How to convert png to pdf on windows 7일자리
...1 서류 전형 지원서 접수 및 검토 2 면접 전형 1차 실무 면접 대면 면접만 진행 3 최종 합격 통보 면접 후 개별 통보 6 보람상조피플 주 에서 함께하는 이유 보람상조피플 주는 상조업계의 전통적인 이미지를 넘어, 고객의 인생 전반을 지원하는 라이프스타일 파트너로 성장해 왔습니다. 상조 설계사 중간관리자로서 팀을 이끌며 함께 성장하고, 고객에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 기회를 제공받게 됩니다. 성장 기회 팀을 이끌고, 회사와 함께 성장할 수 있는 기회 성과 중심 보상 성과에 따른 보상 구조를 통해 높은 인센티브 제공 복지 혜택 다양한 복지 프로그램 및 라이프스타일 혜택을 통해 직원의 삶의 질 향상 업계 선도 기업 대한민국 상조업계 선도 기업으로서의 안정적인 경영 기반 7 밝은 미래를 함께 만들어 갈 인재를 기다립니다 보람상조피플 주는 고객의 삶 속에서 중요한 순간을 함께하며, 그들의 행복과 삶의 질 향상을 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 상조 설계사 중간관리자로서 고객과 팀을 이끄는 중요한 역할을 담당할 인재를 찾고 있습니다. 상조업계의 긍정적인 변화를 이끌고, 고객의 신뢰를 바탕으로 성장하는 보람상조피플 주 와 함께할 기회를 놓치지 마세요 지원하러 가기 보람상조피플 주에서 밝은 미래를 함께 만들어 갈 상조 설계사 중간관리자를 기다립니다. 지금 지원하시고 고객의 소중한 순간을 함께하는 특별한 여정을 시작해 보세요. 지원 마감일 채용 시까지 문의 사항 인사담당자 차진영 팀장 연락처 0146024830
Hi, I need your help. I am planning a consultatio...card payment and account transfer available) - Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features - Ability to enable users to convert to counselors and generate revenue Specific functional description: 1. Create and Log In User Accounts: Users must be able to create and log in to a private account. 2. Online Payment System: Users must be able to make payments within the app. 3. Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features: Users and counselors should be able to consult anonymously through the chat room, and a 1:1 telephone connection function should also be available. 4. Ability for users to convert to counselors and generate revenue: Users want ...
안녕하십니까? Mohamed Medhat M.님의 프로필을 보고, 제 프로젝트를 제안하고자 합니다. 자세한 사항에 대해서는 채팅 서비스를 이용하여 주십시오.
새 프로젝트의 번역가를 찾고 있습니다! 요구사항: - 영어 - 한국어 번역가; - 한국어 모국어 - ...
쉐어포인트 솔루션을 통해, 폼을 구성하고 Workflow 로 운영하는 사이트들 구축. 예로, 안전부서의 Patrol 보고서 운영, 품질 부서의 NCR / CAR 폼 구성 및 보고 형태 등 입니다.
...service is online library service. It is served on the https:// protocol. The book cover images are in the S3 of AWS of the http:// protocol. Chrome prohibits images from apperaring that comes from http protocol. That is the mixed contents problem. I need the book cover images in the S3 to appear on the https:// main site. The problem situation is like this. For example, we can see book cover image at (http protocol) but cannot at (https protocol) The goal of the project is making the protocol of S3 image server for https. So we can see the book cover image at the main You should work through Team Viewer or Anydesk to access my AWS console. I think the proper budget
안녕하십니까? 제가 Francione N.님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
해당플러그인 커스텀마이징 관련하여 문의드릴게있습니다. 기존에는 jpg,png 까지 이미지를 수정에서 다운받을 수 있는데 css 애니메이션 속성을 추가하고 그 애니메이션이 입혀진 상태로 gif로 파일을 다운받을 수 있게 추가 커스텀을 제작하길 원합니다.
3년이상의 키오스트 프로젝트 경험자를 구하고 있습니다. 1. node vue js 와 연동해야 합니다. 2. 머신 컨트롤러를 개발해야 합니다. c# 로 되어 있습니다. 자세한 자료는 결정되면 pdf 로 제공됩니다.
Windows Server를 이용하여 여러 국가에 분산되어 있는 조직의 Active Directory 설계 및 구성 Active Directory에 등록된 계정을 개인 디스크 설정 및 공유 디스크 설정 추가 계정시 자동설정 환경 구축 내부에서 사용할 수 있는 Windows Server 기반의 Certificate Authority 구축
안녕하십니까? 제가 Shahanaz P.님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
안녕하십니까? 제가 On S.님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
안녕하세요 writings254님, 귀하의 프로필을 보았고 저의 프로젝트를 제안하고 싶습니다. 채팅을 통해 모든 세부 사항을 함께 논의할 수 있습니다.
직접 디자인한 플레잉 카드(커스텀 카드)를 소량으로 종이재질로 제작해주길 원합니다. 수량이 정해지지 않아서 정확히는 못 적지만 약50~150벌 정도 예상하고 있습니다. 디자인한 카드를 지속적으로 보냈을 때도 지속적으로 소량으로 제작해주길 원합니다. 금액은 한 벌당 5000(5$)~7000(7$)원 선이었으면 합니다.
C++ Builder를 이용한 소프트웨어 개발을 하고자 합니다. 다년 간의 경력이 있으신 분만 찾고 있으며, 책임있게 프로젝트를 기간내에 마칠 분을 모시고 있습니다. 그럼 많은 지원 부탁 드립니다.
안녕하세요 Tinaxu님, 귀하의 프로필을 보았고 저의 프로젝트를 제안하고 싶습니다. 채팅을 통해 모든 세부 사항을 함께 논의할 수 있습니다.
C# WinForm 기반의 Windows 응용 프로그램중 특정 기능 ListView/ListBox/DataGrideView 등의 Cell안에 Custom UserControl (Button 및 그림 및 체크박스등이 탑재된 UserControl)을 집어 넣고 리스트화 시킴. 단, TalbeLayoutPanel 등 Panel 컨트롤을 사용하면 안됨. Panel컨트롤은 32767 사이즈의 한계가 있어 컨트롤이 탑재되지 않음.
...하나하나 수동으로 등록 하는 방법도 문제 없습니다 // 추후 추가 계획 하고 있는 기능들 (이번 의뢰에 미포함) 뉴스 페이지 기능 : 일반 적인 뉴스 페이지 (CMS를 통하여 신규 뉴스 콘텐트 내용 작성) Sub 폴더 추가/삭제 기능 (예: 주요 뉴스, 지역 뉴스 등) 콘텐트는 직접 제작 (이미지, 텍스트, 영상 조합) 회사 소개 기능 : 일반 회사 소개 페이지 (CMS를 통하여 신규 콘텐트 업데이트 기능) Sub 폴더 추가/삭제 기능 (예: 회사 인사말, 회사 역사, 회사 주요 업무 등) 콘텐트는 직접 제작 (이미지, 텍스트, 영상 조합) 소셜 네트워크를 통하여 내용을 공유하는 기능 입니다 (Facebook, Twitter 등) <참고자료 / 유의사항> 앱 샘플 디자인 문서는 PDF 파일로 있습니다(영문) 샘플 데이터 있습니다 화려한 그래픽 및 디자인 제작은 필요 없습니다
안녕하세요 Duleon님, 귀하의 프로필을 보았고 저의 프로젝트를 제안하고 싶습니다. 채팅을 통해 모든 세부 사항을 함께 논의할 수 있습니다.
아이폰 plain text 뷰어 개발입니다. 스크롤뷰 X 읽는 방식은 ibooks와 동일합니다. 50메가의 txt파일도 열람이 되어야합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다. 1. 북마크 기능 2. 폰트 변경 3. 사이즈 변경 4. 배경색 변경 5. 글자색 변경 6. 줄간격 변경 7. 밝기 조절
...Database 접속정보와 관련된 쿼리는 아래와 같습니다. OS는 windows 2012 , 데이터베이스는 MS-sql이고, 원격주소, 계정, 암호는 실제 내용을 알려드릴 수 없는 점 양해바랍니다. 현재 디비접속은 이런 형식으로 하고 있습니다. -> ,1000 (사이트주소,포트번호) , 계정 : Testaccount , 암호 : Test 입니다. 금액 쿼리 : Select replace(convert(varchar, cast(Isnull(Sum(Ori_price*qty),0) as money),1),'.00','') as Orderamt from Orderdetail where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' 금액은 붉은 색 글씨로 표시되었으면 합니다. 주문 건수 : Select count(Order_id) from Orders where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' 미배송 건수 : Select count(Order_id) from Orders where Convert(Varchar(8), Order_date,112) = '달력 일자' and DelYN='N' and TransYN='N...
Need to translate Korean to English 1. joint venture 런싱치, 인건비, 사무실 임차료 등 추가 cost 증가로 수익성 악화 예상에 따라 Joint venture의 수익 구조 확보를 위하여 구매조건 등 본사와 재협상 필요 2. Joint venture 사업 구조 분석 3. Joint venture 전/후 손익 구조 3. 영업이익, 관리비 (인건비, 광고비 등) 4. JV 이후 순차적 증가 가정 5. jV 운영에 따라 추가 발생괴는 비용을 커버 가능하도록 할인율 협상 6. 구매배수별 수익율 변동 7. 구매배수 개선시, ~%수준 이익 개선 8. 장기 재고 처리 방안 재협상 9. 장기 재고로 인한 수익성 감소 예상에 따라 재고 처리 방랑 협상 필요
한국어로 제작된 홈페이지를 영문버전 제작하려고합니다 저희가 보내드린 첨부파일 PDF 파일 확인해서 영문 번역 가능 유무 시간 비용 제시해주시면 바로 작업들어가겠습니다
범용 제어장치/시스템과 이러한 범용 제어장치(Embedded 환경)를 Windows 용 PC 내 USB Port를 통해 연결하여, 장비 상태 감시, 장비 Configuration, 프로그래밍 다운로드 기타 상태정보 업데이트, 등 장치와 연동하여 작동될 PC 응용 소프트웨어를 같이 개발하고자 하고 있습니다. 이 경우에서 필요한 Windows 용 USB Device Driver 제작을 담당해 주실 프리랜서를 찾고 있습니다.
Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled freelancer to develop a comprehensive online supermarket platform for our wholesale business. This project involves end-to-end development, including backend management, integration with existing ERP systems, and ensuring seamless functionality across all components. Additionally, the freelancer will be responsible for implementing an email marketing strategy that includes the creation and distribution of a monthly promotional booklet in PDF format. Key Responsibilities: • Platform Development: Design and implement a user-friendly online supermarket website that offers a seamless shopping experience for customers. • Backend Management: Develop and manage the backend infrastructure to handle product listing...
...shelving and send it out to local designers and architects. The flyer needs to be in both digital (PDF) and print formats. Key Responsibilities: - Create a new, sleek and modern flyer design. - Distribute the flyer to local designers and architects. Ideal Skills: - Graphic design, particularly flyer design. - Understanding of modern design aesthetics. - Experience in distributing flyers to target audiences. - Ability to create both digital and print ready designs. Clear communication of product . Ensure the product is - modern bar shelving... with high quality images that showcase the unique design and craftsmanship. Highlight unique selling points Emphasise that this is the first time this specific style has been introduced to th...
We are seeking a skilled and experienced website developer to design and develop a dynamic website that meets the following requirements: 1. Payment Gateway Integration Seamless integration of Razorpay for secure and efficient payment processing. 2. Analytics Setup Implementation of Google and Facebook Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and marketing performance. 3. Traffic Tracking Real-time tracking of visitors and their interactions on the website. 4. Sales Report Generation Automated generation of detailed sales reports, including key metrics and insights. 5. PDF Invoice System Ability to generate and download professional PDF invoices for every transaction.
I need a python script that uses onnxruntime, directml, and yolov8 for object detection. Then extract the results and draw them in a CV2 window. This includes boxes around the objects and their respective confidence.
I'm looking for an experienced blockchain developer who can either build or fork a project on the Solana network. The DApp will be a token exchange with the following functionalities: - Token swaps - Liquidity pools Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive knowledge of Solana - Prior experience in building or forking DApps - Deep understanding of token exchange mechanics - Ability to integrate liquidity pools and token swaps into the DApp Please provide previous examples of similar projects you've completed, and any relevant experience you have with Solana and DApp development.
I'm looking for an experienced professional who can configure OpenVPN with SOCKS5 and an undetectable browser on my Windows system. The main goal of this setup is to bypass geo-restrictions, particularly for accessing social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Expertise in VPN and SOCKS5 configuration - Familiarity with undetectable browser setups - Experience with Windows OS - Ability to create a setup that can bypass geo-restrictions effectively Your bid will be considered if you have demonstrable experience in similar projects.
I am looking to develop an iOS mobile application that utilizes a Large Language Model (LLM) to summarize uploaded PDF school papers and tests into concise, handy notes in Arabic and English. The app should prioritize the accuracy of the summaries while maintaining an easy-to-use interface. Key Features: - PDF summarization: Users should be able to upload their PDF files for summarization. - Bilingual Support: The app should summarize in both Arabic and English. - User Authentication: The app should have a simple yet secure email and password login system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in iOS app development. - Familiarity with integrating LLM for summarization. - Bilingual (Arabic and English) proficiency. - Experience...
I need a freelancer to convert a 3-page PDF document into an Excel file. The Excel layout should mirror the PDF exactly. The PDF contains primarily text and numbers. Key Requirements: - Convert data from the PDF into Excel, maintaining the original layout. - Utilize your judgement to handle any ambiguities or potential errors in the PDF. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Excel - Attention to detail - Ability to make educated guesses when faced with uncertainties in the source material. able to start these major projects today and dedicate significant time to ensure completion by Sunday. Only apply if you have sufficient availability over the next two days. SHORT-TERM COVERAGE ROLE I am looking for short-term coverage for my virtual assistant, who is experiencing issues for a few weeks. This role is temporary but may lead to additional projects based on performance. Payment Options: Option 1: $30 CAD per week with a maximum of 3 projects assigned, all due Saturday at 11:30 AM MST. Option 2: $40 CAD per week with 4 projects assigned, with two deadlines: Wednesday at 11:30 AM MST (2 projects) Saturday at 11:30 AM MST (2 projects) Payment is made following submission of completed projects. TASKS INCLUDE: Creating spreadsheets and conduc...
I need someone to type printed forms for me. The output should be in a PDF file. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Excellent typing speed and accuracy - Proficiency in creating PDF files - Attention to detail to ensure forms are typed correctly
I need my existing iOS React Native app code transformed into a native iOS IPA version. The app should be compatible with iOS 14 and above. Key requirements: - Expertise in React Native & iOS development - Experience in converting React Native apps to native iOS - Knowledge of iOS 14 compatibility standards - No specific iOS native features need to be implemented - if U need place offer please say " Im in " to I know you're real person not bot
...experienced in Windows MFC Visual C++ programming in Visual Studio 2022. The project is to develop existing MFC data logging visualisation app 'DeltaLog' to update it and bug fix issues, including implementation of BCGControlBar Pro. List of requirements: • Use BCGControlBar Pro (provided) to replace MFC classes and update look and feel of windows/frames/borders and to enable tabbed windows • Activate track map window and plot GPS track bitmap • Allow mixing of y-axis for channels with same scaling • Add function to change plot order • Fix X-Y plot conditioning • Fix bug when some channels are not plotted • Save/open desktop layout • Fix maths wizard • Add sort by...
I'm looking for a skilled web developer to design an HTML website for my Tires & Wheels Center. The site NEEDS to be SEO-friendly, mobile-compatible. You can utilize either a template from Envato or reference some specified admired sites. Websites to admire: - - - - We Like the following Themes: Key Requirements: - Use of a content structure similar to the admired websites. - Inclusion of a product catalog with detailed product descriptions and search/filter options. - Design and layout inspired by the
I'm seeking a professional to refine the English to Punjabi transliteration system on my Shopify website. Currently, the transliterations are often incorrect, and the system does not convert natural English input accurately. The ideal candidate will integrate the Google Input Tools API to improve this system, however, alternative solutions may be considered if they can offer a better service. Key Requirements: - Natural English text input support: Users should be able to input regular English text and have it accurately converted to Gurmukhi. - Accurate Punjabi (Gurmukhi) output: The transliterations need to be precise, eliminating the need for users to type in specific Gurmukhi-style English fonts. - Real-time translite...
I'm in need of a professional translator who can convert Romanian legal documents into English. The specific document is a 'Certificat Constatator'. Key Requirements: - Expertise in legal document translation - Experience translating 'Certificat Constatator' - ONLY Certified translator Please note, the translation needs to be certified.
I'm looking for a talented game developer to create a cross-platform multiplayer game akin to Call of Duty, with some unique twists. The game should be compatible with Android, Apple Store, Windows, and Steam. Key Features: - Multiplayer mode: The game needs to provide a competitive and cooperative multiplayer experience. - Story mode: I want to offer players an engaging narrative to explore. - Customizable characters: Players should be able to personalize their in-game avatars. Visual Style: - The game should boast realistic graphics, akin to the high-quality visuals seen in AAA titles. References: - The game's design and mechanics can draw inspiration from Call of Duty. However, I want our game to stand out w...
I require an expert in PDF editing services to help me rectify some errors in a document. The job will primarily entail: - Editing text and images in a PDF - Correcting typos and errors It's essential that throughout the editing process, the current format of the document is maintained. Therefore, experience with preserving document layout during edits is a key requirement for this project.
I need help with a very simple C# Windows Forms application. I am completely stuck whenever I try to make this and need someone to help me complete this. The application requires the following features: - A user interface that is simple and minimalistic - A Calculate button that computes and displays in a list box the distance traveled at a given speed over a specified number of hours. - A Clear button that resets the input and output fields - An Exit button that closes the application The user inputs will be speed in MPH and number of hours traveled. The application should display the distance traveled for each hour up to the specified number of hours. For example, if the user inputs 40 for speed and 3 for hours, the output should show 40 miles for hour 1, 80...
I need a skilled graphic designer to edit a 2D image of a spaceship. Attached is a png image of the spaceship. I want you to modify it and create new images, based on it: 1) One image of the spaceship with the cockpit open. The gold nuggets are visible. 2) One image of the spaceship, with the cockpit open. The cargo is empty. We can see the metal panels of inside the cargo. 3) The cargo is full of gold nuggets. A set of 6 images of the cockpit progressively closing. I need clean work with attention to detail. Especially the colors and the lighting. The resulting image will be included in a computer game. I want full IP ownership of the resulting images.
...the Balkan Football Agency. Your task is to create a minimalist yet creative logo that captures the spirit of football and the unique features of the Balkan region. Key Requirements: - The logo should be set against a white background, promoting a modern and uncluttered aesthetic. - Incorporate green elements in a subtle manner, representing growth, energy, and our connection to the game. Think of inspirations from a football field or natural foliage. - The design should be sleek, professional, and instantly recognizable, fitting well within the football industry. - The logo should appeal to both players and partners, reflecting our agency's ethos. - The final deliverables include high-resolution versions of the logo in multiple formats (JPEG, PNG, SVG)...
I'm looking for an expert in WordPress who can convert my current HTML website into a fully functional WordPress site. Key Requirements: - The new WordPress site should maintain the same design as the current HTML site. - The site should be equipped with a contact form, SEO tools, and social media sharing buttons, as well as other similar features to the current website. - The professional should have a keen eye for detail to ensure the design is replicated accurately. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress and HTML - Experience with SEO and integrating social media tools - Strong skills in web design and attention to detail.
I need a WordPress expert familiar with the KvCore Plugin. - Search Filter Layout: I want to change the layout of the search filters. The website is , I want the filters to look like they do on - 'Back to Search' Button: I need to modify the functionality of the "Back to Search" button. It currently takes you back to a generic search, I would like it to take you back to the previous search that you can from. The ideal freelancer for this job would have: - Extensive experience with WordPress and the KvCore Plugin - Strong skills in web design and user interface layout - Ability to customize button functionality Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed. looking for an experienced IT professional or team to implement an employee tracking tool on our Windows server. The tool will be used to monitor employee activity, with specific focus on screenshot recording, application time summary and URL time summary. - **Main Features**: The tool should be able to capture screenshots, track time spent on various applications, and summarize the time spent on different URLs. - **No Real-Time Alerts Needed**: We do not require real-time alerts for any employee activities. - **No Integration Required**: The tool does not need to integrate with any other software or tools. The tool we are considering for this project is available at this link: We are open to other open-source ...
I'm seeking a savvy lead generator and organic marketing expert to boost my Web Design business. The focus will predominantly be on B2B lead generation. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement strategies for organic marketing across various platforms, specifically social media, blogging, and email marketing. - Target and engage with potential B2B clients primarily on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. - Generate quality leads that can convert into potential business. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation and organic marketing. - Proficiency in managing and marketing on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. - Excellent blogging and email marketing skills. - Strong communication and networking abilities. I'm looking for s...