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이메일에 대한 인증 절차가 완료되었습니다.
사용자 아바타

Muhammad Abrar H.



Software company trusted amongst the clients!

$14 USD / 시간
국기 ()
Pakistan (12:44 AM)
9월 26, 2008에 가입
$14 USD / 시간
Specialized in PHP, HTML, CSS, Responsive Website, Shopping Carts, PHP Frameworks. Have worked with the following industries: ---------------------------------------- Online Bookings Reservations Goods Rental Shopping Cart Magazine Publishing Additionally, have experience of: ---------------------------------------- Paypal Skrill [login to view URL] Renaissance 2Checkout
변경 내역 저장 완료
5.0 · 2 Reviews
사용자 아바타
Great Provider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also programmer but he really helped me in writing difficult php scripts, and he is the best provider who knows how to complete project with in time, and one thing i know, he can never never be stuck in web projects, great programmer, excellent designer and very professional. He is new on Freelancer i think, but he met me first on some other site, i will always recommend him for future php projects of any difficulty level. Thanks Abrar Hassan, you are the Best!
Muhammad A.
국기 ()
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
14년 전
I caught him red handed copying stuff from other websites to create my website. All the requirements and payment terms were clearly explained in PM but he insisted to pay him just after selecting as winner. He wasted my time! my money is still tied up in escrow. I showed flexibility and tried my best to solve this issue but no luck! The worse thing happened! he decided to change all my personnel details on my hosting account and deleted 4 live websites! Thank God I had their backup. I am now moving to another host as he has put some kind of virus there, it corrupt the index.php pages when I put. This was a lesson, I won't allow any freelancer to use my primary hosting account.
Closed User
국기 ()
14년 전
General Orientation Exam
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