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2,000 vb6 mouse click api 찾은 프로젝트

웹 기반 모비일 및 pc웹 개발 서비스 내용 의뢰인 글 등록 > 매칭 컨텍 > 상담 > 결제 >작업진행상황> 결과 완료> 결제된 금액 전송 완료 월간 및 년간 구독 페이팔 및 글로벌 결제 모듈 다국어 서비스 챗지피티번역 API 모듈 적용 의뢰인 등록시 다국어로 번역되어 등록됨 의뢰인과 작업자 소통시 자동 번역됨 보유 포인트 번역비용 빠짐 홍보 파트너 리워드 수익쉐어 있음 sns 공유 소셜 로그인 및 가입 개발 참여 자는 포트폴리오 공개 할것

$111 Average bid
$111 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

광고주 매칭. 캐쥬열 웹게임, 보상 시스템 광고주와 홍보자가 매칭 되어 광고를 진행하면 보상과 차감 방식 간단한 캐쥬얼 웹 게임 혼자게임 1대1 게임 토너먼트 당첨 우승시 보상 홍보시 리워드 수익쉐어 sns api 컨텐츠 업로드 소셜가입 및 로그인 회원 레벨 등급 시스템

$421 Average bid
$421 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

1. preferably React.js 2. excellent understanding and implementation of security techniques for variables and API interaction with variables. 3. have a good understanding of variable state management and React structures. 4. know how to manage cache and optimize SEO. Must be able to implement: 1. User Auth related such as login, signup, unsubscribe, logout, etc. 2. search bar and json-based data rendering Grid, List, Scroll, infinite Scroll, Pagenation, which are the core of e-commerce 3. It should be easy to manage the overall status of payment related, and Navigation processing should not cause bugs/abuse due to lack of data and status management. ** We do not recommend new developers who do not understand these fundamentals, or who do not have experience and want to gain exper...

$50 / hr Average bid
$50 / hr (평균 입찰가)
20 건의 입찰

...모바일 애플리케이션이 필수적입니다. - 고객 지원: 신뢰할 수 있는 고객 지원 시스템을 구현합니다 추가 기능: - 보너스 및 프로모션: 매력적인 보너스와 프로모션을 통합하여 사용자를 유치하고 유지합니다. 주요 요구 사항: - 축구, 농구, 테니스, 크리켓 및 여러 틈새 스포츠를 포함하는 스포츠 베팅 플랫폼 개발. - 라이브 베팅 및 스트리밍: 사용자는 게임이 진행되는 동안 베팅할 수 있어야 합니다 - 슬롯, 비디오 포커, 블랙잭 및 룰렛과 같은 다양한 테이블 게임, 라이브 딜러 게임을 제공하는 카지노 베팅 섹션 생성. - 사용자 친화적인 인터페이스와 원활한 탐색 구현. 이상적인 기술 및 경험: - 베팅 플랫폼 및 스크립트 개발에 대한 입증된 경험. - 스포츠와 카지노 게임에 대한 강력한 이해. - API 통합에 대한 능숙함. - 매력적이고 사용자 친화적인 인터페이스를 만드는 능력. 제안서에 완료한 유사한 프로젝트의 예를 제공하세요.

$500 Average bid
$500 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

google play console로 부터 아래의 메시지를 받아서 앱이 store에서 삭제된 상태입니다. 그래서 코드를 IONIC7으로 업그레이드 하여 문제를 해결하려고 합니다. 앱이 Android 13(API 수준 33) 이상을 타겟팅해야 함 사용자에게 안전한 환경을 제공하기 위해 Google Play의 모든 앱은 대상 API 수준 요구사항을 충족해야 합니다. 2023년 8월 31일부터 최신 Android 출시로부터 1년 이내의 대상 API 수준을 타겟팅하지 않는 경우 앱을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.

$750 Average bid
$750 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

Yerkebulan D.님의 프로필 정보를 확인해 보았으며, 제 프로젝트 작업을 제안해 드리고자 합니다. 보다 자세한 내용은 채팅을 통해 협의하실 수 있습니다.

$250 Average bid
$250 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

Hello. I want to become an smm service provider. I don't want to be a reseller. I want to have my own service (my own API). I don't want to be a reseller that links APIs to other panels. I want the services needed for many platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, SoundCloud, Spotify, etc. But for now, you only need the YouTube service. Subscribers, Likes, Dislikes, Views, Watching Time For these services to work, many IPs and accounts are required. I want someone who can explain this to me. We plan to gradually increase the service. As much as possible, I want to entrust this project to a developer who has made smm panels. Take care of your health in cold weather.

$580 Average bid
$580 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

...2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : node.js # 2015년5월 ~ 2016년3월 : 홍선군 상수도 누수관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : 홍성군 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, Mybatis, Daum Map API, amchart, , jqgrid , bootstrap

$500 Average bid
$500 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

기존 웹사이트 API 연결 및 검색기능추가, 디자인 변경.

$193 Average bid
$193 (평균 입찰가)
5 건의 입찰

1. 최적화 WORDPRESS 구성 에 VPS(2G) 에 워드프레스 테마(Ajax 모듈 중심 테마) 1개 최적화 ㅡ 적용기술 ( page rule최적화 및 ssl 적용, VarnishㅡNginxㅡphp-FPM, W3 total cache) ㅡ 최적화된 VPS 자동 최적화 ( 정기적 cache 제거 룰 클론으로 적용) ㅡ 테마 Patch 시 linode api 를 활용해서 원격에서 자동 패치 프로그램 지원) ㅡ 테마 적용 플러그인 (bbpress, wptouch, 구글통계, jatpack, w3 total cache, yoast pro..) 2. VPS 추가 및 PATCH 관리 및 기타 이슈관리 지원 ㅡ 1번에서 제작된 snapshot 활용 다수의 VPS 에 적용 ㅡ 다수의 VPS 에 테마 PATCH 및 자동 패치 가능한 Plugin patch 툴로 일괄 적용 * 셋팅된 VPS의 설정(사이트 디자인 포함)은 해당 사항 없음

$5190 Average bid
$5190 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

הי אלכס, אני מעוניין בחיבור מפתחות API לאתר של סוכן טאובאו. אנא צור איתי קשר talok1@ תודה, טל

$150 Average bid
$150 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

...Subscription Model • Free Tier: Limited consultations. • Premium Tier: Advanced reports, unlimited queries, priority access. 3. Technical Specifications 3.1 Backend • Tech Stack: Node.js, Python (AI model) • Database: Firebase / MongoDB (for user profiles) • API Integration: OpenAI, Google Vision (for image processing) 3.2 AI Models • Bazi & Numerology AI model • NLP-based chatbot engine • Image recognition for floorplan analysis 3.3 Platform Integration • WhatsApp API • WeChat API • Line API • Facebook Messenger API • Instagram API 4. Future Enhancements 1. Audio Call Consultations (AI-based voice Fengshui master) 2. Live Video Call Feature (Consult real Fengshui masters) ...

$531 Average bid
$531 (평균 입찰가)
33 건의 입찰

...get overwritten when botble releases an update. Heres the sites that we sell tickets for: Disney world ***************************************************** (tickets only, 1 day hopper, 3 day and 4 day tickets only. Sometimes they are variable, but currently they are not) Our disney landing page should flow similar to this site: When they click continue it will ask them to select number of days then add hopper (option) or not then continuously show them the price if they make changes on the page Universal Studios*********************************************** We sell tickets of any amount of days here and only for NON florida residents

$50 Average bid
상금 보장형
1 건의 응모작

..._______ ? User Panel GUI: • First screen that have a full screen slider contains restaurant images, and each image have a button to reserve this restaurant and images auto rotation. • step1 wizard: after guest click on reserve on the slider image, show form that ask guest to login with room no, year of birth and system will change language according to the obtained customer language • step2 wizard: guest select restaurant based on pic, name, desc, and available days in the week • step3 wizard: Guests can select allergens in checkboxes • step4: guest can add additional room, or click confirm booking then back to slider again to be ready for a new reservation. • Note1: This screen will appear on a kiosk so In case the guest hold for 1 minute in...

$193 Average bid
$193 (평균 입찰가)
27 건의 입찰

...Subscription Model • Free Tier: Limited consultations. • Premium Tier: Advanced reports, unlimited queries, priority access. 3. Technical Specifications 3.1 Backend • Tech Stack: Node.js, Python (AI model) • Database: Firebase / MongoDB (for user profiles) • API Integration: OpenAI, Google Vision (for image processing) 3.2 AI Models • Bazi & Numerology AI model • NLP-based chatbot engine • Image recognition for floorplan analysis 3.3 Platform Integration • WhatsApp API • WeChat API • Line API • Facebook Messenger API • Instagram API 4. Future Enhancements 1. Audio Call Consultations (AI-based voice Fengshui master) 2. Live Video Call Feature (Consult real Fengshui masters) ...

$2257 Average bid
$2257 (평균 입찰가)
34 건의 입찰
Help me finish my 90% completed app
6 일 left
인증 완료

I have an app that is pretty much done. I just need a few API's added. It's a movie and tv series review app. I'm having trouble with all the movies and tv shows showing up under the right categories . I'll need a netflix, hulu, amazon prime, disney, apple tv, peacock and starz api so when you click on each category you'll be able to see and search for movies and tv series. Then i'll need help deploying it to the android play store and the apple app store.

$78 Average bid
$78 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

I'm encountering a 403 error while trying to access a Public API. I've implemented some rate limiting measures, but they seem ineffective. Currently, I'm using user agent randomizing and proxies as the rate limiting method. I need an experienced professional who can: - Diagnose the issue with my current rate limiting measures - Suggest and implement more effective rate limiting strategies - Troubleshoot the 403 error and get me back on track with accessing the API Ideal skills include: - Deep understanding of rate limiting methods - Experience with public API access - Proficiency in troubleshooting API errors I am looking to fix my existing code.

$223 Average bid
$223 (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰

...Development for both Android and iOS. 2. Creating a UI/UX design that incorporates smooth animations. 3. Integrating various APIs including payment gateways, Firebase, and Rest API. 4. Setting up push notifications and a real-time database. 5. Implementing authentication methods via Google, Facebook, and email OTP login. 6. Troubleshooting the app for debugging and optimizing its performance. 7. Overseeing the app's submission to the Play Store and App Store. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Flutter app development. - Proven track record in UI/UX design with a focus on smooth animations. - Proficient in API integration, particularly with payment gateways and Firebase. - Familiarity with setting up push notifications and real-time databases. - Co...

$408 Average bid
$408 (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

I'm encountering a 403 error while trying to access a Public API. I've implemented some rate limiting measures, but they seem ineffective. Currently, I'm using user agent randomizing and proxies as the rate limiting method. I need an experienced professional who can: - Diagnose the issue with my current rate limiting measures - Suggest and implement more effective rate limiting strategies - Troubleshoot the 403 error and get me back on track with accessing the API Ideal skills include: - Deep understanding of rate limiting methods - Experience with public API access - Proficiency in troubleshooting API errors I am looking to fix my existing code.

$27 Average bid
$27 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

I need a seasoned Visual Developer with substantial experience working with DevExpress Grid. This project requires creating a grid entirely through code and linking it to a SQL Server data source, also through code. Key Project Features: - Implement item selection via double-click or using the F1 key, which opens a help form for item selection. The selected item's data and price should return to the grid row. - Enable item data retrieval through barcode or item code input. - Incorporate a parameter for the saving process, utilizing a function that performs calculations through a query for item cost using both FIFO (First In, First Out) and Average Cost methods. - Facilitate returning selected data from another grid using checkboxes. The ideal candidate would be: - A professi...

$143 Average bid
$143 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a Click Funnel expert with a knack for sales funnel design. My primary goal with this project is to enhance sales conversion for my product through a well-crafted Click Funnel. Key Responsibilities: - Design a sales-oriented Click Funnel for my product - Focus on optimizing the decision stage of the funnel - Adhere to my partial branding guidelines Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Click Funnel and sales funnel design - Strong understanding of sales conversion strategies - Ability to work with partial branding guidelines - Excellent design skills

$109 Average bid
$109 (평균 입찰가)
9 건의 입찰

I need advice to configure the WhatsApp Business API, since I have tried to generate the user token twice and Meta has restricted my account. I need to leave the api configured and ready to later connect it to a chat bot.

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr (평균 입찰가)
11 건의 입찰

...pick up and start their trip. They can choose to pre-pay for the trip or they can pay in cash at the pick up point. If they use our Mobile App, then we can keep track of their GPS location as to where we will pick them up, so the driver can see exactly where they are at. But if they are using the Web App to book an appointment then what we will do is that once we pick them up the driver can click on his app once he pick up the passenger at that point, this way we will record and keep track of the date, time, and GPS location of where we pick up that passenger, and then when, where we drop off each passenger. We need to keep track of each customer: 1) Name, Phone #, Email, Date of Birth, or Year of Birth 2) Each of their booking (location, date & time, pick up & dro...

$1205 Average bid
$1205 (평균 입찰가)
55 건의 입찰

...Website: ( I will provide credentials ) > Search Companies >Open a Saved Search Search saved searches in this order: 1. Houston Roofers 2. San Antonio Roofers 3. Dallas Roofers 4. Fort Worth Roofers 5. Austin Roofers Steps: On each company in list: 1. Click on the company (ONLY as long as the company name has the word “roof” in it). 2. Click on “Find Contacts”. Search for first 3 in this list, in order: a. [any title with name “Sales” in it!!], b. Owner, c. Founder, d. CEO, e. President 3. 3. **Click “Reveal this contact's mobile and direct number” for ph# field(s). ** I get charged 4 credits on the account for each download so must be accurate info! ***VERY IMPORTANT. PLEASE ONLY RUN THE PROGRAM...

$24 Average bid
$24 (평균 입찰가)
34 건의 입찰

...York State Search website. The task involves iterating through various name combinations to access every individual profile and collecting the corresponding email addresses. Requirements: ✅ Name Iteration: The scraper must cycle through all name options – using one letter of the first name and two letters of the last name – to access every individual profile. ✅ Profile Access: The scraper must click on each name, as the email address is only available on the individual profile page. ✅ Data Filtering: The scraper should only extract and save entries with an email address, disregarding those without. ✅ Data Format: The extracted data should be delivered in CSV format, specifically in the order of Lastname, Firstname, Email. Given that about 80% of profiles have an em...

$138 Average bid
$138 (평균 입찰가)
35 건의 입찰
Web Scraping & Automation Developer
6 일 left
인증 완료

...selected users. 4️⃣ Run automatically every 15 minutes, 24/7. Our current process is done using Browserflow, but this tool will be **custom-built**—you don’t need experience with Browserflow, just the ability to replicate the workflow. --- ?️ What We’re Looking For: ✅ Experience in Web Scraping & Automation (Python, Puppeteer, Selenium, or similar tools). ✅ Ability to work with Google Sheets API (to store & update data). ✅ Knowledge of scheduling scripts to run every 15 minutes (Cron jobs, AWS Lambda, etc.). --- ? How to Apply: If you’re interested, send us: 1️⃣ A brief message explaining why you’re a good fit. 2️⃣ Examples of web scraping/automation projects you’ve done. 3️⃣ Your expected payment rate for this pr...

$161 Average bid
$161 (평균 입찰가)
22 건의 입찰

...Prescription Explanation 6. Data-Driven Insights for Continuous AI Improvement 7. Cost Estimation for Large-Scale ChatGPT API Usage The AI bot should analyze conversations, summarize chat results, identify major concerns, and for mental health support, detect when a patient requires urgent professional intervention. It must also read medical test results and doctor prescriptions, explaining them to patients in simple terms using non-medical analogies. Additionally, the chatbot should track top concerns across different user groups (patients, doctors, ASHA workers) and generate reports for continuous AI model training. The freelancer will also estimate the ChatGPT API cost for processing 100 million queries daily. Project Scope & Features 1. AI Chatbot Development...

$4040 Average bid
$4040 (평균 입찰가)
5 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a skilled Flutter developer who can seamlessly integrate the AI vireo Generator API into my app. The primary AI functionality needed is image recognition, specifically object detection and image classification. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in Flutter development - Experience with integrating third-party APIs, specifically Google Cloud Vision - Understanding of image recognition features such as object detection and image classification - Ability to implement and optimize AI functionalities within a mobile application The ideal candidate will have a strong background in mobile app development and a proven track record of working with AI APIs. If you have the skills and experience necessary to bring this project to life, I look forward to hearing from you.

$162 Average bid
$162 (평균 입찰가)
5 건의 입찰

...a TikTok Shop scraping script. This project involves extracting specific product details from the platform, so experience with scraping and the relevant tools is crucial. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in scraping TikTok Shop data - Proficiency in Python, Scrapy, Selenium, Puppeteer, and Playwright - Ability to handle CAPTCHA and anti-bot mechanisms - Experience with dynamic content and API knowledge is a plus - Familiarity with proxy rotation for stable scraping The script will need to extract: - Title and Description - Price - Reviews - Product ID - Sold information - Stock Deliverables: - A fully functional scraping script - Output data in CSV format - Clear instructions on how to run the script - Clean, well-documented, and efficient code The ideal candidate will b...

$209 Average bid
$209 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

...3️⃣ Generación de Post para Redes Sociales ✅ GPT-4 redacta un post optimizado para redes sociales basado en el análisis previo. ✅ Salida: Un post listo para publicar en Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn y X. 4️⃣ Descarga del Video del Anuncio ✅ Si la noticia tiene un video, se descarga automáticamente con una de estas opciones: Apify/Phantombuster (si el scraper detecta un video). DownloadHelper API o yt-dlp (si el video está en YouTube o Vimeo). ✅ Salida: Video del anuncio guardado en Google Drive. 5️⃣ Publicación en Redes Sociales ✅ Publicar automáticamente en: Instagram (Imagen o video con el post). Facebook (Texto + imagen o video). LinkedIn (Post profesional con análisis). X (Twitter) (Post corto con enlace al análi...

$195 Average bid
$195 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

...(Ironbark Safety) Project Overview: We are launching Ironbark Safety, a premium safety clothing and PPE brand, and need a high-quality, modern, and fully responsive front-end website. This website will incorporate embroidery customization, logo upload functionality, and a seamless user experience. We are seeking an experienced front-end developer to bring our vision to life. The back-end and API development will be handled separately by our in-house developer. Your role will focus solely on building the front-end UI/UX and ensuring it integrates smoothly with the backend. Project Scope: You will be responsible for: ✅ Developing a fully responsive, modern front-end (React, Vue.js, or preferred) ✅ Integrating an embroidery & logo upload feature (vector file input: AI, SVG...

$1367 Average bid
$1367 (평균 입찰가)
80 건의 입찰

Quero api de login na corretora Pocket Option, para multiusuários, precisa pegar o ssid e armazenar para conexão! Não pode ser através de automação de click, pode ser usado playright. Pegue o projeto apenas se conseguir ou tiver a API funcionando. A pocket usa recapcha e o ssid pode ser pego via websocket.

$159 Average bid
$159 (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

...Room Podcast’s online presence to life. This role involves creating a modern, user-friendly website that serves as a hub for mining industry news, company reports, and our podcast content. Responsibilities: • Develop a responsive and visually appealing user interface. • Integrate chat functionalities for user engagement. • Collaborate with our backend developer to ensure seamless data flow and API integration. • Implement AI tools to summarize financial reports and drill results.  • Ensure compatibility across various devices and browsers.  Requirements: • Proven experience in front-end development with a strong portfolio. • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js). • Ex...

$1341 Average bid
$1341 (평균 입찰가)
104 건의 입찰

I require a proficient developer to establish a Shopify webhook and API connection to funnel vital data into our AWS-hosted .NET and Angular 19 application. Our objective is to initially import sales data, customer information, and inventory details into our backend, subsequently simplifying the user experience for configuring the Shopify connection and utilizing the data. Key Data Points: - Sales Data: Specifically, we are interested in order details and transaction specifics. - Customer Data: We want to retrieve customer profiles and their contact information. Ideal Candidate: - Expertise in Shopify API and webhooks. - Proficient in .NET and Angular 14+. - Experience with AWS hosting helpful. - Ability to simplify user interfaces for future updates. This is a pivotal ...

$750 - $1500
$750 - $1500
42 건의 입찰

...file generation functionality of our web application. The app is designed to generate ABA files for bulk payment processing, ensuring compliance with banking standards. Code is in GIT repo, must have git account to access to review and work on it. The key task is to debug and fix ABA file creation issues, ensuring correct formatting and compatibility with financial institutions. Other backend and API-related fixes may also be required. Code refs: Tech Stack: Frontend: React.js, , Tailwind CSS Backend: Python, Django, Django REST Framework (DRF) Database: PostgreSQL, , superbase Hosting: Netlify, Vercel, hostinger Authentication: Django auth / OAuth Skills Required: ✅ Python & Django (including Django

$115 Average bid
$115 (평균 입찰가)
24 건의 입찰

...the Kroger API to aggregate grocery deals. However, the app currently only has a few screens and is facing issues with API endpoint configuration and token management (e.g., 404/403 errors and invalid tokens). Project Goals for MVP: Screens (3–4): -Home/Search Page: A simple page where users can enter a product query and zip code. -Results Page: Display aggregated grocery deals from the Kroger API (or fallback dummy data) based on the search query and location. -Product Details Page: Show detailed product information including nutrition data and images. -Blog Section: A minimal blog page with SEO content to boost organic traffic. Core Issues to Resolve: -Correct API endpoint configuration (avoid duplicate “/v1” segments). -Ensure the tok...

$483 Average bid
$483 (평균 입찰가)
62 건의 입찰

...the early 2000s. The original VB6 developer is unavailable, and I’m seeking to update the application and address unresolved bugs. The system includes a VB6 front-end client interfacing with a VB.NET server (for embedded hardware) and a Microsoft SQL database. Phase 1 Task: Upgrade one of the VB6 client’s third-party OCXs from version 2.5 to 3.x Version 3 introduces new properties, requiring minor code adjustments, though most existing functionality should remain compatible. I’ve installed and registered the new OCX on a Windows XP SP3 VM with VB6. Note that some custom controls have lost registration data, complicating migration to new machines. Collaboration: I propose remote development via Anydesk. I can provide access to two machines...

$156 Average bid
$156 (평균 입찰가)
15 건의 입찰

I want to develop a web application that will allow sharing some large sized files with others who are from broadcaster company. The webapp will have following 3 roles - Admin, MediaChamp and Broadcaster (Receivers). Their responsibilities are as follows: 1. Admin Features: - Dashboard with overview of users, companies, and activity - User management (view, create, edit, delete) - C...generation based on the metadata - Can search files and send their downloadable links those to broadcaster users of the companies assigned to them - Company assignment view 3. Broadcaster Features: - Receives an email with a downloadable link to the file. - Can download the file using the link provided Technologies to be used File upload : Amazon S3 Email : Amazon Simple Email Service SES ...

$87 Average bid
$87 (평균 입찰가)
8 건의 입찰
3CX to OpenAI Call Report System
6 일 left
인증 완료

...and makes them available for viewing in a web-based dashboard. The system should: Fetch call transcripts from 3CX in real-time. Process transcripts with OpenAI GPT-4 to generate structured summaries. Store and display reports in a browser-based dashboard. Send alerts for high-priority calls via Slack or Email. Key Features & Workflow 1. Fetch Call Transcripts from 3CX Use the 3CX Configuration API to retrieve call transcripts automatically. Authenticate using OAuth tokens and handle token expiration. Extract metadata (caller ID, date, time, duration). 2. Process Transcripts with OpenAI Send transcripts to OpenAI GPT-4 to generate structured reports. Each summary should include: Key topics discussed Issues raised & resolutions offered Sentiment analysis (Positive, Neutral...

$512 Average bid
$512 (평균 입찰가)
45 건의 입찰

...on my computer screen and allow me one click trading. I am using Trader Workstation from Interactive Brokers to place my trades and I am trading basic Stock Options strategy - buying CALLS & buying PUTS. I need this GUI Panel to allow me to enter and exit trades as fast as possible with a number of conditions through one click execution button. CONDITIONS: 1./ Delta must be above and closest to +0.5 for CALLS and below and closest to -0.5 for PUTS. (Delta value - adjustable feature, such as +0.6/-0.6 or +0.7/-0.7, etc.) 2./ Expiration must be closest to 0 days. 3./ Number of contracts calculated based on selected risk. 4./ Enter trade through a limit price order - abbreviation (LTD) 5./ Entry Order valid for the day - abbreviation (DAY) EIGHT 1 CLICK EXECUTI...

$180 Average bid
$180 (평균 입찰가)
24 건의 입찰

...más contextual y natural. Google Translate: Traducción más rápida y directa. 4️⃣ Adaptación al tono de voz del usuario ✅ Aplicar GPT-4 para ajustar el guion al tono del usuario. ✅ Dos opciones: Adaptación basada en ejemplos (el usuario proporciona textos previos). Estilos predefinidos (formal, conversacional, educativo, etc.). 5️⃣ Generación de audio en ElevenLabs (Opcional) ✅ Usar ElevenLabs API para convertir el guion en un archivo de audio (.mp3). ✅ Guardar en Google Drive el archivo de voz. ✅ Opción de enviar solo este audio al usuario sin generar video. 6️⃣ Generación de video en HeyGen (Opcional) ✅ Dos opciones de integración con HeyGen: Enviar solo el texto → HeyGen genera audio y video autom&a...

$441 Average bid
$441 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

.NET Bot Deployment Help – AWS or MacBook ? Task: I need help running .NET Core 6.0 automation bots, previously hosted on a Wind...json connection strings Run and test the bots ✅ Option 2 (Preferred): Deploy to AWS Set up an AWS EC2 instance (Windows or Linux) Restore the SQL Server database (AWS RDS or EC2-hosted) Deploy the bots using IIS (Windows) or Kestrel (Linux) Ensure PandaDoc & HubSpot API integrations work Optionally set up AWS Elastic Beanstalk for scaling ? Ideal Freelancer: .NET Core 6.0 & SQL Server expertise AWS experience (EC2, RDS, Elastic Beanstalk) Familiar with .NET migration (IIS → Linux/macOS) Strong troubleshooting skills for API issues Please share your recommended setup (Mac vs. AWS) and estimated completion time. ? Budget: Open...

$1194 Average bid
$1194 (평균 입찰가)
28 건의 입찰
Image recognisation mobile app
6 일 left
인증 완료

...for both Android platform to ensure broader accessibility. Ultimately, this project strives to blend innovation in assistive technologies with user-friendly interfaces to create a practical and efficient tool. Constaints:  Operating System: Android (Kotlin/Java)  Programming Languages: Java/Kotlin for Android  Libraries/APIs: Google Vision API or OpenCV for image recognition  TensorFlow for advanced image processing (optional)  Text-to-Speech (TTS) API (e.g., Android's TextToSpeech)  IDE’s: Android Studio for Android development Quality Measurements: Accuracy of image recognition and object identification, reliability of TTS outputs  Scalability: Ability to handle different environments and various objects without significant performance degradation  Err...

$600 Average bid
$600 (평균 입찰가)
36 건의 입찰

I have an Excel file that pulls data from an app, processes it through some formulas, and sends it back via API or Excel commands. All functions are operational but there's a slight delay. I need an expert to enhance the efficiency of the sheet to eliminate this lag. Key Requirements: - Optimize data processing speed - Improve data lookup efficiency - Enhance data transmission speed Skills and Expertise Needed: - Proficient in Excel - Experienced in VBA programming - Knowledgeable in data processing and transmission optimization techniques

$133 Average bid
$133 (평균 입찰가)
39 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a skilled MERN stack developer to help me enhance an ex...Implemented: - Reporting Dashboard: I need a comprehensive dashboard that provides insights and analytics. - User Authentication: Enhancing security and user management through robust authentication systems. - API Integration: Connecting our tool with other software and services for seamless operation. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in MERN stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js). - Experience in developing and adding features to internal business tools. - Knowledge in creating reporting dashboards. - Expertise in implementing user authentication systems. - Proficiency in API integration. This is a long term project, so I'm looking for a reliable developer who can deliver quality w...

$186 Average bid
$186 (평균 입찰가)
63 건의 입찰

Hello, I'm reaching out as I would love to work with you. I have an Excel sheet I use with formulas and VBAs. Unfortunately it has slowed down and I want to have it update in real time again. I think there is much that can be done to make the sheet more efficient. The sheet pulls data from an app and processes it before sending it back via API with VBA. I have a system that works ok but it has become muddled and would love someone experienced like you to make it as efficient as possible.

$150 Average bid
$150 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

보다 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면, 회원 가입 또는 로그인 절차가 필요합니다.

...within 10 km of our store. We want to transition to a distance-based shipping model where delivery charges are dynamically calculated based on the actual distance from our store location. Key Requirements: Expertise in WordPress and WooCommerce development. Experience with custom shipping rules and shipping plugins. Ability to integrate Google Maps API (or similar services) to calculate distance-based shipping. Strong knowledge of PHP, JavaScript, and API integrations. Experience in setting up radius-based delivery restrictions. Project Scope: Modify the existing pincode-based system to a distance-based shipping model. Ensure the new system applies only within Kolkata for deliveries ranging from 10 km to 15 km. Implement dynamic pricing based on distance. Test and optimiz...

$17 Average bid
$17 (평균 입찰가)
12 건의 입찰

I need to build an internal SMS messaging tool that integrates with Retool on the front end and AWS on the back end. This tool will allow our team to upload a CSV/Excel file with phone numbers, validate each number before sending a messa...front-end – To manage all messaging operations. ✅ AWS as the back-end – To handle SMS validation, sending, number provisioning, and tracking. Key Features: - Use Amazon Pinpoint for SMS validation, sending, and tracking. - Generate reports on delivery status and message content. - Implement automated validation of phone numbers via API. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Retool. - Extensive experience with AWS, specifically Amazon Pinpoint. - Knowledge of API integration for automated tasks. - Ability to create deta...

$487 Average bid
$487 (평균 입찰가)
58 건의 입찰

보다 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면, 회원 가입 또는 로그인 절차가 필요합니다.

봉인형 NDA (비밀 유지 계약서)