Oscommerce ultimate seo credit card error일자리
한국 웹사이트의 고품질 백링크가 필요합니다. Google에서 유기적 트래픽이 발생하는 웹사이트를 찾고 있습니다. 저희는 Web 2.0이나 프로필 백링크와 같은 저품질 무료 백링크에는 관심이 없습니다. 저희는 정품 웹사이트의 고품질 기사 백링크에만 관심이 있습니다. 저희는 백링크당 500달러의 예산을 가지고 있습니다. 저품질 무료 백링크를 위한 메시지를 보내지 마세요!!! PLEASE DON'T SEND ME MESSAGES FOR LOW QUALITY FREE BACKLINKS!!
Hi, I need your help. I am planning a consultation application that targets cross-platform. - Features required: - User account creation and login capabilities - Online payment system (credit card payment and account transfer available) - Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features - Ability to enable users to convert to counselors and generate revenue Specific functional description: 1. Create and Log In User Accounts: Users must be able to create and log in to a private account. 2. Online Payment System: Users must be able to make payments within the app. 3. Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features: Users and counselors should be able to consult anonymously through the chat room, and a 1:1 telephone connection function should also be available. 4. A...
필리핀에 본사를 둔 중개 에이전시로서, 다국적 팀을 보유, 글로벌 경영 노하우로 운영되고 있는 회사 입니다. 코로나로 인해 한시적으로 '재택근무 SEO 및 온라인 마케터 포지션을 새롭게 채용하고 있습니다 . ✅ 근무지역 재택근무 형식 ✅ 근무 시간 * SEO Specialist * - 일 9시간 근무, 5일 근무 - 업무 활동에 대한 주간 보고서 제출 * 온라인 마케터 * - 정해진 근무 시간 없음 - 업무 활동에 대한 주간 보고서 제출 ✅우대 사항 * SEO Specialist * - 경력직 우대 - 웹사이트 제작 가능한자 우대 - 백링크 작업 가능한자 우대 - 키워드 마케팅을 통한 키워드 검색 엔진 상위 노출 작업 가능자 * 온라인 마케터 * - 경력직 우대 - 포토폴리오 제출 우대 - SNS / 바이럴 / 온라인 마케팅 등을 통한 신규 고객 유치 가능자 - 키워드 마케팅을 통한 키워드 검색 엔진 상위 노출 작업 가능자 ✅ 주요 업무 내용 * SEO 및 온라인 마케터 * 블로그, SNS, 웹 사이트 등 온라인 마케팅 활동 신규고객 유치를 위한 홍보활동 마케팅 전략 및 기획 수립 ✅ 급여 * SEO 및 온라인 마케터 * - 기본급 + 인센티브 - 정규직 전환 시 급여 인상됩니다. - 급여는 세전이 아닌 세후 실수령 금액입니다 (수습기간 3개월 ~ 6개월 능력에 따라 변경 될수 있음) ✅ 복지 및 지원 봉쇄령 종료 후 회사 정직원으로 고용 전...
...and the rest will be used to create a charitable foundation in my memory and a federation in the fight against cancer and also build orphanages, will let you know the amount you will keep for your self when you contact me. Please kindly contact me back with the following information: Your name and first name, your exact address and your mobile/house/office telephone contact, and an identification Card such as drivers license or international passport data page so I can forward them to my bank and have you present to the bank as the next person in charge of this fund, so that if i die anytime, the situation will not be complicated. My Private email: (monica.1970lee@), I count on your goodwill and especially on the proper use of these funds. Yours Sincerely Monica. My Private ema...
안녕하세요. 저희는 밴쿠버에서 한국 온라인 쇼핑몰 1년째 운영중입니다. 쇼피파이를 통해서 구글 seo 1달 안으로 상위권 노출 가능 하신분 찾고 있습니다. 북미에 주 고객층이 있긴하나 한국의류 특성상 해외에 거주하는 아시아인만 구매가 가능합니다. 그리고 캐나다에서 운영중이긴 하나 주문은 80%가 미국에서 들어오고 있습니다. 현재 북미쪽에서 크게 움직이는 사이트가 몇개 없습니다. 지금 이 시점이 가장 중요한 시점이라고 생각합니다. 이점 고려해서 열정과 노력으로 seo 상위권 들어갈수 있게 도와주실분 찾고 있습니다. [Removed by Freelancer.com Admin - See Section 13 of Terms and Conditions] 에서 보다더 자세한 내용을 나누고 싶습니다. 연락주세요.
직접 디자인한 플레잉 카드(커스텀 카드)를 소량으로 종이재질로 제작해주길 원합니다. 수량이 정해지지 않아서 정확히는 못 적지만 약50~150벌 정도 예상하고 있습니다. 디자인한 카드를 지속적으로 보냈을 때도 지속적으로 소량으로 제작해주길 원합니다. 금액은 한 벌당 5000(5$)~7000(7$)원 선이었으면 합니다.
We wish to purchase Source Code for Casino Games such as: 1) Roulette 2) Baccarat 1. Live streaming with metadata ( metadata have etc infomation ex) card number, win/lose, bet start / bet stop) 2. use websocket communite to server need flash source and server source.
...must 여야해. 손님층이 다 미국인이라. 일할 조건 (영주권, 시민권) 최소 opt는 있어야하고. 내 이름걸고 사람 추천하는거라. 영어 must에 진짜 책임감있고 성실한 사람. 혹시 일할 친구 있으면 추천좀해줘요 Basically like here is an example: 안녕하십니까, KOJOBS USC 입니다. Kojobs Usc 와 함께 2월 4일 목요일, 오전 10시부터 오후 5시까지 USC 교내 TCC 320A에서 LG U+ 채용 면담회를 진행할 예정입니다. 본 면담은 석/박사 학위 취득예정자 뿐만 아니라, 학부생 (3,4 학년)을 대상으로 한국 LG U+에서의 취업 기회를 제공하기 위해 마련되었습니다. 면담에 참석하시는 분들에게는 소정의 기념품 (Starbucks gift card)을 드립니다. 하단 참고사항을 필히 읽어주시길 바랍니다. 참가 대상과 분야에 대한 자세한 정보는 Kojobs Usc 혹은 Kcoso Usc usc를 통해 알아보실 수 있습니다. ***참고사항*** -방문시에 resume를 지참하시면 더 좋습니다. -친구와 함께 방문하기 보다는 개별적으로 오시는 것이 면담을 충분히 받는데 도움이 됩니다. -공지해드린 시간 내에 방문하시는 것이 가능하시나, 조금 더 원활한 진행을 위해 하단 링크로 rsvp 해주시길 바랍니다.
Google SEO 기반으로 최적화 된 웹사이트 구축 웹사이트 개시 품목 : Oxidized Bitumen, Gilsonite, Paraffin Wax, RPO and MEG.
you make payment system very simply. every payment system possible my website.(card, cash, coupon etc) customer join us and my website sell and buy for c to c. customer pay money for my website fee( seller ) - 개인이 상품을 사고 팔수 있는 오픈마켓형 홈페이지 - 상품을 판매한 사람에게 수수료를 받는 시스템 - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드, 현금입금, 쿠폰 등, 모든 결재방식이 가능함. - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드같은 경우 카드수수료가 빠진 금액만큼 결재됨. (나머지 쿠폰도 마찬가지 임) - 홈페이지에서 결재된 금액은 홈페이지 단위의 가상money를 받고, 판매자에게 전달. - 고객이 상품받은 것을 확인하면, 판매자에게 3일에서 7일까지 회사에서 결재된 금액을 가지고 있다가 3일이나 7일후에 수수료가 빠진 금액으로 결재계좌에 입금. - 상품을 받지 못한 고객에게는 결재된 금액을 다시 돌려 줌. (이 때, 결재되었을 때, 카드수수료등도 같이 취소되어 환급됨.)
Want to develop some kind of Video Call App on Android. However, the Android Phone of Calller's Video won't be show on the screen. just show callee's Video & Voice only. Need to support at least 1year for un-expected error for our business.
I need a professional web developer who can create a user-friendly, list layout based webpage for showcasing 5 different men's and women's clothing apparel. The site should have a Stripe credit card processor integrated for seamless transactions. Key Requirements: - Design a 'list layout' style webpage - Feature 5 different men's and women's clothing items - Integrate Stripe credit card processing system - Simple manual item addition system (No inventory management required) Ideal Skills: - Web development - E-commerce site creation - Stripe integration - UI/UX design - List layout implementation Please note: The ability to manage inventory is not needed at this stage, just a straightforward system to manually add items. A futur...
...postcard, just use that to reference to a tri fold brochure design Business Information: - Name: WellMed Pharmacy (logo attached) - Address: 2701 W Alameda Ave Suite 100, Burbank, CA 91505 - Phone: (818) 433-7166 - Hours: 9am - 5pm - Website: Requirements for Brochure: 8.5 x 11 trifold brochure MUST INCLUDE THESE IN THERE (JUST LIKE EXAMPLES) - Free Delivery - Receive a $10 Gift Card when you transfer your prescription from CVS, Rite Aid, or Walgreens - Complimentary (first time patients): Glucose Monitor, Moisturizing Lotion, Pulse Oximeter, Pill Organizer, & more. The rest of the information required is pretty standard if you use the 3 references I've attached. Looking for professional designs only please! Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly in creati...
...can use as a reference to design and theme of the postcard. Business Information: - Name: WellMed Pharmacy (logo attached) - Address: 2701 W Alameda Ave Suite 100, Burbank, CA 91505 - Phone: (818) 433-7166 - Hours: 9am - 5pm - Website: Requirements for Postcard: Double Sided, 4x6 postcard MUST INCLUDE THESE IN THERE (JUST LIKE EXAMPLES) - Free Delivery - Receive a $10 Gift Card when you transfer your prescription from CVS, Rite Aid, or Walgreens - Complimentary (first time patients): Glucose Monitor, Moisturizing Lotion, Pulse Oximeter, Pill Organizer, & more. The rest of the information required is pretty standard if you use the 3 references I've attached. Looking for professional designs only please! Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly in creating pri...
I'm seeking a freelancer to create a complete branding package for my portrait photography studio. This includes a modern logo design, business card, letterhead, and a cohesive color palette. I have a general idea of the colors I want but I'm open to your suggestions. The branding needs to be modern in style, reflecting the contemporary aesthetic of my photography. Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, branding, and a strong understanding of modern design principles. Experience in designing for the photography industry will be a plus.
Hello - I'd like to hire an SEO expert to update my website according to the latest SEO insights.
...(systemctl status wg-quick@wg0). 2️⃣ Automated Deployment Script (Bash) ✅ A fully automated Bash script for setting up WireGuard on both servers. ✅ The script should: Install WireGuard and configure firewall rules (UFW). Enable IP forwarding and NAT for seamless traffic routing. Set up WireGuard peer-to-peer communication. Configure systemd service to ensure VPN auto-starts on reboot. Implement error handling and logs for debugging. Proof of completion: The Bash script (commented and structured). A demo video or live screen-share of script execution. GitHub repository or ZIP file containing: Bash script Configuration files Systemd service files Testing proof: Deployment on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04/24.04 server. Screenshots of successful VPN connection and traffic forwarding. 3️⃣ Te...
I need to create a Logo that I can put on the back of the cards for my new card game GAME DAY BLITZ. The logo needs to be 2.2"X3.43" WHAT IS "GAME DAY BLITZ" Game Day Blitz is the ultimate way to add more fun, excitement, and friendly competition to every football game. Whether you're at the stadium or watching from the comfort of your couch, this card game brings you right into the action. Each card features key football events—touchdowns, sacks, interceptions, and more—(you don't need to worry about designing anything for this aspect...I just want the logo design do the back of the card game) so you're not just watching the game, you're also actively participating. And when you see the event on yo...
...portfolio. The website should be visually engaging, user-friendly, and optimized for showcasing high-quality images and multimedia content. - Content Integration: Seamless integration of existing portfolio content, including images, videos, and written descriptions. - Mobile Optimization: Ensuring a flawless user experience across all devices, including smartphones and tablets. - SEO Basics: Basic SEO implementation to ensure the website is discoverable by search engines. - Social Media Integration: Integration of social media links and potentially social media feeds. The ideal freelancer will possess a strong understanding of modern design trends, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to translate my vision into a compelling digital presence. I'm looking for...
I need assistance interfacing an PN532 RFID card reader with my EC25 Linux controller to read Card IDs through the I2C interface. Key Requirements: - Write code in C to read RFID card details - Interface with EC25 board - Basic logging of read data The hardware is ready, I just need support to read the data. Ideal candidates should have experience with RFID technology, I2C interface, and coding in C for Linux controllers.
I am in need of competent Haitian Creole to English translation services. The specifics of the content and the word count are yet to be determined. As such, your flexibility and ability to handle a range of different content types will be crucial. The ultimate purpose of the translation will also vary, from business use to personal understanding. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fluency in both Haitian Creole and English - Proven experience in translation - Ability to handle a variety of content types - Flexibility to adapt to different purposes - Excellent understanding of cultural nuances
My WordPress site has an EMI calculator that is experiencing a calculation error under certain conditions. The issue occurs specifically when the 'flat rate' is selected for gross and net on the Loan EMI calculator. This problem is affecting the Personal loan option in the calculator. NOTE: When flat rate is selected for Gross or Net and values added to the fields, it doesn't make any chnages or display anything. This wasn't so before. Freelancer Requirements: - WordPress expertise: Familiarity with WordPress site structure and plugins is essential. - Problem-solving skills: Ability to diagnose and fix calculation errors promptly. - Understanding of EMI calculations: Knowledge of how EMI calculators work will be beneficial. - Experience with JavaScript
I'm looking for an expert web developer to create a sleek, mobile-responsive, and SEO-friendly HTML website for my automotive business. All content and specific instructions are provided in the attached onboarding form and loom video. Loom video: Key Features: - The website should show business details, logo, header, and title when the URL is copied. - A website thumbnail icon needs to be included. - Pages: Home, Our Services, Payment Options, Contact Us. - 'Our Services' page will only contain service descriptions. - Only one or two customer testimonials should be included. Design & Functional Requirements: - A menu and footer with social media icons. - A footer stating 'Powered by Tire Base', linking to when clicked
I'm seeking a professional with experience in social work and therapeutic program development to create a six-session curriculum for the Self-Mastery Program. Th...Narrative Therapy - Choice theory - Strength based approach The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in social work and working with youth, particularly those in the justice system - A deep understanding of the specified therapeutic approaches - Excellent curriculum development skills - Ability to create engaging and impactful content for the target age group The ultimate goal of this project is to create a program that encourages self-reflection, personal responsibility, and emotional regulation in incarcerated youth. Your expertise and experience will be crucial in making this pro...
**BUDGET 350$ IF YOU DONT AGREE DONT BID** I have a token presale scr...completed within 2 days. If you think you can deliver, feel free to apply. need to add private sale round option functions in admin panel that will direct intract to smart contract (add user wallet address to whitelist in private sale) also need option to set min and max amount to buy in private sale also need public sale round settings too and buy with card option too like this website have so user able to buy direct from card and they must enter evm address and smart contract able to store data and need staking dashboard too user able to buy&stake or when it buy normal it able to stake admin able to set lock period after presale end to user able withdraw from staking also admin able to set % apr
I am seeking an experienced social media marketing analyst to help generate leads and raise brand awareness on various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a lead generation-focused social media marketing strategy - Create, manage and optimize engaging video content aimed at attracting potential leads - Produce reports Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media marketing, specifically on the platforms mentioned - Excellent video content creation and editing skills - Proven track record in lead generation through social media - Strong analytical skills to assess the effectiveness of campaigns Additional information: - This role can pay 185 USD in total for 100 hours per month, so you are expected to work 25...
I'm looking for an expert in On-page SEO to boost my website's visibility on Google, particularly targeting the Canberra region. Key Requirements: - In-depth expertise in keyword optimization - Proven track record of improving website rankings through effective On-page SEO strategies - Understanding and experience with local SEO targeting The primary focus of this project will be optimizing my website for local keywords specific to Canberra landscaping Your ability to identify and implement effective keyword strategies will be key to the success of this project. Skills and Experience Required: - Extensive experience in On-page SEO - Proven expertise in keyword optimization - Strong understanding of local SEO - Ability to deliver tangible res...
I'm looking for a talented web developer who can design and build an engaging, user-friendly website for selling high-quality prints. The website needs to have an artistic and vibrant visual style, reflecting the essence of the products being sold. Key Requirements: - Payment Integration: The website should support multiple payment methods, including PayPal, Credit/Debit Card, and Cryptocurrency. - Order Tracking: A robust system for tracking orders is crucial. This includes generating job cards, creating print labels, and providing automated status updates to customers. - Image Sourcing: The developer will also be responsible for sourcing high-resolution images for the prints. Ideal Skills and Experience: - E-commerce website development - Payment gateway integration ...
Looking for an awesome designer for our food delivery app flyer. This will be placed in restaurants. Please, no AI generated designs. Size: 8.5x11" (will also be used in smaller sizes, so keep this...in restaurants. Please, no AI generated designs. Size: 8.5x11" (will also be used in smaller sizes, so keep this in mind when designing) Images: Golf Course Guy ordering on phone Iphone App screen mockup Headline: Order on the Course Subheadline: Get freshly prepared food & drinks for Delivery or Pickup QR Code w/ text: View menu, & order App store badges (ios and google play) Credit card icons (apple pay, google pay, visa, mastercard, amex) Google drive for stock & brand images to use:
I'm looking for a website developer to create a platform for my pre-recorded video courses. The site should allow me to upload teaching videos and provide downloadable PDF notes for students who pay the course fees. Key features include: - User Registration: A simple email and password system for user authentication. - Payment Gateway: The site should support transactions through both UPI and Card. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in web development and e-commerce integration. - Experience in creating user-friendly, secure platforms. - Knowledge of implementing video hosting and document sharing features. Please provide samples of similar projects you've completed.
I am seeking an experienced researcher in the field of Scie...will be to help me develop a research proposal centered around Artificial Intelligence. This proposal should be well-structured, clear and compelling, suitable for submission to funding bodies or academic institutions. - Ideal Skills: I am looking for someone with a strong background in AI and research proposal writing. Experience with grant writing or academic research is a plus. - Goal: The ultimate goal is to have a high-quality research proposal that can secure funding or approval for a research project in AI. Your expertise in articulating the significance and feasibility of the proposed research will be critical. Please provide examples of previous proposals you've worked on, particularly in the field of AI...
We are seeking an experienced SEO and digital marketing specialist to help boost the traffic, sales, and discoverability of , an online pharmacy based in the UK
...booking system within the client area. USERS, ROLES, AND SYSTEM PERMISSIONS The underlying solution includes all the main features (but not only): Administrator • Manages the backend and WordPress, users, sales, and content. • Full access to all CRM integration modules and settings. • Controls payments, transfers, and invoices. Sales Representative/Tutor • Manages lead tracking on the client card, follows up with potential clients, and closes sales. • Provides assistance with manuals and documentation within the specified timeframes. • Contacts clients for feedback, testimonials, and upselling or cross-selling opportunities. Legal Consultant • Views the client’s documentation and provides legal advice. • Ensures payment confirmat...
...appointments for consultations. - Client Information Collection: I need the site to collect basic client information during the booking process. This should include their name, contact details, and the reason for the consultation. - Payment Integration: While the site should be set up for online payments, I have not yet decided on the specific payment methods. However, it will need to support options like Credit/Debit Cards, PayPal and Bank Transfers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Proven experience in creating professional websites, particularly for service-oriented businesses. - Payment Integration: Familiarity with integrating various online payment systems. - UX/UI Design: Ability to create a user-friendly interface that simplifies the booking process. I lo...
I'm looking for an SEO expert to enhance my site's on-page and technical SEO. The ultimate goal is to boost my sales by improving my site's visibility on Google. Key Requirements: - Expertise in on-page and technical SEO - Proven track record of improving site rankings and boosting sales - Ability to work with pre-determined keywords I have a list of targeted keywords, and I need someone who can effectively implement strategies to rank my site for these terms. If you have the skills and experience to help me achieve my goals, I would love to hear from you.
...Comprehensive analysis of correlation and regression – optionally • Correlation distribution • Scatter plot • Pearson correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination • Full regression model – linear theoretical function + standard errors, interpretation of the slope + measure of fitting 4) At least one point and interval estimation for the population mean • Margin error, standard error, and relative error + graph • You can prepare estimation for the same parameter by groups – optionally. • You can estimate population standard deviation as well – optionally. 5) At least one hypothesis testing for one population mean • Hypothesis testing for two population means – optionally. 6) Non...
I need a modern styled logo for my new company, Skynet. It should look futuristic clean to the point and crisp, this is a logo for a company that will over see booking budgets and process . IMAGES BELOW ARE SOME COOL IDEAS. DO NOT COPY. BUT CREATE SOMETHING: that looks futuristic and demonstrate what we do for a living further keep in mind what it would look like on a business card, flyer and bill board. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Adobe Illustrator or similar software proficiency - Strong portfolio of modern logo designs
I'm seeking a skilled WordPress developer to create a simple, yet effective website for selling my book. The site must be SEO optimized, both on and off the page. The website's primary features should include: - A blog section for updates and articles - An author biography page - A contact form While I have a general concept for the design, I will need your expertise and guidance to bring it to life. Ideal Skills: - WordPress development - SEO optimization - Web design - E-commerce - Blog integration Experience in creating author or book-related websites would be a significant advantage. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid. I'd love to see your past work. MUST BE BEAUTIFUL!
...transactions are accurately recorded in Tally. Keep records of invoices, receipts, and payments systematically. Reconcile bank statements regularly. Timely Tally Updates Regularly update accounts to reflect real-time financial status. Maintain accurate ledgers for creditors, debtors, and expenses. GST Return Filing File GST returns (GSTR-1, GSTR-3B, GSTR-9) before due dates. Ensure accurate input tax credit (ITC) calculations. Avoid penalties by staying compliant with GST regulations. TDS Deduction and Payment Deduct TDS at applicable rates on payments subject to TDS. Deposit TDS to the government before the due date. File TDS returns (Form 26Q, 24Q, etc.) on time. Timely Tax and Compliance Payments Pay GST, TDS, and other statutory dues on time to avoid interest and penaltie...
SEO Strategy & Website Optimization • Keyword Research: Identify and target high-traffic keywords related to “driving lessons,” “intensive driving courses,” “theory test preparation,” and “practical driving test” in Northwest London and Barnet and surrounding neighbourhoods Optimize website content, meta titles, descriptions, headings, and images for relevant keywords. Ensure strong Google My Business (GMB) service areas, and customer reviews. Ensure the website loads quickly and is mobile-friendly. Content Marketing & Blogging • Regular Blog Posts: Write informative articles on topics like “How to Pass the UK Driving Test,” “Best Intensive Driving Courses in Barnet,” and “Common M...
My PHP Laravel website encounters intermittent service unavailability issues, as per the hosting provider, the server is operational. I need a proficient developer to examine the error log and provide a swift solution. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Expertise in PHP Laravel framework - Proficient in server configuration and website code - Skilled in error log analysis - Experience with diagnosing and rectifying service downtime
...seeking an SEO specialist with a strong understanding of the Russian digital landscape, particularly Yandex and Google. My primary objective is to improve the search engine ranking of my Russian language brand website. Key Responsibilities: - Implement comprehensive on-page SEO strategies to optimize website content and structure. - Execute off-page SEO techniques to enhance brand visibility and reputation across the web. - Conduct technical SEO assessments and enhancements to ensure the website meets all search engine requirements. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in SEO, particularly in the Russian market. - Familiarity with Yandex and its SEO principles. - Strong analytical skills to assess and improve website performance. - Ability to ...
JMeter Assignment: Performance Testing (Summary)...Samplers, Timers, and CSV Data Set Config for realistic testing. Configure Listeners & Assertions: Add View Results Tree, Summary Report, and Graph Results. Use Response Assertions to verify HTTP status and expected text. Execute Performance Tests: Ramp-up: 60 seconds, Loop Count: 2, Duration: 5 minutes. Save test results for analysis. Analyze Results: Measure response time, throughput, and error rates. Identify performance bottlenecks. Provide Recommendations: Optimize queries, implement caching, and scale infrastructure. Deliverables: ✅ JMeter Test Plan (.jmx) ✅ Test Results (Reports & Screenshots) ✅ Analysis Report (1-2 pages) ✅ PowerShell Automation: Script to generate timestamped folders and store reports after the...
Seo optimization and GMB SEO.... 250 USD- 20-25 keywords optimization, 200-250 backlinks per month (3 blog posting)
I'm seeking a proficient SEO and website expert to help my team and I in optimizing our websites. Key Responsibilities: - **SEO**: Primarily focusing on On-page SEO, with a goal to increase our backlinks through Off-page SEO. - **Website Management**: This includes hosting setup and management, troubleshooting hosting issues, and migrating existing sites to a new host (WordPress only). - **Performance Analysis**: Building comprehensive monthly website performance reports. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in On-page SEO and increasing backlinks. - Deep understanding and hands-on experience with WordPress. - Strong skills in website troubleshooting and performance analysis. - Experience in building website performance reports. Client-facing skills ...