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사용자 아바타

Tim M.



Full-Stack | SEO | Reliable Developer

$25 USD / 시간
국기 ()
United States (9:47 PM)
1월 29, 2025에 가입
$25 USD / 시간
As a seasoned full-stack developer with over the years of experience, I currently collaborate with a highly skilled and dedicated team of specialists. Our primary focus is delivering exceptional results that surpass expectations. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, we ensure our solutions are efficient, reliable, secure, and customized to meet the unique needs of our clients. WHY TO CHOOSE ME: ⭐Reliable ⭐On-time delivery ⭐Support after delivery-- Always available for future assistance and support. KEY SKILLS: ✔️MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express JS, React.js, Node.js & Angular.js ✔️Python & Django ✔PHP & WordPress ✔️Frontend Design that capture customer's hearts at first ✔️Online Stores, Multi Vendors, Multi-Currency, Multi-language (LTR-RTL) ✔️Shopify & eCommerce ✔️Mobile App Development (Native, Flutter) ✔️PSD, XD, FIGMA, AI, UI UX design ✔️Customized Business Management System If you want a skilled and trustworthy professional, I’d love to help! Let’s connect and discuss your project to bring your vision to life.
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