How to write arabic and english in the same line일자리
안녕하십니까? Mst A.님의 프로필을 보고, 제 프로젝트를 제안하고자 합니다. 자세한 사항에 대해서는 채팅 서비스를 이용하여 주십시오.
주어진 코드에 캐시최적화, 병렬프로그래밍, SIMD를 적용하는 과제입니다. 세부내용은 pdf에 있습니다.
...a science journalist or scientist with a great idea still in the beginning stages? Or are you stuck closer to the finish line, unsure what you need to do to get your paper up to commercial or academic publishing standards? I can help! I am a widely published writer of nonfiction, journalism, and science research with a wide variety of publications under my belt. I especially excel in first-person investigative journalism, memoir and biography, mainstreaming science for press releases and articles, and polishing scientific papers pre-publication (especially mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, Sports science, Ergonomics, Biomechanics). I can advise on a wide variety of styles from mass ...
I need to translate below Korean to English 무중생유(無中生有) 제갈공명이 적벽대전에서 빈 배를 보내 적의 화살 10만개를 쏘게하여 전장에서 화살을 만들어 쓴 전략은 탁월했습니다. 이렇게 "無에서 有를 창조"하는 전략을 '무중생유' 전략이라고 합니다. 경기가 안 좋고, 자본이 부족하다고 한탄만 한다고 해결방법이 찾아지는 것은 아닙니다. 도저히 방법이 없을 것 같은 상황 속에서 답을 찾아내는 것이 바로 ‘무중생유’의 전략을 이해하는 사람들의 행동방식이죠. 살다보면 얼마든지 위기에 빠질 수 있는데, 중요한 것은 어떻게 그 위기를 극복하느냐가 관건이 아닌지요. 우리가 모든 것을 다 잃었다고 생각될 때가 어쩌면 가장 많이 얻을 수 있는 기회일 수도 있습니다. 그리고 진화는 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 진행되는 것이 아니라 절박하고 아무 대안이 없을 때 급박하게 이루어진다고 합니다. 그래서 모든 것이 편안할 때보다 어렵고 힘들 때 더 많은 대안을 찾아낼 수 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.
Hello, We are looking for freelancers to watch or YouTube and translate what the host is saying from Korean to English and Vice Versa. The work itself is very casual, flexible and most importantly, 'FUN' because it'll usually cover gameing, music and general talking. If you're interested, please message me because there are some pre-screening we need to do. Thank you. 안녕하세요, 현재 유튜브나 트위치에서 스트리머의 말을 영어에서 한국어로, 또는 그 반대로 번역해주실 프리랜서분들을 모시고 있습니다. 일의 강도 자체는 굉장히 가볍고 캐주얼하며, 무엇보다 재밌습니다! (대체로 게임, 음악 혹은 토크쇼 위주를 작업하고 있습니다.) 혹 관심이 있으시다면, 사전인터뷰를 위해 꼭 메세지 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
I need someone to translate Korean to English. I am native speaker in both Korean and English, but I am posting this as a project because it needs to be looked professional. For example. 규석 정의 1) 규산(Sio2)을 화학성분으로 하는 암석의 총칭, 광물학적으로 석영과 같음 2) 주로 석영으로부터 생산되는 광물 및 암석류 3) 공업적으로는 괴상의 규산질 원료를 총칭하여 규석이라는 용어를 사용할 뿐이며, 요업, 중화학공업 등의 수요 업계에서 사용되는 용어 ▶ 규석 용도 1) 백규석 : 유리 도자기, 실리콘 금속 및 페로실리콘 원료 2) 연규석 : 몰타르, 시멘트 혼합재 3) 노재 규석 : 내화벽돌 these are example of the words you need to translate.
윈도우 자바 Automatic generation of Google ID. You should be able to create many Google IDs on a single computer. Platform, language Anything can be used (구글 아이디 자동 생성. 1개의 컴퓨터에서 많은 구글 아이디 생성이 가능해야 합니다. 플랫폼, 언어 아무거나 사용해도 됩니다.)
윈도우 C 또는 C++ 간단한 커피숍시뮬레이션 프로그램 쓸것 멀티쓰레드- 손님 세마포어-자리 I/O GUI 알고리즘 네트워크 손님몇명인지을 입력하면 손님이들어가서 커피를받아서 자리에 앉고 일정시간동안 커피를 먹고 다시 나가는시뮬레이터
번역 뮤지컬 연출가로써 쓴 가상 "Pitch"입니다. 단어수는 1030자 내외의 6페이지 입니다. 전문 용어를 적절하게 사용해 번역해주실 분이었으면 좋겠습니다.기한은 한국시간 11월 27일까지로 다소 촉박합니다.
1. 수질개선 관련 제안서 번역 (한글 > 영어) 2. 시연회자료 번역.(한글 > 영어) - ppt문서, 그림과 사진이 많아서 번역할 대상은 많지 않음. - 전문용어에 유의.
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다Write some Software '
저희가 영상채팅앱을 만들고자합니다. ※ 안드로이드+iOS 두 버전 모두 견적을 주세요 디자인+개발 까지 다 해주실 팀을 찾고 있습니다. 기획이나 디자인은 구글 플레이스토어에 AZAR라는 앱이 있는데 거의 비슷하게 만들면 됩니다. 디자인이나 컬러톤 정도만 바꾼다고 생각하시면됩니다. We try to find the team that makes video chatting app. It means to make apps totally.. design+programming and, It looks like almost the same as ""azar""app. on google play store. You have only to a little chage colors and user interface from azar. ※ Android & iOS version both (Estimate fot both apps.)
Dear Translators, We have 48 pages Korean file to be translated into English by 11am GMT on 7th April. The subject matter is legal. Please quote your best per word rate and please translate below very short sample if you're immediately available and interested: 변상과 기타 조항 : 만약에 법원에서 인가받지 않은 장소에서 이 사건 요가를 가르 치는 행위를 금지하는 조항 4에 명시된 세부조항을 위반하거나 조항 6에 명시되어 있는 불공정한 경쟁을 금지하는 규정을 위반한다면 연수생은 미국 본사에 후15,000에 해당하 는 비용을 지급할 것에 동의한다. 이 금액은 미국 본사의 지적재산권을 사용하는데 있 어 지불해야 하는 금액이다. 315,000의 비용은 벌금이 아니라 연수생이 세부조항 지향 에 있어 침해를 한 행위로 인해 야기된 합당한 손해배상금이다. 제4조 : 수강생은 이 사건 학원과 사이에 라이센스 계약 또는 프랜차이즈 계약이 체결 된 스튜디오에서 유효한 이 사건 요가 강사 자격증을 소지한 상태에서만 반중력 요가를 가르칠 수 있다는 사실에 동의한다. Further cooperation in this language pair is also possible. Thank you for your q...
Bug Fix in 2~3000 line c# source (WinCE Embeded Target Board) 2~3000라인 정도되는 C#소스(Hnst 사의 임베디드 보드)의 Freezing 버그를 잡아 주세요. FrameWork 3.5 에서 디버그 모드동작시 2~3시간안에 발생하고 릴리즈 모드 컴파일시 1주일정도 만에 멈춤 현상발생합니다.
갠 갡 갢 갣 갤 갥 갦 갧 갨 갩 갪 갫 갬 갭 갮 갯 갰 갱 갲 갳 갴 갵 갶 갷 갸 갹 갺 갻 갼 갽 갾 갿
you make payment system very simply. every payment system possible my website.(card, cash, coupon etc) customer join us and my website sell and buy for c to c. customer pay money for my website fee( seller ) - 개인이 상품을 사고 팔수 있는 오픈마켓형 홈페이지 - 상품을 판매한 사람에게 수수료를 받는 시스템 - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드, 현금입금, 쿠폰 등, 모든 결재방식이 가능함. - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드같은 경우 카드수수료가 빠진 금액만큼 결재됨. (나머지 쿠폰도 마찬가지 임) - 홈페이지에서 결재된 금액은 홈페이지 단위의 가상money를 받고, 판매자에게 전달. - 고객이 상품받은 것을 확인하면, 판매자에게 3일에서 7일까지 회사에서 결재된 금액을 가지고 있다가 3일이나 7일후에 수수료가 빠진 금액으로 결재계좌에 입금. - 상품을 받지 못한 고객에게는 결재된 금액을 다시 돌려 줌. (이 때, 결재되었을 때, 카드수수료등도 같이 취소되어 환급됨.)
We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.
업무내용 및 근무조건 고용형태알바업직종프로그래머,웹디자인,사이트운영·관리, 동종업종 유경험자 우대근무기간6개월~1년 협의가능근무요일요일협의근무시간시간협의급여 시급 7,500원 협의가능최저시급:5,580원 알바급여계산기 근무지역 근무지역재택근무 상세 모집요강 공고관리로 돌아가기
안드로이드 앱 및 모바일웹 개발건 법률관련 어플,웹개발로 복잡하지 않습니다. 1차 2차 고객과의 연계하는 O2O(오프엔온라인) 비지니스로 가입, 관리, 비용지급, 계산, GPS기능 등 기능이 포함됩니다. 경험있는 개발자분들의 연락주시기 바랍니다. 접수기간 : 1월5일까지 접수 위치 : 한국,인천 연락 : 010.8200.4391
인건비예산, 인건비집행, 복리후생집행관련 인사시스템 일부기능 구축 업무이며, 11월1일부터 약 4개월 예상하고 있습니다. 개발장소는 어디든 관계 없고 일주일에 1회 또는 1개월에 2회 정도의 off line meeting을 희망합니다.
כתיבה של כ 5 מאמרים של 400 מילה על אתר יין - חנות של יין
שלום, אני צריך לתרגם מסמך מעברית לאנגלית. שבעה עשר עמודים. את המשפטים באנגלית או התמונות, במקור, יש להכניס למסמך החדש תודה
저희의 이전 프로젝트에 관련된 진행중인 작업이 있습니다set up the linux box'
Translate the phrases attached from English to Korean. These are medical phrases, so knowledge of medical terminology is a must. In the attached file, there is also a column where the English meaning of words is clarified to help with the translation. DO NOT change any of the text in the English phrases (not even typos), or the order of phrases. To qualify for the job, please provide translation samples for the following 5 phrases: 5. About how many tissues of blood have you coughed up? ("tissues" refers to paper tissues that the person has coughed blood into) 13. Are the bowel movements watery? 24. Are you breastfeeding? 28. Are...
I need a designer to modify my business logo. The logo needs to be changed to a blue color, and adjustments need to be made to the layout or graphics. Experience with color matching to website aesthetics is a plus. I am open to new concept ideas, as long as they are in line with my business branding.
Project Description: I am looking for a skilled freelancer to create a professional and innovative website for a company entering the U.S. market. The site must be responsive, SEO-optimized, and feature a modern design aimed at attracting and engaging American clients. Requirements: Advanced experience in website design and front-end development. Proficiency in SEO for content optimization and improving visibility on Google. Experience creating user-friendly interfaces and responsive designs. Fluency in English (for communication with the team and understanding the U.S. market). Ability to deliver fast results without compromising quality. Project Goals: Create an...
...looking for an expert in Burp Suite to assist with a betting project that involves opening multiple tabs for simultaneous monitoring. The primary focus is to analyze betting odds and optimize strategies, while also identifying issues related to bet rejection. Key Tasks: - Multi-tab setup for Burp Suite to facilitate real-time betting data analysis. - Identification and troubleshooting of issues impacting the betting process, particularly bet rejections. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency with Burp Suite for automated testing and user session simulation. - Strong background in betting odds analysis and strategy optimization. - Experience in troubleshooting system glitches during b...
I'm seeking an experienced content creator to produce an engaging Instagram reel for the Gnossi Wohnig App. The main goal is to showcase the benefits of the app to potential users, driving downloads and engagement. Key Tasks: - Emphasize the app's user benefits Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating content for Instagram, particularly reels. - Ability to convey complex information in a simple, engaging way. - Understanding of app promotion strategies. Please take a look at our website to get a comprehensive understanding of our app. The content should be tailored to communicate the app's features and benefits in a way that resonates with our targe...
CSS Code writing for the 1 page website of this clinet
Hello everyone, the site does not start via npm start, although everything worked before. I recently tried to find a programmer, but he ended up turning down the job. I'll attach the site code, see if you can fix the startup error. I expect a tip for successfully completing the job!
We need 3 freelancers with a Native Australia English accent . Simple task. Only need a phone and a software. Only someone who really have a Australia accent can apply. We provide about phrases , you just need to follow the video process and it will be done quickly. It will take you about 1.5-2 hours. 50 dollars for this task after all recording files are checked and qualified. If you can find other qualified people, you will get an additional bonus for per people. Contact us ASAP. Freelancers who can complete it quickly will have a huge advantage in the future cooperation.
Se requiere un teacher de ingles para clases diaria 1 hora de lunes a viernes solo se paga de 2CAN a 5CAD la hora
I have 100 educational videos, each approximately 10 minutes long, that need translation from English to Brazilian Portuguese. This project entails both subtitling and voiceover work. USING AI… Key Requirements: - Translate 1 minute of a provided video sample to demonstrate capability. - Record voiceover in Brazilian Portuguese. - Create subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in English and Brazilian Portuguese. - Experience in video translation, subtitling, and voiceover work. - Familiarity with educational content. - Ability to deliver high-quality audio and video. Please note, general translation is acceptable, so specific terminology or style guidelines will no...
I'm looki...with a flair for mixology and an understanding of sophisticated prose to help me pen a book titled "Sipping Stories: The Art of Crafting Signature Cocktails". This book will primarily feature a collection of unique, signature cocktail recipes. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have experience in writing cocktail recipe books or similar content - Possess an elegant and sophisticated writing style - Understand the art and science of mixology - Be able to create engaging, easy-to-follow cocktail recipes The project involves: - Writing in an elegant and sophisticated tone - Creating unique cocktail recipes - Focusing on the craftsmanship behind each cockt...
Translate a PDF document into Latin American Spanish, keeping the same page numbers, but it is okay to make the page larger so that the Spanish will fit. The document is 144 pages. Here is the table of contents.
...Promotional Video - Style - Movie Trailer type Dramatic This Proposal contains the documents:- NARRATION TEXT VIDEO FOOTAGE CLIPS ORDER LIST OF THE VIDEO CLIPS 2 x MUSIC SOUND FILES 34 PHOTOGRAPHS FOR ADDING TO “PHOTO” CAROUSEL APPROX 37 VIDEO CLIPS - Some clips require to be cut/positioned to get the piece of film I require 4 x PHOTOGRAPH TO BE ADDED IN THE SAME WAY THE VIDEO CLIPS ARE ADDED LINK TO ALL VIDEO AND SOUND FILES REQUIRED:- I require 2 different completed Versions of the completed work for different social media. Type 1 - One full size Landscape Version - Suitable for You Tube Type 2 - One in a Reel (Portrait) Format for Tik Tok...
...skilled VBA programmer to enhance my existing code. Around 75% of the code is already written to read data from CSV/Excel. The enhancements should facilitate the generation of summary reports, creation of various types of graphs and additional data processing functionalities. Key Responsibilities: - Modify existing VBA code to create summary reports. - Develop functionality to generate Bar charts, Line graphs, and Pie charts. - Implement additional data processing capabilities including data filtering, sorting, and aggregation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in VBA - Experience with Excel and CSV data processing - Strong understanding of data visualization techniques - Ability to create com...
...set of 69 KPIs in an Excel sheet, spanning across 10 projects. I need a performance formula that will automatically provide the KPIs/projects status based on specific thresholds. It's important to note that some of the KPIs are negative metrics. In addition, I require an interactive dashboard for these KPIs. The entire project is in Arabic. Key requirements: - Devise a performance formula that can assess the KPIs/projects status based on predetermined thresholds - Create an interactive dashboard in Microsoft Excel - Understand and cater for negative metrics within the KPIs - Project is in Arabic, hence understanding or capability to work in Arabic is a plus Idea...
...visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) CHAO'S COMMERCIAL BUILDING, BONHAM STRAND, HONG KONG • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camera, internet access • Must be available during...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a custom e-commerce website for my clothing line. Key Requirements: - The homepage must prominently feature 'Featured Products'. - Please include an intuitive, user-friendly interface. - The website should be visually appealing and aligned with current fashion trends. - SEO-optimized code is a plus. Please note, I have not yet decided on specific payment methods or user account functionalities. However, I am open to suggestions based on your expertise. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience with e-commerce site development. - Proficiency in web development languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.). - Understanding of SEO and responsive design. - Knowledge of current e-co...
...Serious Work – Only Experienced Wix Freelancers Needed ⚠️** I am a freelancer myself, working for someone else, and I hire freelancers for my boss. I cannot risk my boss ending up with a broken website, nor can I afford to lose the work we’ve done. This is why I’m asking: **Please do not apply for this job if you don’t know how to handle Wix properly.** This is serious work, and I don’t want anyone wasting our time or jeopardizing our efforts. **Only contact me if you are 100% confident in your Wix skills.** Looking for Wix Freelancer - Urgent Job I’m looking for a freelancer available immediately to: Add variants to approximately 25 products. Link each variant with the c...
...traditional English country garden, predominantly following the informal planting of a cottage garden style. Key Features: - A focus on creating a relaxing and leisurely space for a family with small children. - Incorporation of essential elements such as: - Water features (fountain or something children safe) - Seating and dining areas - Flower beds and hedges - Small trees - A pergola or arbour - A trellis or arch for climbers - A lawn Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience in landscape and garden design. - Proven ability to create informal, cottage-style gardens. - Skilled in integrating various garden elements and features. - Have a portfolio showcasing previous similar projects. Please...
I need assistance with formatting my essay according to specific guidelines. The task involves ensuring the essay meets the following specifications: - Font: Times New Roman - Font Size: 12 - Line Spacing: Single Line Spacing - Font Color: As displayed Please note that the essay does not have a specific word count or page length, but it does require adherence to the New Roman formatting style.
I'm looking for a professional illustrator with a strong portfolio and experience in creating clean, sami realistic colored line-art designs for one of the children's books i am making about my father. Attached you'll find the original illustration and images of my father Please keep the entire scene exactly the way it is. I need to only replace this old man’s face (the one who is cooking) with this new face attached Key Tasks: - Convert a provided photo into line-art - Alter a face in a pre-existing storybook illustration Ideal Skills: - Strong artistic skills - Experience in creating engaging line-art - Attention to detail - Ability to follow instruction...