Part time projects bidding mysql일자리
Low-latency Video Chat Sample source 화상 회의의 영상은 300ms 이하의 latency를 유지하여야 합니다. 짧을 수록 좋습니다. 두 대의 스마트폰에서 서로 실시간 영상이 전송되는 샘플 정도면 됩니다. 안드로이드와 아이폰에서 서로 되면 좋겠습니다.
update n helper i wanna update nhelper!!! 엔헬퍼 업데이트좀 하려하는데 언제쯤 퇴원하시는건지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 빨리 연락되었으면 하네요. 한달이라는 시간이 너무 길어서 ㅠㅠ
# 2013년6월 ~ 2013년12월 : 고양시 상수도 블록시스템 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, ibatis, amchart, eazy-ui # 2014년1월 ~ 2014년3월 : 고양시 상수조 블록시스템 GIS적용 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술...
php, mysql, word press, bootstrap, jquery , ajax, html5 (모바일웹, 앱) 기술 우대 application to support the websites content and so they must also be compatible. I will explain every part of the website in more detail. Home page – The home page will promote new events and guide users towards our 5 main sections. About • About 에밀티쳐(Emil Teacher) - The about section will give users information about 에밀티쳐 • Our vision- Information about our visions and goals • Our services – Here we will give information about our Live classes, Video lessons and books. Each will have small sample clips of the product for viewers to see and links to purchase the products. Live classes • Schedule – This will have a detailed schedule of that month’s classes. Including time, subject and any special events. • Liv...
회사홈페이지 영문작업할것들 번역입니다. 확인해서 견적 부탁드립니다. 일반 페이지들도 있구요 이미지가 거의 주니까 번역량은 생각보다 적으실거라고 생각됩니다. pdf파일 확인후 번역 가능 여부 및 견적 메세지 주세요.
As discussed::::::::))+!+!!??!!'@@@''!???+))?*€&****&///////##&!&!&!&!&!&!!#&#&#&&!&&!&!&!&!&!&!&!!&!
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 시작시에 미팅 1회 및 재택근무[사내근무가능] <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다.
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 미팅 1회 가능하시면 좋구요. 저희 사무실에서 근무하시면 더좋지만 여건 안되실 경우 재택근무로 합니다 14일 정도 작업일입니다 <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다. .
안녕하세요. 이번에 처음으로 앱개발한번 해보려고하는 25살 학생입니다. 일단 앱개발하는 업체에도 견적문의 해놓은상태라서요 가격이랑 여러가지 따져보고 결정하려고 합니다. 처음이라 이쪽분야에 많이 모르는 상태라 질문이좀 미흡하더라도 이해해주시면 감사하겠습니다. '길건너친구들'같은 모바일게임앱이나 'Sleep Cycle alarm clock'같은 수면,알람앱 그리고 '카톡'과 '보이스톡'처럼 데이터로 문자와 통화가 가능한 메신저앱은 일반적으로 견적이 얼마정도 나오나요? 일정은 얼마나 걸릴가요? 수면,알람앱경우 제가 사운드파일을 만들거나 가지고 있어야하나요? 아이폰과 안드로이드 각각 따로 만들어야하나요? 개발후 관리는 어떤식으로 되는건가요? 추가로 관리비가 있는지 궁금합니다. 개발후 추가적으로 업데이트가 필요할경우 어떻게 되나요? 앱의 권한은 전부 제가 갖게 되나요? 로열티라든지 그런게 있는지 궁금합니다. 그래픽적인부분은 제가 어느정도 구상해야하나요? 견적은 처음 나온 견적금이외에 따로 추가금이 있나요? 지불일정은 어떻게 되나요? 선불인가요 아님 후불인가요 아니면 중간중간 나눠서 내나요? 앱스토어에 앱을 어떻게 제출하게 되나요? 마지막으로 앱개발하면서 궁금한사항들을 좀 물어보면 간단하게라도 알려주실 수 있나요? 질문이 좀 많죠? 첫 앱개발이라 좀 심사숙고해서 정하려고하다보니 궁금한게 많네요.^^;;
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
나중에 제가 좀 시간이 나면 bidding 해 볼까요? ㅋㅋ 요즘 너무 바빠서... 중국도 다녀와야 하고... 뭐 랜딩페이지 하나 만들어주세요, 한장 만들어달라는 얘기. 쇼핑카트 만들어 주세요, 이런일들이 많아요. 뽀샵 사진을 짤라주세요. 이런 일도 있고. ㅋㅋㅋ 좀 비싼일들은 ajax chatting,, php 로 사이트 구축, php, jQuery, java, AJAX 이런거 복합적으로 섞어서 1년동안 일해야 하는 것도 있고.... 이런 건 제가 bidding 자체를 제가 못하겠죠. 어느정도 불러야 하는지도 모르니.... 그누보드 스킨만 갖고도 충분히 구축할수 있는 정도 사이트, 현재 bidding 이 대략 550만원이네요...
안녕하세요. 이렇게 신청하는게 맞는지 모르겠네요. 이사이트의 진행에 대한 지식이 없어서 너무 어렵네요. 이렇게 프로젝트 진행하는것이 아니면 이메일로 연락부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
...conhecimentos e criar colaborações. ### 4. **Estrutura Técnica** - **Desenvolvimento Web**: O projeto exigirá uma plataforma web responsiva, com integração de backend robusto, APIs para IA e gamificação, e um design intuitivo. - **Tecnologias**: - **Frontend**: React, Vue.js ou Angular. - **Backend**: Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Django ou outra tecnologia escalável. - **Banco de Dados**: MySQL, PostgreSQL ou MongoDB. - **IA e Algoritmos de Recomendação**: Python, TensorFlow, ou outras ferramentas de machine learning. - **Infraestrutura**: AWS, Google Cloud ou outra plataforma de nuvem para escalabilidade. - **Plataformas de Pagamento**: Integração com PayPal,...
Looking for an Enthusiastic Non-Indian Female Partner for YouTube Reaction Channel (Indians Can Apply Too!) We are e...earnings. --A platform to showcase your personality and grow your personal social media presence. --An opportunity to collaborate on a growing channel with a supportive and engaged audience. Key Details: --The content will be created in English. --The partnership is designed for long-term collaboration, where you’ll play a vital role in shaping the channel's future. If you’re interested in becoming a part of this exciting journey, please reach out to us! In your proposal, include the keyword "Grow Together" to show that you’ve read this description thoroughly. This helps us filter out fake or bot applications. Let’s create ...
...optimized performance, security, and scalability. Key Responsibilities: Server Setup: Configure and secure the dedicated server environment (firewalls, SSL certificates, SSH access). Optimize the server for performance and reliability. Backend Development: Build RESTful APIs for integration with third-party services (e.g., Interactive Brokers, Alpaca). Set up and optimize a database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL) for high efficiency. CI/CD Implementation: Configure CI/CD pipelines to streamline deployment. Documentation: Provide clear instructions for server maintenance and backend management. Requirements: Proven experience in backend development and server setup. Strong knowledge of Linux server environments and best security practices. Expertise in Python (Django/Flask/FastAPI) or...
...freelancers applying: We strongly recommend bidding the actual price for the project rather than using low bids as a tactic to initiate a chat. Those bidding £20-30 initially, only to later reveal and confirm a significantly higher rate ( 10 times higher in most cases ), will be removed from consideration and may be banned from future opportunities with us. The advert has more than enough info, therefore makes no sense to ask again for the same info/details or ask another million more questions just to realise that most info was already on the advert initially. We strongly advise you to read the advert properly before wasting your time bidding for something that you might not be able to do. Let’s make this process fair and respectful of ev...
Job Opportunity: Marketing Specialist for AI Training Programs (in Melbourne) Location: Southeast Melbourne, Victoria Employment Type: Casual / Part-time Payment Model: Profit Sharing About Us: Our AI training programs are a promising service, offering schools and community centres the essential skills to embrace the future of education and administration. With a growing demand for AI skills and wide coverage in the media, our programs are easy to penetrate into the market and highly impactful. We are based in Cranbourne and are looking for a motivated Marketing Specialist to help expand our reach in southeast Melbourne. Key Responsibilities: • Promote AI training programs tailored for: o Schools: Teachers, administrative staff, and students. o Community Centres: Admi...
...actuaries, a niche domain in insurance. I am now in the phase of implementing the payment process. This includes: - the worker has a interface where he can enter his days. In our case, it is either by day or a fixed price. Not by hours. - the worker cannot change his worked day passed a certain time. - the employer can see how many days the worker worked - the employer can pay the worker at a fixed frequency, either 2 or 4 weeks (agreed by both the worker and the employer) - the employer must send to us some part of the money beforehand. Our platform will act as an escrow payment. This is to ensure trust and reliability to our freelancers. But also for employers who don't pay directly the worker even before the mission. - worker and employer can dispute and claim refu...
I've developed a faculty attendance app using PHP, React, XAMPP server, and MySQL. Currently, it allows only faculty to log in, view the courses they handle, see all the students in a course, and generate reports. I want to enhance this app by allowing students to log in as well. Key Requirements: - Implement a Student ID and password login system for students. - Enable students to view course materials. - Students should not have access to their attendance reports, only faculty can view detailed attendance reports. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in PHP, React, XAMPP, and MySQL. - Experience in implementing secure login systems. - Knowledge in developing user interfaces for web applications.
...potentially other centralized exchanges (CEXs) to provide users with a robust platform for trading cryptocurrencies. The terminal should offer real-time data, order execution capabilities, portfolio management features, and a monetization strategy through fee structures. Objectives To create an intuitive and user-friendly trading terminal. To ensure seamless integration with the Binance API and other CEXs for liquidity. To implement security best practices to protect user data and transactions. To establish a fee structure for monetizing the platform. Key Features 1. User Interface (UI) Dashboard: A comprehensive dashboard displaying real-time market data, including price charts, order books, and recent trades. Order Management: Functionality for placing, modifyin...
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a modern-style logo for my company. The logo should incorporate an icon and text, using a color palette of blue, black, and white. Key Requirements: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Experience in logo design, particularl...Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Experience in logo design, particularly modern and abstract styles - Ability to create a compelling icon and text combination - Excellent understanding of color harmony and design aesthetics - Good communication skills for understanding and implementing feedback Please provide a portfolio of your previous logo designs when bidding. I'm looking for a quick turnaround without comp...
I'm in need of a modern-style logo. I have not yet decided on a specific type of logo (wordmark, iconic, or combination mark) or color palette. As such, I am open to suggestions and creativity on your part. Your expertise in modern design will be key to crafting a logo that is visually appealing and representative of a contemporary aesthetic. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator - Creativity and Innovation Experience: - Proven track record of delivering modern-style logos - Portfolio of minimalist, contemporary designs - Prior work with clients in need of brand identity development I am looking for a luxurious high-end logo, similar to brands like Chanel, Dior, and Celine. I would also like the logo to include the name beneath it, with the lette...
I'm looking for a Django expert to help migrate my small site from the old Django version (1.54, under Python 2.6.9) to the latest (Django 5.5). The site has both custom code and third-party libraries. Here's what you need to know: - **Site Migration**: The primary objective is to ensure the site runs smoothly on the new Django version without altering the user interface design....thoroughly testing the site post-migration. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with Django and Python - Proven track record of similar migrations - Strong problem-solving skills - Ability to conduct manual testing and ensure site functionality I will have ssh/web access to the old server and the new server. They are hosting at AWS Please provide examples of previous similar projec...
I'm seeking a skilled telemarketing professional focused on technology sales. Your role will involve: - Direct Selling: Engaging in televentas to promote and sell our tech products. - B2B and B2C: Targeting both businesses and end consumers, so understanding of diverse sales strategies is crucial. - Client Relations: A significant part of this role is centered around sales, however, exceptional customer service skills are equally important to foster positive client relationships. The ideal candidate should have a robust background in telemarketing, with proven experience in technology sales. B2B and B2C expertise is a must. Your ability to effectively communicate and promote our products will be key to your success in this project. who reside in Mexico City
I would be delighted to be a part of your team. I am ready to provide you with the necessary questions for every genre. Thanks!
We are in the process of setting up a child care center and need a seasoned professional to create a detailed business plan using a provided template. The plan should cover essential aspects such as market research focusing on customer demographics and extensive financial projections. Key Components: - Market Research: The most critical part of the business plan will be the market research. It should delve deeply into customer demographics, identifying potential households with children who may require childcare services. - Financial Projections: The plan should include forecasts for the balance sheet, cash flow statement, and profit and loss sheets. Emphasis should be placed on revenue estimates, with a detailed breakdown of potential income from childcare services. Ideal Skills ...
...editing tools, and platform best practices. Excellent communication and collaboration skills. Deliverables & Terms: Produce an agreed-upon number of TikTok videos per week. Meet engagement and growth targets (follower count, video views, etc.) as outlined in collaboration with our team. This can be an ongoing/long-term engagement if performance is strong. Why Work With Us: Opportunity to be a key part of building a modern finance brand with a fun, engaging personality. Potential for long-term collaboration and growth within Finchi’s marketing team. If you’re passionate about creating standout TikTok content and want to help shape the voice of a fast-growing finance platform, we’d love to hear from you! Please respond with your portfolio, past successes (e...
...Management: Real-time inventory syncing reflecting on the marketplace and prestashop - Order Synchronization: Automatically syncing orders from Trendyol to Prestashop Additionally, the module must support: - Multiple Languages: To cater to the diverse Trendyol customer base - Different Currencies: As Trendyol operates in various currency zones Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficient in Prestashop module development - Experience with Trendyol Marketplace API - Knowledge in multi-language and currency support in e-commerce platforms - Strong understanding of inventory management systems Freelancers with a track record in developing similar modules and understanding of the Trendyol ecosystem will be prioritized. Please provide a portfolio of relevant projects w... to generate awareness about the event and encourage sign-ups. Fundraiser is febuary 1st Live band Silent and live auction Supper - 30$ a plate Cocktails 5pm All proceeds directly to her SMA is her condition Financial help for the costs of travel and medical help She had a very rare health condition called SMA-superior mesenteric artery syndrome, a rare condition that occurs when the first part of the small intestine is compressed between two arteries. This blocks the small intestine and symptoms can, and have been for Elizabeth many times, severely debilitating and life threatening. Meghan and her family have made many trips all over the province to see medical experts and emergency rooms to try to find the help they need. They were told in December that there are no fu...
I need a simple BAQ coded in Epicor to report on total unreceived quantities. The report should include the following specific details: - Part number - Number of POs - Total unreceived qty - Site location In addition, the report should be able to filter by: - Date range - Supplier - Warehouse location Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in coding BAQ in Epicor - Experienced in data extraction and report generation - Able to implement custom filters in reports
I'm seeking a machine learning specialist to help me analyze my numerical dataset and construct a predictive model using a neural network. Details: - The dataset consists of over a dozen numerical features. - We've also collected additional contextual data that may be beneficial for the analysis. - The primary aim is to develop a regression or classification model with optimal accuracy for ...outcomes. Ideal candidates will have substantial experience in: - Data analysis and interpretation - Building and deploying regression and classification models - Working with neural networks or any other appropriate tool The specifics of the research subject will be discussed privately. Please, ensure you have a good understanding of machine learning concepts and relevant experience be...
I am looking for a Full-Time Virtual Assistant to support my digital marketing agency with daily operations and client management. The ideal candidate will have experience in digital marketing and be comfortable handling a variety of tasks related to graphic design, website management, and client communication. This is a remote, full-time position requiring a proactive and highly organized individual. Key Responsibilities: - Assist with graphic design tasks (using Canva, Photoshop, or similar tools). - Manage and update product listings, descriptions, and images on Shopify and WooCommerce. - Handle daily administrative tasks, including client communication via email, live chat, and Slack. - Manage and monitor live chat support to ensure timely responses to client inquiries....
As a part of Kilobytes Data Solutions, a company delivering technical support and services in the networking and communications sector, we are in need of IT professionals on a contract / freelance arrangement for varies cities outside of Ontario but in Canada. The role primarily involves providing ongoing technical support, planning, troubleshooting, consulting with our existing clients. Key responsibilities: - Offering continuous technical support to our clients - Planning and consulting for network design and infrastructure - Troubleshooting any networking issues that may arise Your expertise should ideally include: - Extensive experience in IT Infrastructure design - Proficiency in configuring internet gateways - Expertise in setting up and optimizing LAN and WiFi infrastructur...
I'm seeking a seasoned Property Manager to oversee my residential properties. This role encompasses various responsibilities, including: - Tenant Management: You will be responsible for screening potential tenants and overseeing the leasing process. - Property Maintenance: Ensuring the properties are well-maintained and addressing any maintenance issues promptly is a key part of this role. - Financial Reporting: Regular financial reports detailing income, expenses, and overall financial health of the properties will be required. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in the real estate industry, particularly with residential properties. Strong skills in tenant management, property maintenance, and financial reporting are essential. Excellent communication skills fo...
I'm looking to build a comprehensive e-commerce site, ideally using a React.js Backend with a Tailwind front end, or PHP/Laravel. The site needs to have several key features including: - Shop...functionality - UPI payment integration - WhatsApp API integration - Ability to upload products via CSV/Excel sheets - User recommendation form connected through WhatsApp API for scheduling meetings I would prefer MySQL as the database for this project. The admin panel should specifically allow me to manage product inventory. User accounts will use standard email/password, social login authentication. New freelancers are welcome to bid, but you need to demonstrate your skills or provide a detailed plan on how you intend to execute this project. Please share any relevant projects...
...seeking an experienced freelance Full-Stack Developer to join our team for ongoing and future projects. Please note: we are looking for an individual freelancer, not an agency. This is a long-term, part-time position where you’ll maintain and enhance existing websites, add new features, and contribute to exciting new projects as we expand. The role is flexible, averaging 23 hours per week, but some weeks may require 40+ hours depending on the workload. If you’re passionate about coding, optimizing performance, and building high-quality tools, this is the perfect role for you! WHAT YOU’LL BE WORKING ON: PROJECT 1: HOSTED PLATFORM WEBSITE -Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL -Tasks: --Fixing UI bugs. --Adding fe...
I'm looking for an expert to help me with the screen assembly of a 3D printer flashforge in person I've watched videos and broke the mainboard part, just got replacement, i need someone to do it in person The job involves: - Installing the screen Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with 3D printer assembly - Strong understanding of electronics - Previous experience with 3D printers hardware - Good problem-solving skills
Saludos necesito crear una aplicación web que permita registrar y consultar datos de una institución educativa, utilizando JS,HTML, CSS y MySQL Funciones Principales 1. Administrador - Crear, actualizar y eliminar usuarios. - Asignar roles a los usuarios. - Crear periodo escolar grados y secciones. - Consultar reportes de cualquier periodo, estudiante o grado. 2. Maestro - Realizar reportes de los estudiantes de sus cursos asignados. - Consultar reportes de los estudiantes de sus cursos. 3. Coordinador Pedagógico - Crear reportes de cualquier estudiante. - Consultar reportes de todos los periodo escolar, grados y secciones. 4. Usuario de Consulta - Generar reportes (gráficos y tablas) de datos registrados. Lógica y Funcionalidad 1. Registro ...
I'm seeking a professional designer to create a A4-sized, print-ready pamphlet for IIT JEE coaching. This pamphlet should primarily highlight our results, ranks, and success stories in a professional and formal style. Key Requirements: - Design an A4-sized pamphlet - Focus on results, ranks ...pamphlet for IIT JEE coaching. This pamphlet should primarily highlight our results, ranks, and success stories in a professional and formal style. Key Requirements: - Design an A4-sized pamphlet - Focus on results, ranks and success stories - Use a professional and formal style - Quick turnaround time, delivery in one day Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Print media design - Experience with educational marketing materials Please ensure you can meet the one day delivery requirement ...
My Bosch American wine fridge needs a water adapter to connect I've been in touch with Bosch customer service, but they haven't provided a solution. I need someone who can supply the part and install it. Thank you. - Adapter: I don't have a preference for whether the adapter is an original Bosch part or a high-quality compatible alternative. - Material: I don't have a specific preference for the material of the adapter, whether it be plastic, metal or otherwise. - Fridge Model: The specific model of my Bosch fridge is KAG93AIEP. Ideal skills for this project include appliance repair, parts procurement, and installation expertise. Experience with Bosch products would be a plus. Please be prepared to source the necessary part and demon...
...Preferred Skills: Knowledge of machine learning or deep learning for data cleaning and preprocessing (not required but beneficial). Work Structure and Terms: Long-term cooperation is the goal, with opportunities to grow within the team. Immediate focus: creating and modifying three web scrapers as part of the onboarding process. Note: If you send us a message, include the code 7749 as a sign that you have read the description and understood all the information. Thank you! Why Join Us? Join us and be part of a team that’s revolutionizing data aggregation in the automotive industry! Create and define your role: Build your future with us in a dynamic startup environment. Flexible working opportunities: Enjoy flexible hours and remote work options. Endless space for ...
Those are the requirements you've sent me: WebsitePanel requirement -upgrade source code to the newest version and .NET framework -add support for MS Windows Server 2025/2022/2019/2016, Hyper-V 2019/2022/2025 cluster, MSSQL 2025/2022/2019/2017/2016, IIS10 -add support for new Linux version OS -extend API for creating hosting spaces, VPS -integration with Hos...application gallery with automatic deployment on shared hosting and VPS -limit view of DB for customer -add SQL editor -add backup, export and import of web, DB, VPS -UX enhancements -fixing bugs -add billing and invoicing features 1:15 PM -and also add plugin feature (extend control panel with other features by plugin app) For the moment I'll work on migrating WebsitePanel to NET Core, SqlServer, MySql...
Dear Gaston, Hello! I've been trying to figure out how to advertise this lecture and the tooth animation you created tells part of the story. I need a graphic that sums it up in one panel. I'll send you a description via chat and attach some images. I'm proposing a flat rate of $350 if that's ok. Thank you, Renee
...following key features: - Job posting and bidding: The platform should allow users to post jobs needing handyman services, and enable handymen to bid on these tasks. - User and handyman profiles: Each participant in the app should have a customizable profile, with handymen's profiles showcasing their skills, reviews, and bid history. - In-app messaging: A secure, efficient messaging system is essential for communication between users and handymen. The app should also integrate the following: - Payment Method: The app needs to facilitate transactions via Credit/Debit Card. Other payment options like PayPal and an in-app wallet are currently not needed, but may be considered for future updates. - GPS Tracking: A crucial aspect of this app is real-time GPS tracking fo...
...performance and scalability. 5. Post-Launch Support: Provide ongoing technical support, including troubleshooting and bug fixes. Collaborate with content creators and marketing teams for platform updates and enhancements. --- Qualifications: Technical Skills: Proficiency in PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Experience with WordPress, LearnDash, WooCommerce, and GamiPress. Familiarity with MySQL and API integrations (e.g., Web Speech API). Understanding of accessibility standards and best practices. Soft Skills: Strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Excellent communication and teamwork abilities. High attention to detail with a focus on delivering quality work. --- Job Type: Contract/Project-Based (6 months with potential for extension). -...
...Engineering." is to be incorporated in the logo. 8. We will need it with the copyright circle R (R) and the trademarked, "TM" as part of the handover on the logos. 9. We will require all formats submitted to us including high definition and resolution .png with no background and all vector formats like .ai, .svg., .dxf, .pdf. 10. The contest will be sealed so that we get the maximum of ORIGINAL CONTENT. If you simply post up a bunch of randomized and generic .ai photos, we will NOT consider your work and you will be rejected. 11. You may ask questions and comments through the chat. However, we will not just entertain, "See entry ..." as that is a waste of our time. Post original work and we will look at it. We just did a contest with 700 entr...