In this project, you need to replicate the echo client and server program and then you are required to enhance the ECHO client/server program.
Choose either TCP or UDP version of the echo server/client, modify it to accomplish the following function:
• Server side program should accept a parameter as the port number that it will listen on for incoming request, if no parameter is provided, then 9999 is used by default.
• User(e.g. me) runs the client program to connect to server. Client program should accept two parameters that allow user to specify the server address and port number.
• The client program reads a sentence typed in by user via keyboard, and user can select a command, then it sends both the command and the sentence to the server.
• Upon receipt of the sentence and command, server converts all the letters in the sentence into uppercase letters or lower letters or other format based on the received command, and sends the result back to the client.
• Client program displays the replied sentence on the screen.
Your server should support at least three commands: all uppercase, all lowercase, and another commands that you designed(something like initial caps, reverse each word, reverse the entire sentence, etc.).
Include a README document for instructions on how to run your program.
You also need to provide a document describing your protocol, i.e., underlying transport layer service, port numbers, the order and format of message sent and received by client/server, action associated with each message, etc. The document should provide enough information for others to implement client and server program to interact with yours.
I would love to help you with this job in programming your client/server python scripts for the purpose of message/command transfer. I understood your requirement very clearly and I have all the skills and the expertise required to get this job done perfectly for you. (Please feel free to check my profile for further information).
My schedule is clear enough to accomodate your project immediately and get the job done within a maximum of 48 hours time, so please let me know if you are interested.
PS: What version of python do you want this completed in? (I can do it in any version)
Thanks and have a great weekend :)
i have worked on similar project that you described, please let me know if you have time to talk about it and i will explain my vision how this would work.
Thanks in advance for taking your time to contact me.
Best regards.
Dear Prospect Hiring Manager.
Thank you for giving me a chance to bid on your project. i am a serious bidder here and i have already worked on a similar project before and can deliver as u have mentioned
"I can do this job and give you an efficient job that will be very acceptable and presentable. I and my team work on web development and mobile apps and I can assure you that you will never be disappointed"
Hi, I am Python developer of 5 years. I have experience with web servers, webscokets and asynchronous programming.
If you would like to discuss anything further please don't hesitate to message me at anytime.
My GP was designing streaming service for brain signal using python server side and two type of clients :android app client and desktop app using python.