Can translate japanese texts english texts일자리


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    프로젝트 진행 단계
    2,000 can translate japanese texts english texts 찾은 프로젝트

    Fixed price: OCR: 15web for 15 dollar Ai task : 300 wrtings for 35 dollar ....OCR task detail. 1. Ill give u site link 2. Extract text withOCR chrome extension program . text right korean 3.1. Translate kir to eng with . 4. Put image left. ........... links . to extract text .. .and put text in the google sheet here . For new tab . . . 1.나는 세계적 최고의 카피라이터야.홈페이지 상세페이지 문구를 만들려고해 1:01 AM 2.- 요구사항 - 완전 다른 단어, 동의어 사용 - 아래와 비슷한 글자 수 - 아래 와 비슷한 구문 줄바뀜 -제품 내용: 수많은 세계적인 투자 대가의 핵심 기법을 녹여 자동매매 프로그램을 만듦 - 영어와 한국어 각각 생성 -웹 페이지의 주요 목적은 무엇인가요? 자동매매 서비스 판매, 타겟 독자나 고객층은 누구인가요? 40대 60대 남성 기존에 참고하고 싶은 웹 페이지나 문구가 있나요?

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    10 건의 입찰

    CAN 신호를 이용한 스위칭 처리 및 출력 제어(PWM, DC, Sensor 등)

    $5000 - $10000
    $5000 - $10000
    0 건의 입찰

    1st. we need space for upload K-Contents(Korean TV show, pop and etc), 2nd. We need space for many amateurs from various culture fields can sign up to upload and evaluate their work. 3rd. We need ads likes Google Ad-Sense. It can be posted for their work, and this is how we and that amateurs share profits. 4nd. We need a global community board. Global community board must be translated into English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Turkish, Portuguese, and Russian. Each translation shall be automatically translated according to the language set by each user. P.S. We will provide design sources

    $5687 Average bid
    $5687 (평균 입찰가)
    14 건의 입찰

    I need to translate below Korean to English 무중생유(無中生有) 제갈공명이 적벽대전에서 빈 배를 보내 적의 화살 10만개를 쏘게하여 전장에서 화살을 만들어 쓴 전략은 탁월했습니다. 이렇게 "無에서 有를 창조"하는 전략을 '무중생유' 전략이라고 합니다. 경기가 안 좋고, 자본이 부족하다고 한탄만 한다고 해결방법이 찾아지는 것은 아닙니다. 도저히 방법이 없을 것 같은 상황 속에서 답을 찾아내는 것이 바로 ‘무중생유’의 전략을 이해하는 사람들의 행동방식이죠. 살다보면 얼마든지 위기에 빠질 수 있는데, 중요한 것은 어떻게 그 위기를 극복하느냐가 관건이 아닌지요. 우리가 모든 것을 다 잃었다고 생각될 때가 어쩌면 가장 많이 얻을 수 있는 기회일 수도 있습니다. 그리고 진화는 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 진행되는 것이 아니라 절박하고 아무 대안이 없을 때 급박하게 이루어진다고 합니다. 그래서 모든 것이 편안할 때보다 어렵고 힘들 때 더 많은 대안을 찾아낼 수 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 (평균 입찰가)
    20 건의 입찰

    Hello, We are looking for freelancers to watch or YouTube and translate what the host is saying from Korean to English and Vice Versa. The work itself is very casual, flexible and most importantly, 'FUN' because it'll usually cover gameing, music and general talking. If you're interested, please message me because there are some pre-screening we need to do. Thank you. 안녕하세요, 현재 유튜브나 트위치에서 스트리머의 말을 영어에서 한국어로, 또는 그 반대로 번역해주실 프리랜서분들을 모시고 있습니다. 일의 강도 자체는 굉장히 가볍고 캐주얼하며, 무엇보다 재밌습니다! (대체로 게임, 음악 혹은 토크쇼 위주를 작업하고 있습니다.) 혹 관심이 있으시다면, 사전인터뷰를 위해 꼭 메세지 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    14 건의 입찰

    I need someone to translate Korean to English. I am native speaker in both Korean and English, but I am posting this as a project because it needs to be looked professional. For example. 규석 정의 1) 규산(Sio2)을 화학성분으로 하는 암석의 총칭, 광물학적으로 석영과 같음 2) 주로 석영으로부터 생산되는 광물 및 암석류 3) 공업적으로는 괴상의 규산질 원료를 총칭하여 규석이라는 용어를 사용할 뿐이며, 요업, 중화학공업 등의 수요 업계에서 사용되는 용어 ▶ 규석 용도 1) 백규석 : 유리 도자기, 실리콘 금속 및 페로실리콘 원료 2) 연규석 : 몰타르, 시멘트 혼합재 3) 노재 규석 : 내화벽돌 these are example of the words you need to translate.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 (평균 입찰가)
    18 건의 입찰

    Please check which is more appropriate translation? English: New translation: ①뜨거운 물을 찻잔에 부어 식히세요. ②찻잎을 안에 넣으세요. ③식힌 물을 다시 찻주전자에 넣으세요. ④잠깐 기다리세요. ⑤마지막 한방울까지 균등하게 찻잔에 따라주세요. Original text: see the "How to brew perfect Japanese tea"

    $18 Average bid
    $18 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    1. 수질개선 관련 제안서 번역 (한글 > 영어) 2. 시연회자료 번역.(한글 > 영어) - ppt문서, 그림과 사진이 많아서 번역할 대상은 많지 않음. - 전문용어에 유의.

    $104 Average bid
    $104 (평균 입찰가)
    14 건의 입찰

    Need a surveilance program translated in a few days.

    $86 Average bid
    $86 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    Dear Translators, We have 48 pages Korean file to be translated into English by 11am GMT on 7th April. The subject matter is legal. Please quote your best per word rate and please translate below very short sample if you're immediately available and interested: 변상과 기타 조항 : 만약에 법원에서 인가받지 않은 장소에서 이 사건 요가를 가르 치는 행위를 금지하는 조항 4에 명시된 세부조항을 위반하거나 조항 6에 명시되어 있는 불공정한 경쟁을 금지하는 규정을 위반한다면 연수생은 미국 본사에 후15,000에 해당하 는 비용을 지급할 것에 동의한다. 이 금액은 미국 본사의 지적재산권을 사용하는데 있 어 지불해야 하는 금액이다. 315,000의 비용은 벌금이 아니라 연수생이 세부조항 지향 에 있어 침해를 한 행위로 인해 야기된 합당한 손해배상금이다. 제4조 : 수강생은 이 사건 학원과 사이에 라이센스 계약 또는 프랜차이즈 계약이 체결 된 스튜디오에서 유효한 이 사건 요가 강사 자격증을 소지한 상태에서만 반중력 요가를 가르칠 수 있다는 사실에 동의한다. Further cooperation in this language pair is also possible. Thank you for your quotes.

    $45 / hr Average bid
    $45 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    2 건의 입찰

    Need to translate Korean to English 1. joint venture 런싱치, 인건비, 사무실 임차료 등 추가 cost 증가로 수익성 악화 예상에 따라 Joint venture의 수익 구조 확보를 위하여 구매조건 등 본사와 재협상 필요 2. Joint venture 사업 구조 분석 3. Joint venture 전/후 손익 구조 3. 영업이익, 관리비 (인건비, 광고비 등) 4. JV 이후 순차적 증가 가정 5. jV 운영에 따라 추가 발생괴는 비용을 커버 가능하도록 할인율 협상 6. 구매배수별 수익율 변동 7. 구매배수 개선시, ~%수준 이익 개선 8. 장기 재고 처리 방안 재협상 9. 장기 재고로 인한 수익성 감소 예상에 따라 재고 처리 방랑 협상 필요

    $10 Average bid
    $10 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    12 건의 입찰

    We seek tranlators who can translate Korean to other language. If you can translate Korean to other language, please apply this continuous translation project. 안녕하세요. 한국어를 다른 언어(특히 영어)로 번역 가능한 분 계시면 지원해주시기 바랍니다. 품지과 시간 약속만 제대로 지켜주신다면, 번역 물량은 지속적으로 제공해드릴 수 있습니다. 단어당 단가를 명시해주시면 고맙겠습니다. 수고하세요.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    5 건의 입찰

    Indonesian-Korean and Korean-Indonesian Translation 인도네시아어-한국어 및 한국어-인도네시아어 통역 번역

    $487 - $975
    $487 - $975
    0 건의 입찰

    ...<--> English or Korean <--> Japanese. I sell children's clothes in Japan I would like to purchase children's clothes in Korea, but lots of businesses do not ship to Japan I am looking for a purchasing agent, that can ship to Japan for me. Work Details. You will need to access sites I indicate selling children's clothes, register on that site. After registration, please advise me of the ID and password. After that, you will be required to purchase the clothes I choose, and send them to Japan. The item costs and postage will be paid via PayPal. Remuneration From registration to delivery of the items to Japan USD20 From the second purchase and transfer to Japan USD15 Qualifications Who lives in South Korea Mu...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    שלום, אני צריך לתרגם מסמך מעברית לאנגלית. שבעה עשר עמודים. את המשפטים באנגלית או התמונות, במקור, יש להכניס למסמך החדש תודה

    $153 Average bid
    $153 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    Translate the phrases attached from English to Korean. These are medical phrases, so knowledge of medical terminology is a must. In the attached file, there is also a column where the English meaning of words is clarified to help with the translation. DO NOT change any of the text in the English phrases (not even typos), or the order of phrases. To qualify for the job, please provide translation samples for the following 5 phrases: 5. About how many tissues of blood have you coughed up? ("tissues" refers to paper tissues that the person has coughed blood into) 13. Are the bowel movements watery? 24. Are you breastfeeding? 28. Are you experiencing any stoppages or hesitation during urination? 40. Are you experiencing any flashing lights in your v...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰
    SEO & Backlinks -- 2
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    We are seeking a reliable partner to help us secure high-quality backlinks that we can use for our business and customers to enhance search engine visibility. Backlink Creation: Focus on acquiring backlinks from IT or computer-related websites and forums. Domains with DA 50+, primarily based in Canada/USA. 75 links per week, totaling 300 links over 4 weeks. 10 keywords focus per week, with accurate anchor texts, descriptions, and hyperlinks targeted to main and inner pages. Quality Assurance: Links must originate from aged, stable domains with no spam history. A minimum of 300 approved and live links is required for milestone release. All links must be permanent, verified as active, and adhere to SEO best practices. Submission Process: Use the provided descriptions and key...

    $72 Average bid
    $72 (평균 입찰가)
    106 건의 입찰

    Hello, I am seeking a translator who is fluent in Spanish and English to translate a declaration in an asylum case from English into Spanish. The finished declaration, with its translation, will be filed with the immigration authorities in the United States. The translator must be willing to sign a Certificate of Translation, which attests to the translator's competency to produce a complete and accurate translation of the asylum declaration in the Spanish language.

    $57 Average bid
    $57 (평균 입찰가)
    86 건의 입찰

    We are seeking a skilled translator to convert a Word document from English to Korean. The document contains approximately 500 words and requires an accurate and culturally relevant translation. The ideal candidate should have experience in document translation and be fluent in both languages. You are welcome to use AI to translate the first pass but it MUST go through a HUMAN VERIFICATION process as AI is prone to some errors.

    $76 Average bid
    $76 (평균 입찰가)
    125 건의 입찰

    Indonesian English Recording Project We have a project, that needs Indonesian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short English sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    13 건의 입찰

    We are seeking a skilled translator to translate four job descriptions from English to Arabic. The ideal candidate should possess a deep understanding of both languages and the ability to convey the original meaning accurately. Attention to detail and experience in translating professional documents will be crucial. If you have a strong command of English and Arabic and can deliver quality translations promptly, we would love to hear from you!

    $66 Average bid
    $66 (평균 입찰가)
    114 건의 입찰

    I'm looking to build a new iOS mobile app from scratch. This is a greenfield project where creativity and technical skills will be crucial. Please provide your portfolio iOS mobile app from scratch. This is a greenfield project where creativity and technical skills will be crucial. Please provide your portfolio showcasing your previous mobile app development projects, particularly those focused on iOS. Experience in UX/UI design, backend integration, and knowledge of Swift is highly appreciated. The ideal freelancer should be able to: - Understand and translate my vision into a functional app - Create an engaging, intuitive user interface - Ensure smooth performance across all iOS devices - Implement strong security measures - Provide regular updates and be o...

    $1099 Average bid
    $1099 (평균 입찰가)
    120 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a business partner to help me pitch my website design services to potential clients. Your primary responsibility will be client outreach and service promotion. Ideal candidates should possess: - Excellent communication skills - Experience in client pitching - Understanding of website design services - Marketing acumen The primary focus will be promoting our services to businesses in need of website design. Experience in the marketing field is a plus. Skills and experience that would be beneficial: - Knowledge of e-commerce and portfolio website design - Familiarity with creating informational business websites - Experience with service promotion in the digital space. Let's connect and grow our business together.

    $16 Average bid
    $16 (평균 입찰가)
    11 건의 입찰

    I need a skilled Python developer with experience in financial trading systems to convert an intermediate-level Pine Script into Python. The script contains some custom logic and is not overly complex but requires a good understanding of trading strategies. The final Python script will be used for an automated trading system. Therefore, familia...strategies. The final Python script will be used for an automated trading system. Therefore, familiarity with algorithmic trading and the ability to write efficient, real-time processing code is essential. Key Requirements: - Proficient in Python with strong coding skills - Experience with Pine Script - Knowledge in automated trading systems - Understands financial trading strategies - Able to translate custom logic from Pine Script i...

    $447 Average bid
    $447 (평균 입찰가)
    89 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for someone to research and gather comprehensive information about art schools in Singapore. Do use the excel provided. Ideal skills for this job include: - Strong research skills - Ability to synthesize and present information clearly - Familiarity with the art education sector will be a plus

    $16 Average bid
    $16 (평균 입찰가)
    11 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a skilled writer to help me complete a non-fiction self-help book aimed at providing emotional support to its readers. The ideal candidate should possess: - Exceptional writing skills with a deep understanding of the non-fiction and self-help genres. - Previous experience in writing emotional support content. - Ability to translate ideas into engaging and impactful prose. - Understanding of the book writing process, from structuring to editing. Your role will be to assist in crafting the narrative, ensuring the content is relatable and supportive, and helping to shape the book into a compelling read. Your input will be invaluable in making this project a success.

    $3396 Average bid
    $3396 (평균 입찰가)
    22 건의 입찰

    ...contracts, legal precedents, industry standards, and market trends. A key focus will be on developing models that can accurately assess the likelihood and potential impact of various risks, such as delays, cost overruns, and disputes, specific to EPC and Remeasured contracts. Additionally, the developer will work on creating models that can recommend effective mitigation strategies based on the predicted risks and the unique circumstances of each contract. Crucially, the models will be designed to analyze and interpret contract wording, even from scanned pages, utilizing advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. - AI Program Development: The developer will then translate these AI models into a user-friendly program. This will involve creating an intuit...

    $7199 Average bid
    $7199 (평균 입찰가)
    16 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a highly skilled .NET developer to help me build a web application for data analysis. The a....NET developer to help me build a web application for data analysis. The application will primarily interface with databases, so expertise in database connectivity and management is crucial. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in .NET and web application development - Proficiency in data analysis techniques and tools - Strong skills in database management and connectivity - Ability to translate complex data into user-friendly insights - Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail Your contributions will be pivotal in creating a robust, efficient application capable of handling complex data sets. Please provide examples of similar projects you've co...

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    37 건의 입찰
    Imperial car design
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    ...pdf files of my business card with my logo and the texts that should be on it only the name of Fortador so the machine also needs to be there and a barcode on the back that i will provide you and then certain details such as bumper mirror and rear spoiler need gold stripes i want to leave it a bit to the designer i would like to give the assignment to someone who has done this before and therefore understands a bit what style is for a man, it will be a black bus with satin gold logo and text. the most important thing is that my logo will be clear enough - there in the area the text what you wish, is what you get should be & luxery steamcarwash the text Fortador - lamborghini logo and the text powered by lamborghini should be together you can also use it as you see w...

    $33 Average bid
    $33 (평균 입찰가)
    57 건의 입찰

    I require expert proofreaders skilled in reviewing classics texts. The proofreading will include a wide range of classic literature, so a love and understanding of these works will be beneficial. Your task will be to ensure the text is accurate, coherent, and free from errors. Please note that you will need to follow specific custom guidelines while proofreading. Prior experience with academic papers, particularly research articles, theses/dissertations, and essays/reports, will be advantageous. Skills Required: - Exceptional proofreading skills - Ability to follow custom guidelines

    $15 Average bid
    $15 (평균 입찰가)
    29 건의 입찰

    3:files Website Content proofreading and Editing (UK English) Thanks

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰
    $47 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    1 건의 입찰

    I need a professional linguist with expertise in historical texts to authenticate an ancient Russian letter. The analysis should cover grammar and syntax, vocabulary and terminology, and stylistic elements. I need someone with a good letterhead and credentials and provide a detailed report of your findings. Should be living in Russia

    $114 Average bid
    NDA (비밀 유지 계약서)
    $114 (평균 입찰가)
    7 건의 입찰

    I'm a mid-level Project Manager seeking a professional to rewrite my resume in Portuguese from English, with a focus on my project management qualifications. This includes highlighting my leadership, technical and communication skills, as well as my experience in commercial operations, HR and team management. Additionally, I need my resume reformatted on Canva to ensure a clean, professional look and somewhere I can easily edit in the future. I can provide the canva link to where to edit and format into Portuguese below Ideal candidates should be fluent in Portuguese-English, with a deep understanding of Project Management terminology and conventions. Experience with Canva is essential, and prior work in resume writing and career coaching is a plus. The g...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 (평균 입찰가)
    27 건의 입찰
    Web App UI/UX Enhancement -- 2
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    I need a talented UI/UX Js Developer will be responsible for implementing user interfaces and ensuring the overall user experience is smooth, intuitive, and accessible. You will collaborate closely with UI/UX designers, back-end developers, and product managers to translate design concepts into fully functioning, responsive web applications. You’ll also optimize applications for maximum performance and ensure the highest quality of code and design practices. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (ES6+). - Experience with React, Vue.js, or Angular. - Strong understanding of UI/UX principles, wireframing, prototyping, and testing. - Familiarity with design tools like Figma and Adobe XD. - Experience in creating responsive designs and cross-browser compa...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    91 건의 입찰

    ...freelance team can help address your needs: 1. Website Development, Hosting, Promotion, and Maintenance: • Development: A web developer can design and build a professional website tailored to your business needs, focusing on user experience, mobile responsiveness, and fast load times. • Hosting: Hosting services can be set up on reliable platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or others based on your budget and needs. • Promotion: SEO specialists can optimize the site for search engines and drive traffic via organic search and paid ads. • Maintenance: Regular updates, security checks, and bug fixes can be done by a website maintenance expert to ensure smooth operations. 2. Brochure and Profile Management (PDF Viewing): • A designer...

    $7277 Average bid
    $7277 (평균 입찰가)
    41 건의 입찰

    We are seeking a skilled translator to accurately type in Italian and translate to English a handwritten birth record from Italy, dated 1867. The ideal candidate must have experience with historical documents and be adept at deciphering old Italian handwriting. Attention to detail is crucial, as accuracy is vital for this project. Candidates should provide samples of previous translations of similar documents.

    $54 Average bid
    $54 (평균 입찰가)
    144 건의 입찰

    Dear freelancer, I have written a letter to an important Vatican institution in English. This letter needs to be translated to proper high quality Italian language. This letter is very important since it's meant to initiate an important relationship. The letter consists of 430 words and a little over 1 page in word. I would like to send out the letter before the 27th of December. I'm looking forward to your application.

    $86 Average bid
    $86 (평균 입찰가)
    198 건의 입찰

    ...classifications and sub-classifications for a large number of main categories. - A system for registration, determining locations, communication, messages, chat, social media, etc. - Ease of use in a creative way. - Expandable. - Commitment to providing technical support for at least a year. - Main language: Arabic and a number of sub-languages: English, Turkish, ... in a professional way and not through machine translation such as Google Translate, for example. Here is an example of an application with the same idea (I repeat, I do not want copies from any other program .. I want creative solutions with features that outperform other competing programs) When submitting offers, please send: - A samples of your previous work. - The

    $4115 Average bid
    $4115 (평균 입찰가)
    178 건의 입찰

    I need a professional to compile English lesson plans for children aged 6-12, following the Boost! curriculum. The plans should be focused on all key skills: Grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening and speaking. Key Requirements: - Proficient in creating Word and PowerPoint formats. - Experience with the Boost! curriculum is preferred. - Ability to incorporate various multimedia resources including audio clips, video clips, and interactive games. - Understanding of the needs and interests of children in the 6-12 age range. Please note that the final product should be engaging and suitable for young learners. The ideal freelancer will be creative, detail-oriented, and able to deliver high-quality, comprehensive lesson plans.

    $102 Average bid
    $102 (평균 입찰가)
    35 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a seasoned ReactJS professional with over 8 years of overall experience and at least 4 years dedicated to ReactJS development. The role primarily focuses on Frontend Component Development. Your responsibilities will involve: - Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including business analysts, product owners, and the DevOps team, to comprehend and translate business needs into comprehensive frontend designs. - Adhering to best coding practices, participating in code reviews, and ensuring high-quality output. - Crafting UI designs from Figma screens. - Developing reusable components and establishing a frontend library for future projects. - Enhancing component performance for a wide range of web-enabled devices and browsers. The ideal candidate should possess e...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    60 건의 입찰

    ...should be modern, visually appealing and in line with the theme of a beauty center. Based on Divi templates or modules to optimize time and quality. Languages: The content will be in Spanish. We will review and adjust the texts and photos later, so it is not necessary to perfect those details, but, if include all possible examples and that you want to communicate in each of them. Main pages to include: Home Treatments Brands About us Contact (with integrated Google map and form) Delivery: Project must be completed by 12/31/2024. Urgency: We are looking for someone who can start immediately and commit to the deadline. Freelancer Requirements: Proven development experience with Divi. Portfolio of similar projects. Ability to work autonomously and respect deadlines. Bud...

    $460 Average bid
    $460 (평균 입찰가)
    207 건의 입찰
    Telegram business - customisation
    6 일 left
    인증 완료

    ...types (text, images, videos, etc.). 2. Automate Message Editing • Implement functionality to modify the forwarded messages before they appear in our channel. • Examples of editing: • Remove or replace specific keywords. • Add custom text or tags. • Format the content (e.g., bold, italics). 3. Automate Translation Using ChatGPT API • Integrate ChatGPT API to automatically translate the forwarded messages from English into specified target languages (e.g., Spanish, French, etc.). • Ensure the translated text maintains the original message’s intent and tone. • Provide flexibility to configure multiple target languages if needed. —————————— Required Skills: &bul...

    $477 Average bid
    $477 (평균 입찰가)
    154 건의 입찰

    I'm seeking a skilled 2D Animator or Video Editor to create a professional, realistic-styled explainer video for an online game. Key ...understandable way. - Use a realistic animation style to bring the game's world and mechanics to life. - Ideally, you would have experience with game-related content and an understanding of what appeals to an adult gaming audience. Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in 2D animation and video editing. - Experience creating explainer videos, particularly for online games. - Ability to translate game mechanics into engaging visual content. - Understanding of realistic animation styles. - Experience targeting content towards adults. here is the voice over attached below and the link of the game is here

    $19 Average bid
    $19 (평균 입찰가)
    10 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a professional web developer with extensive WooCommerce experience to develop the website into a WooCommerce platform. Key Requirements: - Development of product templates. - Incorporation of all images and texts from the copied version for later translation (by us). - design replication without modifications. - Ensuring the site is fully functional and user-friendly. Ideal Skills: - Highly skilled in WooCommerce and Wordpress. - Proficient in website replication. - Excellent attention to detail. - Capable of creating product templates. - Able to ensure design accuracy.

    $1158 Average bid
    $1158 (평균 입찰가)
    109 건의 입찰

    I'm in need of a Python-based project that involves creating a GUI-based calculator using Tkinter. The calculator should incorporate basic arithmetic operations. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with GUI development, specifically using Tkinter - Knowledge of basic arithmetic operations implementation This project is perfect for someone who can translate functional requirements into user-friendly interface, while ensuring the calculator performs accurately. Your programming skills will be put to the test to make this project a success.

    $80 Average bid
    $80 (평균 입찰가)
    55 건의 입찰

    Indonesian English Recording Project We have a project, that needs Indonesian speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 363 Short English sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $5 dollar for 363 sentences sentences record. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the project. Thanks :

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    30 건의 입찰

    I'm in search of a talented video creator who can help produce engaging live-action promotional videos for my customer service agency. Key Responsibilities: - Produce high-quality live-action promotional videos that highlight our services and value proposition. - Ensure videos are tailored for our website and optimized for viewer engagement. - Collaborate with me to understand the key messages and goals of each video. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in creating live-action promotional videos. - Strong understanding of video production and editing techniques. - Ability to translate complex ideas into engaging visual content. - Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively.

    $41 Average bid
    $41 (평균 입찰가)
    3 건의 입찰

    I'm looking for a Hindi translator to help translate my php files from English to Hindi. I will share the specific files to be translated upon selection.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr (평균 입찰가)
    85 건의 입찰