Articles on marketing planning일자리
Hi, I need your help. I am planning a consultation application that targets cross-platform. - Features required: - User account creation and login capabilities - Online payment system (credit card payment and account transfer available) - Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features - Ability to enable users to convert to counselors and generate revenue Specific functional description: 1. Create and Log In User Accounts: Users must be able to create and log in to a private account. 2. Online Payment System: Users must be able to make payments within the app. 3. Anonymous Concerns Consultation Chat/Phone Features: Users and counselors should be able to consult anonymously through the chat room, and a 1:1 telephone connection function should also be available. 4. Ability ...
홈페이지 블로그에 필요한 원고 잡업 -정보성 원고 작성(예: 루나코인이란? 디파이란?) -영문 자료 리서치를 통해 국문 원고 작성 -간단한 이미지 편집 가능 -텍스트 3500자 이상, 이미지 5장(포함) 이상 SEO content writer in Korean -at the beginning of project, mainly informational articles (e.g. what is LUNA coin? What is Defi?) -Must have good understanding Crypto industry. -Excellent keywords research skills to drive most valuable traffic to articles. -Experienced in SEO article writing. -Write 2~4 articles per week.
쉐어포인트 솔루션을 통해, 폼을 구성하고 Workflow 로 운영하는 사이트들 구축. 예로, 안전부서의 Patrol 보고서 운영, 품질 부서의 NCR / CAR 폼 구성 및 보고 형태 등 입니다.
...commercial or academic publishing standards? I can help! I am a widely published writer of nonfiction, journalism, and science research with a wide variety of publications under my belt. I especially excel in first-person investigative journalism, memoir and biography, mainstreaming science for press releases and articles, and polishing scientific papers pre-publication (especially mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, Sports science, Ergonomics, Biomechanics). I can advise on a wide variety of styles from mass market to specialist publications and especially enjoy 'punching up' research for public consumption. If any of these sound like what you need, let's talk! I am happy to craft a plan and timeline that works for you and your article. ...
I need to translate below Korean to English 무중생유(無中生有) 제갈공명이 적벽대전에서 빈 배를 보내 적의 화살 10만개를 쏘게하여 전장에서 화살을 만들어 쓴 전략은 탁월했습니다. 이렇게 "無에서 有를 창조"하는 전략을 '무중생유' 전략이라고 합니다. 경기가 안 좋고, 자본이 부족하다고 한탄만 한다고 해결방법이 찾아지는 것은 아닙니다. 도저히 방법이 없을 것 같은 상황 속에서 답을 찾아내는 것이 바로 ‘무중생유’의 전략을 이해하는 사람들의 행동방식이죠. 살다보면 얼마든지 위기에 빠질 수 있는데, 중요한 것은 어떻게 그 위기를 극복하느냐가 관건이 아닌지요. 우리가 모든 것을 다 잃었다고 생각될 때가 어쩌면 가장 많이 얻을 수 있는 기회일 수도 있습니다. 그리고 진화는 오랜 시간에 걸쳐 진행되는 것이 아니라 절박하고 아무 대안이 없을 때 급박하게 이루어진다고 합니다. 그래서 모든 것이 편안할 때보다 어렵고 힘들 때 더 많은 대안을 찾아낼 수 있지 않을까 생각해 봅니다.
안녕하십니까? 제가 On S.님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
• 데이터 기반으로 User Acquisition 및 광고효율 최적화 • 검색 광고 (네이버, 다음, 구글) 집행 및 최적화 • 페이스북/인스타그램 광고 집행 및 최적화 • 리타게팅 캠페인 집행 • 신규 매체 서치 및 테스트 • 온라인 캠페인 기획 및 광고 집행 • 매체사/대행사 또는 랩사 관리 • 온라인 캠페인 기획 및 매체 총괄 운영 관리 • 컨텐츠 개발 및 광고 집행 • 주요 지표 관리 • 해당 분야 4-7년 경력자
인터넷 마케팅 도우미 미국에서 40년을 살아왔고 한국 중소기업을 미국에 진출할 수 있도록 도울 수 있는 능력을 갖고 영어와 한국어를 능통하게 하며 특히 CEO의 영어 통역을 돕고 많은 열정으로 일을 하는 사람입니다.
한국에 거주하시는 프리랜서 중 비트코인 투자에 대한 오프라인 마케팅/소개 도움 주실 분 구합니다. 일주일에 1~2회 1~2시간정도 카페나 편한곳에서 사람들을 개별적으로 만나서 비트코인 투자에 대해 간단히 설명하시면 됩니다. 시급은 1회 5~10만원 사이입니다. 성실하게 일해주시면 장기적으로 가능합니다. 보너스 수당도 있습니다. 진지하게 하실 분만 입찰해주세요. 영어 가능자 우대
שלום מעוניין להציע עבודה בכתיבה על מוצר מסויים ופרסום שלו באינטרנט בשפה העברית בלבד
כתיבה של כ 5 מאמרים של 400 מילה על אתר יין - חנות של יין
I need a mock-up of 5 spaces for a dental office to assist with internal planning and determining the size needed. The mock-up will be used to pick the right space among 5 different options presented. Ideal freelancer: - Experience in interior design or architecture - Ability to create detailed, scaled mock-ups - Familiarity with dental office layout and requirements would be a plus.
Tenho um Bar/Pub em Curitiba chamado Hendú Pub. Já temos redes sociais mas sinto que preciso profissionalizar a criação de conteúdo. Temos apenas dois anos de atuação no mercado, uma empresa recente… então busco um profissional condizente com nossas necessidades e condições. Desde já agradeço pela atenção e fico no aguardo do seu contato.
I'm looking for an email marketing expert who can help me strategize and execute an effective email marketing campaign.
I need a marketing expert to promote my career coaching business. The prime focus would be on reaching career changers primarily through social media, search engines and email marketing. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy targeting career changers. - Create engaging blog posts and infographics to promote the business. - Utilize social media, search engines and email marketing to their full potential. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in digital marketing. - Strong understanding of content creation, specifically blog posts and infographics. - Excellent knowledge of targeting and reaching specific audiences, particularly career changers. - Proficiency in using various marketing pla...
.Net development company located in Canada and focused on the healthcare space in the US. Currently working on a product with a short timeline and need help. It is a simplified EMR (limited service lines without the need for referrals, requisition and typical lab work but spans a marketing level; a Client services level and a Provider (Doctor) level We are looking for an experienced developer. It would be all the better if you had experience in all our technologies, but we could also have you build the front end in React, and we would connect the services as needed
...F1-score - 0.74 What we need you to do : We need to run these models on a embedded system (adruino/Raspberrypi etc check attachments for all the boards we need optimisation for) , The flow of the program is : One frame is captured via camera Frame is pre processed— we have this done, our model does a little pre processing but we need you to enhance it to make it better. OCR is run easyOCR , alphabets and numbers are grouped to represent values (our model does not locate ROI) around 5-6 regions of interest — need to add a validation step here as well. (You can select another model as well depends on you but it should be working for our use case) Then the second program runs a set of pre processing On the same image then runs by those ...
I am an affiliate seeking a savvy and intelligent professional to help attract beginner traders to open accounts on my link. I offer EUR 10 for every active account. I live between Dubai, France, and Lebanon and can provide marketing materials and links to publish upon discussion. Target Regions: - Middle East - Africa - China - Asia Methods of Engagement: - Social Media Campaigns - Email Marketing - Partnerships with Local Influencers Skills and Experience Required: - Proficiency in social media marketing - Experience with email marketing tactics - Established connections with local influencers - Understanding of the trading market, specifically targeting beginner and experienced traders - Ability to strategize and execute a comprehensive trader acqui...
I am in need of a skilled writer who can craft detailed informative analysis articles. The primary focus of these articles will be to provide thorough and insightful analyses on various topics. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong research skills - Excellent writing and analytical skills - Ability to simplify complex topics for the general public - Experience in writing informative articles Please note that specific topics have not been decided yet and may include a range of subjects. Your ability to adapt and research different topics will be crucial.
This proposes an innovative hybrid framework that aims to revolutionize autonomous drone swarm coordination by integrating Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL). Our approach uniquely combines PSO's collective...processing, and system scalability, particularly in complex urban environments where traditional navigation approaches prove inadequate. 1.1 Key Innovations ➔ PSO: Global swarm behaviour optimization ➔ RL: Real-time local decision making ➔ Hybrid Integration: Adaptive path planning 1.2 Performance Benchmarks This system represents a significant advancement in autonomous swarm technology, offering unprecedented efficiency and reliability in complex urban environments. If you have the relevant experience and skills, please bid on...
Looking for Marketing Affiliates to successfully market a new dating app, driving subscriptions and ongoing monthly revenue. This is a new dating app that will be launching within the next 45 days and it will have cool, exciting features. Target audience Social media marketers, primarily based in the United States and internationally, experienced in affiliate marketing and engagement with adults aged 18 and over. Scope of work - Promote the dating app using your assigned affiliate link across your social media platforms. - Generate subscriptions using your affiliate link. - Maintain active and engaging promotions to ensure continuous subscriber payments. - Paid commissions monthly for every subscription you are responsible for getting. - Get paid $5 each month for each subs...
I'm looking for an expert in Reddit outreach to attract individuals and small businesses, particularly in the Technology, Healthcare, and Retail sectors, for potential collaborations and partnerships. The primary goal of this project is to broaden our network and establish fruitful business partnerships through engaging and strategic communication on Reddit. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in social media marketing, particularly Reddit. - Excellent communication and networking skills. - Understanding of the Technology, Healthcare, and Retail industries. Experience: - Proven track record in establishing business partnerships through social media. - Experience working with or targeting small businesses.
I am in need of an imagery analyst who can help with urban planning. The analysis will primarily focus on photographs taken on the ground by humans, with a specific emphasis on drainage. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze ground-level photographs to assist with urban planning - Focus on drainage analysis specifically Ideal Skills and Experience: - Previous experience in urban planning imagery analysis - Proficient in interpreting ground-level photographs - Knowledge of drainage systems and analysis techniques
I'm seeking a professional to create d...Also, I'll work to develop sketches of options for changing the exterior elevations. I will then need revised floorplans and exterior elevations drawn up based on my sketches. These plans should be comprehensive and include: - All measurements: I need a precise understanding of my space, so every single measurement should be accounted for. - Structural elements: Please annotate the plans with all relevant structural elements. This will help in understanding what can and can't be altered during the renovation. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in architectural design or home renovation planning, with a strong understanding of structural elements. Proficiency in using CAD software or...
I am looking for a certified professional with expertise in multiple Google products. I ne...and optimizing ad campaigns across various platforms. - Data Analysis and Reporting: Interpreting data from Google products to inform strategy and improve performance. - Conversion Optimization: Implementing strategies to improve the rate of conversions. The primary objective of these tasks is to enhance the performance of my ads. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in digital marketing and analytics, with a proven track record of improving ad performance. Please when you submit your entry, let me know what you are certified in, your expertise and if you do ads how much money you spend per month in ads (if applicable). Only the top performing will be accepted to work long te...
I need a topographical CAD drawing for a car park layout, which will include an as-built of ducting runs. This drawing will be used for construction planning. The CAD drawing should encompass: - A comprehensive layout of parking spaces - Clear indications of traffic flow directions - Placement of signage The as-built ducting runs should provide: - Sizes and types of the ducts - Exact locations and routes of the ducting Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in CAD design, particularly for construction planning. Knowledge of ducting systems would be beneficial. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid. identify and qualify websites for backlink opportunities? Share specific metrics like DA, DR, traffic, relevance, etc. Q. What parameters do you consider while choosing the right websites for guest posting? Q. Have you worked with websites in AI, SaaS, or tech industries before? Q. What types of articles have you published as guest posts? Q. Have you ever worked with top-ranking publications for guest posting? If yes, share their names. Q. How many quality backlinks can you secure per month on average? Q. If a website asks for payment for a backlink, how do you handle it? Q. What is your typical rate for backlink outreach projects? Disclaimer: We are seeking genuine expertise and original work. The use of AI-generated content in applications, proposals, or delive...
I'm in the process of building a web-based IoT application on Replit, and I'm in need of a seasoned software engineer with specific experience in MQTT and web sockets. This will be an hourly-based collaboration. Key Project Requirements: - The application needs to support real-time data monitoring, automated alerts, and device control. - It should be compatible with temperature sensors, motion sensors, and humidity sensors. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in MQTT and web sockets is a must. - Previous experience with IoT application development would be highly beneficial. - Knowledge of working with various sensors is a plus. Please reach out if you can assist with this project. Your expertise will be greatly appreciated.
...answering the following questions: Q1. Do you have experience in Blog Writing? If so, please share samples of articles published under your name. Q2. Do you have experience writing linkedin posts and content? If so, please share samples of articles published under your name. Q3. Do you have experience writing linkedin ad posts and ad content? How much experience do you have writing content for social media, particularly for companies? If so, please share samples of articles published under your name. Q4. Do you have B2B content writing experience? For how many years? Q5. Do you have writing experience in AI, ML, and other cutting-edge technology? If so, please share samples of articles published under your name. Q6. Do you have an understanding of SEO blog w...
I need a comprehensive topographical CAD drawing for construction planning. This should include detailed land features and utilities. Key Requirements: - Incorporate my existing comprehensive survey data into the CAD drawing. - Ability to create a detailed, accurate representation of the site. - Understanding of construction planning elements. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in CAD software. - Experience with topographical drawing. - Background in construction planning.
I'm looking for an expert in cryptocurrency exchange listings. The project involves preparing and submitting a listing for my coin on various free exchanges, highlighting its technical specifications. Key Responsibilities: - Create a compelling coin description for the listing - Emphasize the coin's technical specifications Ideal Skills: - Experience with cryptocurrency exchange listings - Strong understanding of technical specifications of coins - Excellent copywriting skills - Knowledge of various free exchanges Please note, this project does not involve listing on major exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken.
I need a compelling PowerPoint slide for a marketing campaign aimed at generating leads. The target audience for this campaign is homeowners, so the content should resonate with this demographic. Key Aspects to Include: - Focus on Product Benefits: The slide should effectively communicate the benefits of the product in a way that appeals to homeowners. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in PowerPoint - Marketing Insight - Graphic Design Skills - Ability to Understand and Target Specific Audiences - Strong Communication Skills
I would like my brand to take it to a bit more premium packaging, right now I have more realistic ingredients in my product label. But moving forward I like to take it to illustratoric/indianised traditional floral design type. So I will provide the list of herbs & the herb reference that I would like you to work on the concept in my benchmark art style. Only I required concepts. The concept Individual single herb , total right now 25 herbs have to do. Also planning to add 10 more. But not right now. I wanted 2 herbs immediately, because I wanted to test with packing print(the packing sample print process takes 2 weeks minimum) also I would like to check your output aswell. So in 2 week we have a time buffer to start the actual project. Once the sample print test is d...
...Wisconsin seeking a dedicated marketing partner. Your role will encompass the creation and management of an informational website, alongside the provision and management of weekly content across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Key Responsibilities: - Social Media Management: Create and oversee weekly content on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This will include property listings, client testimonials, market updates, and engaging content designed to attract attention. - Website Creation and Management: Develop and maintain an informational website tailored to my real estate business. - Campaign Concepts: Devise and implement innovative marketing campaigns including events, mailers, and 'pop bys'. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in real estate m...
I'm looking for a seasoned digital marketing professional specializing in social media advertising, specifically on Instagram. My primary goal is to enhance brand visibility through effective and strategic advertising campaigns. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing Instagram advertising campaigns - Strong understanding of brand awareness strategies - Excellent analytical skills to measure campaign performance - Creative thinking to design engaging ad content - Up-to-date with the latest Instagram trends and features
...experienced blockchain developer to assist with my investment-centric token, HODLHUB. This token is on the Solana network and has a unique tax system that collects 10% from both buy and sell transactions. The tax is stored in a rewards vault and automatically distributed to token holders' wallets every 5 minutes. The smart contract is partially built on fluxbeam, and it includes a rewards vault distribution system. Your main tasks will be: - Assisting with the smart contract - Helping to automatically liquidate tokens from fluxbeam - Distributing them proportionately to all holders Only 5% of the liquidated tokens will be distributed to the holders, with the remaining 95% going to a marketing wallet. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in S...
I'm seeking a skilled website designer to create an e-commerce platform for my physical products. This project also requires a marketing strategist to optimize the site for sales and customer engagement.
I'm seeking a skilled professional to help me create a technical and professional eBook aimed at professional cleaners or anyone wanting to start a cleaning business. Also basic understanding for the DIY type of individuals Key aspects of the project: - Writing: The eBook should be written ...specific content up to you, I envision a mix of step-by-step cleaning guides, case studies from my past projects, and tips and best practices in the industry. Ideal Skills and Experience: - eBook writing and creation experience. - Knowledge of the cleaning industry. - Ability to write in a professional, technical tone. - Experience targeting content to professional & amateur audiences. - understand marketing to all audiences. - long & short, to the point point ebooks. - try not...
Buen día amig@s, requerimos a un profesional especialista en email marketing. Nuestra base de datos se encuentra en Sedgrid pero estamos abiertos a cambiar de plataforma. Dentro de Sendgrid contamos con cierta segmentación de clientes pero requerimos que el profesional nos indique cual es la manera correcta de hacerlo. No contamos con CRM. El sector de la empresa es el trading. Tareas a realizar: 1. Creación de newsletters por tipo de cliente. 2. Seguimiento de las newsletters. 3. Análisis y toma de decisiones de cada envío de newsletter. 4. 12 envíos como mínimo (aceptamos sugerencias por parte del profesional) 5. Segmentación de clientes. Horario de trabajo: No pedimos que cumpla un horario con nosotros pero sí debe...
I'm looking for a marketing strategist who can help increase my brand awareness on social media platforms. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in developing effective social media marketing strategies - Ability to create engaging content that resonates with target audiences - Understanding of various social media platforms and their unique characteristics Your role will be to devise a comprehensive strategy that helps to elevate my brand's presence and recognition on social media. Prior experience in brand development is a plus.
I acquire UK businesses. I need to do some marketing. Step One is identifying companies. This will be done by establishing company's financial profiles, probably utilising a UK business information and company data software. Step Two is identifying the owners profile. Step Three is identifying the owners private email and LinkedIn profile. Step Four is identifying the owners private home address. Step Five is emailing the owners, and connecting on LinkedIn Step Six is mailing owners home addresses. Must have a very high attention to detail and speak fluent English.
I'm looking for a talented professional to help produce a YouTube video in the style of Vox. The project will primarily involve finding viral content, conducting in-depth research on the UK property market and design trends, sourcing or creating visuals, proposing film locations, contacting potential interviewees, writing a video transcript, and coordinating logistics. Key Responsibilities: - Find viral content that could be used in the youtube video - Conduct in-depth research on the UK property market and design trends (on tiktok and other online sources), - Analysing data, trends, and regulations, with cited references. - Source or create high-quality images, footage, and graphics (stock/original) to visually support content. - Propose film locations across t...
I'm seeking a seasoned graphic designer and marketing expert to create a sophisticated and luxurious marketing folder for my poker tournament company. This folder will primarily target prospective casino clients. The folder needs to include: - A comprehensive overview of our company - The benefits of participating in our tournaments - Persuasive testimonials from our clients The tone of the folder should reflect a luxury and exclusive brand. Therefore, the design and language need to be of a high standard, appealing to an upscale audience. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Strong background in graphic design - Proven experience in creating marketing materials for luxury brands - Excellent copywriting skills - Experience in the gambling or casi...
...processes and automates the documentation required for ISO compliance. The strategy will be integrated and multichannel, based on clear objectives to enhance brand awareness, engagement, and support the commercial journey. Project Objectives: - Brand Positioning: Establish ISO:OK as the leading solution in digitalization and ISO compliance. - Increased Visibility: Enhance online and offline visibility through targeted strategies. - Engagement and Conversion: Generate interest and convert qualified leads. - Sales Support: Provide materials and strategies to simplify and boost sales. Required Activities: 1)Marketing Strategy Development: - Clearly define marketing objectives. - Identify and define the strategic positioning (Unique Selling Proposition - USP). 2)P...
I am seeking an experienced SEO professional to help increase the website traffic and improve the search engine rankings of my unique niche business. The business operates without a traditional e-commerce cart, so creativity and out-of-the-box t...paramount. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement effective SEO strategies - Increase website visibility and traffic - Improve search engine rankings Content Focus: - I am open to various types of content for SEO, including but not limited to: blog posts, product descriptions, and landing pages. Your expertise will inform our content strategy. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with SEO marketing - Strong understanding of unique e-commerce business models - Excellent content strategy skills - Ability to think creatively and outsi...
Please create 1 new icon of a floor grinding machine. This is for a new project planning - later on, we will need more icons. Please check PDF for more details.
Hi there, We're looking for someone who knows the ins and outs of Reddit marketing. We are a desk setup brand that currently sells mousepads, wrist rests, and desk setup accessories, and we’re looking to expand into keyboards this year. Recently, we noticed that many of the biggest desk setup brands get 50% of their traffic from Reddit. We are looking for a Reddit marketing expert to: - Analyze the opportunity in our niche - Develop a marketing plan tailored for Reddit - If it makes sense execute the strategy to help us start generating targeted traffic from the platform If you think you're a good fit: - Send us your previous experience - Let us know why you think you’re the right fit for this role Looking forward to hearing from you! Thank...