Image gallery software mobile websites일자리


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2,000 image gallery software mobile websites 찾은 프로젝트

Fixed price: OCR: 15web for 15 dollar Ai task : 300 wrtings for 35 dollar ....OCR task detail. 1. Ill give u site link 2. Extract text withOCR chrome extension program . text right korean 3.1. Translate kir to eng with . 4. Put image left. ........... links . to extract text .. .and put text in the google sheet here . For new tab . . . 1.나는 세계적 최고의 카피라이터야.홈페이지 상세페이지 문구를 만들려고해 1:01 AM 2.- 요구사항 - 완전 다른 단어, 동의어 사용 - 아래와 비슷한 글자 수 - 아래 와 비슷한 구문 줄바뀜 -제품 내용: 수많은 세계적인 투자 대가의 핵심 기법을 녹여 자동매매 프로그램을 만듦 - 영어와 한국어 각각 생성 -웹 페이지의 주요 목적은 무엇인가요? 자동매매 서비스 판매, 타겟 독자나 고객층은 누구인가요? 40대 60대 남성 기존에 참고하고 싶은 웹 페이지나 문구가 있나요?

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

Inkspired는 현재 웹사이트의 AI 컴포넌트 개발을 지원할 주니어 소프트웨어 개발자 직책에 한국 국적을 소지한 인재를 찾고 있습니다. : 담당업무: - 기술 과제에 대한 기본 개념, 프로세스, 관행 및 절차를 적용합니다. - 실무 경험과 교육이 필요한 업무를 수행합니다. - 일반 컴퓨터 응용 소프트웨어 또는 특수 유틸리티 프로그램을 개발, 생성 및 수정합니다. - 사용자 요구 사항을 분석하고 소프트웨어 솔루션을 개발합니다. - 운영 효율성을 최적화하기 위해 고객이 사용할 소프트웨어를 설계하거나 사용자를 지정합니다. - 애플리케이션 영역 내에서 데이터베이스를 분석하고 설계하며, 개별적으로 작업하거나 팀의 일원으로 데이터베이스 개발을 조율합니다. - 의료, 산업, 군사, 통신, 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션을 위한 운영 체제 수준의 소프트웨어, 컴파일러 및 네트워크 배포 소프트웨어를 연구, 설계, 개발 및 테스트합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고 소프트웨어 요구 사항을 공식화 및 분석합니다. 임베디드 시스템 소프트웨어를 설계합니다. - 컴퓨터 과학, 공학 및 수학적 분석의 원리와 기술을 적용합니다. 자격요건: 소프트웨어 공학 학위 또는 이와 유사한 학위. 최소 3년 이상의 관련 경력. 영어와 한국어에 능통해야 합니다. 압박감 속에서도 잘 일할 수 있어야 합니다. 구두 및 서면 커뮤니케이션 능력이 뛰어나고 조직력이 뛰어나야 합니다. 항공우주, 비즈니스, 과학 및 일반 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션에서 검증된 파이썬 코딩 경험이 필요합니다. - 운영 사양을 설정하고...

$25 - $50 / hr
$25 - $50 / hr
0 건의 입찰

One of our websites has been translated from English to Korean via MT (machine translation). I would need someone to proofread/validate that the translations are correct and add any missing translations the machine might have missed. Overall, the amount to validate is 21 PowerPoint pages. The turnover has the be pretty quickly as time is of essence in this project. You will get the original English values, the Powerpoint including the Korean values and an example .PPT so you know how to add corrections/additional translations.

$52 Average bid
$52 (평균 입찰가)
14 건의 입찰

Texas hold 'em Mobile Game Development 1. function - 9 Room Game, Tournament, friend showdown 2. Android, IOS, DeskTop 3. RNG algorithm, Packet Encryption

$8750 Average bid
$8750 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

안녕하십니까? SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필을 보고, 제 프로젝트를 제안하고자 합니다. 자세한 사항에 대해서는 채팅 서비스를 이용하여 주십시오.

$25 Average bid
$25 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

안녕하십니까? 제가 SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.

$30 / hr Average bid
$30 / hr (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

안녕하십니까? 제가 SERVEROK SOFTWARE님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.

$200 Average bid
$200 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

안녕하십니까? 제가 Xiaolin Software님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.

$250 Average bid
$250 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

윈도우 C 또는 C++ 카드관련 어플리케이션 개발

$6805 Average bid
$6805 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

윈도우 자바 Automatic generation of Google ID. You should be able to create many Google IDs on a single computer. Platform, language Anything can be used (구글 아이디 자동 생성. 1개의 컴퓨터에서 많은 구글 아이디 생성이 가능해야 합니다. 플랫폼, 언어 아무거나 사용해도 됩니다.)

$686 Average bid
$686 (평균 입찰가)
12 건의 입찰

안드로이드 앱 디자인 안은 이미 가지고 있습니다 모바일 리워드 서비스

$2244 Average bid
$2244 (평균 입찰가)
12 건의 입찰

아이폰/아이패드 앱 아이폰만 디자인 안은 이미 가지고 있습니다

$14445 Average bid
$14445 (평균 입찰가)
9 건의 입찰

아이폰/아이패드 앱 아이폰만 디자인 안은 이미 가지고 있습니다 아이폰 및 안드로이드 앱 개발자 모집

$2499 Average bid
$2499 (평균 입찰가)
9 건의 입찰

윈도우 C 또는 C++ 간단한 커피숍시뮬레이션 프로그램 쓸것 멀티쓰레드- 손님 세마포어-자리 I/O GUI 알고리즘 네트워크 손님몇명인지을 입력하면 손님이들어가서 커피를받아서 자리에 앉고 일정시간동안 커피를 먹고 다시 나가는시뮬레이터

$202 Average bid
$202 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

안드로이드 앱 디자인 안은 이미 가지고 있습니다

$55 Average bid
$55 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

안드로이드 앱 디자인 및 개발이 필요합니다 배송 서비스앱

$2263 Average bid
$2263 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.

$20 Average bid
$20 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

리눅스 자바스크립트 메일 인터페이스 개발

$793 Average bid
$793 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

안드로이드 앱 디자인 및 개발이 필요합니다 아로니아 생과 및 가공품 관련

$155 Average bid
$155 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

리눅스 C 또는 C++ 포커카드 그림을 보고 어떤카드인지 인식하는 프로그램 개발

$1030 Average bid
$1030 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

아이폰/아이패드 앱 아이폰만 디자인 및 개발이 필요합니다 좋아

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 건의 입찰

이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다Write some Software '

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

Bug Fix in 2~3000 line c# source (WinCE Embeded Target Board) 2~3000라인 정도되는 C#소스(Hnst 사의 임베디드 보드)의 Freezing 버그를 잡아 주세요. FrameWork 3.5 에서 디버그 모드동작시 2~3시간안에 발생하고 릴리즈 모드 컴파일시 1주일정도 만에 멈춤 현상발생합니다.

$394 Average bid
$394 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

Hello, my name is Emil Price and I am an online English teacher on Facebook (). I am looking for a quote on a website. This website will need to be able to stream live broadcasts, upload contents for viewers to purchase and view within the website and sell products and memberships to customers. We will also develop a phone application to support the websites content and so they must also be compatible. I will explain every part of the website in more detail. Home page – The home page will promote new events and guide users towards our 5 main sections. About • About 에밀티쳐(Emil Teacher) - The about section will give users information about 에밀티쳐 • Our vision- Information about our visions and goals • Our services – Here we will give information about ou...

$11355 Average bid
$11355 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

I am in need of a talented graphic designer who can create a warm and inviting image for the front page of my website. The image should be built around some provided text and incorporate elements of nature scenery. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Experience with web image creation - Ability to design around specific text I am open to a variety of color schemes as the primary colors for the image have yet to be determined. Therefore, the ability to work with a range of colors and make appropriate suggestions would be appreciated.

$29 Average bid
상금 보장형
0 건의 응모작

I'm in need of several dedicated data scrapers to help with the manual extraction of information from various retail websites on a daily basis. The data will primarily be used for price comparison purposes. Key Responsibilities: - Daily scraping of product details and pricing information from selected retail websites. - Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the data collected. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in manual data scraping from retail websites. - Strong attention to detail and ability to work independently. - Familiarity with price comparison and market research will be an advantage.

$690 Average bid
$690 (평균 입찰가)
39 건의 입찰

I need a mobile application compiled using Delphi 11. The target platform for this app is exclusively Android. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Delphi 11, with practical experience in mobile app compilation - In-depth understanding of Android application requirements and standards - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve compilation issues Ideal Skills: - Mobile application development - Delphi programming - Android platform knowledge Please note that the application is already developed, and the task is purely to compile it into an Android supported APK using Delphi 11.

$112 Average bid
$112 (평균 입찰가)
36 건의 입찰

I need assistance in tracing all call records of a mobile phone for personal investigation purposes. Key Requirements: - Tracing call records for the last week - Providing comprehensive details including call duration, caller and receiver information, and timestamps of calls. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in data analysis and mobile forensics - Prior experience in personal investigation - High level of discretion and confidentiality

$10 Average bid
$10 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

HI Suparna. Hope you've been well. I have a photo image file that has a significant pixelization problem. I tried Topaz and a few other applications, but the problem is still evident. It's mostly in the ocean water area surrounding the sailboat. I'd like you to take a look at it, understand the problem I have with the image, and decide if you can correct the problem. Thank you. Fred

$250 Average bid
$250 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a freelancer who can develop a sophisticated website for conducting raffles. The site should allow participants to register and pay for a limite...aesthetic. A minimalist yet lavish design, that inspires luxury, is preferred. - User Experience: The site should incorporate real-time notifications and social media sharing options to enhance user interaction and engagement. - Payment System: The payment gateway should exclusively support credit card transactions. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proficient in creating interactive, user-friendly websites. - UI/UX Design: Experience with high-end, minimalist designs. - E-commerce: Skilled in integrating secure, efficient payment systems. Please ensure your proposal includes examples of similar projects you've c...

$2254 Average bid
$2254 (평균 입찰가)
123 건의 입찰
Simple Open Access Journal Display Site
22 시간 left
인증 완료

I'm looking for a web devel...pages of information about the free journal with links to Dropbox. The site should have a multi-page layout with a navigation menu to easily access different sections. Key Features: - Multi-page layout with a clear navigation menu - Pages containing information about journal - Links to Dropbox for accessing journal issues Ideal Skills: - Web development - Experience with creating multi-page websites - Understanding of user-friendly navigation design Please note, this website does not require functionalities such as article submission, peer review systems or an open access archive. Content can be copied from , currently we are paying $700 p.a. for hosting - most of functionality we don't use because people just email the Editor to submit ar...

$13 - $19 / hr
긴급형 봉인형
$13 - $19 / hr
48 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a modern and minimalist Amazon affiliate linked w...Features: - Robust Product Search and Filter: This is a critical component of the site. The ability for users to easily locate products will be key to the site's success. - Seamless Affiliate Link Integration: Every product will need to be linked to its corresponding Amazon affiliate link. The ideal candidate for this project will have: - Extensive experience in creating e-commerce and affiliate websites. - A strong portfolio of modern and minimalist web designs. - Excellent understanding of product search and filtering systems. - Proven track record of seamless affiliate link integration in previous projects. Looking forward to your bids. Start off with LAKERS or...

$143 Average bid
$143 (평균 입찰가)
116 건의 입찰
Desarrollo Mobile App React Native
6 일 left
인증 완료

Tenemos una app de react native con expo go corriendo: Tenemos 3 metodos de auth, google facebook y email y contraseña, los 3 funcionando mediante firebase, las credenciales funcionan pero el login de redes sociales no, necesitamos un fix de esto, y asistencia con el desarrollo del resto de la app con con posiblidad de trabajo a largo plazo

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr (평균 입찰가)
20 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a seas...seasoned web designer and branding expert to create a portfolio website for my carpentry business and design captivating graphics and slogans for my van. Website Features: - A comprehensive photo gallery showcasing completed projects - A dedicated section for client testimonials, demonstrating our credibility and quality of work - A user-friendly contact form for potential clients to reach us easily Branding Needs: - A complete set of unique, high-quality branding materials, including a new logo and van designs Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in creating portfolio websites - A strong background in graphic design and branding - Excellent understanding of user-friendly web design principles - Ability to deliver high-quality work w...

$190 Average bid
$190 (평균 입찰가)
135 건의 입찰

...experience in web design and development to create a modern and sleek website for my mobile carwash business. The site should have a user-friendly layout and be optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing. Key Features: - A comprehensive section detailing the various services we offer - An integrated, easy-to-use booking system While I'm currently uncertain about e-commerce functionalities, I'd appreciate a website that can be easily adapted to include an online store in the future. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience in creating modern, sleek, and user-friendly websites - Strong skills in web design and development - Previous experience with integrating booking systems into websites - Ability to design a site th...

$295 Average bid
$295 (평균 입찰가)
69 건의 입찰

My project requires the preparation of a dataset from satellite images and training of the Yolo-v8 model. The specific objects I need you to annotate in the satellite images are any type of foreign object. Including boats, plastic etc.

$124 Average bid
$124 (평균 입찰가)
68 건의 입찰

보다 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면, 회원 가입 또는 로그인 절차가 필요합니다.

Quiz Assistant Software for Unstop
6 일 left
인증 완료

I'm looking for a software application compatible with Windows that can assist me while I'm taking quizzes on Udemy. The software needs to: - Retrieve answers in real-time: This is critical for the software's effectiveness. It needs to be able to find the answers to quiz questions as quickly as possible. - Parse quiz questions: The software should be able to understand and break down the quiz questions for better comprehension. - Have a user-friendly interface: It's important that the software is easy to navigate and understand, even under the pressure of a timed quiz. Ideal skills for this job include software development, with a specific focus on creating user-friendly interfaces and real-time data processing. Experience with creat...

$13 Average bid
$13 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a seasoned web developer who can help with updating and monitoring my websites. These sites are already established but require regular maintenance and enhancements. Key Responsibilities: - Content updates: Regularly refreshing text content, multimedia elements, and blog posts. - Design updates: Implementing layout changes and typography adjustments to keep the sites visually appealing and user-friendly. - Functionality updates: Ensuring all sites are operating smoothly, troubleshooting any issues that arise, and implementing necessary upgrades. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development and site maintenance. - Strong understanding of content management systems. - Excellent design sense, with a keen eye for typography and layout. - Prof...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr (평균 입찰가)
117 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a web developer who can ...offer a variety of skill-building sessions. Key Features: - Both academic and skill-building lessons - Modern design aesthetic - User profiles for personalized experiences - An online booking system for scheduling lessons - A lesson rating system to ensure quality control and user engagement Ideal Skills: - Strong web development and design skills, with a proven track record of creating modern websites - Experience in developing educational or tutoring platforms - Ability to create interactive features like user profiles and an online booking system - Understanding of implementing rating systems for content I want this project to be completed with a focus on quality and user experience. Your previous work on similar projects will be...

$174 Average bid
$174 (평균 입찰가)
204 건의 입찰

보다 자세한 내용을 확인하시려면, 회원 가입 또는 로그인 절차가 필요합니다.

봉인형 NDA (비밀 유지 계약서)

...ongoing research project assembling comprehensive global contact databases for market research purposes, and looking assistance with researching and assembling contact lists of lottery and gambling promoters/commentators/influencers/analysts around the world The targets for this database might stream to audiences on YouTube or Twitch, host discussion channels on Discord, maintain comparison websites, deliver podcasts, or post videos on TikTok or Instagram. These targets are not individual gaming sites themselves, but rather the sites & individuals that investigate, contrast, compare, and promote those gaming options for their followers - options like lotteries, crypto casinos, online poker, sports betting, horse racing, or whatever form of gaming is popular in their corne...

$7 / hr Average bid
$7 / hr (평균 입찰가)
33 건의 입찰

I need someone to remove the background from a signature image. This is a quick task that should take 5-10 minutes max for a professional. Please start your bid with "Photoshop Expert" so I know you've read the project description. Requirements: - Remove background from a signature image - Convert signature to black and white - Deliver final image as a JPEG Intended Use: The final image will be used in documents. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Photoshop - Experience with background removal - Ability to convert images to black and white

$3 / hr Average bid
$3 / hr (평균 입찰가)
47 건의 입찰 and video and then the client will be able to download photos and videos from a secure page. I need to be able to upload photos and videos in admin. I then need to be able to set a password -( or, a place to add the clients email, and once published, an email is sent with the link and the password). The link will be sent to the client who will then be able to view the images in an aesthetic gallery with lightbox in the front end after adding the page protected password. The client should be able to download images and video one by one, or bulk download. At this point, no other functionality is needed, but it needs to be developed keeping in mind that in the future when I have more budget, there will be an approve option for clients to select images they want and possibly t...

$142 Average bid
$142 (평균 입찰가)
75 건의 입찰

The Software has 3 major Modules. 1. Human Resources ( HR ) 2. Business Development 3. Finance and Accounting Management Total Roles : Employees : Basic Employee (Business Head, Regional Head, Area Sales Manager, Union Sales Manager all will have same dashboards ) Admin Management : HR, Business Development, Finance Management , Main Admin Basic Employee Dashboard : The Following sections will be present in basic employee dashboards : 1. User Profile : Full Name Profile Picture Employee ID / Staff Code Date of Birth Gender Blood Group Contact Number Email Address Emergency Contact Details Job Title / Designation Department (HR, Sales, IT, etc.) Reporting Manager / Supervisor Employee Type (Full-Time, Part-Time, Contract) Employment Start Date Work Location / Branch ...

$203 Average bid
$203 (평균 입찰가)
22 건의 입찰
DirectX 12 Image Drawing
6 일 left
인증 완료

Need to load images in direct x 12 with nuklear on windows. then draw them. there is existing backend to assist with most of the work so it should be simple for someone who understands

$15 Average bid
$15 (평균 입찰가)
21 건의 입찰

Nous voulons une app mobile IOS et Android pour notre commerce. Nous voulons une app qui permet de suivre la fidélisation des clients un peu comme le fait l'app starbucks.

$661 Average bid
$661 (평균 입찰가)
31 건의 입찰

I am seeking an experienced software developer to create a Windows-compatible Quality Management System (QMS) software. The software should incorporate the following key functionalities: - Document Control - Audit Management - Risk Management - Compliance with ISO 9001 and IATF 16949 standards - Maintenance Management - Artificial Intelligence capabilities The software must also integrate seamlessly with existing ERP systems. Ideal candidates for this project should have a deep understanding of quality management systems, relevant standards, and experience in software development for Windows. Knowledge in AI and ERP systems integration is a significant advantage.

$2218 Average bid
$2218 (평균 입찰가)
47 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a skilled lighting designer proficient in Relux software.

$108 Average bid
$108 (평균 입찰가)
18 건의 입찰

We are a fitness company seeking an experienced professional to manage and optimize our website's Cloudflare configuration, as well as oversee general web security. Responsibilities: Manage and configure Cloudflare settings for optimal performance, security, and speed. Monitor website security, a...registration. Requirements: Proven experience with Cloudflare and web security best practices. Ability to address and resolve performance and security issues quickly. Familiarity with merchant integrations, payment gateways, and user authentication processes. Strong problem-solving skills with attention to detail. Experience working with fitness industry websites or e-commerce platforms is a plus. If you're passionate about keeping websites secure and running smoothly, we...

$456 Average bid
$456 (평균 입찰가)
176 건의 입찰