Milano java developer salary일자리
Inkspired는 현재 웹사이트의 AI 컴포넌트 개발을 지원할 주니어 소프트웨어 개발자 직책에 한국 국적을 소지한 인재를 찾고 있습니다. : 담당업무: - 기술 과제에 대한 기본 개념, 프로세스, 관행 및 절차를 적용합니다. - 실무 경험과 교육이 필요한 업무를 수행합니다. - 일반 컴퓨터 응용 소프트웨어 또는 특수 유틸리티 프로그램을 개발, 생성 및 수정합니다. - 사용자 요구 사항을 분석하고 소프트웨어 솔루션을 개발합니다. - 운영 효율성을 최적화하기 위해 고객이 사용할 소프트웨어를 설계하거나 사용자를 지정합니다. - 애플리케이션 영역 내에서 데이터베이스를 분석하고 설계하며, 개별적으로 작업하거나 팀의 일원으로 데이터베이스 개발을 조율합니다. - 의료, 산업, 군사, 통신, 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션을 위한 운영 체제 수준의 소프트웨어, 컴파일러 및 네트워크 배포 소프트웨어를 연구, 설계, 개발 및 테스트합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고 소프트웨어 요구 사항을 공식화 및 분석합니다. 임베디드 시스템 소프트웨어를 설계합니다. - 컴퓨터 과학, 공학 및 수학적 분석의 원리와 기술을 적용합니다. 자격요건: 소프트웨어 공학 학위 또는 이와 유사한 학위. 최소 3년 이상의 관련 경력. 영어와 한국어에 능통해야 합니다. 압박감 속에서도 잘 일할 수 있어야 합니다. 구두 및 서면 커뮤니케이션 능력이 뛰어나고 조직력이 뛰어나야 합니다. 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션에서 검증된 파이썬 코딩 경험이 필요합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고...
SAS Data step 프로그램을 java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요. Enterprise Miner로 자동 생성된 .sas 프로그램을 .class로 컴파일이 가능한 .java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요.
워드프레스로 북스토어를 이미 만들었습니다. 이미 워드프레스로 만들어진 북스토어에 책을 구매하거나 중고책을 기부할때 암호화폐로 보상하고 그리고 다른 쇼핑몰과 암호화폐를 같이 연계해서 사용할 수 있게 해야 합니다.
# 2013년6월 ~ 2013년12월 : 고양시 상수도 블록시스템 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, ibatis, amchart, eazy-ui # 2014년1월 ~ 2014년3월 : 고양시 상수조 블록시스템 GIS적용 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템...
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
인스타그램 같은 사진 공유 서비스 개발을 의뢰하려고 합니다. JAVA 프로젝트로 개발하기를 원합니다. (커스텀을 위한 매뉴얼만 확실히 제공해주신다면 다른 언어나 프레임워크로 개발 되었거나 개발 되어도 상관없습니다. ) 인스타와 비슷한 것을 이미 개발한분을 우선적으로 찾고 있습니다. 사용하길 원하는 프레임워크 spring , mybatis, maven 그 외 프론트엔드 관련 프레임워크 (예:angularjs) 인스타와 똑같은 기능이 구현된 플랫폼 또는 sns 기능이 구현된 플랫폼을 개발 하신분이 있으시면 꼭 연락 부탁드립니다. 개발 가능하신분들도 쪽지로 연락부탁드립니다. ^^
나중에 제가 좀 시간이 나면 bidding 해 볼까요? ㅋㅋ 요즘 너무 바빠서... 중국도 다녀와야 하고... 뭐 랜딩페이지 하나 만들어주세요, 한장 만들어달라는 얘기. 쇼핑카트 만들어 주세요, 이런일들이 많아요. 뽀샵 사진을 짤라주세요. 이런 일도 있고. ㅋㅋㅋ 좀 비싼일들은 ajax chatting,, php 로 사이트 구축, php, jQuery, java, AJAX 이런거 복합적으로 섞어서 1년동안 일해야 하는 것도 있고.... 이런 건 제가 bidding 자체를 제가 못하겠죠. 어느정도 불러야 하는지도 모르니.... 그누보드 스킨만 갖고도 충분히 구축할수 있는 정도 사이트, 현재 bidding 이 대략 550만원이네요...
Job Description: We are seeking highly skilled Appium automation developers specializing in iOS to join our team for an exciting in-house project based in Thailand. This is a unique opportunity to work on cutting-edge automation software development, focusing on creating and refining methods to optimize performance. (Salary to be discussed, not a final figure) Successful candidates will be required to fly to Thailand, where all expenses will be fully covered, including travel, accommodation, and meals. You will collaborate with a dynamic team of developers on-site, ensuring smooth communication and faster iterations. --- Responsibilities: 1. Collaborate with the existing team to analyze, enhance, and create scalable methods for the automation software's functionality....
Oferta de Trabajo Freelancer: Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web en PHP Estamos buscando un desarrollador freelancer con experiencia en PHP y diseño de interfaces web para ayudarnos a crear dos aplicaciones que optimicen nuestros procesos internos de trabajo. A continuación, describimos los requerimientos para cada uno de los proyectos: Proyecto 1: Generador de PDFs desde Excel Objetivo: Diseñar una aplicación web que permita cargar un archivo Excel, procesar sus datos y generar un PDF bien organizado para enviarlo a nuestros clientes. La herramienta deberá incluir las siguientes funcionalidades: Pantalla de login: Para garantizar la seguridad de acceso. Interfaz de carga: Subir el archivo Excel (XLS) y leer sus datos. Generación de PDF: Crear un ar...
Already discussed on DM, we're converting Figma design both Customer UIX and Admin UIX into Vue with Tailwinds.
I'm looking for assistance in creating an iOS Developer account. Key Requirements: - Create a new Apple ID for the account - Guide my team in the setup process We have the capability to handle the entire publishing process, we just need help with the account creation and a little guidance. The type of iOS developer account (Individual; Company/Organization; Enterprise) is not a crucial factor.
Job Description: We are seeking highly skilled Appium automation developers specializing in iOS to join our team for an exciting in-house project based in Thailand. This is a unique opportunity to work on cutting-edge automation software development, focusing on creating and refining methods to optimize performance. (Salary to be discussed, not a final figure) Successful candidates will be required to fly to Thailand, where all expenses will be fully covered, including travel, accommodation, and meals. You will collaborate with a dynamic team of developers on-site, ensuring smooth communication and faster iterations. --- Responsibilities: 1. Collaborate with the existing team to analyze, enhance, and create scalable methods for the automation software's functionality....
Looking a senior WooCommerce developer who can meet a strict deadline. The task involves completing both a partially designed product page and home page of an existing website, as well as speeding up the loading speed of another existing site. Timeliness is crucial for this project, and all work must be delivered within the agreed deadline. Key Responsibilities: - Complete the design and development of the product and home pages - Implement a variety of features on the product page, including comprehensive product information - Enhance the speed of another existing website, focusing primarily on reducing server response time Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with WooCommerce - Proficiency in web design and development - Strong understanding of server optimization...
I'm seeking a skilled Android developer to create a mobile application that scrapes data from Instagram user profiles. The app will employ web-scraping techniques to extract data from specified social media posts, specifically focusing on user profile details such as bios and follower counts. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an Android app using Kotlin or Java that can scrape Instagram data. - Utilize an API key for handling Instagram's dynamic pages and authentication. - Integrate scraped data with a database. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android development, ideally using Kotlin or Java. - Previous experience with web scraping libraries and APIs. - Capable of handling dynamic pages and different authentication methods. - Knowledgeable in secure data handl...
I'm in need of a talented Full Stack Developer who can help me build an E-commerce website. Key Responsibilities: - Designing and implementing the front-end of the website with a focus on user-friendly design and seamless navigation. - Developing the backend server-side logic, ensuring the website is robust and can handle high traffic. - Collaborating with me to ensure the website meets my vision. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both frontend and backend programming languages. - Experience working on E-commerce websites. - Strong understanding of user interface design. Please note, I have not yet finalized all the features of the site. Hence, flexibility and creativity will be appreciated. Share your portfolio below in your bid, Thank you!
I'm seeking an experienced C# developer who is proficient in MVVM and has a strong background in desktop backend work. The project involves working on a WPF tool. Specific details about the tool's functionalities and integrations are yet to be determined. Important: - u will work with our team were they doing the Backend AI work and working on DB - Clean up the code , remove all unnecessary files and clean up, and cereate better File structure - Optimize each Section Design and Style before Start coding What You’ll Be Doing: - You’ll start with a ready-to-use WPF tool that we will provide u. - Develop and implement backend functionality for specific sections of the application using C# and the MVVM pattern ( Desktop App Windows). - Focus on creating a r...
I'm looking for a dedicated, full-time salesperson who specializes in lead generation. I own a company in Rajasthan and need someone who can manage cold calling, cold emailing, and lead generation effectively. Key Responsibilities: - Lead Gen...potential leads, promoting our company and services. Ideal Candidate: - Web Services Knowledge: You should have a good understanding of web services. This could include web development, digital marketing and e-commerce solutions. - Cold Marketing Experience: We're looking for someone with proven experience in cold marketing, specifically within India and internationally. Compensation: Our budgeted salary for this position is ₹12,000 - ₹14,000 per month. If you're interested and feel you would be a good fit for our team, plea...
I'm in search of a seasoned UI/UX Developer specialized in mobile apps. The main objective for this project is to enhance user engagement through intuitive, interactive and modern design. Number of Screens: - App: 35-45 screens - Website: 4-5 Screens plus a landing page Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement features that promote user interaction and retention, such as social sharing and push notifications. - Create a user-friendly interface that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in UI/UX design specifically for mobile apps. - Strong understanding of user engagement strategies. - Experience in designing features for social sharing and push notifications.
Hledám někoho, kdo je schopný vytvořit Jito Solana MEV bota, speciálně zaměřeného na sandwich attacky nebo frontrunning. Pokud máte zkušenosti a dovednosti v této oblasti, ozvěte se a domluvíme se na spolupráci.
I'm looking for a professional web designer who can create a dynamic, modern and sleek website for my property development company. The domain and hosting are already taken care of, so I just need a talented developer to bring this project to life. Key Features: - Property Listings: The website should display various properties under our portfolio in an attractive and user-friendly way. - Contact Forms: I need easy-to-use contact forms for potential clients and inquiries. - Client Testimonials: A section dedicated to client testimonials to instill trust and credibility. - SEO: The site should be optimized for search engines to improve our online visibility. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in web design and development, particularly for pr...
...a higher salary as you develop within the role. Key Responsibilities: Assist the lead mangaka in creating manga panels, characters, and backgrounds. Follow creative direction and instructions from the lead illustrator. Collaborate on storytelling elements to enhance the visual impact of the manga. Ensure art style consistency and adherence to project deadlines. Requirements: Proficiency in Clip Studio Paint. Strong understanding of traditional Japanese manga techniques and storytelling. Ability to create detailed and dynamic characters, environments, and layouts. Passion for manga and its cultural roots. Reliable internet connection for remote work and communication. (Optional) Prior experience in assisting or creating manga is a plus. What We Offer: Monthly Sa...
We are seeking a PHP Laravel Web Developer with expertise in building scalable web applications. The ideal candidate should be proficient in PHP, Laravel framework, and modern web technologies. You will work on enhancing our platform, integrating new features, and ensuring high performance. Software / Web Developer Intern, Frontend Web Developer, PHP Web Developer, Website Developer, Senior Web Developer, Junior Web Developer, Freelance Web Developer, Backend Web Developer, Front End Developer, Frontend Development, Software Backend Development Job Title: PHP Laravel Web Developer Location: Remote / On-site (Specify if applicable) Company: Employment Type: Full-Time / Contract About MineLab_World: ...
...Sasaran: [Target audiens, industri, atau pasar] 4. Batas Waktu: [Tanggal mulai dan akhir] 5. Anggaran: [Jumlah anggaran] Deskripsi Proyek 1. Latar Belakang: [Konteks dan alasan proyek] 2. Kebutuhan: [Masalah yang dihadapi] 3. Hasil Yang Diharapkan: [Kriteria keberhasilan] 4. Kriteria Penilaian: [Kualitas, waktu, biaya] Kebutuhan Teknis 1. Platform: [Web, mobile, desktop] 2. Bahasa Pemrograman: [Java, Python, dll.] 3. Basis Data: [MySQL, MongoDB, dll.] 4. Integrasi: [API, plugin] 5. Keamanan: [Protokol keamanan] Konten dan Desain 1. Jenis Konten: [Teks, gambar, video] 2. Desain: [Gaya, warna, font] 3. Logo dan Branding: [Deskripsikan identitas visual] 4. Struktur Navigasi: [Menu, submenu] Kriteria Penilaian 1. Kualitas Kerja: [Kriteria teknis] 2. Waktu Pengiriman: [Batas waktu...
I'm encountering some hiccups during the build process of my java/Node.js React application on Ubuntu server. I'm running mvn clean install with npm/yarn as my build tool and am facing dependency issues. Key tasks: - Identify the specific dependency issues causing the build to fail - Troubleshoot and resolve these issues to allow a successful build - Provide a brief report on the problems encountered and solutions implemented Ideal skills: - Proficiency in JavaScript and React.js - Extensive experience with Node.js and the npm/yarn build tools - Strong problem-solving skills with a knack for troubleshooting complex dependency issues - Ability to communicate technical details in a clear, concise manner
I'm seeking a skilled Botpress developer to create a customer support chatbot for my WordPress site. The chatbot's primary functions will include: - Responding to Support Custom Questions and Random Questions handling - Creating and Redirecting to Help support tickets The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience working with Botpress and designing engaging, user-friendly chat interfaces. A solid understanding of customer service processes and the creation of FAQs will be a significant advantage. This project aims to enhance our customer service capabilities and improve the overall user experience on our site. The chatbot will exclusively interact with customers in English, through a text-based chat interface.
...interest) Expense section covers admin expenses, utility bills (electricity, water), maintenance, rent, salary employee, depreciation of assets, medicines purchased from vendors. Generate reports for Profit & Loss Statement Report: Displays clinic financial health showing income and expenses. Expense Summary Report: Breaks down operational costs Profit After Tax : Integrate Tax Rules : Create logic for tax saving deductions and applicable rules. Automated Tax Computation: Calculate taxable income, apply deductions, compute tax payable. Generate Reports: Monthly and Yearly Profit After Tax, Deduction & Tax Saving Summary.
I'm looking for a skilled AngularJS and PHP developer. The project details are currently not fully defined, as I have not yet determined whether we're building a new application, enhancing an existing one, or fixing bugs. Depending on the chosen path, tasks may vary significantly. Key Skills: - Proficient in AngularJS for frontend development. - Strong experience in PHP for backend development. - Problem-solving skills for debugging tasks. If you have experience in both frontend and backend development, that would be ideal. As of now, I do not have a complete design or wireframe for the project. Therefore, a flexible, creative developer who can also contribute to the design process would be highly valued. Please note that the project is still in the early stages o...
Are you a dynamic and results-driv...and best practices. Requirements: - Proven experience as a Marketing Specialist or similar role. - Strong understanding of marketing principles and strategies. - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. - Ability to work independently and as part of a team. - Proficiency in digital marketing tools and platforms. - Creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Benefits: - Competitive salary and performance-based bonuses. - Flexible work schedule. - Opportunity to work with a dynamic and growing team. - Professional development opportunities. - If you are a motivated and ambitious marketing professional looking to take your career to the next level, we want to hear from you! Apply now and help us drive our business forward. Company: Nam...
I need someone to help me to download all our project code from an AWS EC2 instance. What I need you to do: - Access the EC2 instance and download all project code, configuration files, and related data from the cloud. Ideal candidate: - Proficient with AWS, particularly EC2 instances. - Comfortable in handling various types of AWS EC2 instance. What I need you to do: - Access the EC2 instance and download all project code, configuration files, and related data from the cloud. Ideal candidate: - Proficient with AWS, particularly EC2 instances. - Comfortable in handling various types of code files including source code, database files, and configuration files. - Experienced in dealing with JavaScript, Python, and Java. - Able to ensure the secure and efficient retrieva...
I'm seeking an experienced Laravel developer for a monthly engagement to assist in building a custom web application. Key Aspects of the Project: - The application will require robust user authentication. - Data analytics capabilities will be integral to the app. - There will be a need for seamless API integration. Third-party Services for Integration: - Payment gateways for e-commerce functionality. - Social media platforms for user engagement and sharing. - Email services for communication and notifications. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Laravel and custom web application development. - Strong understanding of user authentication systems. - Proficiency in implementing data analytics features. - Prior work with API integrations is highly desirable. - Familiarit...
Need developer who has previous experience in submitting app to review, all details like screenshot, icon, feature graphic, privacy policy, description etc will be provided you just have to utilise your own dev acnnt,accnt must be 1+ year old with no requirement of complusary closed testing
I'm in need of a part-time mobile application developer for an e-commerce app. Key Requirements: - Expertise in creating mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. - Prior experience in developing e-commerce applications is a big plus. - Skills in integrating payment gateways seamlessly into the application. - Understanding of user-friendly interface design principles. The primary focus of the application will be its payment gateway integration. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in mobile app development, particularly for e-commerce, and will be able to create a high-quality application that meets all necessary requirements.
We're on the lookout for a talented full stack developer from Ukraine to join our team in building a stock investing research website. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in both frontend and backend technologies - Strong database management skills - Experience in developing finance-related web applications Your role will encompass: - Designing and implementing the user interface - Developing the server-side logic - Ensuring the responsiveness of the application - Managing the database and server Your input will be crucial to the successful launch of this project. If you have a keen interest in finance and stock investment, this could be an exciting opportunity for you. Pay start at $1,000-$2,000 depending on full or part time. Once our company gets launched and revenue increases p...
I'm looking for an experienced DevOps engineer who can set up a robust CI/CD pipeline for my Java backend project using AWS Copilot and integrate it with AWS CodePipeline. Key Requirements: - Setup CI/CD pipeline using AWS Copilot - Integrate with AWS CodePipeline - Provide guidance on implementing necessary testing frameworks As there are currently no testing frameworks in place, part of this job will be to provide guidance on implementing necessary testing frameworks to ensure our code is reliable and robust. Experience with test-driven development and creating unit and integration tests is highly desirable. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in your proposal. Thank you!
Opportunity for experienced Laravel developers to work on our projects. Also, should be able to complete the tasks in quicker time, All bugs are to be fixed free of charge. Please send your answers for the below questions; 1. What type of Software you have done in Laravel+Vue? 2. How man...experience you have in Vue software development? 4. How many years of Industry experience you have in Laravel + Vue software development? 5. What are your other skills and capabilities? 6. Are you employed anywhere now and if as in which capacity and responsibilities? 7. What is your lowest expected monthly salary in USD? 8. What is your No of working days per week? 9. What is your No of working hours per day? 10. Are you ready to work on the project wise (hourly rate based on the above monthl...
...independently, meet deadlines, and achieve KPIs related to product profitability and compliance. Preferred Qualifications: Prior experience working with Amazon FBA or other e-commerce platforms. Familiarity with other product research tools or software, such as Jungle Scout, Helium 10, or Tactical Arbitrage. Knowledge of logistics and shipping considerations for Amazon sellers. What We Offer: Competitive salary or commission-based compensation (depending on experience and results). Flexible working hours and the option to work remotely. Opportunity to grow within a dynamic and fast-paced e-commerce team. Access to advanced tools and resources to support your research efforts. Application Process: If you are passionate about product research and have a proven track record of ide...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to create a dynamic and engaging Android-based social networking application. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience with creating social networking platforms - Ability to integrate interactive and user-friendly features - Knowledge of implementing security measures for user data Ideal Skills: - Java, Kotlin, or other relevant programming languages - UI/UX design understanding - Experience with API integration - Knowledge of social networking algorithms Your role will be crucial in bringing this project to life. Looking forward to your bids.
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer with experience in building websites using the DIVI builder. We have a functional website and need someone who can upload content with a basic design on our blog section. Key Responsibilities: - Upload 5-6 blog pages daily with images - Ensure proper optimisation for SEO Project Duration: - This is a 2-3 month project, renewable on a monthly basis Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress and DIVI builder - Experience in blogging and SEO - Ability to follow a professional tone - Familiarity with using stock photos The primary goal of our blog section is to increase our website traffic. Therefore, your role is crucial in helping us achieve this objective. The tone of the blogs will be consistently professional, and ...
We are looking for an experienced JavaScript developer to collaborate with us in building a feature-rich coupon code website. The platform will leverage a Headless WordPress setup, where WordPress will serve as the backend and the frontend will be developed entirely in JavaScript. This is a high-priority project, and we require someone who can work in a pair programming mode with our team. Copy-pasting from external sources is strictly prohibited; only seasoned professionals with hands-on coding expertise need apply. Project Overview We aim to create a sleek, modern coupon code website with the following key pages and features: Frontend Pages Store Page: Lists all coupons for a specific store. Features filters (e.g., category, popularity, expiration date). Responsive and user...
Job Title: Backend Developer for E-commerce Platform in Banking Sector Job Description: We are looking for a skilled and experienced Backend Developer to join our team for an urgent project to build an e-commerce platform dedicated to the banking sector. The platform will sell rubber stamps used in banking operations. Additionally, we need to develop a comprehensive Admin Portal with production workflow management and other essential features. This is a high-priority development with an immediate need for someone who can work efficiently and deliver quickly. Key Responsibilities: Backend Development: Build and maintain the backend architecture for a secure and scalable e-commerce platform tailored to the banking industry. Admin Portal Development: Design and implement an ...
Seeking a developer in the Philippines to design a dating app accompanied by a website and a suitable business name, and requiring the new dating app code of conduct of Australia.
I'm looking for an experienced Angular JS developer to help to optimize my angular js application for performance. I need you to go through my code and look for opportunities to fine tune the code for performance optimization. This is in person has to be done in my laptop the code cannot be shared hence i need you in Canada Ontario location Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Angular JS - Experience with E-commerce application development - Strong understanding of product catalog creation - Ability to build intuitive and user-friendly interfaces
I am looking for an experienced Flutter developer to help me complete a mobile application. It is a Fintech app for deposit, withdrawal, exchange of monies. The APIs will be handled by a backend developer and Figma screens too. Features to develop: - Deposit - Withdrawal - Exchange - Transaction History - Request and Send Money PRD Doc: Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Flutter - Mobile app development experience - Ability to deliver within budget - Good communication skills
I'm in need of a skilled full-stack developer for a groundbreaking app we're creating. This application will utilize 3D modeling, AI, and AR technologies and will be designed for iOS, Android, and a web/desktop version. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and integrate 3D modeling and AR features to allow for user customization. - Implement AI-based functionalities including user recommendations, image recognition, and natural language processing. - Ensure secure data handling and full compliance with privacy regulations. - Create a user-friendly interface and a scalable cloud-based backend. Required Skills: - Extensive full-stack development experience. - Proficiency with AI, AR, and 3D modeling frameworks, specifically Unity3D and Three.js. - Strong knowledge of API integr...
Need flutter developer who has macbook, Xcode and can fix the issue with carplay: Application is not running directly from the carplay if the application is not opened in iphone also. So the application is opening directly from carplay if it's also is running in iphone. please make a bid only if you had a touch with carplay
you should be good at smart contracts , IPFS network using PINATA API Also be good in Reactjs, Firebase I need a ReactJS application that does this 1. Has login/register screen 2. User's can create projects 3. Users can add Team members to the project and has roles (Editor , Owner , Viewer) 4. Upload files using pinata API to IPFS network 5. if file is text file user can make changes and commit those changes just like in github And for anyone of the following feature probably for Files uploaded in IPFS network i need you to use Smart contracts , probably for managing access permissions And for database You can use Firebase
I have a android app and need to use FireStoreUI and recyclerView to show data , and data in firestore is stored in Map data type.
...decision-makers. Self-motivated with the ability to work independently and as part of a team. Familiarity with CRM software (Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.) is a plus. A passion for sales and a drive to succeed. Preferred Qualifications: Speaks and Writes Excellent - (Spanish/English) Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field. Experience in B2B sales or SaaS industry. Why Join Us: The base salary is $750 per month Estimated commission ranges from $500 to $1,500 per month. Opportunities for career growth and professional development. Supportive and collaborative team environment. If you are a driven individual with a passion for sales and the desire to grow in a fast-paced environment, we would love to hear from you! Apply today to join our team as an SDR an...