Angular 7 file upload일자리
... - AWS, Google Cloud 등 클라우드 플랫폼을 이용한 서버 배포 및 관리 경험. 4. 데이터베이스 및 성능 최적화 - MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL 등 데이터베이스 설계 및 관리. - 높은 트래픽을 처리할 수 있는 서버 최적화 경험 . 5. UI/UX 설계 능력 - 반응형 디자인 및 다양한 디바이스에서의 크로스 브라우징 최적화 경험. - 사용자 중심의 인터페이스 설계와 플레이 경험 최적화. 우대 사항 - 블록체인 및 NFT 관련 프로젝트 참여 경험. - 유저 활동 데이터 분석 및 머신러닝 기반 추천 시스템 설계 경험. - 다양한 언어와 프레임워크에 대한 이해(React, Vue.js, Angular 등). - 창의적인 아이디어와 문제 해결 능력을 바탕으로 팀과 협업할 수 있는 분.
...1 서류 전형 지원서 접수 및 검토 2 면접 전형 1차 실무 면접 대면 면접만 진행 3 최종 합격 통보 면접 후 개별 통보 6 보람상조피플 주 에서 함께하는 이유 보람상조피플 주는 상조업계의 전통적인 이미지를 넘어, 고객의 인생 전반을 지원하는 라이프스타일 파트너로 성장해 왔습니다. 상조 설계사 중간관리자로서 팀을 이끌며 함께 성장하고, 고객에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 기회를 제공받게 됩니다. 성장 기회 팀을 이끌고, 회사와 함께 성장할 수 있는 기회 성과 중심 보상 성과에 따른 보상 구조를 통해 높은 인센티브 제공 복지 혜택 다양한 복지 프로그램 및 라이프스타일 혜택을 통해 직원의 삶의 질 향상 업계 선도 기업 대한민국 상조업계 선도 기업으로서의 안정적인 경영 기반 7 밝은 미래를 함께 만들어 갈 인재를 기다립니다 보람상조피플 주는 고객의 삶 속에서 중요한 순간을 함께하며, 그들의 행복과 삶의 질 향상을 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 상조 설계사 중간관리자로서 고객과 팀을 이끄는 중요한 역할을 담당할 인재를 찾고 있습니다. 상조업계의 긍정적인 변화를 이끌고, 고객의 신뢰를 바탕으로 성장하는 보람상조피플 주 와 함께할 기회를 놓치지 마세요 지원하러 가기 보람상조피플 주에서 밝은 미래를 함께 만들어 갈 상조 설계사 중간관리자를 기다립니다. 지금 지원하시고 고객의 소중한 순간을 함께하는 특별한 여정을 시작해 보세요. 지원 마감일 채용 시까지 문의 사항 인사담당자 차진영 팀장 연락처 0146024830
한국어 단어를 태국어, 네덜란드어, 유대어, 영어, 포르투갈어 등 다양한 언어로 변환할 수 있는 창의적인 마인드를 찾고 있습니다.
안녕하십니까? Mohamed Medhat M.님의 프로필을 보고, 제 프로젝트를 제안하고자 합니다. 자세한 사항에 대해서는 채팅 서비스를 이용하여 주십시오. this. For example, we can see book cover image at (http protocol) but cannot at (https protocol) The goal of the project is making the protocol of S3 image server for https. So we can see the book cover image at the main You should work through Team Viewer or Anydesk to access my AWS console. I think the proper budget for this project is under 100$ and 2~3 hours. Thanks for your showing intersts on this task. https:// 에서 도서관 서비스를 제공하고 있는데, 그 안에 http:// 서버에서 이미지를 불러오는 과정에서 크롬에서는 이미지가 보이지 않습니다. 예를 들어, 에서 표지이미지인 가 안보입니다. 는 이미지 서버로 사용하고 있는 AWS S3
안녕하십니까? 제가 Francione N.님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
1st. we need space for upload K-Contents(Korean TV show, pop and etc), 2nd. We need space for many amateurs from various culture fields can sign up to upload and evaluate their work. 3rd. We need ads likes Google Ad-Sense. It can be posted for their work, and this is how we and that amateurs share profits. 4nd. We need a global community board. Global community board must be translated into English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, French, German, Turkish, Portuguese, and Russian. Each translation shall be automatically translated according to the language set by each user. P.S. We will provide design sources
안녕하십니까? 제가 Shahanaz P.님의 프로필 정보를 좀 확인해 보고, 제 프로젝트에 참여 제안을 드리고자 연락 드렸습니다. 채팅 서비스로, 좀 더 자세한 내용을 함께 의논해 보았으면 합니다.
안녕하세요 writings254님, 귀하의 프로필을 보았고 저의 프로젝트를 제안하고 싶습니다. 채팅을 통해 모든 세부 사항을 함께 논의할 수 있습니다.
직접 디자인한 플레잉 카드(커스텀 카드)를 소량으로 종이재질로 제작해주길 원합니다. 수량이 정해지지 않아서 정확히는 못 적지만 약50~150벌 정도 예상하고 있습니다. 디자인한 카드를 지속적으로 보냈을 때도 지속적으로 소량으로 제작해주길 원합니다. 금액은 한 벌당 5000(5$)~7000(7$)원 선이었으면 합니다.
...mass uploader, but will be preferred if it could be a single program * This should be fully automated, it means that I will only provide the video & description and the keywords then the program will do the rest *The program should upload the videos from a folder in a filepath and use the description from the textfile in that folder. So if you created 2 separate program then I will just load the time delay, file path, the accounts and the proxies. Then it will upload all the video in the 1st folder on that filepath and it will also use the text file in that folder and paste it in the description. Then after that the output will be the URL the accounts profile....
안녕하세요 Tinaxu님, 귀하의 프로필을 보았고 저의 프로젝트를 제안하고 싶습니다. 채팅을 통해 모든 세부 사항을 함께 논의할 수 있습니다.
보유 하고 있는 정보를 등록 하며 검색 가능한 앱을 제작 하고자 합니다. 백과사전 검색 기능 : 현재 3000 단어가 엑셀 파일에 두 칼럼으로 ("Word", "Description") 구분 되어 있으며 이 내용을 CMS를 통하여 애플에 입력. 등록 해야 하는 언어는 티베트 언어 입니다 단어 별 4-6사진 추가 기능 (파일 및 기기에 카메라 및 갤러리 업로드 기능) 단어 검색 기능 (옵션) Bulk Upload 기능. 있으면 좋겠지만, 하나하나 수동으로 등록 하는 방법도 문제 없습니다 // 추후 추가 계획 하고 있는 기능들 (이번 의뢰에 미포함) 뉴스 페이지 기능 : 일반 적인 뉴스 페이지 (CMS를 통하여 신규 뉴스 콘텐트 내용 작성) Sub 폴더 추가/삭제 기능 (예: 주요 뉴스, 지역 뉴스 등) 콘텐트는 직접 제작 (이미지, 텍스트, 영상 조합) 회사 소개 기능 : 일반 회사 소개 페이지 (CMS를 통하여 신규 콘텐트 업데이트 기능) Sub 폴더 추가/삭제 기능 (예: 회사 인사말, 회사 역사, 회사 주요 업무 등) 콘텐트는 직접 제작 (이미지, 텍스트, 영상 조합) 소셜 네트워크를 통하여 내용을 공유하는 기능 입니다 (Facebook, Twitter 등) <참고자료 / 유의사항> 앱 샘플 디자인 문서는 PDF 파일로 있습니다(영문) 샘플 데이터 있습니다 화려한 그래픽 및 디자인 제작은 필요 없습니다
안녕하세요 Duleon님, 귀하의 프로필을 보았고 저의 프로젝트를 제안하고 싶습니다. 채팅을 통해 모든 세부 사항을 함께 논의할 수 있습니다.
Hello, my name is Emil Price and I am an online English teacher on Facebook (). I am looking for a quote on a website. This website will need to be able to stream live broadcasts, upload contents for viewers to purchase and view within the website and sell products and memberships to customers. We will also develop a phone application to support the websites content and so they must also be compatible. I will explain every part of the website in more detail. Home page – The home page will promote new events and guide users towards our 5 main sections. About • About 에밀티쳐(Emil Teacher) - The about section will give users information about 에밀티쳐 • Our vision- Information about our visions and goals • Our services – Here we will give information about ou...
아이폰 plain text 뷰어 개발입니다. 스크롤뷰 X 읽는 방식은 ibooks와 동일합니다. 50메가의 txt파일도 열람이 되어야합니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다. 1. 북마크 기능 2. 폰트 변경 3. 사이즈 변경 4. 배경색 변경 5. 글자색 변경 6. 줄간격 변경 7. 밝기 조절
Need to translate Korean to English 1. joint venture 런싱치, 인건비, 사무실 임차료 등 추가 cost 증가로 수익성 악화 예상에 따라 Joint venture의 수익 구조 확보를 위하여 구매조건 등 본사와 재협상 필요 2. Joint venture 사업 구조 분석 3. Joint venture 전/후 손익 구조 3. 영업이익, 관리비 (인건비, 광고비 등) 4. JV 이후 순차적 증가 가정 5. jV 운영에 따라 추가 발생괴는 비용을 커버 가능하도록 할인율 협상 6. 구매배수별 수익율 변동 7. 구매배수 개선시, ~%수준 이익 개선 8. 장기 재고 처리 방안 재협상 9. 장기 재고로 인한 수익성 감소 예상에 따라 재고 처리 방랑 협상 필요
...Suggestions: Recommend durable and easy-to-maintain materials suitable for the UAE’s climate (e.g., glass, aluminum cladding, or other modern textures). 5. Lighting Integration: Include options for modern exterior lighting to highlight the design at night. 6. Entrance and Visibility: Ensure the entrance is visually prominent, easy to locate, and welcoming. Include clear signage placement suggestions. 7. Minimalism: Avoid cluttered elements. Focus on clean lines, geometric shapes, and a well-organized facade structure. We are looking for a creative solution that maintains the balance between modern style and practicality, enhancing the customer experience while keeping costs reasonable....
I would like to make a custom search engine that can be used internally as a research tool. The goal would be to upload digital documents (word files, .pdfs, audio files, videos, articles, blogs, etc). Everything we upload would be transcribed by openai api, and then would be completely searchable by the search engine. The results from user query would tell the user where they would be able to find the information they are looking for and provide a clickable link taking them to whatever it is they need to look at.I will have about 300 podcasts, 20 .pdf books, and an entire blog site as the initial items to use, but we would also want to be able to upload more documents in the future that could be added to the search engines knowledge base. More details: What kin...
I'm looking for an expert to wire 5 buttons with 5 LED 7-segment counters. The buttons will be manual push buttons, and their function will be to increment the count on the LED counters. I already have the components including Arduino Uno R3 Boards that are pre-programmed with a time delay so the buttons cannot be spammed. I need to understand how the circuit works and how it is wired properly. Wires have been disconnected and it is not working at this time. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in working with 7-segment displays - Experience with wiring manual push buttons - Knowledge of basic circuit design and implementation
Hola !! necesitamos un diseñador gráfico para nuestra empresa que nos pueda diseñar banners y Flyers para redes sociales, publicidad etc... Necesitamos alguien moderno, creativo e innovador dado que nuestro actual diseñador por motivos de salud no puede continuar trabajando. Gracias Este primer proyecto serian ap...fisica, a nuestra web web e Instagram en(3 tamaños) Listado de banners (tamaño tv 1920x1080px | Web 1920x500 or 600px | Instagram 1080x1080px) 1. Cambio de cristal Apple Watch 2. Instalación de Monterey, Ventura, Sonoma en macs no soportados 3. Reparación de Flex Face ID 4. Cambio de cristal tactil en iPad´s 5. Reparamos todos los productos de Apple 6. Reparación de cristal trasero iPhone 7...
I'm looking for a proficient freelancer to assist in adding over 200 product images and descriptions to my custom built ecommerce application. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with custom ecommerce platforms - Strong attention to detail to ensure accurate and appealing product listings - Ability to optimize product descriptions for SEO - Experience in ecommerce image editing would be a plus platforms. Allow users to set their username for personalized bump activities. Technical Stack and Requirements 1. Backend: Use a robust backend framework such as Node.js, Python (Flask/Django), or Go. Integrate Bundler for wallet management and multi-address generation. API support for blockchain operations (e.g., Etherscan, Solscan). 2. Frontend: Interactive UI using React.js, Angular, or Vue.js. Real-time trading dashboards for monitoring volume, wallet activities, and market analytics. 3. Blockchain Integration: Support for multiple blockchains like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana. Integrate wallets like MetaMask, Phantom, and Trust Wallet. 4. Database: Use a scalable database (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB) to store user profiles, wallet details, ...
I'm looking for a proficient freelancer to assist in adding over 200 product images and descriptions to my custom built ecommerce application. The ideal candidate should have: - Extensive experience with custom ecommerce platforms - Strong attention to detail to ensure accurate and appealing product listings - Ability to optimize product descriptions for SEO - Experience in ecommerce image editing would be a plus
...Effects users. It will allow users to upload, download, and share After Effects files, with features like user profiles, a dashboard, search/filtering, and ideally the ability to like and comment on posts. I need someone to develop both the frontend and backend. The backend should handle user authentication (signup, login, password reset), a database for storing user accounts and uploaded resources, and a file storage system for templates, presets, and plugins. Key Requirements: - Frontend Development: Using React, I need a responsive, user-friendly interface that allows easy navigation and interaction. - Backend Development: Using Node.js, you should build a robust server that handles user authentication, database management, and file storage. - File Stora...
As a client, I am in need of a seasoned perfumer who can create a diverse selection of unique and captivating fragrances for my perfume business. I am open to a range of scent profiles, including floral, citrus, and woody fragrances. Key Responsibilities: - Develop over 7 unique fragrances - Provide creative input and suggestions for fragrance types and ingredients - Perform extensive scent testing and evaluations to ensure high-quality fragrances. Ideal Candidate: - Professional perfumer with significant experience - In-depth knowledge of various fragrance ingredients and notes - High level of creativity and innovation - Excellent communication skills to understand and fulfill my requirements The target market for the fragrances is the luxury market.
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences....sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the pro...
I have a casino affiliate marketing website that requires template upload and modifications. I have the images and text ready, but need an expert to help me with: - Uploading the new template - Modifying the homepage layout - Changing images - Updating text Ideal skills for this project include web development, familiarity with affiliate marketing websites, and experience with template modification. Please note, I have a domain name and hosting already set up. The objective is to enhance the homepage for better usability and engagement.
I'm in need of a developer to upgrade my Django + Angular application. While the app is currently operational, I require the integration of four new backend functionalities and their connection to the frontend (approximately four new components, one to two services, and one to two models). - Current Setup: The backend processes numerical data and delivers JSON results via Django ORM and PostgreSQL to the frontend for visual representation using VisJS/ChartJS. - New Requirements: One of the new functions can follow the existing procedure, but the other three will need backend visualization, sending outcomes as PNGs for display on the frontend. The project deadline is February 10th. Please reach out if you're available.
...or limit the article volume. - **CPU**: Max 4 vCPUs / 4 GB RAM ensures your approach must be efficient. --- ## 5. Step-by-Step Execution Flow 1. **Initialize** - `main()` in `` reads environment variables (`ticker_symbol`, `start_date`, `end_date`). 2. **Acquire Data** - Query news API or scrape relevant articles in date range. - Store raw data in memory or a local file (watch memory usage). 3. **Sentiment Analysis** - For each article (headline/summary/body): - Pass text to GPT-4 or alternative LLM for a sentiment rating (1–10). - Optionally, run classical sentiment on the same text. - Combine results with advanced weighting logic. 4. **Aggregate & Format** - Save results into a `pandas` DataFrame or similar struct... that resonate with our target audience. These creatives will be used across Meta (Facebook & Instagram), Google, and other platforms. Course Video Presentation for Udemy: We also need a video producer or course creator who can take our written course content and convert it into a professional, narrated video presentation. The final product should be in a format compatible with Udemy’s video upload requirements. We prefer someone with experience creating online courses for platforms like Udemy or Teachable. Responsibilities: High Conversion Ad Creatives: Design visually striking and engaging ad creatives (images, videos, carousels) for high-conversion ads. Ensure that each creative aligns with the brand’s message and tone while also speaking to the targe...
...One session (.song file). You can adjust the template and workflow as needed, but the mix must remain in our original session for seamless integration. The selected engineer must use FabFilter, Waves, and Valhalla plugins and be experienced in Afro Swing, R&B, and Dancehall. Requirements: ✅ Must use Studio One 7 ✅ Must have FabFilter, Waves, and Valhalla plugins (e.g., FabFilter Pro-Q4, Waves CLA-76, Valhalla VintageVerb) ✅ Can adjust the mix template but must work within our provided session (.song file). ✅ Strong ear for rhythmic balance, harmonic clarity, and spatial depth. ✅ Understands groove retention while improving mix clarity and punch. ✅ Fast turnaround preferred (1-3 days for first draft). Responsibilities: ? Work within our Studio One session (....
...for contrast and clarity. Fonts: Raleway (Headings): Roboto (Body): Judging Criteria Originality and Creativity: Unique design that sets Loan Pilot apart. Relevance: Reflects our target audience (mortgage and lending professionals). Simplicity and Versatility: Works well in various formats and sizes. Alignment with Brand Values: Conveys trust, expertise, and forward-thinking. How to Submit Upload your logo concept with an explanation of the design. Include your recommended color palette (hex codes) and font suggestions. Provide any styling tips or brief usage guidelines if available. We look forward to seeing your creative ideas and partnering with you to create a bold, modern, and professional brand identity for Loan Pilot! Thank you, and good luck!...
...cells work together, each one playing an important role in maintaining life. (Scene explanation) The cell begins to divide, forming a number of living cells. 6-(Voice over) Each pixel and each cell combine with others to be part of a larger whole. Pixels form the image, and cells form the organism. (Scene explanation) Cells change to pixels and then back to cells in a repetitive and random manner. 7-(Voice over) In the end, there is no difference between these two units. Each one contributes to the formation of something larger and more complex. (Scene explanation) The screen is divided into two equal parts. The right one contains the cells of human skin, and the left one contains pixels for an artistic image of the city of Sharjah. 8-(Voice over) Without these small units, th...
I'm looking for a competent Android app developer to create an application that allows users to take photos and then change the clothing color to a user-uploaded image. Key Features: - Take a new photo or upload from the gallery: The app should provide the flexibility of both options for sourcing clothing images. - A text column: The app should also feature a column where users can write a few lines about the photo or the color change. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Android app development. - Prior experience in creating image-altering applications is a plus. - Good understanding of UI/UX design principles for an engaging user interface. Please note, I have no preference for the programming language or framework, but a deep understanding of Java or Kotlin will be beneficia...
Case Study 4 You encounter a patient, Teuila, a 60yo F, who has been unwell with a fever for the last 10/7. This evening her daughter visited her and was concerned so called 000. You perform an assessment and find the following: Teuila is sitting up in an armchair and is conscious and alert but her lounge room feels like a sauna to you, yet Teuila is complaining of feeling cold and unable to warm up. Teuila says she has been unwell for a while and seems to be getting worse When you look at Teuila she appears exhausted. You assess Teuila’s vital signs and find: Teuila is very tachypnoeic (RR 28) and looks to be taking shallow breaths Teuila is hypotensive (BP 85/60), and tachycardic (HR 122) Teuila has a...
...looking for an experienced ActiveCampaign professional who can set up automation for my e-commerce store. The primary goal is to increase sales conversion. 1. Welcome Series (Onboarding Emails) Goal: Greet new subscribers and introduce your brand. Automation: Email 1 (Immediately): Welcome message + discount on first purchase. Email 2 (2-3 days later): Showcase best-selling products. Email 3 (5-7 days later): Customer testimonials and social proof. 2. Abandoned Cart Recovery Goal: Recover customers who added products to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase. Automation: Email 1 (1 hour later): Reminder with images of abandoned products. Email 2 (24 hours later): Offer a discount or incentive (if they haven’t purchased yet). Email 3 (48 hours later): Create urg...
hi Dawn, This is the new SEO project start February 2025. Aphrodite Marble - 25 keywords Brogan Law Group - 50 keywords Century Jewelers - 10 keywords Hemness Faller - 25 keywords ST - 25 keywords T&K Contractors - 10 keywords Twin City Glass - 10 keywords This is the regular job we do and I request you to accept this quote/proposal as it saves you from the freelancer fee you pay each month. Look forward to getting started soon Best, Mohit
Simple and minimalistic e-mail signature with clickable links ( phone, website, tiktok, facebook, instagram) I will provide guidline ( brand book, logo, colours etc. ). I need a graphic design as well as html code - for proper display.
...engaging and funny. 4. _Non-Copyrighted Music:_ Add proper non-copyrighted music to the video. 5. _Sound Effects:_ Incorporate lots of sound effects to enhance the viewing experience. 6. _Memes and Graphics:_ Add relevant memes or graphics to make the video more entertaining. 7. _Video Length:_ The final video should be 12-15 minutes long. _Reference Video:_ Please check out this video for reference. This video showcases the style and tone we're aiming for. Deliverables: 1. A single, edited Mukbang remix video file. 2. The video should be in MP4 format, with a resolution of 2k or higher. Compensation: ₹500-₹900 per video Timeline: We need the edited video within [5 days]. If you're interested in this project, please submit your proposal, including: 1. Your e...
...*Job Listings and Applications*: - A dynamic job listing page displaying active openings. - Filter jobs based on categories like company, role, location, etc. - Students can apply for jobs and upload their resumes. 5. *Admin Dashboard*: - Manage student and company profiles. - Approve/reject job postings. - Monitor and manage placement events and application statuses. 6. *Placement Drives and Events*: - Admins can create and manage placement drives, including job fairs, company visits, and interviews. - Students can view upcoming placement events and register for them. 7. *Notifications and Alerts*: - Automated email or in-app notifications for students when they are shortlisted, interviews are scheduled, or deadlines are approaching. 8. *Ana...
...providers). • Contacts Management: Users should be able to upload, store, and manage contact lists. • Message Scheduling & Templates: Allow users to schedule messages and save templates. • Delivery Reports & Analytics: Provide real-time SMS delivery tracking and reports. • Payment Integration: Enable users to purchase SMS credits via online payment gateways. • Admin Panel: Backend system for managing users, payments, and system settings. • Mobile-Responsive Design: Fully optimized for desktop and mobile devices. Preferred Skills & Experience: • Proven experience in website and web app development. • ...
Portugal Portuguese Recording Project We need Freelancers for long term Project. We have a project, that needs Native Portugal speakers, we will give you the text, and you need to record 1000 Short sentences....sentences. you just need to download our software, to read our text and record it, it's a very easy job. 1. You will need to record in a quiet place without loud background noise. and without echo. 2. Each person is $20 dollar for 1000 sentences record. After you finished recording and then we will pay u 50%. after your checking done and then we will pay u remaining 50%. it will take time to check 5-7 days. If you are interested please let me know sure.I will contact u. A Good Opportunity For New Freelancers For taking 5 Star Review after their completion of the pro...
I require a CAD drawing of a staircase. The staircase is a spiral type with an oval patterned handrail. Here's the breakdown of the stairs: - Ground to 1st half landing: steps 1-7 - 1st half landing to 1st floor: steps 8-16 (this section is visible on the drawing) - 1st floor to 2nd half landing: steps 17-21 I have specific dimensions for the staircase which will be provided to the successful bidder. The drawing should primarily focus on structural details of the staircase. It would be beneficial if the freelancer has prior experience working with CAD and creating structural drawings.
I need an app for speed dating that requires users to sign up, upload a profile, and provide their name, email, mobile number, date of birth, and gender. The app should also include options to share their mobile number, Instagram, or both. Additionally, I need a feature to enable a speed dating mode, allowing participants to click yes or no on the event night, and enabling me to post events Please include an admin panel or dashboard to manage users and events. The app should be available on any platform. The app should have a basic design with minimal branding. Please use the following technology stack: Any. communication Implement basic encryption for user data and interactions. The app should include push notifications for user updates and event reminders. Include a matching al...
I am seeking a seasoned developer with vast experience, particularly in Angular, HTML, CSS and SQL for a critical business project that requires prompt execution. Key Responsibilities: - Building a fully functional web interface - Designing efficient databases - Ensuring seamless integration across multiple platforms Ideal Skills: - Proven competence in Angular, HTML, CSS and SQL - A solid background in web development for businesses - Ability to work under tight deadlines Freelancers interested in this project should, in their application, highlight their experience especially in the mentioned languages. Please, remember that this task needs to be executed ASAP. Therefore, readiness to start work immediately will be an added advantage.
I...willing to create 15-20 sec animation with our graphic related to board game. Here are scenes sequence: is falling on the ground is landing on soil and it is confused then it relizes whats happen and see where it is. 3. Zoom out to see whole farm 4. Clouds appears and its starting to rain 5. Rain stops and sun is sturitng to rising harshly is exploding and transforming into Plant out to logo and title there are couple of plants which are having a motion like breathing and haing expression on them. This animation is more like 2D with shades and main character supposed to have feeling of more live/3D than background. If you are willing to take this project let us know what are your time frames and what do you required. Looking forward to seeing your proposals.
I need an experienced programmer to modify the existing code for my ATmega8 microcontroller. We are transitioning to a new Common Cathode 7-segment display, which necessitates changes in the code. The display is controlled directly via I/O pins, so the code adjustments must reflect this. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in programming for ATmega8 microcontroller - Experience with Common Cathode 7-segment displays - Knowledge of I/O pin control and programming - Ability to modify display code and ensure functionality Please note that specific changes in display functionality have not been identified at this time. However, the selected freelancer may need to demonstrate flexibility and problem-solving skills to adapt to any unforeseen requirements.
...the following requirements: I need a file management system that users require a log-in to access (if they're logged in to Shopify, that should suffice). Essentially, customers need to submit a request to the file system for a specific file, and I need to be able to reply with the file for the customer. They will also then need to reply to my correspondence, either with comments, notes, or by uploading additional files. I also need to have a database of files that customers can download, however they need to have "credits" available on their account (ideally purchased from the Shopify store itself) to be able to access these files. When the customer has credits, they can download the file, however they need to enter some specific detai...