Build transcoding panel budget 250 euro
- dashboard show, cpu utilzation by grapihc using widgets, show total connections, show total streams online/offline/ show per row each gpu statics with utilzation graphics , show total in and outgoing network metrics/ usage of traffic (from uptime second til now realtime) if reboot server then start from 0 traffic data
- page live streams , show stream details (kbps/audio/codec/videocodec/total connections/uptime stream/restart stop buttons, mini popup jwplayer or hls player to show live stream
- add stream, support multi source setup, select gpu , select profile for transcode, select output http stream/rtmp stream output *( rtmp,rtsp,rtp,rtmpe, udp,http,mpegts,ts,hls,dash all protocols)
- profiles for transcoding (attach to gpus) (all settings for best quality streaming (all codecs)
- multi gpu support
- create/userpass for watch http stream/rtmp streams /lock to ip not able to view from other ips.
- show current connected connections by username/connected channels/country flag
- show users/ online/offline / disable users/ kick connection user (disconnect all connections)/ban user
- create stream bouqets /categorys, add streams to categories, user limit access to wach selected stream categories.
- advanced export playlists mutli option ( rtmp,rtsp,rtp,rtmpe, udp,http,mpegts,ts,hls,dash all protocols)
- it should be used with nginx for serving streams.
- stream checker auto restart stream after x seconds option if stream disconnect try reconnect, possible to add multiple stream sources (if first stream disconnects auto connect second source and start transcoding
- reconnect on disconnect streams setting setup (put X seconds)
- reverse proxy setup, auto install by adding root user pass ssh port ip adress and auto install ->
when installed, it should forward from server ip forwared ports in reverse proxied servers iptables tables.
- manage server ( overview transcoding server, change ports for streaming, rtmp/hls/http etc), see if reverseproxy is installed, show reverseproxy ip adres, possible change main server ip adress, reinstall reverseproxy
- nginx settings / possible restart nginx/ change streaming ports /rtmp ports/ etc / admin pass change
- firewall block, maxmind api, geo block, country block, lock user to X country connect, user log activity (invalid creds, blocked logs, bruteforce attacks, block single ip, block subnet) - Overview blocked ips, Overview Whitelisted ip adresses/add/delete
Stream Checkker, Connection Checker in C++ communicate realtime with frontend dashboard
- means check, if user restreamer, check user max allowed logins (open connections at same time)
- means (check user realtime, connection status (from server to user connection) green perfect, red bad, orange normal)
- check stream source, checkaudio/videoloss (reconnect ondisconnect other sources stream)
- do all frontend functions, stop stream,restart stream, restart all streams, stop all streams
It should be an auto installer written to easy deploy to new server.
This means, auto compiling app and all things configuring. (installing packages/ffmpeg ffprobe /nginx nginx configs etc etc)