Hi, I can help you to write Privacy Policy,
Terms & Conditions, and Cancellation/Refund Policy for your ecom website.
I am a law professor with PhD in Law and teaching as well as research experience of 20+ years at law school and law firms.
I can prepare excellent and thoroughly legal documents in a plethora of disciplines which include Law, Family Law, Employment Law, Cyber Law, Intellectual Property Law, Finance & Banking Law, Business Law, Corporate Law, ICT Law, Real Estate Law, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law, Tax Files, Writ, International Business Law etc.
I have authored 20+ Books, 1000+ Articles and Research Papers.
For my sample work-
* Cyber Law in Bangladesh
* Computer & Law
* Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006
* Government and Politics & Election Laws of Bangladesh
* Banking Law Manual
* Government & Politics
* Alternative Dispute Resolution
Dr. Zulfiquar Ahmed