Average bid
    $157 (평균 입찰가)
    3 건의 입찰

    3D 모델이 필요합니다.

    $91 Average bid
    $91 (평균 입찰가)
    4 건의 입찰

    제가 가진 디자인으로 멘홀뚜껑을 모델링 하고 싶습니다.

    $133 Average bid
    $133 (평균 입찰가)
    2 건의 입찰

    5층 근린생활시설 모델링을 사이트와 주변도로까지 모델링을 해서 재질입혀 납품하면 됩니다.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 (평균 입찰가)
    4 건의 입찰
    3D 모델링
    종료 left

    원형 모양의 건물에 존재하는 원형의 방 모양의 노래방을 만드려고 합니다.

    $212 Average bid
    $212 (평균 입찰가)
    3 건의 입찰

    ...중복인원(2명_앵콜과정) 제외, 수료생수 중복인원 포함 ※ 수료기준 : 1과정이 2회차 이상으로 구성된 경우 출석률 75%이상을 달성한 교육생을 수료처리함 참고 본 참고자료는 2016 위탁용역 입찰공고용으로 무단발췌 및 배포를 금합니다. 2016 위탁용역 제안요청서 내용과 매칭하지 마시고 단순 참고용으로 활용바랍니다. - 2 - [별첨 1] 교육과정별 운영결과 ㅇ 콘텐츠 창의마스터클래스 운영 (매주 2회, 월 2개과정, 집중 주·야간과정) 과정명 일정 강사 주제 수료인원 IoT, 3D프린트 06.02. 김○현 교수 (카이스트) IoT 기술이 가져다주는 산업의 변화 36명 06.16. IoT 사례와 콘텐츠 산업에서의 적용점 06.23. 유○환 대표 (로킷) 세상을 바꾸는 제 3의 산업혁명, 3D 프린트 핀테크, 헬스케어 06.18. 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) 인공지능 기술로 현실화 되는 헬스케어 의료 서비스 06.24. 22명 김○현 연구원 (우리금융경영연구소) 국내 핀테크 산업의 현주소와 과제 06.25 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) IoT, 3D프린트 산업과 융합되는 헬스케어 산업 관점별 미래트렌드 07.07. 전○영 연구원 (서울대) 소비자 트렌드 분석으로 콘텐츠 기획 주제 도출 32명 07.14. 유○혁 작가 (한국경제신문) 한류 엔터테인먼트 리더들의 성공 비결 07.21. 정○훈 교수 (경희사이버대) 미래 사회를 이끌 인공지능과 모바일 트렌드 07.28. 정○진 경제평론가 경제학 관점에서 본 콘텐츠 산업의 주요 키워드...

    $1000 Average bid
    $1000 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다3D Modelling'

    $35 / hr Average bid
    $35 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    kiosk 디자인입니다. 본 키오스크는 동전을 포인트로 적립하는 기계이고 약 1천대 정도 생산예정입니다. 생산 이전에 3d 모델링을 해보고 생산 과 운용중에 생길수 있는 문제를 미리 검토하려고 합니다.

    $998 Average bid
    $998 (평균 입찰가)
    10 건의 입찰

    3D 애니메이션 제작 및 완성 해외 인력 애니메이터의 채용

    $206 Average bid
    $206 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    ...freelance fashion designer to collaborate with us. Key Responsibilities: Design elegant and contemporary traditional wear, including sarees, lehengas, suits, and fusion styles. Develop unique embroidery, prints, and fabric combinations that align with our brand vision. Create sketches, tech packs, and digital illustrations for production. Work closely with artisans, tailors, and manufacturers to ensure design feasibility. Stay updated on market trends and customer preferences. Requirements: Prior experience in designing traditional or ethnic wear for women. Strong portfolio showcasing design expertise in this category. Knowledge of textiles, embroidery, and garment construction. Ability to create mood boards, sketches, and CAD designs. Understanding of fas...

    $582 Average bid
    $582 (평균 입찰가)
    2 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a professional 3D designer to create 8 unique moderate-detail cross-section renders of Hydronic underfloor heating systems. The designs should be from a side view perspective, similar to some examples I can provide. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience with creating mechanical or heating system models - Ability to conceptualize and create original designs from provided examples - Good understanding of moderate level detail in engineering designs the attached brochure is our brand using a competitors cross sections as place holders Please include relevant portfolio pieces in your application.

    $431 Average bid
    $431 (평균 입찰가)
    44 건의 입찰
    Renders para catalogo de puertas
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    Necesito la elaboración de 10 renders de 5 modelos de puertas, tengo los modelos 3D y fotos de una para que se vea como se espera que quede.

    $148 Average bid
    $148 (평균 입찰가)
    21 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a skilled video art maker to help with a project focused on artistic expression. The video should incorporate a variety of special effects, specifically shadows enveloping the space and cities surrounding the main subject. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating and manipulating video art with special effects - Experience in integrating 3D animations, light and color effects, and particle effects - Ability to conceptualize and execute a visually captivating piece Ideal Skills: - Video editing software proficiency - Creative thinking and artistic insight - Attention to detail and ability to execute intricate visual effects

    $24 Average bid
    $24 (평균 입찰가)
    16 건의 입찰
    Gmsh script
    9 일 left

    The client have provided a gmsh script that is intended to produce a 3D mesh of square duct. The mesh should have a uniform mesh distribution in x direction and non-uniform in y and z direction using tan hyperbolic equation. In its current state it indicated by the client that it does not produce the expected results. I will locate the source of the error and make corrections to the code.

    $46 Average bid
    $46 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a comprehensive report comparing 3D printed dental crowns to traditional ones. The report should focus on durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics. It will need to include simulations of stress and thermal analysis. Key Requirements: - Completion plan with a detailed timeline and strategies for overcoming potential barriers. - Background information on different materials used and techniques for manufacturing dental crowns. - A minimum of 30 pages, excluding appendix and references. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in dental materials and crowns. - Proficiency in conducting and interpreting engineering simulations. - Strong research and writing skills, with a proven track record of producing detailed, high-quality reports. No Al-generated figures Plagi...

    $557 Average bid
    $557 (평균 입찰가)
    13 건의 입찰
    plan for a house. 2 floors
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    Hello, I need a plan for a house. 2 floors. Basement half of the house. Roof as small as possible and not so visible from below. Exterior color mostly white and combined with black. Please send me a complete offer. Complete plans, living room & kitchen interior architecture. including 3D rendering

    $134 Average bid
    $134 (평균 입찰가)
    84 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a skilled animator who can transform my logo into a professional and sleek 3D animation. This animated logo will primarily be used for video intros and outros, so it needs to be high quality and visually compelling. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in 3D animation and a portfolio that demonstrates a knack for creating polished, professional-grade animations. Key requirements: - Expert in 3D animation - Prior experience in logo animation - Ability to deliver high-quality, polished work - Understands the need for a professional and sleek aesthetic

    $16 Average bid
    $16 (평균 입찰가)
    15 건의 입찰

    I need a professional 3D designer with AutoCAD skills to create a design for my exhibition within the next 24 hours. The exhibition is intended to showcase a series of my invented projects. Key Requirements: - Expert in 3D design and AutoCAD - Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines - Previous experience in designing product exhibitions is a plus Please note that the size of the exhibition space has not been determined yet. However, your design should be flexible enough to accommodate different space sizes. Your understanding of product showcase design will be key to creating an engaging and effective exhibition layout.

    $116 Average bid
    $116 (평균 입찰가)
    46 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a fashion designer to create an Old Money aestheti...by the sophisticated style of the 1950s. Key Responsibilities: - Design a comprehensive line of elegant, timeless pieces including dresses, suits, and accessories. - Ensure all designs encapsulate the essence of the 1950s Old Money aesthetic. - Select and incorporate appropriate high-quality fabrics such as Silk, Wool, and Cotton into the designs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in fashion design, particularly in menswear and womenswear. - Deep understanding and appreciation for the 1950s Old Money aesthetic. - Experience working with high-quality fabrics. - Strong creative vision with an ability to translate ideas into compelling designs. Please note, the budget for this project is ₹...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    I am looking for a skilled 3D artist who can create a medium-poly character model and animate it for various scenarios. The animations will include idle, walking, and combat sequences. Key Requirements: - Design and model a medium-poly character - Create and implement idle, walking, and combat animations - Deliver in a format compatible with Unity/Unreal Engine Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 3D modeling software (e.g., Blender, Maya) - Strong understanding of character rigging and animation - Experience in creating game-ready models Please include a portfolio of relevant work in your proposal.

    $331 Average bid
    $331 (평균 입찰가)
    11 건의 입찰

    I need professional 3D rendering from a DWG file for architectural visualization purposes. The rendering should cover: - Detailed exterior views - Comprehensive interior views - Well-designed landscape Ideal freelancers for this project would be those with extensive experience in 3D rendering and architectural visualizations, preferably with a strong portfolio in creating intricate and appealing detailed views.

    $494 Average bid
    $494 (평균 입찰가)
    101 건의 입찰
    Montage vidéo Video editing
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    Nous cherchons a réaliser une vidéo 3D, voici la notice de montage en pièces jointe. nous rajoutons une video du fournisseur pour vous montrer les détail d'assemblage ! We are looking to make a 3D video, here are the assembly instructions attached. we are adding a video from the supplier to show you the assembly details!

    $75 Average bid
    $75 (평균 입찰가)
    30 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a professional who can design a simple yet elegant 3D box for a cosmetic product. The dimensions of the box are 10cm x 6.5cm x 3cm. I already have a reference layout and the text prepared for all six sides of the box. Key requirements: - Create a detailled and elegant 3D box design. - Incorporate our brand logo and product imagery into the design. - Use finishing techniques like embossing and debossing for the product and some stripes. - Use specific colors that we will decide together. - Work should be finished in a few days, we can work closely together for the best outcome. Ideal skills and experience: - Strong background in 3D design and packaging. - Previous experience in designing for cosmetic products is a plus. - ...

    $105 Average bid
    $105 (평균 입찰가)
    57 건의 입찰

    ...professional and formal photorealistic video for a marketing campaign. This video will primarily be used on social media, so it needs to be engaging yet maintain a formal tone. Key requirements: - Proven experience in creating photorealistic videos, particularly for social media platforms. - Ability to understand and implement a professional and formal style. - Strong skills in video editing and 3D animation. - Excellent understanding of social media marketing trends and audience engagement strategies. - Creating a photo realistic background and to make the visuals look photo realistic - video must be 30-35 seconds and have a background music. - the video needs to be recreated like the reference link below: The ideal candidate should

    $927 Average bid
    $927 (평균 입찰가)
    38 건의 입찰

    3D-LABS is seeking skilled and reliable partners for a long-term collaboration on engineering and software development projects worldwide. We are looking for experienced professionals and agencies in the following fields: ✅ FEA & Structural Analysis and CFD & Fluid Simulation ✅ CAD & 3D Modeling and Product Design & Development ✅ Mechanical & Electrical Engineering and civil Engineering ✅ Embedded Systems & IoT and Python, C++, MATLAB, etc. And WEB & Mobile app development What We Offer: ? Competitive compensation and flexible work arrangements ? Global exposure with cutting-edge engineering challenges Who Should Apply? ✔️ Engineers, developers, and agencies with proven expertise ✔️ Individuals with experience in industry-specific...

    $857 - $1714
    $857 - $1714
    22 건의 입찰
    Detailed 3D Drafting in AutoCAD
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    I'm seeking a skilled professional in AutoCAD for 3D drafting. Key Areas: - Landscaping - House - Garage Requirements: - Drafts must represent detailed structures - Proficiency in creating intricate, precise designs in AutoCAD - Experience in landscaping and architectural design a plus Please note, I currently do not require interior 3D drafting for the house nor highly detailed drafts with textures. However, I do expect a level of detail beyond basic outlines.

    $37 Average bid
    $37 (평균 입찰가)
    12 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a talented web developer and graphic designer to create a comprehensive WordPress site for my construction company. The site...Our Services, Projects, Careers, and Contact Us. Key Requirements: - Utilize an available construction theme, but inject superior graphic design and high-quality images to elevate the site. - Input provided company data to complete the website. - Implement essential SEO strategies with a focus on keyword optimization, ensuring the site is mobile responsive and has a fast loading speed. The desired aesthetic for the site is 'modern and clean', so a keen eye for minimalist design is crucial. The ultimate goal of this site is to serve as a marketing tool for the company, generating leads and boosting brand awareness. The bud...

    $131 Average bid
    $131 (평균 입찰가)
    138 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a skilled animator with extensive experience in creating high-quality 3D animation. The purpose of these animated videos will be for advertisement, specifically tailored for social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D Animation - Previous experience in creating social media ads - Understanding of the unique requirements and best practices for social media content - Ability to create engaging and visually appealing animations to capture audience attention Please provide a portfolio of similar work you've done in the past. Looking forward to working with you!

    $107 Average bid
    $107 (평균 입찰가)
    12 건의 입찰

    ...create a 3D design for a 7.5kW Type-2 portable AC charger for commercial use. The design must encapsulate a sleek, compact, high-tech end and an aesthetically pleasing futuristic look. It's crucial that the design is not only visually appealing but also modular and compact. Key Requirements: - The design needs to incorporate a cable management system, and LED indicators, emergency stop. - The overall look should be a perfect blend of modularity, aesthetic appeal, and compactness. - A bright color scheme is preferred, so a designer with a good eye for vibrant and engaging designs would be ideal. - The design must encapsulate a sleek, compact, high-tech end and an aesthetically pleasing futuristic look is the key consideration. The designer...

    $57 Average bid
    파워형 봉인형
    6 건의 응모작

    I'm in need of an expert who can create a professional and formal photorealistic video for a marketing campaign. This video will primarily be...professional and formal photorealistic video for a marketing campaign. This video will primarily be used on social media, so it needs to be engaging yet maintain a formal tone. Key requirements: - Proven experience in creating photorealistic videos, particularly for social media platforms. - Ability to understand and implement a professional and formal style. - Strong skills in video editing and 3D animation. - Excellent understanding of social media marketing trends and audience engagement strategies. The ideal candidate should be able to deliver high-quality, visually compelling content that aligns with the objectives of our mark...

    $343 Average bid
    $343 (평균 입찰가)
    42 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a professional with expertise in 3D Max and AutoCAD to design a modern style exhibition stand for me. The stand will be 8X17 m in size and is needed within a tight 24-hour deadline. Key Requirements: - Design a contemporary style exhibition stand - Utilize 3D Max and AutoCAD for the design - Deliver the project within 24 hours Color Scheme: - The stand should be designed using military colors Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D Max and AutoCAD - Experience in designing exhibition stands - Ability to deliver high-quality work under tight deadlines - Understanding of modern design principles - Capability to work with specified color schemes

    $113 Average bid
    $113 (평균 입찰가)
    58 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a professional interior designer to create an inviting 2D layout and a stunning 3D design for my Bakery & Cafe, which spans 550 sq. ft., inclusive of a 370 sq. ft. seating area. ### **Key Design Features:** - **Style:** Embrace either a Scandinavian or Japandi design approach - **Ambiance:** The overall theme should evoke a warm, cozy feeling - **Color Palette:** Use soft neutrals (whites, light greys) to create the calm, inviting atmosphere ### **Specific Design Elements:** - The cafe has a road-facing facade with two openings. One side includes the main entrance door leading directly to the counter. - The interior will feature matte-finish walls and sleek wooden (Action Tesa) furniture. - Lighting will consist of track light...

    $102 Average bid
    $102 (평균 입찰가)
    9 건의 입찰

    ...designer with a keen eye for the Scandinavian or Japandi styles to create a captivating 2D layout and 3D design for my Bakery & Cafe. The total space is 550 sq. ft., with 370 sq. ft. dedicated to a warm and inviting seating area. Key Design Areas: - **Seating Area & Bakery Counter:** The bulk of the design will focus on making these spaces comfortable and visually appealing. Color & Finish Preferences: - **Neutral Tones:** All walls and furniture should be in soft, neutral shades that contribute to a cozy atmosphere, finished in a matte style. Decorative Elements: - **Wall Art:** I envision a selection of tasteful wall art pieces to enhance the warm, inviting ambiance. Additional Design Features: - **Facade:** The cafe features a roa...

    $116 Average bid
    $116 (평균 입찰가)
    8 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a freelancer to create a detailed exterior 3D model of a four-story building that includes: - First Floor: Various features and amenities. - Second and Third Floors: Multiple sleeping pods designed for functionality. - An emphasis on providing an appealing exterior view that showcases the overall design and structure.

    $62 Average bid
    $62 (평균 입찰가)
    42 건의 입찰
    6 일 left
    인증 완료


    $26 Average bid
    $26 (평균 입찰가)
    6 건의 입찰

    I'm planning to construct a large, metal storage shed and need professionally drawn site plans to submit to the council. Key Requirements: - Create a detailed site plan for a large metal storage shed, over 20 sq meters. - Ensure the plans are compliant with council regulations. - Experience in creating similar project plans is preferred. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD or similar design software. - Knowledgeable in local council regulations regarding shed construction. - Prior experience with storage shed site plans. Ive sent an example of what the council needs. I will provide dimensions and other pertinent info to enable you to create accurate drawing

    $228 Average bid
    $228 (평균 입찰가)
    28 건의 입찰

    ...looking for a CAD expert to create a detailed 3D surface made out of 3D faces in DXF format, specifically using AutoCAD. The surface will be used for architectural design, so it needs to capture all required levels and intricacies. The surfaces I need created are on the attached pdf, the footpath and white landscape areas represented by the grey and white areas on the drawings. I do not need the blue building areas, or the purple car park areas on the file as I already have those. I also need the file to have the correct format and geo reference - address is Sentinel Parade Truganina, VIC, Australia Key Requirements: - Proficiency in AutoCAD - Extensive experience in creating detailed 3D surfaces for architectural design - Ability to capture...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 (평균 입찰가)
    40 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a skilled engineer to develop a precision 3D measuring device using Laser or Lidar technology. This device will be primarily used for measuring machinery parts in an industrial automation setting. Key requirements: - The device must deliver sub-millimeter accuracy, so experience with high-precision engineering and calibration is essential. - Proficiency in designing and implementing laser or Lidar systems is a must. - Prior experience in creating industrial automation tools will be highly advantageous. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.

    $211 Average bid
    $211 (평균 입찰가)
    3 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a skilled 3D modeller to create medium-detail Civil Engineering models with textures. These models will primarily be used for construction planning and training. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating architectural 3D models Fuson 360 - Proficiency in applying medium-level textures - Understanding of construction planning needs - Experience with CAD and other architectural modelling software - Attention to detail

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    48 건의 입찰

    Cam Lever Design Overview The cam lever closelyt resembles a standard cam lever often used on bicycles to secure the seat post, and also quick release wheels. It will be designed for mass production using CNC method. Specifications and Dimensions 1. Cam Lever Handle Length: 120 mm. Shape: Curved downward and offset away from the pivot point. Designed to travel from approximately 40° (unlocked) to 70° (locked) relative to the clamping post. Safety Clearance: Ensure at least 20 mm clearance between the handle and the clamping post when locked. Material: Aluminum alloy. 2. Pivot Point (Swing Bolt) Hole Diameter: 8 mm. Swing Bolt Dimensions: Length: 115 mm. Secure with a cotter pin, split pin, circlip or similar retention mechanism. Hole Placement: Centered at the cam pivot po...

    $182 Average bid
    $182 (평균 입찰가)
    22 건의 입찰