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사용자 아바타

Uros B.



Experienced Shopify | Full Stack Developer

$30 USD / 시간
국기 ()
Serbia (5:55 AM)
11월 11, 2023에 가입
$30 USD / 시간
With over 7 years of Web development experience, I specialise in managing Shopify stores to increase their conversion rate, search engine rankings, by building super awesome liquid and Shopify headless frontend. My core focus lies NOT just naively in building themes and sections, but in extending what's (currently) difficult to do in Shopify, such as making thousands of variants, dynamic product skus and barcodes, short-term automatic campaigns and more! If you need very customized solutions, like order cancellation flows, subscription + one time hybrid purchase models, that's the field I am excel at. ✅ My Expertise: ?️ Shopify Development: Solution architect, Consultant, Senior expert and also good store manager including product, order, customer relationship management ? Web Development: Skilled in PHP, Ruby on Rails, MERN, TailWindCSS, Serverless, Next.js, Vue.js, GraphQL, MicroServices, Redux, and Material UI (4 years) ? AI Integration: Proficient in ChatGPT and OpenAI technologies (1 year) ? Laravel Mastery: Extensive experience with Laravel, Filament, Livewire, and REST APIs (4 years) ?️ Database Proficiency: Comprehensive knowledge of MongoDB, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, GraphQL, Redis, and Firebase (4 years) ?️ Cloud and Compliance: Stripe, PayPal, and AWS Services ? Agile Project Management: Familiar with JIRA, Agile methodologies, SCRUM, and CI/CD Pipelines (4 years)
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변경 내역 저장 완료
5.0 · 2 Reviews
사용자 아바타
Uros B. is a true Shopify genius! He delivered exceptional results beyond my expectations, completing the work efficiently and with great expertise. His professionalism, attention to detail, and dedication made the entire process seamless. I highly recommend Uros for any Shopify project—he’s simply outstanding! Thank you for your excellent work!
Vikas S.
국기 ()
Jaipur, India
16일 전
Developer did quick work as required. I will hire him again for further development.
Marco A.
국기 ()
woodbridge, Canada
1개월 전
Preferred Freelancer Program SLA
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