Catchy MountainTech StartUp Naming

  • 진행 현황: Closed
  • 상금: $100
  • 응모작 접수(건수): 263
  • 수상자: bitbytespecial

콘테스트 개요

I am in the process of launching a Technology StartUp focused on hardware and software development for monitoring natural hazards, such as rockfall, landslides, glaciers and snow and ice avalanches. I need a creative and catchy name for my StartUp that reflects its innovative and cutting-edge nature and our reliable solutions to let our customers sleep well at night.

My StartUp helps the customer to:
- manage natural hazard risks effectively
- reduce risk and increase public safety
- in the end, save the customers ass if something happens

My StartUp provides solutions for the monitoring of:
- mountains, e.g rocks, cliffs, snow, ice, rivers..
- we deal with gravitational natural hazards (=any mass that moves downhill with gravity either quickly or slowly)
- these include rockfall, avalanches, debris flow, floods, slope failures (glaciers, landslides, rock faces..)

Our StartUp provide products that
- are robust and work in extremely harsh conditions
- run completely autonomous and in remote places
- measure and sense various natural parameters
- analyse complex data in real-time
- combine various sensors and data
- are trustworthy and very reliable

We are a bunch of
- highly specialized experts in the field of natural hazards monitoring
- techy pioneers in this field
- people that understand the customer's problems

Experience in tech and hardware industry branding is a plus. Please provide examples of names that are unique and still have free domains (.com).

I'm looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks a lot.


추천된 기술

이 콘테스트의 최상위 응모작

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공개 설명 게시판

  • mobin03x
    • 2 주 전

    Hello Sir,

    I hope this message finds you well.
    I am reaching out to inform you that the domain "" is available for sale at a very reasonable price.
    I would be happy to consider your offer, so please feel free to propose your preferred price.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,

    • 2 주 전
  • simplyjohnmeta
    • 2 주 전

    What is your budget for the domain?

    • 2 주 전
  • insadix
    • 2 주 전

    Subject: Innovative Name Suggestions for Your Startup

    Dear Contest holder,

    I hope this message finds you well. After understanding your startup’s vision and goals, I have brainstormed some creative and relevant name options that reflect your innovative solutions and the critical role you play in managing natural hazards.

    Here are the suggested names:
    1. HazardScope
    2. GeoGuard
    3. TerraSentinel
    4. RiskVision
    5. AvalonTech
    6. GraviSense
    7. SlopeSafe
    8. HazardIQ
    9. SteadyShield
    10. EarthSafe Solutions

    Each of these names has been carefully chosen to align with your startup’s mission, expertise, and the cutting-edge technology you provide. I’d love to hear your feedback or discuss any refinements based on your preferences.

    Looking forward to your thoughts!

    Best regards,
    Sheikh Sadi

    • 2 주 전
  • othman78
    • 3 주 전


    • 3 주 전
  • dev3dworx
    • 3 주 전

    Please #sealed the contest if you are seriously looking for good entries and don't want to lose the domain which you probably will if you keep this contest open.

    • 3 주 전
  • alexvilleradic
    • 3 주 전


    4. Any key words that you like in particular to be incorporated in the name?
    5. Any Don’ts in the name (what you wouldn’t like to be a part of the name) or anything goes?
    6. Any existing names in the industry that you like, as an example?
    7. We need your active participation in the contest: rate and reject entries, comment, share your thoughts, answer our questions from this clarification board.
    8. Is there a possibility to seal the contest?
    This is my most frank word of advice based on the experience. Now it is up to you to answer what we need to know or not. I would really like this contest to be a successful one for a change. Thank you for your understanding.

    • 3 주 전
    1. locodreams
      • 3 주 전

      koja si ti legenda

      • 3 주 전
  • awaisahmedkarni
    • 3 주 전

    Hi sir, Kindly #sealed the entries otherwise suggested domain can be booked by someone.

    • 3 주 전
  • alexvilleradic
    • 3 주 전

    Hello CH,
    As tech savvy people I suppose you don’t approve of ChatGPT copy-paste solutions submitted here because you can do it yourself in 2 minutes without wasting 100 USD budget. Those names are NOT .com available and these people are spamming your contest.. Isn’t it ridiculous to submit taken domains which you can’t use or just a mountain photo? What is the point? If you really need a name (because there are many fake contests) please let namers/writers do their job. For the starters we need you to clarify couple of things and that’s how we’ll know if this is not a fake contest:
    1. Do you approve AI copy-paced name solutions?
    2. What is your budget limit for premium .com domain? (or no premium domains at all)
    3. What kind of name are you looking for: word count - one word, two words, three words, descriptive, coined words, misspelled words, existing words or words without meaning but sounding good, any other criteria OR anything goes?

    • 3 주 전
  • MSU576
    • 3 주 전

    Check #13 for 25$!!!!!!!

    • 3 주 전
  • royatelier
    • 3 주 전

    Dear contest holder, Please check out #5 . Thanks!

    • 3 주 전
  • thebestech810
    • 3 주 전

    Please have a look at Entry #8 Thanks.

    • 3 주 전

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