Software keywords research seo일자리
한국 웹사이트의 고품질 백링크가 필요합니다. Google에서 유기적 트래픽이 발생하는 웹사이트를 찾고 있습니다. 저희는 Web 2.0이나 프로필 백링크와 같은 저품질 무료 백링크에는 관심이 없습니다. 저희는 정품 웹사이트의 고품질 기사 백링크에만 관심이 있습니다. 저희는 백링크당 500달러의 예산을 가지고 있습니다. 저품질 무료 백링크를 위한 메시지를 보내지 마세요!!! PLEASE DON'T SEND ME MESSAGES FOR LOW QUALITY FREE BACKLINKS!!
Inkspired는 현재 웹사이트의 AI 컴포넌트 개발을 지원할 주니어 소프트웨어 개발자 직책에 한국 국적을 소지한 인재를 찾고 있습니다. : 담당업무: - 기술 과제에 대한 기본 개념, 프로세스, 관행 및 절차를 적용합니다. - 실무 경험과 교육이 필요한 업무를 수행합니다. - 일반 컴퓨터 응용 소프트웨어 또는 특수 유틸리티 프로그램을 개발, 생성 및 수정합니다. - 사용자 요구 사항을 분석하고 소프트웨어 솔루션을 개발합니다. - 운영 효율성을 최적화하기 위해 고객이 사용할 소프트웨어를 설계하거나 사용자를 지정합니다. - 애플리케이션 영역 내에서 데이터베이스를 분석하고 설계하며, 개별적으로 작업하거나 팀의 일원으로 데이터베이스 개발을 조율합니다. - 의료, 산업, 군사, 통신, 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션을 위한 운영 체제 수준의 소프트웨어, 컴파일러 및 네트워크 배포 소프트웨어를 연구, 설계, 개발 및 테스트합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고 소프트웨어 요구 사항을 공식화 및 분석합니다. 임베디드 시스템 소프트웨어를 설계합니다. - 컴퓨터 과학, 공학 및 수학적 분석의 원리와 기술을 적용합니다. 자격요건: 소프트웨어 공학 학위 또는 이와 유사한 학위. 최소 3년 이상의 관련 경력. 영어와 한국어에 능통해야 합니다. 압박감 속에서도 잘 일할 수 있어야 합니다. 구두 및 서면 커뮤니케이션 능력이 뛰어나고 조직력이 뛰어나야 합니다. 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션에서 검증된 파이썬 코딩 경험이 필요합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고...
홈페이지 블로그에 필요한 원고 잡업 -정보성 원고 작성(예: 루나코인이란? 디파이란?) -영문 자료 리서치를 통해 국문 원고 작성 -간단한 이미지 편집 가능 -텍스트 3500자 이상, 이미지 5장(포함) 이상 SEO content writer in Korean -at the beginning of project, mainly informational articles (e.g. what is LUNA coin? What is Defi?) -Must have good understanding Crypto industry. -Excellent keywords research skills to drive most valuable traffic to articles. -Experienced in SEO article writing. -Write 2~4 articles per week.
안녕하십니까? SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필을 보고, 제 프로젝트를 제안하고자 합니다. 자세한 사항에 대해서는 채팅 서비스를 이용하여 주십시오.
필리핀에 본사를 둔 중개 에이전시로서, 다국적 팀을 보유, 글로벌 경영 노하우로 운영되고 있는 회사 입니다. 코로나로 인해 한시적으로 '재택근무 SEO 및 온라인 마케터 포지션을 새롭게 채용하고 있습니다 . ✅ 근무지역 재택근무 형식 ✅ 근무 시간 * SEO Specialist * - 일 9시간 근무, 5일 근무 - 업무 활동에 대한 주간 보고서 제출 * 온라인 마케터 * - 정해진 근무 시간 없음 - 업무 활동에 대한 주간 보고서 제출 ✅우대 사항 * SEO Specialist * - 경력직 우대 - 웹사이트 제작 가능한자 우대 - 백링크 작업 가능한자 우대 - 키워드 마케팅을 통한 키워드 검색 엔진 상위 노출 작업 가능자 * 온라인 마케터 * - 경력직 우대 - 포토폴리오 제출 우대 - SNS / 바이럴 / 온라인 마케팅 등을 통한 신규 고객 유치 가능자 - 키워드 마케팅을 통한 키워드 검색 엔진 상위 노출 작업 가능자 ✅ 주요 업무 내용 * SEO 및 온라인 마케터 * 블로그, SNS, 웹 사이트 등 온라인 마케팅 활동 신규고객 유치를 위한 홍보활동 마케팅 전략 및 기획 수립 ✅ 급여 * SEO 및 온라인 마케터 * - 기본급 + 인센티브 - 정규직 전환 시 급여 인상됩니다. - 급여는 세전이 아닌 세후 실수령 금액입니다 (수습기간 3개월 ~ 6개월 능력에 따라 변경 될수 있음) ✅ 복지 및 지원 봉쇄령 종료 후 회사 정직원으로 고용 전...
안녕하십니까? 제가 SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
안녕하십니까? 제가 SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
...need to do to get your paper up to commercial or academic publishing standards? I can help! I am a widely published writer of nonfiction, journalism, and science research with a wide variety of publications under my belt. I especially excel in first-person investigative journalism, memoir and biography, mainstreaming science for press releases and articles, and polishing scientific papers pre-publication (especially mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, Sports science, Ergonomics, Biomechanics). I can advise on a wide variety of styles from mass market to specialist publications and especially enjoy 'punching up' research for public consumption. If any of these sound like what you need, let's talk! I am happy to craft a plan and timeline that ...
안녕하세요. 저희는 밴쿠버에서 한국 온라인 쇼핑몰 1년째 운영중입니다. 쇼피파이를 통해서 구글 seo 1달 안으로 상위권 노출 가능 하신분 찾고 있습니다. 북미에 주 고객층이 있긴하나 한국의류 특성상 해외에 거주하는 아시아인만 구매가 가능합니다. 그리고 캐나다에서 운영중이긴 하나 주문은 80%가 미국에서 들어오고 있습니다. 현재 북미쪽에서 크게 움직이는 사이트가 몇개 없습니다. 지금 이 시점이 가장 중요한 시점이라고 생각합니다. 이점 고려해서 열정과 노력으로 seo 상위권 들어갈수 있게 도와주실분 찾고 있습니다. [Removed by Admin - See Section 13 of Terms and Conditions] 에서 보다더 자세한 내용을 나누고 싶습니다. 연락주세요.
안녕하십니까? 제가 Xiaolin Software님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
윈도우 자바 Automatic generation of Google ID. You should be able to create many Google IDs on a single computer. Platform, language Anything can be used (구글 아이디 자동 생성. 1개의 컴퓨터에서 많은 구글 아이디 생성이 가능해야 합니다. 플랫폼, 언어 아무거나 사용해도 됩니다.)
윈도우 C 또는 C++ 간단한 커피숍시뮬레이션 프로그램 쓸것 멀티쓰레드- 손님 세마포어-자리 I/O GUI 알고리즘 네트워크 손님몇명인지을 입력하면 손님이들어가서 커피를받아서 자리에 앉고 일정시간동안 커피를 먹고 다시 나가는시뮬레이터
...비디오, 카테고리, 상세설명 및 제목 제공 시 자동으로 업로드가 가능해야 합니다. * 이 프로그램은 지정된 경로에 있는 폴더 내의 비디오들을 업로드 해야하며 해당 폴더 내에 상세설명이 적힌 텍스트 파일로 상세설명을 편집할수 있어야 합니다. Notes: * This can be 2 separate program, it can be an account creator then a mass uploader, but will be preferred if it could be a single program * This should be fully automated, it means that I will only provide the video & description and the keywords then the program will do the rest *The program should upload the videos from a folder in a filepath and use the description from the textfile in that folder. So if you created 2 separate program then I will just load the time delay, file path, the accounts and the proxies. Then it will upload all the video in the 1st folder on that filepath and it will also use the text ...
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다Write some Software '
Locate a company worth investing in Germany. The selection of "good to great" by Jim Collins basis. The final selection of firms draw less than 10 . Please note of the recent trend ROE and dividend payout ratio of over five years to research information. Photos and character analysis of the current CEO is also required. Please direct investment is possible and include information on whether the current share price is appropriate. All materials are sure to leave with an English translation of the original and smooth. 독일에 주식투자할만한 기업을 찾습니다. 짐콜린스의 "good to great"을 기본으로 선정합니다. 최종 선정 기업들은 10개 이내로 추립니다. 조사내용에 최근 5년동안의 ROE 추이와 배당성향을 적어주십시오. 현재 CEO의 사진과 인물분석 자료도 필요합니다. 직접 투자가 가능하고 현 주가 시세가 적절한지 여부도 내용에 포함에 주십시오. 모든 자료는 영문원본과 매끄러운 번역본을 함께 남겨주십시오.
Locate a company worth investing in the United States, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Germany, the United Kingdom and Australia. The selection of "good to great" by Jim Collins basis. The final selection of firms draw less than 10 per each additional countries. Please note of the recent trend ROE and dividend payout ratio of over five years to research information. Photos and character analysis of the current CEO is also required. Please direct investment is possible and include information on whether the current share price is appropriate. All materials are sure to leave with an English translation of the original and smooth. 미국, 일본, 중국,홍콩, 독일, 영국, 호주에 주식투자할만한 기업을 찾습니다. 짐콜린스의 "good to great"을 기본으로 선정합니다. 최종 선정 기업들은 각 국가당 10개 이내로 추립니다. 조사내용에 최근 5년동안의 ROE 추...
Bug Fix in 2~3000 line c# source (WinCE Embeded Target Board) 2~3000라인 정도되는 C#소스(Hnst 사의 임베디드 보드)의 Freezing 버그를 잡아 주세요. FrameWork 3.5 에서 디버그 모드동작시 2~3시간안에 발생하고 릴리즈 모드 컴파일시 1주일정도 만에 멈춤 현상발생합니다.
Google SEO 기반으로 최적화 된 웹사이트 구축 웹사이트 개시 품목 : Oxidized Bitumen, Gilsonite, Paraffin Wax, RPO and MEG.
My main focus is on boosting conversion rates through SEO. The most crucial conversion actions for my website are product sales. Therefore, I need an expert who can not only set up a Shopify store but also design an SEO-optimized website. Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in website design - Expertise in SEO strategies aimed at increasing conversion rates - Extensive experience in creating and setting up Shopify stores - E-commerce knowledge, particularly in driving product sales
...polished videos that align with our brand tone and marketing goals. o Creating compelling titles, captions, and other on-screen text for better engagement and SEO. 2. Content Creation for Marketing and Advertising: o Edit and compile videos for Facebook Ads and social media marketing campaigns. o Ensure videos are optimized for social media algorithms (e.g., proper formatting, pacing, and style). o Use of dynamic transitions, effects, and graphics to make content engaging for our target audience. o Add captions/subtitles to improve accessibility and engagement. 3. Video Optimization for SEO: o Ensure video titles, descriptions, and keywords are optimized for YouTube and Facebook marketing algorithms. o Provide guidance on effective thumbnails, tags, and metadata th...
I'm seeking an engineer or designer with experience in creating scientific measurement devices. The project involves designin...(like a mirror or a piece of silicon stamp) that rotates around a VCSEL. Key Responsibilities: - Design the device to measure: - The actual position of the rotating arm - The position of the VCSEL - The operating current - Develop a software interface for controlling the measurements. Ideal Skills: - Mechanical engineering or similar background - Experience in designing scientific equipment - Proficiency in software interface design - Understanding of VCSELs and related optical components This device will be primarily used for scientific research. The ability to accurately measure and control parameters is crucial. Please conside...
I'm looking for an expert in keyword research to help improve the search rankings of my tutorial and how-to videos on YouTube. The primary goal is to identify effective keywords that will enhance visibility and ranking on YouTube's search platform. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in YouTube SEO and keyword analysis - Experience with tutorial and how-to video optimization - Familiarity with YouTube's search algorithms - Ability to deliver actionable insights and strategies Steps: - Find keywords in VidIq - Ensure The keywords are relevant to stock market only - All the keywords has to scored above >70 only to be accepted - The keywords has to be not the one we already have here :
Saya mencari Virtual Assistant (VA) (Full Online) untuk membantu tugas rutin di bidang marketing dan sales, seperti riset pasar, analisis data, dan pengumpulan informasi. VA akan fokus pada tugas pendukung yang bersifat administratif dan penelitian, tanpa terlibat dalam pengambilan keputusan strategis atau aspek kritis. Tugas utama: 1. Melakukan riset pasar, analisis kompetitor, dan pengumpulan data dari berbagai sumber (berita, jurnal, website). 2. Mengolah dan analisis data untuk kebutuhan sales pipeline, segmentasi pasar, serta enrichment data ICP dan buying committee. 3. Membantu penyusunan laporan metrik kampanye, revenue, serta administrasi program awareness dan demand generation. 4. Kerja 4 Jam Sehari, Mulai dari jam 13.00-17.00 WIB secara online, wajib responsive Yang Saya cari:..., and allowances, ensuring direct recognition and rewards for contributions to business growth. ***Key Responsibilities*** 1. Identify and pursue new business opportunities in overseas markets to drive revenue growth. 2. Oversee the full import/export lifecycle, ensuring adherence to international trade regulations, customs requirements, and compliance standards. 3. Conduct in-depth market research to stay informed of industry trends, competitive activities, and client needs, shaping effective sales strategies. 4. Collaborate closely with internal teams to ensure seamless and timely order fulfillment and customer satisfaction. 5. Prepare comprehensive reports and presentations to support business development plans and performance assessments. 6. Represent the company a...
I need a professional who can help in the collection of quantitative data through surveys. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in designing and implementing surveys - Proficiency in data analysis - Experience in market research and user behavior analysis The main objective of this project is to gather meaningful data that can be used for various purposes such as market research, sales tracking, and user behavior analysis. Please note that the focus will be primarily on quantitative data. Freelancers with strong skills in survey design, data analysis, and market research are encouraged to bid.
...unique, trendsetting men’s apparel (T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, polos) aligned with the OFFTHRUST brand. Develop sketches and digital designs using tools like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or CLO 3D. Select appropriate fabrics, colors, and patterns suitable for men’s casual and semi-casual wear. Create detailed tech packs for manufacturers, including measurements and stitching details. Research market trends and competitors to deliver commercially viable designs. Collaborate with the production team to ensure designs are manufacturable and align with brand standards. --- What We’re Looking For: Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design, Textile Design, or equivalent experience. 1+ year of experience designing men’s apparel i...
I'm looking for a skilled professional who can assist me in writing a paper and getting it published in an SSCI indexed journal. The paper will focus on a survey-based study within the field of psychology, part of the broader social sciences. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of writing and publishing in SSCI indexed journals - Strong background in psychology and survey-based research - Excellent writing and editing skills - Ability to understand and adhere to the specific requirements of SSCI indexed journals. Your task will be to help me articulate my ideas and findings into a well-structured paper, and then navigate the publication process to ensure it reaches a suitable journal.
I'm looking for an SEO specialist to optimize my website, The goal is to improve search engine rankings in South Africa, boost organic traffic, and enhance visibility for my key services. Key Services for SEO Optimization: - Fencing Installers - Generator Maintenance - CCTV In particular, I would like to focus on: - On-page optimization Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly on-page optimization - Familiarity with South African market and search trends - Experience working with service-oriented websites - Ability to deliver measurable results in terms of increased traffic and improved search rankings.
Project Title: Complete Website Redesign with SEO Optimization for a Professional Look Description: I am seeking an experienced web developer/designer to completely revamp my existing website, The goal is to create an outstanding, professional, and modern website that not only looks visually appealing but is also fully optimized for SEO to improve visibility and rankings. Project Requirements: Website Redesign: Modern, clean, and professional design. Responsive and mobile-friendly layout. Easy navigation and user-friendly interface. Content Optimization: Organize existing content for clarity and impact. Provide suggestions for improving the overall content layout. SEO Integration: Keyword research and implementation. On-page SEO ...
My website is currently facing technical SEO issues which have led to my articles not being indexed on Google. They were indexed previously but have since been removed. I have made some minor changes to the site recently, specifically to the site structure and the XML sitemap. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Strong understanding of technical SEO - Experience with site structure optimization - Proficient in XML sitemap management - Proven track record of resolving SEO issues - Ability to work efficiently and effectively to restore site indexing.
I'm looking for a professional to develop a custom Google Site for my business. The site will serve as a comprehensive business portal and intranet. Key Responsibilities: - Design and build a Google Site that includes various sections such as: - Company Policies - Event Notifications - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - Research Reports - Quarterly and Annual Reports - Picture Gallery - Current Updates - Ensure that the site is user-friendly and easy to navigate Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Google Sites - Web design skills - Understanding of intranet functionalities - Ability to present information clearly and logically - Prior experience creating business portals Please provide examples of previous Google Sites you've created, par...
Hello, I will perform medical research for categorisation of the provided data. Thanks and regards
I'm looking for a skilled content writer to create a casual-toned 'About Us' section for our company. The primary focus should be on our company's history, milestones, and our unique team and company culture. This section will be aimed at potential clients and customers, so it should convey our values, ethos, and the journey we've ...should convey our values, ethos, and the journey we've been on in an engaging and accessible way. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proven track record in content writing, particularly for corporate 'About Us' sections - Ability to write in a casual yet professional tone - Strong understanding of brand storytelling - Experience in writing for potential clients and customers - Excellent research skills to ac...
I'm in need of a dedicated professional who can conduct thorough online research and compile the gathered information into organized spreadsheets and documents. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in online research - Strong skills in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets - Ability to create clear and comprehensive documents - Experience in market research and competitor analysis - Excellent understanding of customer insights
I'm seeking a professional writer to help me craft a compelling personal statement for my PhD applications. Key elements to highlight: - My academic achievements - My professional experience - My research interests The tone of the statement should be formal and academic. Please note, I have specific prompts from the PhD application that need to be addressed. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in academic writing - A strong understanding of PhD application processes - Excellent communication skills - Ability to transform complex ideas into clear, formal language.
I have an Academic/Technical Sanskrit text pertaining to the field of Science that I need translated into English. The primary purpose of this translation is to serve...Academic/Technical Sanskrit text pertaining to the field of Science that I need translated into English. The primary purpose of this translation is to serve as a reference for my research. Hence, precision and accuracy are paramount. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Fluent in both Sanskrit and English - Proven experience in translating academic and technical texts - Background in science is highly desirable - Strong attention to detail and ability to maintain the original text's meaning and intent I'm seeking a translator who can deliver a high-quality, precise translation that can support my ...
I'm seeking a modern logo for a research group at Cambridge University. The logo should incorporate simple images orshapes and/or font-based design, reflecting the innovative and intellectual spirit of the group. Key Requirements: - Design a sleek, modern logo that incorporates abstract shapes and font-based design. - Use a colour palette that harmonises with the University of Cambridge logo, avoiding clashing colours. NB. There are may logos on the web, with departments and research groups from Oxford and Cambridge for you to. look at. The name of the research group is the CLINICAL EDUCATION RESEARCH GROUP (CERG). Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc.) - Strong portfolio of modern, mi...
I'm looking for a professional to conduct a pre-employment background check focusing primarily on my candidate's employment history. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in conducting background checks - Strong attention to detail - Excellent research skills - Proficiency in verifying employment history from various sources - Respect for confidentiality and ethical considerations Requirements: - Verify 1 previous employer - Provide comprehensive report on findings
>> I will create a scientific research journal in the field of tourism using a quantitative research type that focuses on Scopus Q1. We will discuss the methods, ways of obtaining data, and tools used for journal research during the project. >> Journal revisions do not apply if they change the whole or most of the journal content, for example, changing the research title or the method used. Before creating the journal, we will choose the research method and title in the initial discussion. During the process, the worker will discuss with the client to ensure that the journal created by the worker is by the client's wishes. >> The payment structure, designed with fairness and transparency in mind, is divided into two parts. The first...
Work Instruction for Developing High-Performing Dynamic Educational Websites with Advanced SEO Purpose To create feature-rich, paid educational website focused on OC (Opportunity Class) and Selective School Test preparation which is mobile phone compatible as well. Both test formats will have two sections on Thinking Skills and Mathematical Reasoning. The website aim to deliver exceptional user experiences, seamless content management, and advanced SEO practices to maximize visibility, traffic, and user acquisition. All questions are multiple-choice. OC Test Overview • Test Sections: each test contains o Thinking Skills: Number of questions: 30 questions. Time allowed: 30 minutes Options for each question: 4 o Mathematical Reasoning: ..., and allowances, ensuring direct recognition and rewards for contributions to business growth. ***Key Responsibilities*** 1. Identify and pursue new business opportunities in overseas markets to drive revenue growth. 2. Oversee the full import/export lifecycle, ensuring adherence to international trade regulations, customs requirements, and compliance standards. 3. Conduct in-depth market research to stay informed of industry trends, competitive activities, and client needs, shaping effective sales strategies. 4. Collaborate closely with internal teams to ensure seamless and timely order fulfillment and customer satisfaction. 5. Prepare comprehensive reports and presentations to support business development plans and performance assessments. 6. Represent the company a...
Hi, I’m wanting to get no page 1 of google search for certain keywords for nine different areas/locations which are close to me. At the minute I’m ranking poorly to my competitors, My competitor is they are only a few miles away from me, and rank really well with the below keywords across all 9 areas - which is what I want. My Business is an Auto Locksmith, and the keyswords I’m targeting are:- Lost Car Keys Locked keys in car Spare car key Replacement car keys Program car keys Lost all car keys Need new car key Also, I want to target theses nine cities and towns with the above keywords Mansfield (this is my home town) Nottingham Retford Chesterfield Newark Derby Leicester Sheffield I’ve already been ripped off once with someone promis...
I'm looking for a talented software developer to create a custom asset management software for tracking physical assets, specifically machinery and tools. The software needs to include several key features: - Maintenance scheduling: Ability to set and track maintenance schedules for each piece of machinery or tool. - Asset location tracking: Real-time tracking of the location of each asset. - Usage logging: Monitoring and recording the usage of each asset. The ideal candidate for this project should have substantial experience in software development, particularly in creating asset management systems. Knowledge of tracking and management of physical assets is a plus. Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail are essential for the successful ...