Aws lambda write to s3 java일자리
...경험 - HTML5, JavaScript(ES6+), , , WebGL 등 관련 게임 엔진 또는 라이브러리 활용 능력. - 간단한 게임 로직 구현과 최적화 경험. 2. 블록체인 및 코인 개발 경험 - Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain 등 블록체인 네트워크에서 토큰 개발 및 스마트 계약(Smart Contract) 작성 경험. - ERC-20 및 ERC-721 토큰 표준 이해 및 활용 능력. - 보상 시스템 설계 와 가상 경제 구조에 대한 경험. 3. 서버 및 클라이언트 개발 경험 - WebSocket 및 RESTful API를 이용한 실시간 서버 통신 구현 경험. - AWS, Google Cloud 등 클라우드 플랫폼을 이용한 서버 배포 및 관리 경험. 4. 데이터베이스 및 성능 최적화 - MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL 등 데이터베이스 설계 및 관리. - 높은 트래픽을 처리할 수 있는 서버 최적화 경험 . 5. UI/UX 설계 능력 - 반응형 디자인 및 다양한 디바이스에서의 크로스 브라우징 최적화 경험. - 사용자 중심의 인터페이스 설계와 플레이 경험 최적화. 우대 사항 - 블록체인 및 NFT 관련 프로젝트 참여 경험. - 유저 활동 데이터 분석 및 머신러닝 기반 추천 시스템 설계 경험. - 다양한 언어와 프레임워크에 대한 이해(React, Vue.js, Angular 등). served on the https:// protocol. The book cover images are in the S3 of AWS of the http:// protocol. Chrome prohibits images from apperaring that comes from http protocol. That is the mixed contents problem. I need the book cover images in the S3 to appear on the https:// main site. The problem situation is like this. For example, we can see book cover image at (http protocol) but cannot at (https protocol) The goal of the project is making the protocol of S3 image server for https. So we can see the book cover image at the main You should work through Team Viewer or Anydesk to access my AWS console. I think the proper budget for this project is under 100$ and
SAS Data step 프로그램을 java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요. Enterprise Miner로 자동 생성된 .sas 프로그램을 .class로 컴파일이 가능한 .java 프로그램으로 변경하고 싶어요.
윈도우 자바 Automatic generation of Google ID. You should be able to create many Google IDs on a single computer. Platform, language Anything can be used (구글 아이디 자동 생성. 1개의 컴퓨터에서 많은 구글 아이디 생성이 가능해야 합니다. 플랫폼, 언어 아무거나 사용해도 됩니다.)
윈도우 C 또는 C++ 간단한 커피숍시뮬레이션 프로그램 쓸것 멀티쓰레드- 손님 세마포어-자리 I/O GUI 알고리즘 네트워크 손님몇명인지을 입력하면 손님이들어가서 커피를받아서 자리에 앉고 일정시간동안 커피를 먹고 다시 나가는시뮬레이터
번역 뮤지컬 연출가로써 쓴 가상 "Pitch"입니다. 단어수는 1030자 내외의 6페이지 입니다. 전문 용어를 적절하게 사용해 번역해주실 분이었으면 좋겠습니다.기한은 한국시간 11월 27일까지로 다소 촉박합니다.
# 2013년6월 ~ 2013년12월 : 고양시 상수도 블록시스템 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, ibatis, amchart, eazy-ui # 2014년1월 ~ 2014년3월 : 고양시 상수조 블록시스템 GIS적용 - 고객사 : 고양시청 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 계약직 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, Oracle, iBatis, O2Map, OpenGIS # 2014년4월 ~ 2014년11월 : 주유소 누유관리 모니터링 시스템 - 고객사 : (주)에스티모빅 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Java, Spring, MySql, MyBatis, jqgrid, bootstrap, daum map API, plot-chart # 2014년12월 ~ 2015년2월 : 생산관리 ERP설계 - 고객사 : (주)금강이엠씨 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : mockup UI tool # 2015년3월 ~ 2014년4월 : 블루투스 BLE 비콘통신 Android 개발 - 고객사 : (주) 바이트시스템 - 근무사 : 프리랜서 - 사용기술 : Android (블루투스 BLE 비콘통신, 서버 소켓통신) # 2015년7월 ~ 2014년8월 : 임베디드 리눅스장비 웹관리 프로그램 - 고객사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템 - 근무사 : (주)제이앤씨시스템...
기타 또는 불분명 자바 php -> java 로 소스를 바꿔야 플러그인을 만들 수 있습니다. Nukkit (mcpe) 로 넘어갈건데 바꿔주실 분이 필요합니다.
이전 프로젝트와 관련있는 작업이 진행 중에 있습니다Write some Software '
Bug Fix in 2~3000 line c# source (WinCE Embeded Target Board) 2~3000라인 정도되는 C#소스(Hnst 사의 임베디드 보드)의 Freezing 버그를 잡아 주세요. FrameWork 3.5 에서 디버그 모드동작시 2~3시간안에 발생하고 릴리즈 모드 컴파일시 1주일정도 만에 멈춤 현상발생합니다.
갠 갡 갢 갣 갤 갥 갦 갧 갨 갩 갪 갫 갬 갭 갮 갯 갰 갱 갲 갳 갴 갵 갶 갷 갸 갹 갺 갻 갼 갽 갾 갿
인스타그램 같은 사진 공유 서비스 개발을 의뢰하려고 합니다. JAVA 프로젝트로 개발하기를 원합니다. (커스텀을 위한 매뉴얼만 확실히 제공해주신다면 다른 언어나 프레임워크로 개발 되었거나 개발 되어도 상관없습니다. ) 인스타와 비슷한 것을 이미 개발한분을 우선적으로 찾고 있습니다. 사용하길 원하는 프레임워크 spring , mybatis, maven 그 외 프론트엔드 관련 프레임워크 (예:angularjs) 인스타와 똑같은 기능이 구현된 플랫폼 또는 sns 기능이 구현된 플랫폼을 개발 하신분이 있으시면 꼭 연락 부탁드립니다. 개발 가능하신분들도 쪽지로 연락부탁드립니다. ^^
you make payment system very simply. every payment system possible my website.(card, cash, coupon etc) customer join us and my website sell and buy for c to c. customer pay money for my website fee( seller ) - 개인이 상품을 사고 팔수 있는 오픈마켓형 홈페이지 - 상품을 판매한 사람에게 수수료를 받는 시스템 - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드, 현금입금, 쿠폰 등, 모든 결재방식이 가능함. - 개인이 결재할 때, 카드같은 경우 카드수수료가 빠진 금액만큼 결재됨. (나머지 쿠폰도 마찬가지 임) - 홈페이지에서 결재된 금액은 홈페이지 단위의 가상money를 받고, 판매자에게 전달. - 고객이 상품받은 것을 확인하면, 판매자에게 3일에서 7일까지 회사에서 결재된 금액을 가지고 있다가 3일이나 7일후에 수수료가 빠진 금액으로 결재계좌에 입금. - 상품을 받지 못한 고객에게는 결재된 금액을 다시 돌려 줌. (이 때, 결재되었을 때, 카드수수료등도 같이 취소되어 환급됨.)
안드로이드 앱 및 모바일웹 개발건 법률관련 어플,웹개발로 복잡하지 않습니다. 1차 2차 고객과의 연계하는 O2O(오프엔온라인) 비지니스로 가입, 관리, 비용지급, 계산, GPS기능 등 기능이 포함됩니다. 경험있는 개발자분들의 연락주시기 바랍니다. 접수기간 : 1월5일까지 접수 위치 : 한국,인천 연락 : 010.8200.4391
나중에 제가 좀 시간이 나면 bidding 해 볼까요? ㅋㅋ 요즘 너무 바빠서... 중국도 다녀와야 하고... 뭐 랜딩페이지 하나 만들어주세요, 한장 만들어달라는 얘기. 쇼핑카트 만들어 주세요, 이런일들이 많아요. 뽀샵 사진을 짤라주세요. 이런 일도 있고. ㅋㅋㅋ 좀 비싼일들은 ajax chatting,, php 로 사이트 구축, php, jQuery, java, AJAX 이런거 복합적으로 섞어서 1년동안 일해야 하는 것도 있고.... 이런 건 제가 bidding 자체를 제가 못하겠죠. 어느정도 불러야 하는지도 모르니.... 그누보드 스킨만 갖고도 충분히 구축할수 있는 정도 사이트, 현재 bidding 이 대략 550만원이네요...
כתיבה של כ 5 מאמרים של 400 מילה על אתר יין - חנות של יין
I am seeking a talented freelancer to handle innovative AI/ML projects on a long-term basis. Any bids above the range provided for this post, will not be considered. Responsibilities: • Develop and implement AI/ML models tailored to project needs • Analyze and preprocess large datasets • Optimize algorithms for performance and accuracy • Utilize tools like Deep Fake Lab, Deep Face Live, OBS Studio, and Canva for project execution • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate solutions • Maintain clear documentation of models and processes Requirements: • Proven experience in AI and machine learning projects • Proficiency in Python (R and Java are a plus) • Experience with frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorc...
We are deploying services on AWS Connect and we need a person with these Technical Skills: AWS Connect configuration Amazon Connect call flow design Lambda function development Amazon Lex chatbot integration Voice interaction scripting IAM role management Contact flow routing logic Programming Languages: Python (primary) JavaScript Node.js Core Technical Competencies: Voice/telephony system architecture Contact center workflow optimization Real-time communication routing API integration strategies Phase 1 is just to set up and tune what we have already started. check our flows. link to s3 and other data then we will make a new refine project for tuning and lex integration
...Stack Developer to join our team in building a dynamic web application. This project will involve developing a full-stack solution focusing on user authentication and secure data handling. If you’re passionate about creating modern web applications and enjoy working with cutting-edge technologies, we want to hear from you! Responsibilities: Design and develop a responsive web application using the MERN stack (MongoDB, , React, Node.js). Implement secure user authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or OAuth. Build and manage RESTful APIs for seamless communication between the frontend and the backend. Integrate user registration, login, and password recovery features. Ensure the app is scalable, efficient, and maintainable. Collaborate with frontend and backend t...
...looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a private-access mobile application for Android and iOS. The app is intended exclusively for property owners within The Butler Collection network. Key Features: Secure user authentication (email & password login). Dashboard with categories: Video Tutorials, PDF Guides, Events. Integrated video player for in-app video streaming. PDF & document downloads for members. Push notifications for important updates & announcements. Scalable backend (Firebase or AWS) for user & content management. Preferred Technologies: React Native / Flutter (for cross-platform development). Backend: Firebase or Node.js for authentication & data storage. Modern UI/UX, intuitive and responsive. Additional Requirements: Abili...
I'm looking for an experienced Full Stack Developer to create a prototype using AWS AI technology, specifically Amazon Rekognition. This project has the potential for future development into a full MVP if the prototype is successful. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a prototype based on the initial project specifications, utilizing AWS AI technologies, particularly Amazon Rekognition. - Ensure the prototype is compatible and functions efficiently in a remote work setup. - Prepare the groundwork for potential full project scale to MVP development post successful prototype. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in AWS AI services, with a focus on Amazon Rekognition. - Strong Full Stack Development skills. - Experience in creating prototypes and preparing for MVP...
...expertise in Vercel and website deployment to guide me through the process. - Guidance method: I am open to any remote desktop application, but would prefer TeamViewer or Zoom. - Hosting advice: I am looking for free hosting options, as I believe my website cannot be hosted on a shared server. Recommendations for reliable, free servers similar to AWS would be appreciated. - Conversion assistance: If necessary, I would like assistance in converting my website to HTML to upload files from the 'dist' folder. I have tried this multiple times unsuccessfully. Skills & Experience: The ideal candidate should have a strong background in web development, particularly with Vercel, and experience with remote guidance. Knowledge of free host...
I am looking for a freelance Security Architect to support a large-scale IT infrastructure and cybersecurity project. The selected candidate will be responsible for ensuring compliance with industry standards, conducting risk assessments, proposing security measures, and enhancing operational security in cloud and on-prem environments. The ideal candidate should possess a strong background in cybersecurity, risk management, compliance frameworks (ISO 27001, NIST, GDPR), and cloud security (AWS preferred). Key Responsibilities - Compliance & Risk Management: • Conduct risk assessments to identify security threats and vulnerabilities. • Develop and maintain a risk management framework to evaluate and prioritize secur...
I need a Telegram bot that replicates all functionalities of my current Discord bot. Th...replicates all functionalities of my current Discord bot. This bot will take user inputs and use them to generate PDFs, send emails, and update a web application on Safari. It will create unique links, PDFs, and email send-outs based on user inputs. Key Requirements: - The Telegram bot must mirror all functionalities of the existing Discord bot. - It should have a credits system and admin functionality. - User authentication should be admin based with Telegram ID, different from the Discord bot. Please note, I have a document that provides detailed information about the current bot, which I will share with you. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Telegram bot development - NODE JS, js, svelete, ...
I have a Strapi backend that uploads images to an AWS S3 bucket. I need a solution where uploaded images are only visible on my website and in the Strapi dashboard, but are not accessible via direct URL access in a browser. My current setup: - I have tried using a Bucket Policy to restrict access. - I have not set specific conditions on my bucket policy yet. - I would like to show a custom error message if someone tries to directly access the image URL. The ideal freelancer for this project should: - Have extensive experience with AWS S3, Strapi and implementing access control measures. - Be able to configure specific conditions on my bucket policy. - Expert in creating custom error messages for denied access. Please help me...
I'm looking for a skilled professional with experience in Spring Boot, Soap, The task involves transforming a request object into a list of objects. Your key responsibilities will include: - Mapping YAML to Java objects - Defining OpenAPI specifications - Integrating into the Spring Boot application A strong understanding of these components is essential for the successful completion of this project. I need remote assistance by anydesk or similar. Project in confidential and cannot be shared
I need to source 500 000 questions, answers, and comments about agricultural topics in South Africa. The goal is to use this dataset in AWS Sagemaker, so alignment and data normalization are very important. To add more context: It is questions, answers, and comments based on an agriculture-type conversation. Reddit is a forum that can also be used as an example. I can provide some links. I will provide a dataset with some real data; please add as much real data as possible. Let's discuss more
My application is currently not visible on the Android Auto screen. I need a skilled Java developer with prior experience dealing with Android Auto.
Calling Professional Java Developers! Join Our Groundbreaking Study on AI Code Assistants We are looking for experienced Java developers to participate in an exciting research study exploring how AI code assistants like GitHub Copilot impact security programming tasks. Your participation will contribute to pioneering research that could shape the future of AI in software development. Study Details: - What You’ll Do: Solve two coding problems—one with GitHub Copilot and one without. After each task, you’ll fill out a survey to share your experience. The sessions will be recorded for analysis. - Duration: Approximately 2 hours - Compensation: $100 AUD for completing the tasks as per the study guidelines. Who Can Join: - Java deve...
Looking for a Web-Based 3D Product Configurator Developer (, , Unreal) We need a high-quality, interactive 3D product configurator similar to the McLaren 750S Configurator (reference link). This tool will allow users to customize a 3D product in real-time with options like color, materials, and accessories. ✅ Core Features: Real-time 3D model rendering (WebGL, , , or Unreal Engine Pixel Streaming) Customization options: Change colors, materials, and accessories dynamically 360° rotation, zoom, and interactive animations High-performance rendering, optimized for web browsers and mobile devices User interface (UI) for easy selection of product options Save & Share Configurations (export images or generate shareable links) ? Requirements: Experience in Three
We are working on a project to streamline users' online experience by consolidating feeds, messages, and notifications from multiple platforms (YouTube, Reddit, Twitter/X, Instagram, Facebook) into a single, user-friendly interface. The MVP will focus on legally integrating multiple platforms using APIs, embeds, WebView, and redirection while ensuring compliance with their policies. This role requires an experienced full-stack developer who can architect and develop a scalable MVP, ensuring seamless API integration, data aggregation, and an intuitive front-end experience. Responsibilities: Develop a working prototype , a social media aggregator application . Implement API integrations using official APIs (YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Facebook) for data retrieval and...
I'm looking for a seasoned developer to bring my vision to life with an Android mobile app. The project encompasses the full development cycle, from conceptualization to deployment. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Java and Kotlin - Experience with Android Studio - UI/UX design understanding - Knowledge of Android SDK and APIs - Ability to integrate APIs and third-party libraries Please provide examples of your previous work in your proposal.
? Job Advertisement: Developer Needed for Automated HTM to CSV Converter ( Data) ? ? Project Overview: I am looking for a skilled software developer to create an automated system that converts large HTM files (100MB+) into multiple CSV files (each under 8MB). This software will be installed locally on my laptop and should efficiently process backtest results for analysis. ? Key Requirements: ✅ Automated HTM to CSV Conversion – Extract structured data (trades, timestamps, profit/loss, balance, etc.). ✅ File Splitting Logic – Ensure each CSV file remains under 8MB while preserving data integrity. ✅ Standardized CSV Format – Make sure the output files are structured for easy merging and analysis. ✅ User-Friendly Interface – Simple software UI for s...
...developer to create a simple UI call recording app for android. This app is intended for business use and should have the following features: - Automatic Call Recording: The app should automatically record all incoming and outgoing calls. - In-app Playback & Downloadable Files: Users should be able to access their recorded calls within the app itself, as well as have the option to download them for external use. Ideal skills for this project would include proficiency in Android app development, experience with call recording applications and a thorough understanding of user interface design to make in-app playback seamless. Goal of the app is to work on 90% of android devices with exception some exceptions. Over all app should be in react nativ...
I need assistance with updating a Java, CSS, and HTML code to auto-fit the dimensions of a chart on a size chart page. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Java, CSS, and HTML - Experience working with charts and data visualization - Understanding of responsive design principles
I'm in need of a Java developer with at least 3 years of experience, who specializes in creating web applications. The primary task will be developing a web application that includes user authentication capabilities. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in Java with a focus on web application development - Proficiency in implementing secure user authentication systems - Specific expertise in setting up Two-factor authentication - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail I look forward to your bids if you meet the above qualifications.
I'm on the lookout for a Junior Full Stack Developer with a balanced focus on both front-end and back-end development. The ideal candidate must be based in the EU or America and possess a B2 to C1 level of English. Key Responsibilities: - Front-end development using React, Angular, Vue - Back-end development using Node.js, .Net, Java - Interview handling Skills & Experience Required: - Basic understanding of full stack software development - Basic understanding of React for front-end development - Basic understanding of Node.js for back-end development - Strong command of English (B2 to C1 level) - Based in the EU or America
I'm currently looking for a skilled Java developer to join my team full-time. The primary focus will be on developing and enhancing web applications. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and maintain high-quality web applications using Java. - Work with Spring Boot and other specified frameworks and libraries. - Implement and manage backend services using Redis and PostgresSQL. - Ensure all aspects of the application are secure and performance-optimized. - Create and maintain comprehensive documentation. - Develop and implement REST APIs. - Conduct performance and automation testing. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience in Java and web application development. - In-depth knowledge and practical experience with Spring Boot, Redis, and Postgre...
I'm on the lookout for a Junior Full Stack Developer with a balanced focus on both front-end and back-end development. The ideal candidate must be based in the EU or America and possess a B2 to C1 level of English. Key Responsibilities: - Front-end development using React, Angular, Vue - Back-end development using Node.js, .Net, Java - Interview handling Skills & Experience Required: - Basic understanding of full stack software development - Basic understanding of React for front-end development - Basic understanding of Node.js for back-end development - Strong command of English (B2 to C1 level) - Based in the EU or America
I'm on the lookout for a Junior Full Stack Developer with a balanced focus on both front-end and back-end development. The ideal candidate must be based in the EU or America and possess a B2 to C1 level of English. Key Responsibilities: - Front-end development using React, Angular, Vue - Back-end development using Node.js, .Net, Java - Full stack software development Skills & Experience Required: - Basic understanding of full stack software development - Proficient in React for front-end development - Experienced with Node.js for back-end development - Strong command of English (B2 to C1 level) - Based in the EU or America
I'm looking for a Full-time DevOps Engineer. Your primary responsibility will be the enhancement, maintenance and monito...Conducting security audits and fixing vulnerabilities The ideal candidate will have extensive experience with our required skills, particularly AWS services, Docker, Jenkins, and Java. Knowledge of compliance standards like PCI DSS, GDPR, and SOC is crucial, as we take security and compliance seriously. Skills and experience needed: - Proficient with AWS (EC2, EKS, ELB, s3, Route53, Redis, RDS, Lambda) - Experienced with Docker, Jenkins, Helm - Skilled in Java, Springboot, Python - Familiar with Newrelic - Knowledgeable in PCI DSS, GDPR, SOC standards If you have a strong background in DevOps and are looking for a ful...
I'm looking to develop an Android app for my business. This app should enable customers to make payments, download receipts and withdraw funds from their wallet. Key Features: - Payment processing - Receipt downloads - Wallet withdrawal functionality I have a basic idea for the app but will need your expertise in creating a detailed design. The only payment method I want integrated into the app for now is PayPal. Ideal Skills: - Android App Development - UX/UI Design - Payment Integration - Java/Kotlin - Experience with PayPal API
I'm looking for a professional who can set up an EC2 instance on AWS and install a Plesk license on it. The primary purpose of this server will be to host a Laravel web application. Key Requirements: - Proficient in AWS EC2 instance setup - Experience with Plesk configuration and management - Familiarity with Laravel web applications - SSL setup (free version) - Please advice everything related to the AWS Costing Please provide your bid if you possess the necessary skills and experience.
...Assessment Feature for an application need to develop an AI backed API/APIs (Microservices) The AI-powered CV assessment feature will analyze, rate, and provide feedback on a candidate’s resume based on multiple parameters. This will help both SDETs and employers by ensuring that profiles meet industry standards and are aligned with job expectations. 1. Objectives of AI-Powered CV Assessment Automate the screening process to evaluate candidate qualifications. Provide real-time feedback and suggestions for improvement. Match candidates with suitable job opportunities based on resume insights. Standardize the evaluation criteria to ensure fairness and accuracy. 2. Key Functionalities 2.1 Resume Parsing AI Components: Natural Language Processing (NLP) to...
I need an Android application designed for USB OTG connectivity. The purpose of this app is to serve as a comprehensive dealer/installer toolkit for a custom boat lift controller. Project Overview I have a custom Boat Lift Controller (Arduino/AVR-based) that communicates over USB-to-serial. I need an Android app (for phone/tablet with OTG) to serve as a Dealer/Installer Toolkit, providing: Full configuration (all settings, e.g., limit switches, motors, etc.) Setup Wizard (mandatory) with GUI screens guiding through each step of device setup. Control (move the lift up/down, set presets, toggle AUX lines, etc.) Monitoring (real-time serial terminal for manual commands, logs, etc.). Firmware Updates over USB for both the main controller and a sidekick microcontroller b...
We are looking for a Data Scientist with expertise in AI and Machine Learning to develop a time series forecasting model. The project involves analyzing historical sales data using AWS and Snowflake. The ideal candidate should have strong skills in Python, machine learning, and predictive analytics. This is a short task estimated to take 1-2 hours. Please apply with your relevant experience and availability!
I'm looking for a professional to develop a sophisticated SEO automation tool primarily focused on backlink monitoring. Key Features: - Broken Link Detection: The tool should identify broken links that can potentially hurt my site's SEO. - Backlink Quality Reporting: I need a feature that assesses the quality of my backlinks, so I can focus on the most beneficial ones. - Backlink Builder: The tool should have a feature that helps in building backlinks. - Automated Posting: I want the tool to automate the posting process, saving me time and effort. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in SEO and backlink analysis - Experience in developing SEO tools - Knowledge in programming languages suitable for tool development (Python, Java, etc.) - Understanding of automated pos...