Open source order system일자리
1. preferably React.js 2. excellent understanding and implementation of security techniques for variables and API interaction with variables. 3. have a good understanding of variable state management and React structures. 4. know how to manage cache and optimize SEO. Must be able to implement: 1. User Auth related such as login, signup, unsubscribe, logout, etc. 2. search bar and json-based data rendering Grid, List, Scroll, infinite Scroll, Pagenation, which are the core of e-commerce 3. It should be easy to manage the overall status of payment related, and Navigation processing should not cause bugs/abuse due to lack of data and status management. ** We do not recommend new developers who do not understand these fundamentals, or who do not have experience and want to gain experience. ...
Hello. I want to become an smm service provider. I don't want to be a reseller. I want to have my own service (my own API). I don't want to be a reseller that links APIs to other panels. I want the services needed for many platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, SoundCloud, Spotify, etc. But for now, you only need the YouTube service. Subscribers, Likes, Dislikes, Views, Watching Time For these services to work, many IPs and accounts are required. I want someone who can explain this to me. We plan to gradually increase the service. As much as possible, I want to entrust this project to a developer who has made smm panels. Take care of your health in cold weather.
안녕하세요 기본증명서,혼인관계증명서, 가족관계증명서 ,보험 문서, 그리고 court order 각 1장씩 해서 총 5장 번역이 필요합니다. 단어수는 장당 50단어 이하로 적은편이네요. 44$ 에 해주실수있나요?
...deposit in a local bank here in Benin. purposed for charitable foundation. My marital status is such that I'm single because I lost my Husband for over 9 years now and unfortunately we have not had a child together, which I am no one to leave my legacy . Therefore, to release my funds I would like to make a donation so that there is no stiff tax on my money. To this I would so graceful and in order to help the poor to give what amounts to said legacy worth (€4,000,000) (Four Million Euro) to enable you to establish a charitable foundation in my memory so that those who are ill, homeless and those suffering from abject poverty will be honored and remembered. I have no fear because before contacted you, i have for several nights thought about this and my instinct convin...
Please contact me before placing your order! Are you a science journalist or scientist with a great idea still in the beginning stages? Or are you stuck closer to the finish line, unsure what you need to do to get your paper up to commercial or academic publishing standards? I can help! I am a widely published writer of nonfiction, journalism, and science research with a wide variety of publications under my belt. I especially excel in first-person investigative journalism, memoir and biography, mainstreaming science for press releases and articles, and polishing scientific papers pre-publication (especially mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, Sports science, Ergonomics, Biomechanics). I can advise on a wide variety of styles from mass market to specialist publicati...
update n helper i wanna update nhelper!!! 엔헬퍼 업데이트좀 하려하는데 언제쯤 퇴원하시는건지 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 빨리 연락되었으면 하네요. 한달이라는 시간이 너무 길어서 ㅠㅠ
...view again. Only paid members can view the catch-up videos. Can be view on the website or mobile app. Video Lesson – These will be 10 episode series about a different topic of English education. After paying for these videos, viewers can then view them anytime on the website or on the mobile app. Books – Their will be information about the books on this page and visitors can directly buy and order the books from this page. Forum – The forum will be a place where students can communicate with each other and discuss anything related to 에밀티쳐, English or just general discussion. This will be a free service. 안녕하십니까? 저는 영국인 에밀 프라이스이고 페이스북에서 영어 강사 입니다 () 저는 웹사이트 견적을 부탁드립니다 이 웹사이트는 몇가지 함수를 필요 합니다 첫째는 생방송을 가능해야 합니다 둘째 웹사이트에서는 영상을 올릴 수 있어야 되고 고손님은 우리 웹사이트에서 보실 수 있어야
안드로이드에서 월별 달력의 해당일자에 맞춰 주문내용(총금액, 건수, 미배송건수)을 보여주려 합니다. Eclipse 소스를 원합니다. 달력은 월별로 이동이 되어야 하고, 현재일자는 배경색을 달리해서 표시가 되어야 합니다. 주문이 없는 날은 표시가 안 되면 됩니다. 일자를 선택하면 그 날 주문한 상품의 이름,수량이 보였으면 합니다. 주문상세내용이 보였으면 합니다. 그리고, 원격 Database 접속정보와 관련된 쿼리는 아래와 같습니다. OS는 windows 2012 , 데이터베이스는 MS-sql이고, 원격주소, 계정, 암호는 ...색 글씨로 표시되었으면 합니다. 주문 건수 : Select count(Order_id) from Orders where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' 미배송 건수 : Select count(Order_id) from Orders where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' and TransYN='N' 주문상세 : Select productid, P_name, ori_price, Qty from Orderdetail where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' Order by Order...
회사홈페이지 영문작업할것들 번역입니다. 확인해서 견적 부탁드립니다. 일반 페이지들도 있구요 이미지가 거의 주니까 번역량은 생각보다 적으실거라고 생각됩니다. pdf파일 확인후 번역 가능 여부 및 견적 메세지 주세요.
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 시작시에 미팅 1회 및 재택근무[사내근무가능] <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다.
<프로젝트 진행 방식> 미팅 1회 가능하시면 좋구요. 저희 사무실에서 근무하시면 더좋지만 여건 안되실 경우 재택근무로 합니다 14일 정도 작업일입니다 <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 현재 내부에 개발팀이 있어 조율/지원이 가능합니다. 디자인 작업과 퍼블리싱을 의뢰드립니다. <상세한 업무 내용> Ionic 기반의 하이브리드앱 디자인과 퍼블리싱입니다. 전체 페이지 수는 25페이지 정도로 산정되고 있으며, 최대 +-5페이지 정도 변동 될 여지가 있습니다. 어플리케이션에 대한 정보는 미팅 시점에 공유 가능할 것 같습니다. 선호, 및 참고할 레퍼런스도 해당 시점에 공유하도록 하겠습니다. 일정이 촉박한 프로젝트로, 디자인 컨펌 등은 신속히 진행되도록 할 예정입니다. <참고자료 / 유의사항> ionic 기반 가능하셔야합니다. 견적 및 협의 가능합니다. .
안녕하세요. 이번에 처음으로 앱개발한번 해보려고하는 25살 학생입니다. 일단 앱개발하는 업체에도 견적문의 해놓은상태라서요 가격이랑 여러가지 따져보고 결정하려고 합니다. 처음이라 이쪽분야에 많이 모르는 상태라 질문이좀 미흡하더라도 이해해주시면 감사하겠습니다. '길건너친구들'같은 모바일게임앱이나 'Sleep Cycle alarm clock'같은 수면,알람앱 그리고 '카톡'과 '보이스톡'처럼 데이터로 문자와 통화가 가능한 메신저앱은 일반적으로 견적이 얼마정도 나오나요? 일정은 얼마나 걸릴가요? 수면,알람앱경우 제가 사운드파일을 만들거나 가지고 있어야하나요? 아이폰과 안드로이드 각각 따로 만들어야하나요? 개발후 관리는 어떤식으로 되는건가요? 추가로 관리비가 있는지 궁금합니다. 개발후 추가적으로 업데이트가 필요할경우 어떻게 되나요? 앱의 권한은 전부 제가 갖게 되나요? 로열티라든지 그런게 있는지 궁금합니다. 그래픽적인부분은 제가 어느정도 구상해야하나요? 견적은 처음 나온 견적금이외에 따로 추가금이 있나요? 지불일정은 어떻게 되나요? 선불인가요 아님 후불인가요 아니면 중간중간 나눠서 내나요? 앱스토어에 앱을 어떻게 제출하게 되나요? 마지막으로 앱개발하면서 궁금한사항들을 좀 물어보면 간단하게라도 알려주실 수 있나요? 질문이 좀 많죠? 첫 앱개발이라 좀 심사숙고해서 정하려고하다보니 궁금한게 많네요.^^;;
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
1. 웹 카메라에서 색상 찾기. 1. Find a color from the web camera. 2. 위치를 선정한다.( 선정한 위치 밖에 있는 색상은 찾지 않는다.) 2. Select a location (the color is not found outside the selected location.) 3. 찾아낸 색상의 위치를 알려주기 3. tell the location of the colors found 4. 색상이 사라진 시간 알려주기 4. Tell the time missing colors I need VB.NET 2010
안녕하세요. 이렇게 신청하는게 맞는지 모르겠네요. 이사이트의 진행에 대한 지식이 없어서 너무 어렵네요. 이렇게 프로젝트 진행하는것이 아니면 이메일로 연락부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.
We need to build a Korean version of a website is the website but needs to be integrated with South Korean payment systems. 와 같은 틀의 웹페이지를 만드는 것입니다. 필요한 기능들은 다음과 같습니다. -웹디자인 -준회원과 결제회원 따로 관리 -결제회원만 볼수 있는 동영상 페이지 -결제 시스템 결합 -보안
Translate the phrases attached from English to Korean. These are medical phrases, so knowledge of medical terminology is a must. In the attached file, there is also a column where the English meaning of words is clarified to help with the translation. DO NOT change any of the text in the English phrases (not even typos), or the order of phrases. To qualify for the job, please provide translation samples for the following 5 phrases: 5. About how many tissues of blood have you coughed up? ("tissues" refers to paper tissues that the person has coughed blood into) 13. Are the bowel movements watery? 24. Are you breastfeeding? 28. Are you experiencing any stoppages or hesitation during urination? 40. Are you experiencing any flashing lights in your vision? ------------...
We like Singapore. Provide a detailed compliance report. Requirements: Proven experience in market research or a related field. Strong research and analytical skills. Familiarity with the woodcraft industry, especially in Indonesia, is a plus. Proficiency in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to work independently and meet deadlines. Reliable internet connection. Location: This role is open to candidates based in Indonesia (IDR). Project Timeline: The project must be completed within 30 days from the date the task is accepted. Payment Details: Payment will be milestone-based, with clear deliverables tied to each milestone. Deliverables: Comprehensive reports for each research area outlined above, along with clear, actionable insights and recommendations based on...
I am looking for a skilled developer...messages across them. Key Requirements: - Implement a message broadcasting system that can reach all users across multiple bots. - Build the broadcast functionality into a single piece of code that can operate all my bots. - The broadcast messages will include both text and images. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Python, with experience in developing Telegram bots. - Familiar with the Telegram Bot API, particularly for message broadcasting. - Prior experience with Python code that manages multiple bots is a plus. Please note, the content of the broadcast messages will be a mix of text and images, so prior experience with multimedia message handling is desirable. The goal is to have a smooth, efficient and user-friendly system in place...
We want to promote worldwide our website. We make Jackets, Trousers and Waistcoats to order in several materials
I'm seeking a seasoned Ruby on Rails developer for the maintenance and updates of an existing Business Services web application. The system is designed to manage client details, documents, and operations. Key Responsibilities: - Regular maintenance and updates of the web application - Ensuring system efficiency and functionality Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Ruby On Rails - Experience with Docker and SQL - Previous work on Business Services systems Please note, the selected developer must be contactable and able to work during UK standard office hours.
I need a C# developer to add a simple function to my Illustrator plugin. The task is to incorporate the "Send to Winplot" feature as per the attached PDF file. All other functions have already been implemented. Key Requirements: - The plugin should open Winplot with the file loaded. - The file should not be saved in a specific location before opening in Winplot, it should just open directly. - There are no special conditions or checks needed before sending the file to Winplot. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in C#. - Experienced in developing Illustrator plugins. - Familiar with Winplot software. I look forward to seeing your bids.
...looking for a seasoned software developer to create a robust Desktop Pharmacy Management System specifically for Windows OS. This system will serve multiple functions, including Point of Sale (POS) for pharmacies, buying, selling, and managing inventory with expiry date filters. The system should support barcode scanning for both selling and stock management, and should be able to store all medications and their details. Key Features: - Comprehensive inventory management with quantity tracking and expiry date filters - POS functionality for seamless selling processes - Barcode scanning capabilities for both selling and inventory management - Storage and retrieval of all medications in the system The system should also integrate the following addition...
Complete Requirements for Shopify Website Development General Setup 1. Theme: • Koto Theme: Purchased and t...SMS Integration: • Provider must display the registered company name. • If the current SMS provider lacks a plugin, a custom integration or a new provider is needed. 11. Email Templates: • Custom templates for order confirmations, marketing, and notifications. SEO and Products 12. SEO: • Ready for implementation in all 3 languages (Arabic, English, and French). 13. Products: • All products are prepared with: • Pictures. • Descriptions. • Categories. Other Features 14. Security: • Implement VPN blocking to restrict unwanted access. 15. Expansion: • The system will expand gradually with mor...
Project: Custom Multi-Tier Affiliate System for WordPress We are looking for an experienced WordPress developer to customize and implement a multi-tier affiliate commission system for a unique business model. The system will use Ultimate Affiliate Pro or a similar plugin as a foundation and will require custom logic for commission distribution and affiliate activity tracking. Scope of Work: Affiliate Commission System: Configure a 3-tier commission structure with fallback logic for unclaimed commissions. Ensure proper integration with ticket sales or product purchases. Custom Logic Implementation: Develop conditional logic for affiliate commission eligibility based on activity thresholds. Implement fallback handling for inactive or missing affiliate tiers. ...
...creative use of open source code. I'm going to be a bit cagey in this post, because I do have a plan for these features but I don't want to give too much away for how I'll be doing it. If the initial build goes well, then I will move on to a secondary stage to build out the initial version of the app. After this stage I will engage in user testing and feedback. The final stage will involve features that are a bit more complex, and "nice to haves", which may happen concurrently to the initial marketing and sales phase. The full app will allow users to: Create profiles Play chess Save positions on the chess board Analyze those positions to find good moves Test themselves against those moves See positions again based on how they performed on the...
...medicines. The website should take inspiration from , featuring a clean, modern design and detailed product listings. Key Features: - Product Listing: Comprehensive product pages with detailed descriptions and well-structured categories. - Secure Transactions: Integration of a reliable and secure payment gateway. - User Account Management: Incorporation of a system for tracking order history. - Regulatory Compliance: The site must meet all USA regulations for online medicine sales. Please share your portfolio, examples of similar projects, estimated timeline, and budget. A successful high-quality delivery tailored to these specifications is paramount. Don't hesitate to reach out for any clarifications or questions. I look forward to potentially working together!
I need help with my WordPress-based Woocommerce site. I want to modify the script that sends out the 'order completed' emails to include delivery information. I have the script written already however if the product does not have shipping, then I get error: Call to a member function get_method_id() on bool Script is similar to this and there's a solution to the problem however I can't do this work Looking for immediate help please
Update the Order max Condition & Warning on add new project I managed to restore the first version, just have lost the correct version and the warning update on add new project
I'm looking for a skilled Laravel developer to enhance my existing web app with a comprehensive newsletter system. 1)Send bulk email by the these rules: All users Users who activated their accounts Users who didnt activate their accounts Users who do not login from 1 month 2 Ability to send test message 3 Ability to schedule message SMTP is already enable in this application This is how it should look plus you will ability to schedule the newsletter:
I'm seeking a web developer to create a small-scale HR management system. The application should allow the addition of new employees, inclusive of basic details and department allocation. It should automatically generate offer letters and send them to the respective employee's Gmail account. Key Features: - Employee Management: HR can add new employees and update their salary. The system should capture the employee's name and contact information, position and department, emergency contact and ID proofs. Additionally, there should be an option to upload various documents like Adhaar card, PAN card, education and experience letters. Employee onboarding page where they can enter all personal and professional details and attach the above mention documents. - Atte...
I'm looking for an architect who can create a one floor, 200m2 house with a traditional architectural style. The layout should include: - Two main bedrooms - One maids bedroom - A spacious sitting area - An open kitchen and dining area - An open concept living and dining area The ideal freelancer should have a strong background in traditional architecture and experience in designing functional, spacious homes. Your portfolio should showcase similar projects, and a keen understanding of open concept spaces is crucial. Please include in your proposal examples of previous work that align with this project.
...The app must support operations for multiple branches under one restaurant. 2. Ordering Features: o Customers should be able to browse the menu and place orders for food and merchandise. o Payment integration using PayMongo API to allow secure online payments. 3. Communication Features: o In-App Chat: A messaging system where customers can communicate with the restaurant directly about their orders. o Email Notification: The system should email the restaurant whenever a new order is placed. 4. Franchise Functionality: o Include a Franchise Section in the app where interested users can: Fill out a franchise application form. View FAQ about franchising opportunities. Contact the restaurant for more details via chat or email. 5. App Variants: o User app (for cust...
...Advanced filtering and sorting for employers (skills, industry, experience, etc.). Subscription models for companies with tiered access levels. A scalable architecture that ensures high performance, data security, and privacy. Key Expectations Communication Daily status updates. Transparency on timelines, delays, or issues. Proactively recommend improvements that align with industry best practices. Open communication channels at all stages of development. Customization and Security All data must be secured and regularly backed up. Anonymity features are critical and must be robust. Performance and Usability Fast, responsive, and intuitive user interfaces. Proper image sizing and cropping tools for uploads. High-speed performance and scalability to handle future growth. Testing...
Seeking a NC licensed engineer to create drawings for a new, unconventional septic system installation. This project is for a residential property specifically designed for an Aerobic Treatment Unit (ATU). The system is an Ecological Tanks Aquasafe AS1500. These drawings will be submitted to the NCDEQ for a surface discharge system. I have engineered site plans already. Must have NC engineer stamp. The ideal freelancer will have extensive experience in designing and drawing plans for septic systems, particularly ATUs. Prior work with residential properties is preferred. Please provide examples of similar projects in your proposal. I would like it done in 14 days.
Purpose: Build a single-user web-based tool for personal property management, allowing the owner to track properties, units, tenants, rent payments, and maintenance requests. Key Goal: Have a minimal but complete system that you (the owner) can log into and manage all your property-related data—without the complexities of a multi-tenant or SaaS platform (that may come in a future phase). 2. Scope 1. Single-User Authentication • A single admin login (username/password). • Basic session or JWT-based security. 2. Property & Unit Management • Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) properties. • Each property has multiple units, also managed via CRUD operations. • Track status of units (occupied, vacant, under maintenance). 3. Tenant & Lease...
I'm looking for an a...looking for an application developer with extensive experience working with the 8086 microprocessor on Proteus. The project is to create a digital lock system interfacing with a keypad and an LCD display. Key Requirements: - Demonstration of basic operations and instructions of the 8086 - Peripheral interfacing with PPI and a keypad - Implementation and handling of interrupts - Control and interfacing with an LED display - Possible integration with motor control for lock mechanism Ideal Skills: - Proficient in 8086 microprocessor application development on Proteus - Strong background in system simulation - Previous experience with digital lock system projects will be highly regarded - Capable of creating an engaging, educational demonstra...
I'm looking to create a new, modern and minimalist WordPress website to improve our brand visibility. Our current site, , is outdated and needs a total revamp. I've got some references and layouts to share, but I'm also open to your creative ideas. Key Project Aspects: - Design & Programming: I need a talented designer and a skilled programmer. - Integration of Essential Features: The new site must include a Blog or News section and a Contact or Inquiry form. - E-commerce: While we don't need e-commerce functionality right now, the site should be designed with future e-commerce integration in mind. - User Experience: The site should be designed to enhance user engagement. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in WordPress design and developmen...
I'm looking for an innovative designer to completely redesign my current logo. The new design should incorporate more colors and a fresh take on the existing elements. As I'm open to the designer's suggestions for color choices, creativity and a good understanding of color theory will be crucial. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic Design - Adobe Illustrator - Branding - Color Theory - Creative Thinking Please note, I am open to a complete redesign of the logo, so feel free to think outside the box!
I'm in need of a graphic designer proficient in using tools that recreate logos. My current logo is in JPEG format, which is not of the best quality. I need it accurately recreated in high-resolution JPEG and PNG formats with a transparent...recreate logos. My current logo is in JPEG format, which is not of the best quality. I need it accurately recreated in high-resolution JPEG and PNG formats with a transparent background. It's important to note my satisfaction with my current logo design, I'm not looking for any changes or improvements, simply a recreation for better quality. Your role will require precision and attention to detail in order to keep the design exactly as is, but in a cleaner and more professional standard. Relevant skills: Graphic Design, Logo Desig...
I am looking for a freelance recruiter or marketing professional to maximize the usage of my company-provided referral link for hiring purposes. The goal is to share the link with as many qualified candidates as possible and encourage them to apply for open positions through it. The freelancer will be responsible for: 1. Identifying relevant job seekers based on the company's open roles. 2. Strategically sharing my referral link with potential candidates via job boards, LinkedIn, social media, and professional networks. 3. Reaching out to candidates to explain the application process and ensure they use the referral link. 4. Providing regular updates on outreach efforts and link usage metrics. Success in this project will be measured by the number of valid application...
1)After the client registered on the website and received an email to confirm his email address, which he did, he tried to log in unsuccessfully, The response he is getting "wrong catcha". 2) New orders placed on the website do not show on Maginto under sales, it shows only under the Dashboard. All order of 2024 & part of 2023 disappeared from maginto.
...hire a team of developers with extensive experience in CRM development to build a robust, scalable, and feature-rich Veterinary Management System (VMS) platform. The platform should incorporate features similar to leading VMS providers such as EzyVet and NectarVet, tailored to our organization's unique needs. This is a B2B opportunity, and we aim to partner with a development team that can deliver exceptional results. This document highlights the core features we require for the platform and app. It’s a work in progress, and we welcome feedback or suggestions to ensure optimal functionality and efficacy. Key Features of the Veterinary Management System (VMS): 1. Marketing & Client Engagement: Monthly themed content for client education (e.g., "Dental...
...50-100 USD, and the effective working time is 3-6 hours. If you want, you can quote the client with a price increase. You can act as a middleman and get middleman income from all the income. If you are willing to cooperate with me, I look forward to anyone contacting me. Thank you! Of course, as a freelancer who values his own reputation and kindness, I don't want you to violate Upwork ToS in order to help me. You can recommend my profile to clients within the scope allowed by Upwork, or forward the message to discuss how to further cooperate. I will provide a quotation as required. If your clients need similar services and you don't take on this type of work or don't do it yourself for some reason, you can recommend me to your clients. 1. You can recommend me ...
I need for a Friend of mein from Pakistan who need to sale products like male enhancement and hair growth products. The client can order a Product and receives the account details over E-Mail and after receiving the payment the Product will be dispatched. This should target the European Market
...products using BMC Remedy ARS/BMC Helix as a development platform. Proficiency and prior experience in ARS Development using ARS Forms & ARS objects - Active Links, Filters, Escalation, Active Link Guides, Filter Guides, Menus, Web Services, and Applications. Very Good Exposure to Remedy Integrations using the latest version of Remedy APIs, ARS workflow, Integrations with SRM, Incident, Change, Work Order and CMDB Module. Strong know-how of functional and design aspects of the BMC Remedy ITSM Suite is a must. Experience in developing enterprise software products, in a fast-paced, distributed, and agile development environment Experience in Asset Management, Smart IT and Helix Dashboard Experience in developing/accessing Web Services including good knowledge of REST protocols ...
...Script (v6) according to the provided specifications. - Ensure the script performs multi-timeframe analysis to determine market trends, key ranges, order blocks, and liquidity zones. - Implement clear visualization for higher and lower timeframe analysis using color-coded trendlines, ranges, and highlighted zones. - Incorporate entry signals on lower timeframes with alerts for potential long or short positions. Desired Skills and Experience: - Strong proficiency in Pine Script with a portfolio showcasing previous work on Trading View scripts. - Experience with financial markets and understanding of trading concepts such as trends, ranges, order blocks, and liquidity. - Ability to translate complex trading strategies into efficient and reliable code. - Excellent attention ...
I need a system that uses a Large Language Model to summarize and condense lengthy educational materials, such as full-length lectures and PDFs, into concise and easily digestible formats like video snippets, infographics, and text summaries. The goal is to enhance learning efficiency by transforming complex information into byte-sized content. Key requirements: - The system should be able to process a variety of sources for content generation, including full-length lectures, PDFs, and web articles. - It should also be capable of incorporating interactive elements into the summarized content, such as quizzes, clickable links, and interactive diagrams. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in developing systems powered by Large Language Models. - Experience ...
...which we need) ? ...set 10 UoW (10 half/day, a week), when/where like; UoW - Unit of Work, 4 hours/each, on our need; ...choice when work or useful for the work goal; your home, in slippers, without taking a tram or wearing a tie, ...just enough smart neurons available, with us (sometimes) !!! ...set 10 UoW in each month (<30€), we start with a month, we can think 4 months, future is open; ...need your URL/Test; make a draft web HomePage by this guide $$$_NFT_TEST/ ; ...plz, if yes, send us your URL (with contents/draft on our guide or your "with similar contents"); ...the links inside guide give you many references to the project, current status and above all to examples of LandingPage (a lot all very similar, with 3