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팔로우 서비스에 대한 지정 해제 과정에서 문제가 발생하였습니다.
님에 대한 고객님의 추천 절차가 모두 완료되었습니다.
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원인을 알 수 없는 문제가 발생하였습니다. 현재의 페이지에서 다시 읽기 버튼을 클릭하신 후에 재시도하여 주시기 바랍니다.
이메일에 대한 인증 절차가 완료되었습니다.
Jeanette B.
Fast Writer - Experienced - Danish
$20 USD / 시간
Denmark (8:22 AM)
4월 9, 2012에 가입
$20 USD / 시간
Experinced Translater. English - Danish
My top compents is casino related texts and proofreading.
In proff life I work with technical products danish/english and customer service.
Worked as a salesmen in the fields of Plumbering, VA, Heat and Preisolated Pipes. Done support work over the phone and "store" work where you have direct contact with the customers. "Project manager". Normal office job.
Logistics (middle leaderposition)
Technical translations from DK-SE
Languages used: Danish, Swedish (was a contactperson for the Swedish marked), English and German (my German is very poor...) /(Know a bit Polish too)
Programs: Movex and Navision
9월, 2001 - 9월, 2011
1월, 1991 - 7월, 1996
5 , 6
1월, 1991 - 7월, 1996
5 , 6
- Dance is an international language -
Worked as danceleader in my spartime from 1991-1996, Streetdance and "common pairdance". Choreograph, judge. As a privat teacher (hired by companies and so on for short lessons), and at a danceshool where I also was teaching the other danceleaders.
From 1995-1996 i worked as a danceteacher on fulltime basis with childrean from age 6-15. Different dancestyles and the theoretical part of dance too.
Have taking classes and courses on leadership.