Difference between 2d and 3d animation일자리


내 최근 검색 기록
  • difference between 2d and 3d animation
  • 2d and 3d animation integration
  • graphic design profit loss example
필터링 기준:
기술 항목
프로젝트 진행 단계
2,000 difference between 2d and 3d animation 찾은 프로젝트

주거 인테리어 도면 작업해주실 디자이너 찾습니다. 시간이 유연한 디자이너면 좋겠습니다.

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

홈페이지 등에 사용할 3D 캐릭터 디자이너를 구합니다. 홈페이지와 영상에도 사용이 되며, 몇 가지 동작도 추가가 됩니다. 다양한 캐릭터가 필요하며, 장기간 같이 할 수 있는 분들을 찾습니다.

$109 / hr Average bid
$109 / hr (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

3d 캐릭터를 만드는 프로젝트 입니다. 에니메이션을 만들어야 할 수도 있습니다.

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

스케치업 3D 건축디자인이 가능한 전문가로 파트타임으로 일할 분을 찾습니다. 비용은 협의 후 확정하며, 작업기간은 최소 2주~3개월 내외로 이 부분도 협의 후 확정합니다. 필수는 아니지만 영어가 가능하시면 더욱 좋습니다

$1907 Average bid
$1907 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

아래 내용으로 외주 진행이 가능한지 궁금합니다. 1단계 데이터수집: 레이져스캐너를 통한 차량의 높이정보 수집 2단계 정보가공: 높이정보를 점단위로 저장 3단계 표출: 점단위 높이정보를 통해 3D로 차량의 이미지를 표출 위 단계중 "3단계 표출" 부분에 대한 프로젝트 진행이 가능할까요? 결과는 개발보듈과 소스를 요청합니다. 2단계까지는 MFC로 구현되어 있다고 보시면 됩니다. 자료파일 중 오른쪽 3D 이미지를 참고하시면 될 듯 합니다. 이 작업이 가능한지와 기간, 비용 등이 궁금합니다.

$908 Average bid
$908 (평균 입찰가)
6 건의 입찰

아이스크림 브랜드를 전부 리뉴얼 준비를 하고있습니다. 기존엔 아이스크림만 팔았지만..카페로서 리뉴얼을 준비하고 있으며 깔끔하면서도 포인트 하나하나가 고급스러운 브랜드를 기획하고 있습니다. 위치는 공원형태의 대형 쇼핑몰이며, 메뉴는 커피, 아이스크림, 밀크티, 디저트 정도이며 전부 수제로 만들어 판매되는 프리미엄 브랜드입니다. 주 고객층은 쇼핑몰 특성상 어린 아이들, 젊은세대가 많습니다. 수많은 디자인 요소가 들어가 좀 복잡한 디자인보다는 깔끔함속에 포인트로 멋을 내는 인테리어 를 원합니다. 디자인 컬러 키워드 : 밝은 계열의 인디핑크, 화이트, 딥블루또는 코발트 블루 (포인트 골드) 유광 타일로 포인트를 주는것도 고려하는 사항중 하나입니다. 조명 : 포인트 네온사인과 웜라이트

$121 Average bid
$121 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

The game I want to make is a 1: 1 showdown basketball game. 1. 3d model. 2. About 40 animations. Information about the detailed animation is summarized in the document.

$1642 Average bid
$1642 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰
Design project
종료 left

3D 모델링 언어 교육용으로 사용할 인물 캐릭터 , 상황에 맞는 언어를 쓸 상황 묘사 배경 및 도구들 , 만들어 주실 분 찾아요

$220 Average bid
$220 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

3D 모델링 화장품 매장

$315 Average bid
$315 (평균 입찰가)
7 건의 입찰

3D 모델링 저희는 Airbus 공모전에 참가하고 있는 팀 입니다. 항공기의 좌석프레임과 레일에 자동차 좌석의 adjustment 시스템이 도입되어 앞 뒤로 이동할 수 있는 것을 보여주는 3D 영상이 필요합니다. 처음엔 항공기 내에 좌석들이 보여지고, 좌석 하단부를 줌인한 후에 좌석이 투명해지면서 프레임과 레일에 adjustment system이 적용된 부분을 표현해주고 좌석이 앞뒤로 이동하는 모션을 표현하고 싶습니다. 저희 예산 범위는 20만 원 이내 입니다. 6월 1일 금요일 내에 작업이 완료되길 바랍니다.

$157 Average bid
$157 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

3D 모델이 필요합니다.

$91 Average bid
$91 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

제가 가진 디자인으로 멘홀뚜껑을 모델링 하고 싶습니다.

$133 Average bid
$133 (평균 입찰가)
2 건의 입찰

5층 근린생활시설 모델링을 사이트와 주변도로까지 모델링을 해서 재질입혀 납품하면 됩니다.

$50 Average bid
$50 (평균 입찰가)
4 건의 입찰

모바일웹에서 통화 버튼을 누르면 상대편 회원과 음성채팅을 할 수 있으면 됩니다. 모바일웹은 이미 만들어져있고, javascript로 웹-앱 간 통신을 하면 될것으로 보입니다. 안드로이드 아이폰 두버전의 앱을 모두 만들예정입니다. 두개 다 만드는 견적을 주세요. -- We already made mobile web. We need voice chatting module between our members. So, you can include our mobile web to android(or iOS) app. It would be kind of hybrid app. ※ We need android & iOS version both app Estimate to make both app.

$4199 Average bid
$4199 (평균 입찰가)
9 건의 입찰
3D 모델링
종료 left

원형 모양의 건물에 존재하는 원형의 방 모양의 노래방을 만드려고 합니다.

$212 Average bid
$212 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

...중복인원(2명_앵콜과정) 제외, 수료생수 중복인원 포함 ※ 수료기준 : 1과정이 2회차 이상으로 구성된 경우 출석률 75%이상을 달성한 교육생을 수료처리함 참고 본 참고자료는 2016 위탁용역 입찰공고용으로 무단발췌 및 배포를 금합니다. 2016 위탁용역 제안요청서 내용과 매칭하지 마시고 단순 참고용으로 활용바랍니다. - 2 - [별첨 1] 교육과정별 운영결과 ㅇ 콘텐츠 창의마스터클래스 운영 (매주 2회, 월 2개과정, 집중 주·야간과정) 과정명 일정 강사 주제 수료인원 IoT, 3D프린트 06.02. 김○현 교수 (카이스트) IoT 기술이 가져다주는 산업의 변화 36명 06.16. IoT 사례와 콘텐츠 산업에서의 적용점 06.23. 유○환 대표 (로킷) 세상을 바꾸는 제 3의 산업혁명, 3D 프린트 핀테크, 헬스케어 06.18. 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) 인공지능 기술로 현실화 되는 헬스케어 의료 서비스 06.24. 22명 김○현 연구원 (우리금융경영연구소) 국내 핀테크 산업의 현주소와 과제 06.25 최○섭 교수 (성균관대) IoT, 3D프린트 산업과 융합되는 헬스케어 산업 관점별 미래트렌드 07.07. 전○영 연구원 (서울대) 소비자 트렌드 분석으로 콘텐츠 기획 주제 도출 32명 07.14. 유○혁 작가 (한국경제신문) 한류 엔터테인먼트 리더들의 성공 비결 07.21. 정○훈 교수 (경희사이버대) 미래 사회를 이끌 인공지능과 모바일 트렌드 07.28. 정○진 경제평론가 경제학 관점에서 본 콘텐츠 산업의 주요 키워드...

$1000 Average bid
$1000 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

Retas!Pro 를 이용하여 2D 애니메이션 제작 과정 중 Color 파트 교육 및 팀장 역할 수행

$555 Average bid
$555 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다3D Modelling'

$35 / hr Average bid
$35 / hr (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

kiosk 디자인입니다. 본 키오스크는 동전을 포인트로 적립하는 기계이고 약 1천대 정도 생산예정입니다. 생산 이전에 3d 모델링을 해보고 생산 과 운용중에 생길수 있는 문제를 미리 검토하려고 합니다.

$998 Average bid
$998 (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

3D 애니메이션 제작 및 완성 해외 인력 애니메이터의 채용

$206 Average bid
$206 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

프로젝트 내용 <프로젝트의 현재 상황> 컨셉, 전체적인 시나리오, 개발 구조 잡힘 <상세한 업무 내용> 개발 목적 : 사업자와 B2B 비즈니스 목적의 시연용 프로토타입의 데모용 앱(서버 X, 데이터베이스X) 환경 : 안드로이드 기반 셋탑 박스에 올릴 유아용 앱이 필요 구조: 안드로이드 네이티브 기반의 반응형 웹 앱의 구조 (웹사이트 구축 X) 화면 : HTML5 CSS JS 로 작업하여 화면 10본정도 2D 캐릭터 이미지가 동적으로 움직임 화면 기능적 로직은 일시정지 플레이 다음 이전 홈 버튼 기능정도 구현 예상 별도의 화면을 만들지 않고 동일한 메뉴에 있는 다른 서브 컨텐츠를 호출해서 사용할수 있도록 개발 VIEW와 인풋 에 대한 작업은 셋톱박스에서 처리하며, 앱은 신호를 받아 인지할 수 있으면 됩니다. VIEW : TV 인풋 : 포터블 디바이스 (스마트 리모콘, 키보드, 마우스 등등) <참고자료 / 유의사항> 참고앱 : 뽀로로 한글박사 세계 명작 동화 (메뉴 -> 감동과 교훈 -> 성냥팔이 소녀 참고앱의 모든 기능이 필요한것이 아니라 메뉴중 하나정도 분량 생각합니다.

$2658 Average bid
$2658 (평균 입찰가)
3 건의 입찰

...edit a pallet unboxing video for my YouTube channel, EcomKings. The footage, recorded in 4K with two camera angles, requires a polished and engaging edit that is optimized for YouTube. Key Responsibilities: - Synchronize and alternate between two camera angles for dynamic editing. - Implement color correction, stabilization, and visual enhancements for a professional look. - Edit out unnecessary pauses and mistakes, ensuring a smooth and fast-paced flow. - Integrate bold and eye-catching text overlays and motion graphics that align with the EcomKings branding. - Ensure audio quality is pristine, enhancing clarity of voice delivery. - Incorporate upbeat and energetic royalty-free background music at suitable intervals. - Del...

$38 Average bid
상금 보장형
0 건의 응모작

I am looking for a thermal and structural simulation of a wood heater. I have a comprehensive 3D model of the stove which I can provide. The simulation should focus on the following: - Prolonged Heat Exposure: Evaluating how the stove's construction interacts with intense heat over extended periods of time. - Firebox: The primary area of concern is the firebox, where I am particularly interested in understanding the origin of potential stress cracks. The simulation has take into account the properties of the vermiculite lining, but rather concentrate solely on the metal components of the stove. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in thermal and structural simulation software - Experience with 3D modelling - Understanding of material pro...

$135 Average bid
$135 (평균 입찰가)
14 건의 입찰

Job Title: 3D Designer Needed for Life-Size Springfield 1795 Musket Model (STL for 3D Printing) Project Overview: I’m looking for an experienced 3D designer to create a life-size, highly detailed 3D model of the Springfield Arsenal Musket Model 1795 for 3D printing. The final model should be historically accurate, printable in sections, and optimized for FDM 3D printing. Design Requirements: • Historical Accuracy: • Must closely resemble the original Springfield 1795 musket, including: • Stock shape and proportions • Flintlock mechanism • Barrel and ramrod details • Can be a non-functional display model (no moving parts required). • Full-Scale (Life-Size): • Approximate l...

$114 Average bid
$114 (평균 입찰가)
25 건의 입찰

I am in need of an experienced 3D visualizer with a strong background in architectural visualization, specifically within the hospitality sector. The project involves creating a walk thru based on visuals that currently have for an event venue and space planning Key requirements: - High proficiency in 3D visualization software - Extensive experience with architectural and hospitality visualizations - Ability to create captivating and realistic visuals - Understanding of the intricacies of event venue design Ideal skills and experience: - Previous work with event venue visualizations - Strong portfolio in hospitality architectural visualization - Excellent attention to detail - Creative mindset with a modern design approach

$344 Average bid
$344 (평균 입찰가)
41 건의 입찰

Stworzenie gry quizowej, 6 trybów gry - każdy tryb różni się swoją specyfikacją. Każdy tryb ma różne opcje do wyboru, które podczas wyboru zmieniają ustawienia trybu gry. Gra oparta na rankingach, obsłudze sql, obsłudze płatności i reklam. Prosta grafika 2d (teksty , kafle i buttony).

$489 Average bid
$489 (평균 입찰가)
11 건의 입찰

Project Title: Completion and Additional Features for React Website on WordPress with WooCommerce Project Description: We have a React website already designed and partially developed, integrated with WordPress and WooCommerce. We need experienced developers to finalize the project and implement specific additional features. The goal is to complete the React user interface implementation and ensure seamless integration with WordPress and WooCommerce. Requirements: Strong React Experience: Essential for completing the implementation and adding new features. WordPress and WooCommerce Knowledge: Necessary to work with the existing structure and integrations. Analysis and Problem-Solving Skills: To understand the existin...

$148 Average bid
$148 (평균 입찰가)
113 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a dedicated book researcher to assist in gath...nonfiction book. The primary focus of this book revolves around Canadian government social policies surrounding cross-border drug smuggling. I need both government and non-governmental statistics on the amount of drugs seized by border patrol in Canada between referenced years by regions and ports of entry. Key Requirements: - In-depth research on various government social policies - Sourcing credible data and statistics - Summarizing findings into digestible insights Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in researching for non-fiction books - Strong understanding and interest in government policies - Excellent data analysis and summarization skills - Proficient...

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr (평균 입찰가)
39 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a talented cartoonist, or team of professionals, who can create engaging 3D educational cartoons specifically designed for teenagers. The primary purpose of these cartoons is to educate, so the content must be both informative and entertaining. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D Animation - Experience in creating educational content - Understanding of teenage interests and preferences - Creativity and innovation in storytelling - Ability to deliver high-quality animation within a set timeframe Please provide your top 5 examples of similar work.

$109 Average bid
$109 (평균 입찰가)
59 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a basic schematic, exterior 3D render of a traditional-style design. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Previous experience in creating exterior renders - Understanding of traditional design elements - Ability to deliver a basic schematic level of detail

$119 Average bid
$119 (평균 입찰가)
76 건의 입찰

Client has prvided me images of the parts and assembly to be done in Solidworks.

$80 Average bid
$80 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

I am working on a project that involves integrating temperature and humidity sensors with an ESP32. The sensors communicate using the I2C protocol. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with ESP32 - Proficient in I2C communication - Prior work with temperature and humidity sensors - Ability to integrate and troubleshoot sensor connectivity - Knowledgeable in programming ESP32 for sensor data collection Your role will be to help with the sensor integration, setup and configuration of the ESP32, and ensure smooth communication between the ESP32 and the sensors. If you have experience with coding for data collection and analysis, that would be a plus.

$140 Average bid
$140 (평균 입찰가)
19 건의 입찰

I need modifications made to an STL file for 3D printing. The top section of the file needs a thicker and knurled texture applied. Ideal skills include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Experience with STL file modification - Understanding of 3D printing requirements - Ability to create detailed textures. Please note, the modifications need to be suitable for high-detail 3D printing.

$95 Average bid
$95 (평균 입찰가)
48 건의 입찰

Published usin It is a multi-user app (one requires an administrator and other users) that acts as an exam preparation site for multiple courses. Frameworks to be used These are the mandatory frameworks on which the project has to be built. Flask for application back-end Jinja2 templating, HTML, CSS and Bootstraps for application front-end SQLite for database (No other database is permitted) Note: All demos should be possible on your local machine. Roles The platform will have two roles: Admin - root access - It is the superuser of the app and requires no registration Admin is also known as the quiz master There is only one admin to this application The administrator login redirects to the quiz master/admin dashboard The administrator will manage all the other u...

$17 Average bid
$17 (평균 입찰가)
1 건의 입찰

I'm in need of professional 3D architectural renderings focused on modern-style exterior designs. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in 3D modeling software (e.g., SketchUp, AutoCAD, Revit, 3DS Max) - Strong understanding of architectural principles and modern design aesthetics - Prior experience with exterior architectural renderings - Ability to create photorealistic renderings - Good communication skills and ability to meet deadlines.

$852 Average bid
$852 (평균 입찰가)
61 건의 입찰

? Job Summary We are looking for an experienced Traefik & Network Engineer to troubleshoot and fix an API connectivity issue within a Docker-based infrastructure. The issue involves a website container that fails to make HTTPS API requests to , even though DNS resolution and network connectivity (ping) work fine. This is likely a Traefik 3 + firewall + container networking issue. This job requires live collaboration over Zoom – no direct network access will be provided. ? Technical Environment & Network Setup ? External Network Setup WAN IP (.148) → pfSense Firewall pfSense forwards port 80/443 → Docker VM pfSense handles DNS & NAT Docker VM (Primary Hosting Machine) Runs Traefik v3 as the main reverse proxy ...

$208 Average bid
$208 (평균 입찰가)
19 건의 입찰

I'm seeking a talented 3D animator to create engaging, educational content for YouTube Shorts. The animations will cover a broad range of topics including science, history, mathematics, and more, aiming to captivate both children and adults. Key Requirements: - Expertise in 3D animation, preferably with experience in creating content for YouTube. - Ability to simplify complex topics and present them in an entertaining way. - Understanding of how to make content suitable for both children and adults. - Creativity in covering a diverse range of subjects. - Experience with educational content is a plus. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with this project.

$110 Average bid
$110 (평균 입찰가)
38 건의 입찰

I need two 2D video animations created in Adobe After Effects for an advertising campaign. One animation will be 12 seconds long and the other will be 13 seconds. I will provide some graphic assets that need to be incorporated into the animations, as well as timestamps indicating how I want the animations to progress on a white gradient background. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Adobe After Effects - Experience with 2D animation - Understanding of creating animations for advertising purposes

$243 Average bid
$243 (평균 입찰가)
63 건의 입찰

I need a detailed plan for a carpenter wood barn, which will be a workshop. The barn consists of three volumes, totaling 120m2. The plan must include a comprehensive framing plan. I also need usual plan for the space and the permit. I also need a 3d Render Key requirements: - Extensive experience in carpentry and barn design - Proficiency in creating detailed structural plans, particularly framing plans - Familiarity with working with softwood, as this is the preferred material for the barn I look forward to seeing your proposals.

$112 Average bid
$112 (평균 입찰가)
47 건의 입찰

...a start up and an elite dating platform focused on self-awareness, deep connections, and conscious matchmaking for introverts and tech professionals. We are currently rebuilding our foundation and need a Project Manager to structure the team, set up workflows, and ensure execution runs smoothly. Who We’re Looking For We need a structured, strategic, and highly organized Project Manager who can: Design a clear execution plan for how SoolSynk will be managed. Work with our existing tools: Notion, ClickUp, Google Docs, and Microsoft Teams. Recommend additional tools if necessary. Optimize team workflows to ensure smooth operations. Provide a tangible layout of their management plan (PowerPoint, Visual Flowchart, Notion Dashboard, or ...

$10 Average bid
상금 보장형
0 건의 응모작

Hello, I'm looking for a 3D artist to create and animate a character with basic movements in any 3D software. No game engine is required—just prepare the model according to given parameters so it works in our engine. You'll send regular updates, and deliver a functional final result. Payment is 300$ per completed character. No current order limit—if the quality meets expectations, we may order up to 20 models or more, with a budget of several thousand euros on a regular basis. If you're interested, send us an email.

$28090 Average bid
$28090 (평균 입찰가)
21 건의 입찰

I'm in need of a skilled 3D artist/visualizer who can create high-quality, detailed, and textured renders of autonomous vehicle infrastructure. The visualizations will be used to depict this infrastructure in a variety of environments and settings. Key Requirements: - Create detailed renders our vision of Autonomous vehicle hubs that incorporate elements of autonomous vehicle infrastructure. - Include specific infrastructure components such as charging stations, robotic stations, and maintenance bays within the visualizations. - Utilize high detail with textures to enhance the realism of the renders. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in 3D modeling and rendering software (such as Blender, 3ds Max, or similar). - Previous expe...

$276 Average bid
$276 (평균 입찰가)
65 건의 입찰

...major retail company. The goal is to enhance and automate existing processes using Google Apps Script, Google Workspace API, and AppSheet. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze current sales processes and pinpoint quick improvement opportunities. - Automate tasks through Google Sheets, Slides, Apps Script, and AppSheet. - Manage a backlog and oversee the implementation of solutions. - Coordinate between business and technical teams. - Track results and continuously optimize. Essential Requirements: - A minimum of 3 years experience with Google Apps Script, AppSheet, and Google Workspace API. - At least 5 years of experience as a Product Owner or Technical Project Manager. Desirable Skills: - Strong understanding o...

$40 / hr Average bid
$40 / hr (평균 입찰가)
14 건의 입찰

I'm looking for an expert who can transform a PDF of a 10,700 sq ft house plan into a 3D model presentation. The purpose of this model is for interior design planning; I would like 2 quotes, one for just the basic layout of doors, windows and walls and the other to also include the furniture & fixtures shown. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experience with converting 2D into 3D - Experience with floor plan design - Understanding of interior design principles - Attention to detail - Ability to work from a PDF Please note, the 3D model does not need high-detail textures or lighting, but should accurately represent the details quoted.

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr (평균 입찰가)
91 건의 입찰

...focus on high-quality, natural food products like flavored rice blends, ginger juices, and marinades while empowering local farmers. Our goal is to scale into wholesale, direct-to-consumer sales, and food service partnerships. We are looking for a Project Manager to oversee daily operations, team structuring, sales execution, and strategic growth. Who We’re Looking For We need a highly organized and strategic leader who can: ✅ Manage food business operations efficiently – From production to retail and B2B sales. ✅ Optimize team workflows using: Notion, ClickUp, Google Docs, and Microsoft Teams or any other tools ✅ Streamline sales & distribution – Develop a plan for wholesale, retail partnerships, and online sales....

$132 Average bid
$132 (평균 입찰가)
10 건의 입찰

I need a detailed & vibrant design for a shirt and sticker featuring our new product, Hydro-Coat. The design should incorporate both the hydro water dragon and the Hydro-Coat bottle, giving them equal emphasis. Key Requirements: - Design Style: Detailed. The design should not be overly complicated, but should contain enough intricate details to be visually appealing and engaging. - Color Scheme: Bright & Vibrant. The design should pop with a lively color palette that attracts attention and conveys the fun, energetic nature of the product. - Element Emphasis: Both the Hydro-Coat bottle and the water dragon should be given equal importance in the design, showcasing the relationship between the two. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - T-Shirt ...

$100 Average bid
파워형 상금 보장형
230 건의 응모작

...a professional 3D logo that will catch eyes across platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, FB, and Discord. The logo needs to reflect a futuristic and sci-fi style, far surpassing the standard designs typical for these platforms. Key elements of the project include: - A 3D representation of my current SWS logo, with the last 'S' mirrored - This logo should be intertwined with a high-detail, glossy, and menacing octopus (kraken) - Optional but welcomed elements: torpedoes, cross hairs, and/or naval fighting ships. I have existing artwork and a few design examples for reference. The final design will need to be licensed for commercial use. Ideal candidates will have: - Strong expertise in 3D design and logo c...

$64 Average bid
$64 (평균 입찰가)
68 건의 입찰

un dessin technique d'un petit objet en 2D avec des côtes, des parties agrandits (pour les détails) , et un éclaté de l'objet.

$70 Average bid
$70 (평균 입찰가)
25 건의 입찰

I'm looking for a professional animator to create a formal, animated training video for new users on how to navigate our platform. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating training videos - Voiceover - Proficiency in animation - Ability to convey information in a clear, formal tone The purpose of the video is strictly for training new users, so it needs to be comprehensive yet engaging. The ideal freelancer will have a portfolio demonstrating similar work, a keen understanding of instructional design, and the technical skills to deliver a high-quality animation.

$323 Average bid
$323 (평균 입찰가)
56 건의 입찰

...style as the attached reference image. These schematics will be used to explain positioning and lighting techniques to wedding photographers. Each illustration should be clean, technical, and visually consistent with the reference image. The focus should be on light direction, subject placement, and photographer position. Below are the required scenarios, clearly numbered: 1. Bride Looking Out of a Doorway The bride is standing inside, looking out of a doorway. Outside the doorway is a balcony. The photographer is positioned outside on the balcony, photographing inward. The natural light from outside illuminates the bride. The schematic should show the light direction, photographer placement, and how the light falls on the bride. 2. Couple on a Meadow in F...

$21 Average bid
11 건의 응모작