i have a Php multiuser autoresponder script (like Aweber, getresponse)
system is template based, as you can see in attachment
i need to permit user to copy a HTML Newsletter template, like aweber do, for example, as you can se in this video:
[login to view URL]
second part of video will show you how we proceed actually, making selection, copy and pasting manually, and forced to open a New windows (best choice see templates preview in same page, as show in video)
my real TPL you see in action is [login to view URL] you find attached to see
more you'll find the script wich permit to see preview templates and select code
Graphics: i already have my own templates, so no graphics needed
Visual Editor used in my script is FCKeditor
feel free to ask any additional info
## Deliverables
her you'll find example code + tpl