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팔로우 서비스에 대한 지정 해제 과정에서 문제가 발생하였습니다.
님에 대한 고객님의 추천 절차가 모두 완료되었습니다.
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원인을 알 수 없는 문제가 발생하였습니다. 현재의 페이지에서 다시 읽기 버튼을 클릭하신 후에 재시도하여 주시기 바랍니다.
이메일에 대한 인증 절차가 완료되었습니다.
Tsvetomir Iliev T.
Mechanical Engineer
$25 USD / 시간
Bulgaria (7:58 PM)
4월 18, 2015에 가입
$25 USD / 시간
I have a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering. I have 6+ years experience as a Designer. My services include the following CAD / SolidWorks 2015, SolidWorks 2016, SolidWorks 2017, SolidWorks 2018, SolidWorks 2019 and AutoCAD 2014 daily /:
- Design products based on your information and reference for AISI, ESKD, DIN and ISO;
- Create 3D models of parts and / or assemblies;
- Create 3D models from 2D drawings or blueprints marked prints, catalog references, sketches and other information;
- Generate 2D documentation;
- 3D presentations and animations of some of reference; - Establish tooling parts / assemblies, with the necessary documentation. Regards,
Hello there,
I suggest the development of design documentation of technological products and construction equipment for installation repairs with SolidWorks. The materials at your job or idea may be paper or electronic form, 3D image or model, plan, etc ..
Kind regards,