Money writing code java php일자리
홈페이지 블로그에 필요한 원고 잡업 -정보성 원고 작성(예: 루나코인이란? 디파이란?) -영문 자료 리서치를 통해 국문 원고 작성 -간단한 이미지 편집 가능 -텍스트 3500자 이상, 이미지 5장(포함) 이상 SEO content writer in Korean -at the beginning of project, mainly informational articles (e.g. what is LUNA c...블로그에 필요한 원고 잡업 -정보성 원고 작성(예: 루나코인이란? 디파이란?) -영문 자료 리서치를 통해 국문 원고 작성 -간단한 이미지 편집 가능 -텍스트 3500자 이상, 이미지 5장(포함) 이상 SEO content writer in Korean -at the beginning of project, mainly informational articles (e.g. what is LUNA coin? What is Defi?) -Must have good understanding Crypto industry. -Excellent keywords research skills to drive most valuable traffic to articles. -Experienced in SEO article writing. -Write 2~4 articles per week.
주어진 코드에 캐시최적화, 병렬프로그래밍, SIMD를 적용하는 과제입니다. 세부내용은 pdf에 있습니다.
...died, these funds are deposited in a fixed deposit in a local bank here in Benin. purposed for charitable foundation. My marital status is such that I'm single because I lost my Husband for over 9 years now and unfortunately we have not had a child together, which I am no one to leave my legacy . Therefore, to release my funds I would like to make a donation so that there is no stiff tax on my money. To this I would so graceful and in order to help the poor to give what amounts to said legacy worth (€4,000,000) (Four Million Euro) to enable you to establish a charitable foundation in my memory so that those who are ill, homeless and those suffering from abject poverty will be honored and remembered. I have no fear because before contacted you, i have for several night...
SAS Data step 프로그램을 java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요. Enterprise Miner로 자동 생성된 .sas 프로그램을 .class로 컴파일이 가능한 .java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요.
...정확성과 현지근무이력입니다. 현지근무시 통역 업무를 하면서 연구실/공장 등에서 실무를 하시는 분들과 많이 접촉해 왔습니다. 이러한 근무 이력을 바탕으로 네이티브들에게 가독성이 높은 번역 자료를 제공하고 있습니다. 한국과 미국의 학술대회 dissertation 번역 공동작업 뿐만 아니라 각 분야 thesis와 academic writing 번역을 하고 있습니다. 1. 네이티브가 선호하는 한영 번역 2. 번역물이라는 느낌이 들지 않고 번역문 자체로 완성도가 높은 영한 번역 을 저렴한 비용으로 원하시는 분들은 연락주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다. ▶ 견적 * 영한번역: 단어당 40원 * 한영번역: 단어당 70원 * 내용의 난이도에 따라 견적 차이가 있으니 문의주시기 바랍니다 :* ▶ 주요 경력 * 사업계획서, 계약서, 브랜드소개, 해외오픈마켓/리플릿 제품설명, 이메일 1000건 이상 * 이력서, 자기소개서 300건 이상 * 공중파/케이블 방송 다큐멘터리 번역 (KBS, MBC, JTBC, 아리랑TV 방송) * S전자, L전자, M그룹 등 기업 프로젝트 번역 * 해외 학술대회 발표 collection of dissertations, 인문/사회/기계공학 academic writing 한영/영한 번역 100회 이상 * IT/금융/인문학/문화/콘서트 강연과 계약미팅 통역 5000회 이상
# 2013년6월 ~ 2013년12월 : 고양시 상수도 블록시스템 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, ibatis, amchart, eazy-ui # 2014년1월 ~ 2014년3월 : 고양시 상수조 블록시스템 GIS적용 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템...
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
php, mysql, word press, bootstrap, jquery , ajax, html5 (모바일웹, 앱) 기술 우대
...되어야 합니다. 주문이 없는 날은 표시가 안 되면 됩니다. 일자를 선택하면 그 날 주문한 상품의 이름,수량이 보였으면 합니다. 주문상세내용이 보였으면 합니다. 그리고, 원격 Database 접속정보와 관련된 쿼리는 아래와 같습니다. OS는 windows 2012 , 데이터베이스는 MS-sql이고, 원격주소, 계정, 암호는 실제 내용을 알려드릴 수 없는 점 양해바랍니다. 현재 디비접속은 이런 형식으로 하고 있습니다. -> ,1000 (사이트주소,포트번호) , 계정 : Testaccount , 암호 : Test 입니다. 금액 쿼리 : Select replace(convert(varchar, cast(Isnull(Sum(Ori_price*qty),0) as money),1),'.00','') as Orderamt from Orderdetail where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' 금액은 붉은 색 글씨로 표시되었으면 합니다. 주문 건수 : Select count(Order_id) from Orders where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' 미배송 건수 : Select count(Order_id) from Orders where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_da...
인스타그램 같은 사진 공유 서비스 개발을 의뢰하려고 합니다. JAVA 프로젝트로 개발하기를 원합니다. (커스텀을 위한 매뉴얼만 확실히 제공해주신다면 다른 언어나 프레임워크로 개발 되었거나 개발 되어도 상관없습니다. ) 인스타와 비슷한 것을 이미 개발한분을 우선적으로 찾고 있습니다. 사용하길 원하는 프레임워크 spring , mybatis, maven 그 외 프론트엔드 관련 프레임워크 (예:angularjs) 인스타와 똑같은 기능이 구현된 플랫폼 또는 sns 기능이 구현된 플랫폼을 개발 하신분이 있으시면 꼭 연락 부탁드립니다. 개발 가능하신분들도 쪽지로 연락부탁드립니다. ^^
you make payment system very simply. every payment system possible my website.(card, cash, coupon etc) customer join us and my website sell and buy for c to c. customer pay money for my website fee( seller ) - 개인이 상품을 사고 팔수 있는 오픈마켓형 홈페이지 - 상품을 판매한 사람에게 수수료를 받는 시스템 - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드, 현금입금, 쿠폰 등, 모든 결재방식이 가능함. - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드같은 경우 카드수수료가 빠진 금액만큼 결재됨. (나머지 쿠폰도 마찬가지 임) - 홈페이지에서 결재된 금액은 홈페이지 단위의 가상money를 받고, 판매자에게 전달. - 고객이 상품받은 것을 확인하면, 판매자에게 3일에서 7일까지 회사에서 결재된 금액을 가지고 있다가 3일이나 7일후에 수수료가 빠진 금액으로 결재계좌에 입금. - 상품을 받지 못한 고객에게는 결재된 금액을 다시 돌려 줌. (이 때, 결재되었을 때, 카드수수료등도 같이 취소되어 환급됨.)
나중에 제가 좀 시간이 나면 bidding 해 볼까요? ㅋㅋ 요즘 너무 바빠서... 중국도 다녀와야 하고... 뭐 랜딩페이지 하나 만들어주세요, 한장 만들어달라는 얘기. 쇼핑카트 만들어 주세요, 이런일들이 많아요. 뽀샵 사진을 짤라주세요. 이런 일도 있고. ㅋㅋㅋ 좀 비싼일들은 ajax chatting,, php 로 사이트 구축, php, jQuery, java, AJAX 이런거 복합적으로 섞어서 1년동안 일해야 하는 것도 있고.... 이런 건 제가 bidding 자체를 제가 못하겠죠. 어느정도 불러야 하는지도 모르니.... 그누보드 스킨만 갖고도 충분히 구축할수 있는 정도 사이트, 현재 bidding 이 대략 550만원이네요...
I'm looking for a mobile video editor who can help me edit my personal vlogs. I need someone who can edit short videos to have a raw and natural style. Key Requirements: - Experience with mobile video editing - Ability to edit in a raw and natural style - Lower price point preferred - Urgent need for money If you love my video editing, I can do lower price for your videos. I do my best work for you. Please send me a message on WhatsApp at 7876697715.
I'm seeking a professional with a strong background in writing a book who can help me write a book while I tell the story I Ideal skills would include: - Excellent copywriting skills - Ability to analyze and understand customer behavior - Strong knowledge of writing books - Experience with customer retention strategies
I'm in search of a talented and creative graphic designer who can help me craft a modern, bright and bold logo. The design should be a combination of text and an image. I need it for my Crypto Coin Project called Dharma Coin Please include relevant samples of your work in your bid. Will give bonus money if it's good.
We are looking for an experienced Indonesian editor to handle proofreading and editing tasks for both short-term a...clarity, and consistency while maintaining the original tone. Responsibilities: • Edit and proofread Indonesian content for accuracy and readability. • Ensure content adheres to professional standards without using AI tools. • Collaborate with the team to meet deadlines. Requirements: • Proficient in Indonesian with editing experience. • Detail-oriented and skilled in adapting to different writing styles. • Reliable in meeting deadlines for both short and long-term projects. Preferred: • Background in content creation or translation and familiarity with cultural nuances. Join us if you’re passionate about deliveri...
Hello Robina,,,, You had done a logo job for me a while back "Broadside Bucks and Beards" and you did such a great job I have bragged about your work to my friends. I have a friend that is wanting a logo for a YouTube channel he's wanting to start and would like you to do it for him. He doesn't have a lot of money his budget is only 85 USD would you be willing to do logo for him? The good news is he knows exactly what he wants and can provide you drawings and pictures for examples.
I'm seeking a seasoned PHP developer with 1-2 years of experience. Your primary responsibilities will include: - New Feature Development: You'll be tasked with creating new modules and features for our website. - Bug Fixing: Identifying and resolving issues in a timely manner will be crucial. - API Integration: A significant part of your role will involve integrating various APIs. The type of APIs you'll be working with will vary based on requirements, including but not limited to payment gateways and social media. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in PHP with a good understanding of its ecosystems. - Has experience in API integration and can handle diverse requests. - Strong problem-solving skills, with a knack for bug fixing. - Comfortable working remotely via ...
I'm seeking a talented freelancer for my travel blog. The job entails creating and uploading engaging itinerary-related articles...freelancer for my travel blog. The job entails creating and uploading engaging itinerary-related articles and photos. Key Responsibilities: - Content Creation: Generating captivating articles and sourcing or creating relevant photos related to travel itineraries. - Content Upload: Uploading all created content onto the travel blog in an engaging manner. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong writing skills with a knack for travel-related content. - Experience in content creation for travel blogs or similar platforms. - Basic understanding of SEO and web content management systems. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed ...
...essay in MLA format articulating my passion for electrical engineering. The inspiration is the following questions : What, specifically, is your plan after you graduate that you would like to research for this project? How does it connect with your chosen focus area? I plan on going to college to get a bachelor's of electrical engineering, and then work in that field. Aside from the degree or money you will earn, why is this topic important in creating the life you want to live? There are job opportunities in nearly every country in the world. I also want to be challenged and with ever growing tech industry there will always be more for me to learn about the field. It also has a lot of problem solving challenges while being math based which is something I really enjoy...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to create a Wikipedia article for my company. The main aim of this project is to enhance our brand awareness through a well-structured and informative article. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive understanding and experience with Wikipedia's article creation process. - Strong writing and editing skills to ensure the article is engaging and adheres to Wikipedia's standards. - Ability to understand and convey our company's vision, mission and values in a compelling way. - Previous experience creating Wikipedia pages for companies is highly desirable.
...the lookout for talented blog writers to help us share our story with the world. We aim to create high-quality, engaging content that not only builds awareness but also enhances our SEO rankings on both 3rd-party platforms and our official website. What We’re Looking For: Experienced Content Writers: Strong portfolio in food, beverage, health, or lifestyle niches. SEO Expertise: Proficiency in writing SEO-friendly blogs with effective keyword integration. Creativity & Engagement: Ability to craft compelling stories that capture readers and drive traffic. Industry Awareness: Knowledge of consumer preferences and market trends in the food and beverage sector. Responsibilities: Write high-quality blogs tailored to: Promote Alemajlis’s unique selling points: Halal cer...
... Product Name: Unlock Your Metabolic Power: Burn More Calories and Feel Great with Mitolyn Powder Goal: To sell this product worldwide and establish it as a global brand. Strategy: Hire freelancers with the required skills to effectively manage and execute the marketing and sales tasks. Skills and Requirements for Freelancers 1. Content Writer/Copywriter Skills: - Expertise in writing about health, wellness, and nutrition topics. - Ability to create SEO-friendly content. - Crafting compelling and persuasive product descriptions and marketing materials. Responsibilities: - Write product details, benefits, and use cases. - Create blogs, email campaigns, and landing page content. - Develop engaging and targeted stories for international a...
I'm looking for a skilled Android developer to help me build an based on the user's current location. - Time and date of the event: Events should be sorted and displayed based on their schedule. - A little description of the event: Each event should come with a brief, engaging description. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Java/Kotlin and Android Studio. - Previous experience with e-commerce or event-based apps. - Strong understanding of integrating APIs for ticket purchasing and artist information. - Knowledge of location-based services in app development. - Creative mindset for writing engaging event descriptions. I'm looking for someone who can turn this idea into a fully functional application. If you have the skills and passion for this project...
Necesito un programador java/kotlin que pueda actualizar el reproductor de video de una app antigua y realizar unas modificaciones al menu, además necesito vincular la app con firebase de Google para actualizarla en tiempo real.
I'm looking for a website designer to create a sleek, modern website for a holistic health company. I'd like the website designed on a user friendly platform so someone without web design knowledge can easily edit it. Here is a link to a tri-fold brochure with content to include in the site.,vid:HgUTve6_H6M,st:0 Attached is a word document with a rough layout of the website. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will be rating and adding comments as the contest progresses. The design I like best will win the contest and pri...
I need a talented developer to migrate my current website from PHP and Laravel to a more modern tech stack, specifically , Node.js, and MongoDB. The primary goal of this project is to enhance the site's performance and scalability. Key Responsibilities: - Ensure all current website functionalities are retained post-migration, including: - User authentication - Data analytics - Content management - Implement minor UI/UX improvements during the migration process. - create a new and modern dashboard for super admin - Implement multilingual support based on the client's country IP - Redesign the automatic email sending system Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PHP, Laravel, , Node.js, and MongoDB - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles - Experience in website migr...
I posted this previously and awarded a winner. The problem is is that I can’t find anyone that does not have to rely on artificial intelligence. Some of this may have been generated by artificial intelligence. But the book cover needs to be tweaked. I drew the white line like the heartbeat, but I need it rendered into the book cover. I am happy with the font on the cover page. The book needs writing on the binder and the font on the backside of the book needs to be better. I need someone to give me or to polish this up without being totally dependent on artificial intelligence. If someone is going to draw the heartbeat line and white, I need it to be perfectly straight and clean with no bent edges. I would also like the white car on the right to be a White Porsche 911The book ...
I'm seeking a skilled developer for a comprehensive web and app project focusing on real-time stock tracking. The platform should offer: - Live price updates - Customizable watchlists - Stock alerts and notifications - An array of advanced features In addition to basic tracking, I want the app to enco...experience in financial app development and a keen understanding of stock market dynamics. Two-factor authentication is preferred for user authentication. The app needs to support iOS, Android, and Web. Skills & Experience Required: - Extensive Financial App Development - Understanding of Stock Market Dynamics - Proficiency in PHP, Python, MySQL, Excel, Power BI, etc - Software Architecture and Testing Skills - Familiarity with Blockchain and AI - Design and Editing Skil...
I'm seeking a skilled writer to help me complete a non-fiction self-help book aimed at providing emotional support to its readers. The ideal candidate should possess: - Exceptional writing skills with a deep understanding of the non-fiction and self-help genres. - Previous experience in writing emotional support content. - Ability to translate ideas into engaging and impactful prose. - Understanding of the book writing process, from structuring to editing. Your role will be to assist in crafting the narrative, ensuring the content is relatable and supportive, and helping to shape the book into a compelling read. Your input will be invaluable in making this project a success.
i need a developer who knows python and php to write python script
I'm looking for a skilled Java developer with extensive experience in AWS services, particularly AWS Lambda and S3. The task involves creating a REST API using AWS API Gateway that will enable image uploads to an S3 bucket. Key Requirements: - The REST API should be built using AWS API Gateway. - It must support uploading of JPEG images to the S3 bucket. - Ideally, you would have prior experience in developing similar projects and can provide relevant examples of your work. Please note, at this stage, I do not require any image processing or transformation before storing in S3. Skills and Experience Required: - Proficient in Java - Extensive experience with AWS services, particularly AWS Lambda and S3 - Familiarity with REST API development using AWS API Gateway - P...
... Focus on excellent service to earn referrals. Ask for reviews/testimonials to build credibility. 4. Expand Service Offerings: Introduce related services (e.g., if you start gardening, offer landscaping or plant sales). --- Phase 2: Online Income (Long-Term Growth) 1. Freelancing Platforms: Sign up on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Offer skills such as graphic design, writing, or virtual assistance. 2. Content Creation: Start a blog, YouTube channel, or TikTok about a passion or niche. Monetize through ads, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. 3. E-commerce: Create and sell handmade or curated products on Etsy or Shopify. Drop-ship products using platforms like AliExpress. 4. Online Tutoring: Offer to teach a subject or skill (e.g., languag...
...integration of photos galleries for each result. This part of the project is mostly complete but still requires refining and bug fixes -- we were at that stage when the developer disappeared. I shelved the project for a bit after that and I can't remember exactly which bugs existed. It will take a bit of use for my to jog my memory and get back up to speed. I have the full Laravel code plus mySQL database code. Key Requirements: - Conversion of custom forms from Laravel to a custom-coded interface in WordPress. - Integration of sport database management features into the plugin. - Comprehensive understanding of user management and e-commerce features, although these are not part of the current conversion, may be needed for future enhancements. The ideal candidat...
I'm seeking a talented marketer, creative writer and designer t...attracting investors. The project will involve: - Utilizing provided text content, visuals/graphics, and company data/metrics. - Understanding how to market to investors in the space and defense industries - Infusing the deck with a creative and engaging tone. Ideal candidates should possess: - Transformating skills to re-imagine and re-design, and not just "fix" or re-color. - Exceptional creative writing skills. - Proficiency in graphic design and AI Generated images. - Experience in creating pitch decks, preferably for investors and partnerships - Ability to present complex company data in a compelling way. Please submit examples of your previous work that align with this project. Thank you!
Looking for someone to list my eBay products and find trending products to dropship on eBay from Amazon and Walmart websites as well as list them and fulfill the orders. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborate with me to identify and source s...source suitable home goods products. - Research and gather product specifications. - Write compelling product descriptions that catch the attention of potential buyers. Ideal Candidate: - Previous experience with eBay product listing and fulfillment is a must. - Excellent writing skills for crafting engaging product descriptions. - Strong research skills to gather product specifications. - Experience in sourcing and identifying home goods products is a plus. Please bid only if you can assist with both product sourcing and writing prod...
I have a built React project with , JS and CSS, but I need the source code of the entire React app. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in React - Experience in converting HTML/CSS/JS to React - Familiarity with debugging and troubleshooting React apps
...2025 Location: Online (Zoom link will be sent upon registration) Instructor: Mr. Alaa Amarna, PhD candidate, Expert in Statistical Analysis and Stata Software What You Will Learn: Understanding the basics and practical applications of secondary data Using Stata software for data analysis Conducting common statistical analyses (such as regression, hypothesis testing, panel data analysis) Writing high-quality statistical reports Who Should Attend: Students and researchers in social, health, and economic fields Professionals working in research and statistical analysis Anyone interested in developing their skills in Stata How to Register: Registration Deadline: January 10, 2025 Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and join a community of researchers ...
I need a qualified structural engineer to inspect the concrete piers under my house. The inspection is prompted by some uneven floors I've been noticing. Unfortunately, I do not have any existing reports or documentation about the condition of the piers. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in structural eng...inspection is prompted by some uneven floors I've been noticing. Unfortunately, I do not have any existing reports or documentation about the condition of the piers. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in structural engineering - Prior experience with residential pier inspections - Ability to identify potential issues causing uneven floors - Excellent report writing skills to provide a comprehensi...
I'm look...E-commerce site. The content will need to be crafted for the Home page, Product pages, and About Us section. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and persuasive Arabic website copy tailored for E-commerce - Optimize content with relevant SEO strategies to enhance visibility and reach - Ensure the brand voice is consistent across all pages Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Arabic with exceptional writing skills - Proven experience in SEO content creation - Familiarity with E-commerce industry language and trends - Ability to deliver persuasive and engaging copy -Proficient in using keyword planner to shape content strategy Ideally be able to handle Arabic dialect in the following countries: Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iraq and King...
I'm looking for a dedicated developer to customize my source code and work with me as a permanent employee. The source code primarily uses JavaScript, PHP (Laravel) and MySQL. Key Responsibilities: - Customizing Source Code: This will include adding new features, fixing bugs and improving performance. - Front-end Development: Building and optimizing the user interface. - Backend Development: Ensuring seamless server-side logic and database interactions. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in JavaScript, PHP (Laravel) and MySQL. - Experienced in both front-end and backend development. - Strong problem-solving skills for bug fixing and performance improvement. Please note that the initial focus will be on customization, but as we move forward, the role will...
I'm looking to build a custom B2B website using the PHP Laravel framework. The website should be similar to , but with some changes to the UI and presentation style. Key Requirements: - The website should be structured similarly to the reference site, but with distinct UI changes. - The UI adjustments are not specified, so I am open to your creative suggestions to enhance the website's presentation and user experience. - The site should incorporate a user-friendly layout, appealing color scheme, and easy-to-read typography. Ideal Skills: - Strong expertise in PHP and Laravel framework - Proven experience in B2B website development - Excellent UI/UX design skills - Ability to suggest and implement creative design changes - Familiarity with responsive design
I'm seeking a seasoned medical or healthcare writer to help convert my review article titled "Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Shoulder Instability: A Review" into a research article. The transformation should be as straightforward and efficient as possible, adhering to minimal and simple research standards. Key Requirements: - Expertise in medical or healthcare writing - Experience in converting review articles into research papers - Proficiency in employing various research methodologies (excluding literature reviews) - Ability to maintain simplicity and clarity throughout the process This initial project will serve as a test to evaluate the feasibility of our collaboration and the potential for a long-term partnership. Please note that I do not have ac...
Create an ad using the supplied document. convert the document into an animation zooming in on the interest rate, then pan out and zoom in on the payment amount, then pan out and zoom in on the closing cost section. every time you zoom into the 3 key areas, circle the number or info in red, as to cause attention to ...document. convert the document into an animation zooming in on the interest rate, then pan out and zoom in on the payment amount, then pan out and zoom in on the closing cost section. every time you zoom into the 3 key areas, circle the number or info in red, as to cause attention to the point. The ad will be used to target consumers who currently have a loan estimate in hand, to call us and save money by switching to us. I have supplied an example and a new form to ...
... Why Work With Us? - Flexible Schedule: Work at your own pace and submit content whenever you’re ready. - Global Reach: Your work will be featured on a growing platform with massive social media exposure. - Crypto Payments: Get paid in cryptocurrency and be part of an innovative project shaping the future of content creation. How to Apply: 1. Share a brief portfolio showcasing your writing skills. 2. Include 1-2 sample posts (50-100 words) in any of the niches mentioned above. 3. Mention your preferred niche and why you’re excited to join. Join us in creating impactful, viral content that resonates with millions!...
I'm looking for an expert in Web Development to help me create a robust and user-friendly E-commerce site. This is a freelancing job aimed at generating revenue, with the potential for long-term collaboration based on performance. The ideal freelancer should have: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in ...The ideal freelancer should have: - Proven experience in web development, particularly in creating E-commerce sites. - A portfolio showcasing previous E-commerce projects. - Strong skills in coding languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.) - Knowledge of SEO and website optimization. - Ability to meet deadlines and communicate effectively. With you, I hope to turn my dream of working and earning money online into a reality. Let's create an amazing E-com...
...seeking a designer to create a modern, professional logo for my website. The unique aspect of this logo will be its incorporation of a QR code into the design and structure of the logo itself. Key requirements: - A minimalist yet appealing design that aligns with a professional vibe. - Utilization of a blue and white color scheme to reflect my brand identity. - An understanding of how to effectively integrate a QR code into a logo without compromising aesthetic appeal. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in graphic design and specifically logo creation. - A strong portfolio showcasing modern, minimalist and professional designs. - Expertise in QR code integration into design. - Excellent understanding of color theory and application, particularly wit...
Hey, are you interested in creating the next best trading robot, producing an average consistent weekly roi of 100%-500% (risking 5% per trade, not the typical 1%), based on very advanced smc smart money concepts / lit liquidity inducement trap theorem concepts / algo-trading concepts? I have 15+ years of trading experience/competence (with sound knowledge regarding technical analysis, psychology, and risk management). I have spent $30k+ cad on various forex-related expenses: online forex courses / mentorship/coaching programs (manual discretionary trading vs mechanical/algorithmic trading), EAs (i.e. algorithmic softwares) / indicators (paid pre-built vs custom-built/customized), signal services, personal prop firm challenge passing / personal prop firm account management services...