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google play console로 부터 아래의 메시지를 받아서 앱이 store에서 삭제된 상태입니다. 그래서 코드를 IONIC7으로 업그레이드 하여 문제를 해결하려고 합니다. 앱이 Android 13(API 수준 33) 이상을 타겟팅해야 함 사용자에게 안전한 환경을 제공하기 위해 Google Play의 모든 앱은 대상 API 수준 요구사항을 충족해야 합니다. 2023년 8월 31일부터 최신 Android 출시로부터 1년 이내의 대상 API 수준을 타겟팅하지 않는 경우 앱을 업데이트할 수 없습니다.
mixing and mastering so that the client's music can be released as a commercial sound source 30$ per song, 40,000 won in Korean won, no additional cost per track, no additional cost for vocal tunes The operation takes 1-2 days and there is no additional charge for requesting modifications or the number of modifications
Texas hold 'em Mobile Game Development 1. function - 9 Room Game, Tournament, friend showdown 2. Android, IOS, DeskTop 3. RNG algorithm, Packet Encryption
기존에 개발되어 있는 하이브리드 웹 사이트를 웹뷰 형태로 앱 패키징 하는 프로젝트. 안드로이드, IOS 양쪽 다 진행 필요. Social account 로그인, 파일 업로드 등의 기능이 구현 되어야 함.
Hello, We are looking for freelancers to watch or YouTube and translate what the host is saying from Korean to English and Vice Versa. The work itself is very casual, flexible and most importantly, 'FUN' because it'll usually cover gameing, music and general talking. If you're interested, please message me because there are some pre-screening we need to do. Thank you. 안녕하세요, 현재 유튜브나 트위치에서 스트리머의 말을 영어에서 한국어로, 또는 그 반대로 번역해주실 프리랜서분들을 모시고 있습니다. 일의 강도 자체는 굉장히 가볍고 캐주얼하며, 무엇보다 재밌습니다! (대체로 게임, 음악 혹은 토크쇼 위주를 작업하고 있습니다.) 혹 관심이 있으시다면, 사전인터뷰를 위해 꼭 메세지 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
android ffmpegplayer audio stream .. cordova plugin 으로 만들어졌으면 합니다. - HTTP - RTP/RTSP/RTMP - MMS - HTTP Live Streaming . 한국인이라 영어에 능숙하지 못합니다... 구글번역기를 이용해서 대화하기때문에 의사 소통에 문제가 있을수 있습니다.. 되도록이면 한국어가 가능한 분이면 좋겠습니다.
안녕하세요. 싸이트 를 판매 하려고 합니다. 과 같은 기능을 수행 하고 웹 페이지 발포 가능하고,Android,Ios 플랫홈 실행파일도 빌드 하실수 있어요. 소스코드와 설치까지 해드리겠습니다. 적당한 가격에 판매 하려고 합니다. 관신 계시는 분들은 연계 해주세요. 감사하네요.
기존 스마트폰 APP에 대해서 업그레이드를 위한 단기 프로젝트입니다. 현재 1차 버전은 안드로이드와 iOS APP 으로 BLE 제품과 연동하고 있으며 2차 버전에 대한 디자인은 완료되어 있음. 중점적으로 2차 버전의 User interface 에 대해서 구성하는 것이 핵심적인 내용이 될 듯 함.
...- 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : node.js # 2015년5월 ~ 2016년3월 : 홍선군 상수도 누수관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : 홍성군 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, Mybatis, Daum Map API, amchart, , jqgrid , bootstrap
모바일 폰에 저장되어 있는 사진들을 지속적으로 수집해서, 이를 기반으로 새로운 컨텐츠를 구성하는 앱을 개발하고 있습니다. 하이브리드 앱의 형태로 개발하고 있으며, 기반 framework로 ionic을 사용하고 있습니다. 하이브리드 앱의 특성상 기존에 개발된 플러그인이 없다면, native resource에 직접 접근하는데에 한계가 있어 다음과 같은 기능을 가지는 plug-in 개발을 요청합니다. * Specification 1. Definition - F-key : 이미지 파일에 영구적으로 접근할 수 있도록 하는 file key 또는 URI 2. Requirements - Cordova plug-in 제작, iphone과 android 지원. - (Optional) 아이폰의 경우 가능하면 swift로 제작 - 소스코드와 테스트 파일 필요 - 핸드폰에 저장되어 있는 전체 사진의 F-key 목록을 얻기 - 특정 시간을 argument로 넘기면, 그 시간 이후에 추가 된 사진의 F-key 목록을 받을 수 있음 - 특정 F-key와 원하는 해상도를 넘기면 이미지 데이터를 반환 - 직접 넘긴다면 Base64 encoding 된 데이터 - Or 임시 디렉토리에 파일 복사후 해당 파일의 URI를 넘기는 것도 가능 (차선책) - EXIF 정보는 그대로 보존이 되어야 함
모바일웹에서 통화 버튼을 누르면 상대편 회원과 음성채팅을 할 수 있으면 됩니다. 모바일웹은 이미 만들어져있고, javascript로 웹-앱 간 통신을 하면 될것으로 보입니다. 안드로이드 아이폰 두버전의 앱을 모두 만들예정입니다. 두개 다 만드는 견적을 주세요. -- We already made mobile web. We need voice chatting module between our members. So, you can include our mobile web to android(or iOS) app. It would be kind of hybrid app. ※ We need android & iOS version both app Estimate to make both app.
저희가 영상채팅앱을 만들고자합니다. ※ 안드로이드+iOS 두 버전 모두 견적을 주세요 디자인+개발 까지 다 해주실 팀을 찾고 있습니다. 기획이나 디자인은 구글 플레이스토어에 AZAR라는 앱이 있는데 거의 비슷하게 만들면 됩니다. 디자인이나 컬러톤 정도만 바...안드로이드+iOS 두 버전 모두 견적을 주세요 디자인+개발 까지 다 해주실 팀을 찾고 있습니다. 기획이나 디자인은 구글 플레이스토어에 AZAR라는 앱이 있는데 거의 비슷하게 만들면 됩니다. 디자인이나 컬러톤 정도만 바꾼다고 생각하시면됩니다. We try to find the team that makes video chatting app. It means to make apps totally.. design+programming and, It looks like almost the same as ""azar""app. on google play store. You have only to a little chage colors and user interface from azar. ※ Android & iOS version both (Estimate fot both apps.)
1. mp4(영상)과 wav(음성) 파일의 실시간 인코딩 기능을 구현 (Unity C# 랭기지 기준으로 android+ios 빌드) 2. 각각의 플랫폼에서 안정적으로 구동 3. 구동된 기능은 Vuforia + NGUI +ScreenShotCapture + Kamcord 플러그인 환경에서 안정적으로 구동이 가능하여야 함(안정적인 구동이라 함은 포함된 플러그인 들의 기능과 의뢰결과물의 사용에 있어 에러, 워닝, 버그, 충돌이 없음을 의미)
1. App presser, app push 활용하여 하이브리드 앱 제작 - 현 워드프레스 기반 웹 사이트를 Android, iOS 앱으로 제작 - 런처아이콘 셋팅 2. App push 연계: 워드프레스 관리자 페이지 연동 - 관리자페이지에서 푸시 메세지 작성, 앱에서는 메세지 확인만 가능하면 됨 , ipa 파일 전달
안드로이드 앱 및 모바일웹 개발건 법률관련 어플,웹개발로 복잡하지 않습니다. 1차 2차 고객과의 연계하는 O2O(오프엔온라인) 비지니스로 가입, 관리, 비용지급, 계산, GPS기능 등 기능이 포함됩니다. 경험있는 개발자분들의 연락주시기 바랍니다. 접수기간 : 1월5일까지 접수 위치 : 한국,인천 연락 : 010.8200.4391
Want to develop some kind of Video Call App on Android. However, the Android Phone of Calller's Video won't be show on the screen. just show callee's Video & Voice only. Need to support at least 1year for un-expected error for our business.
부동산중개서비스 앱 과 웹 개발건입니다. (한가지만 해도 됩니다) 참고 싸이트 Play store "두껍아 두껍아" web () 위 참고 싸이트에서 컨텐츠 50% 정도 잘라 내고, 한가지 아이템만으로 서비스를 만들려고 합니다. (서울지역만, 아파트만, APT 단지 정보 DB 는 하실수 있으면 하고, 힘들면 저희가 직접 가능합니다) Android, iOS, Web 모두 고려 하고 있습니다 ( 하실수 있는 부분만 진행 하셔도 됨.) - PM 까지 해주기를 바랍니다 (한국분, 서울경기 지역 거주, 만날수 있는 분) - 컨셉과 스케치만 가지고 있고, Story board, 작업지시서 등 없습니다. - 필요시 사무실 제공 가능 1 & 4호선 금정역 - 기타 작업은 모듈, 템플릿, 솔루션 구매나 3자 외주를 줘도 상관없습니다 - 기타 내용은 협의.
저희의 이전 프로젝트에 관련된 진행중인 작업이 있습니다app for android & ios including tablet'
안녕하세요, 소셜 쇼핑몰 사이트에 판매하기 위해 상품 상세페이지 작업을 하던 도중 담당 디자이너가 개인적인 사정으로 일을 마무리하지 못한 상태로 연락이 끊겨버렸습니다. 아래 첫번째 첨부 화일 '슬리폰즈상세페이지(초안)'을 보면 알 수 있다시피 전체적인 프레임과 컨텐츠는 거의 잡혀있는 상태입니다, ping화일이다보니 새로 만들어야 하겠지요. 하지만 여기에 쓰인 이미지 대부분을 psd화일로 제공할 수 있습니다. 위 링크 페이지에서 커서를 중간 쯤 내리면 Download Images제목 밑으로 작업에 쓸 이미지 다 있습니다. 하지만 원활한 작업을 위해 이메일로 일일이 해당 이미지를 보내드릴 것입니다.참고: 아래 첨부 화일---> SPs 소셜사이트 담당 MD가 소셜쇼핑 디자인가이드 방침에 맞지않는 부분을 몇가지 지적했기에 수정할 부분이 있으므로 그러한 내용을 숙지하고 적용해서 제작하면 되는 것입니다. 물론 그것도 저희가 다 알려드립니다. 구체적으로 예를 들어 열거해보겠습니다. - 시안에서는 "선택A-1,2,3 B-1,2"로 했으나 "선택1~선택5"로 바꾸기. - 맨 첫 이미지에 있는 우측 세줄의 홍보문구는 없이 만들기. - 38% 61,500 모두 필요없고 "쿠팡가 39,800원"으로 통일. - Hotdeal 박스--->작업할 필요 없음 - 맨 아래 아마존 피드백 모음도 안집어넣으면 되고요 그 아래 사진도 올리지 않고 다른 이미지로 업로드할 겁니다. -............
저희의 이전 프로젝트에 관련된 진행중인 작업이 있습니다Smart DNS to unblock geo-blocked sites'
I hold a Master's degree in Computer Science. I am well-experienced in creating research articles using LaTeX (Overleaf). I can help you with transforming your MS Word documents into LaTeX. Please feel free to ask me if you have any queries.
I'm seeking a skilled Flutter developer to create an application for both iOS and Android. This app will integrate ChatGPT and OCR technology to process images of books. Key Features: - Full integration of both text and voice-based ChatGPT interactions. - Robust OCR functionality to extract text from images and translate the extracted text. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Extensive experience in Flutter application development for both iOS and Android platforms. - Proven track record of integrating AI (specifically ChatGPT) into mobile applications. - Proficiency in implementing OCR technology in apps. - Experience in developing interactive, user-friendly interfaces. - Strong understanding of text and voice-based chat functionalities.
I'm looking for an experienced Android game developer who can create a fun, engaging, and challenging puzzle-based game. The game will primarily revolve around logic puzzles and should feature a vibrant, cartoonish style of graphics. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Android game development - Experience with creating logic-based puzzles - Ability to design in a cartoonish style - Prior work on puzzle games is a plus - Knowledge of game monetization strategies would be beneficial The ideal candidate will have a portfolio demonstrating their ability to create engaging games, with a particular focus on puzzle mechanics. A creative approach to design and gameplay will be highly valued. Please include relevant samples of your work in your application.
We are looking for a skilled Full Stack Developer to help us build a mobile app in Flutter (Android & iOS) similar to a digital content monetization platform. The UI design for the app is already ready, so you’ll be able to focus on the development of the app itself. The app will allow content creators, such as photographers, videographers, and document specialists, to easily upload and sell their digital work (photos, videos, PDFs, etc.). In addition to the mobile app, we require an admin panel to manage the content, user data, transactions, and sales performance. Key Features for the App: Content Uploads: Creators should be able to easily upload their photos, videos, and documents from their devices. Instant Monetization: Allow creators to set pri...
I'm looking for a video editor to compile a 7-8 minute video of Ronaldo Nazario showcasing his goals and finishes. Requirements: - The video should be engaging and highlight Ronaldo's skill, creativity, and talent. - The video should be synced with both background music and commentary at appropriate moments. - The final product should be delivered in high quality, suitable for sharing on social media platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software - Prior experience editing sports highlight videos, particularly football - Ability to select suitable background music and commentary - Understanding of pacing and rhythm in video editing. Budget: 15-20 euro.
I'm in need of a voice-over artist who can deliver calm and soothing recordings for meditation and sleep stories. Language Required (English) Key Requirements: - Voice: The recordings should be done in a calm and soothing manner. - Duration: Each audio recording will be less than 10 minutes. - Production: No background music or sound effects are needed, just your voice. Ideal Skills: - Experience in voice-over work, particularly in the meditation and sleep genre. - Ability to deliver high-quality audio recordings. - Capacity to provide a calm and soothing voice.
I'm seeking a talented developer to create an MVP of a tourism application specifically focused on Egypt. This app will feature an AI-powered chatbot and must support multiple languages (English, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Chinese) with compatibility for both iOS and Android. Key Features: - AI-Powered Trip Planning: The AI should be able to customize itineraries based on user preferences including cuisine, budget, preferred activities, and hotels. It should also recommend places to visit, accommodations, and nearby dining options. - Cultural & Local Insights: The AI will provide users with information about Egyptian cultural etiquette, local laws, traditional food, and the history of the pharaohs. It should also offer tips on how to interact with locals and explore ...
I'm seeking a creative designer to develop a logo and branding for my social trivia game app, which will be available on both IOS and ANDROID. This game features multi-choice questions across a variety of categories, and will be launched in two phases: - Phase 1: A local experience where players mirror the game on TV screens and play with family and friends. - Phase 2: An online multiplayer mode, allowing 1v1 or team-based matches. The logo should be playful, reflecting the fun and competitive nature of the game. It should also emphasize the enjoyment aspect of the game, as it is designed to be a social experience. In addition to the logo, I need a full set of branding elements including a color palette, typography, and a style guide. The desired color palette is bri...
I'm looking for a skilled audio engineer to mix and master my Hip-Hop track. The song is between 1 to 6 minutes long and I want to emphasize the vocals, bass, and drums. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in audio mixing and mastering - Experience with Hip-Hop music - Ability to highlight specific elements of a track - Knowledge of industry standard software and equipment
Ich möchte meine mobilen Apps auf beiden Plattformen Android und iOS verbessern und suche einen Experten, der sich darum kümmert
I'm in need of an experienced Mobile App developer to create a mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms. The ideal candidate for this project should possess: - Proficiency in mobile app development, specifically for cross-platform apps. - Extensive knowledge of both iOS and Android development standards. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Familiarity with the latest mobile app trends and technologies. - Excellent communication skills for regular project updates.
Description: I developed a fully functional doctor’s website using the MERN stack. Unfortunately, the client has not made the payment even after a month. If anyone is intere...affordable price of ₹12,000. Features: ✅ Built using MERN Stack (MongoDB, , React.js, Node.js) ✅ Responsive and mobile-friendly design ✅ Appointment booking system ✅ Patient registration and login ✅ Admin panel for managing appointments and users ✅ Secure authentication system ✅ SEO-friendly structure ✅ Clean and modern UI Why Buy? ✔️ Get a fully functional website without the hassle of development from scratch ✔️ Quick delivery with minor customizations if needed ✔️ Affordable price for a complete project If you're interested or need a similar project, feel free to contact me. websites, please do not apply for the job. Freelance Software Engineer – Travel Website Development Remote | Freelance / Contract-Based Competitive Project-Based Compensation About the Project We are looking for a highly skilled Freelance Software Engineer to develop a fully functional and dynamic travel company website using a pre-purchased Bootstrap 5 theme. The ideal candidate should have expertise in frontend and backend development and experience integrating travel industry APIs like Amadeus API, HotelBeds API, and other travel-related APIs. ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities ✅ Convert the purchased Bootstrap 5 theme into a fully functional and dynamic travel booking website. ✅ Implement frontend & backend functionality ...
I'm looking for a talented app developer who can create a customer shopping application for my retail shop. The app needs to be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - The app should primarily facilitate customer shopping. - It must include secure payment options to ensure a safe shopping experience. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in iOS and Android app development. - Experience in creating retail shopping apps. - Strong knowledge of secure payment integration.
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a web-based VFS Bot that will assist with the visa application process between Angola and Portugal. The bot should operate 24/7 on the VFS website, handling tasks like booking passport appointments, resolving OTP issues, simulating virtual keyboard inputs, and checking available slots. Key Requirements: - The bot must be able to book more than 50 passports. - It should be capable of monitoring the website around the clock for available slots. - It needs to solve OTP issues and simulate virtual keyboard inputs when necessary. - The bot must be user-friendly and efficient, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free visa application process. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web automation and bot development. - Familiari...
We are looking for an experienced Mobile App Developer to fix bug in our mobile app. App is ready but firebase auth is not working. This is smaller bug but we need a expert app developer. We also need phone number authentication that has also some bug.
Video Editor for Google Ads (Short Promotional Videos) We are an online AI headshot generator, and we’re looking for a skilled video editor to create short, high-converting video ads (6-15 sec) for our Google Ads campaign. These videos will showcase the transformation from amateur selfies to professional AI-generated headshots in an engaging, high-quality way. Scope of Work: - Create 3-5 short video ads (6-15 sec) optimized for Google Ads (YouTube skippable, bumper ads). - Use before/after transformation effects (we’ll provide images). - Add text overlays, smooth transitions, and eye-catching animations. - Sync with upbeat, royalty-free music (we can suggest tracks). - Ensure branding consistency (fonts, colors, logo placement). Vid...
...the text provided with PSD, please copy from there) and we will not buy the language pack, please use the open source * * Must be compatible to all major browser of Firefox, Chrome, Edge & Safari * * Must be compatible to iPhone/iPad and android mobile device & Responsive * * HTML MUST be 100% same to PSD, full width design * * PSD will be provide * * Project need to be finish on or before 10/3/2025* * Need to launch the completed website to the nominate domain & hosting * * DO NOT ASK FOR MORE, THAT IS OUR BUDGET, DO NOT BID IF YOU WANNA ASK FOR MORE * * Developer need to check the work and see if there is fit to all browser & mobile device also no bugs/issues to edit in CMS as this is part of the requirement (Failure to do will treat as no...
I'm seeking an experienced firmware developer for an raspberry pi system. The main purpose of this system is integration with Open AI Realtime Beta Api, led lights, music through HAT speakers. It will require the implementation of various functions to facilitate this. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python as this is my preferred language for firmware development. - Previous experience with IoT devices and automation systems. - Understands embedded system intricacies and can develop robust firmware. - Able to demonstrate previous work in similar projects.
I would like to develop a net monitor and drive test tool application for 5G/4G/3G/2G network. It allows monitoring and logging of mobile network serving and neighbor cells information without using specialized equipment. It’s a tool and it’s a toy. It can be used by professionals to get better insight on the network or by radio enthusiasts to learn more about wireless networks.
I'm looking for an experienced Python and PHP developer to assist with repairs ad updates on my existing website. The applicant needs to be able to start immediately and be able to quickly fault diagnose an app issue and resolve the problem, Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web development, (ideally music or media publishing related) , particularly with Python and PHP. Experience in feature addition, bug fixing, and performance optimization is highly desirable. Your contribution will help improve the user experience and functionality of the site.
I'm looking for a freelancer to transform a collection of images into an engaging video, set to a suitable music background. The video should be synchronized well with the chosen soundtrack, providing a cohesive viewing experience.
My Android app has an issue that needs to be addressed before generating a new version. The primary issue is that I'm unable to assign the correct version_code to the new bundle of the app. The project is uploaded to GitHub, compiles well, and I have been able to generate through GitHub Workflows a signed bundled of the app, but I found problems generating the bundle with the right version_code: it always assigns the version_code 1 though I have tried multiple options, and so I am unable to upload it to Play Store. I'm not entirely sure if other app configurations require updating, but I would appreciate a professional assessment of the situation. I would like to have a new bundle for the new version. I don't care much about how it is created (Android...
Virtual Assistant – Operations & Customer Support Manager INDONESIAN TIMEZONE We are looking for a highly organized and detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to manage the end-to-end operations of a photography-based service. This role involves coordinating stock, handling customer service, managing logistics, and overseeing content production in a structured and efficient manner. This is a fully remote role, ideal for someone with experience in customer support, logistics coordination, and digital content management. The candidate should be comfortable using or similar CRM tools to track tasks and workflows. ? Key Responsibilities ? Stock & Logistics Coordination ✅ Manage inventory levels of disposable cameras. ✅ Coordinate with suppliers to restock cameras ... Flutter and Dart. 2) Extensive experience with Firebase integration. 3) Proven ability to customize CodeCanyon templates. 4) Expertise in UI/UX design principles and implementation. To apply, please send the following: 1) Portfolio: Examples of similar projects completed or others app. 2) Timeline: Estimated time to complete the project. 3) Quotation: Expected compensation for the work. 4) Any Questions: Feel free to clarify any doubts regarding the project requirements...
I'm looking for a skilled app developer to create a grocery delivery app for both iOS and Android. The app needs to have: - Real-time tracking: Users should be able to track their deliveries in real-time. - Multiple payment options: The app should support a range of payment methods for user convenience. - User reviews and ratings: Users should be able to leave feedback on their delivery experience and rate their delivery personnel. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in cross-platform app development, experience with creating delivery apps, and a deep understanding of implementing real-time tracking systems and secure payment gateways.
**Job Title: Freelance Android Developer** **Job Description:** We are seeking an experienced **Android Developer** to join our team on a freelance basis. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Android application development, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to deliver high-quality, maintainable code. **Responsibilities:** - Develop and maintain Android applications. - Collaborate with the design and backend teams to integrate app features. - Write clean, efficient, and reusable code. - Conduct code reviews and ensure the app runs smoothly on different Android devices and versions. - Troubleshoot and debug issues in a timely manner. - Optimize the performance and speed of applications. - Stay up to date with the latest And...
I'm in search of a talented Full-Stack or Mobile App Developer to create an Android-based inventory management application that meets my specific business requirements. Key Features of the App: - User Roles & Permissions: - Admin: Complete control (adding/removing users, overseeing inventory, accessing reports). - Manager: Overseeing credit customers and reconciling payments. - Salesman: Creating/editing bills (password-protected access). - Core Features: - Inventory management (includes manual input and automatic stock deduction). - Bill generation with custom calculations (for instance, weight-based pricing, discounts, taxes). - Credit customer management (monitoring balances, enforcing credit limits, logging payments). - Real-time reporting (sales...