Hello, my name is John Chat and I am a full-time freelancer and professional photo editing/retouching service provider with 5 years of experience in Adobe Photoshop and graphics design. I understand you are seeking a freelancer to implement a wordpress theme post layout to your related post custom php code. Specifically, you are looking for someone who has strong knowledge of WordPress and PHP, CSS, JS and HTML as well as experience in implementing custom layouts using WordPress themes.
I believe I am the perfect person for this job due to my extensive experience in the field of website design and video editing/production. Specifically, I have worked on numerous WordPress projects before so I am well-aware of the specific needs of this project. Additionally, I have a reliable track record when it comes to delivering on deadline-related tasks which makes me an ideal choice for this job.
If you would like me to show you my skills please feel free to contact me directly so we can discuss further