3건의 결과 표시
후원된 프리랜서들
A high-spirited, self-motivated, hardworking individual. - M.S Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston - B.Tech Applied Petroleum Engineering, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India Worked at Oil and Natural Gas Corporation,(National Oil Company) India Relevant softwares: Ecrin (Topaz, Saphir), CMG...A high-spirited, self-motivated, hardworking individual. - M.S Petroleum Engineering, University of Houston - B.Tech Applied Petroleum Engineering, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, India Worked at Oil and Natural Gas Corporation,(National Oil Company) India Relevant softwares: Ecrin (Topaz, Saphir), CMG IMEX, PVT SIM, RDBMS Langauages & Mathematical softwares: C++, C, MATLAB, Mathematica Graduate Assistant at the Office of the Associate Dean for Research: provides administrative support to the College’s Office of Research. Primary responsibilities include:- 1) Increased efficiency of the department by developing models for projections based on various IDC recovery scenarios. 2) Generate monthly and annual proposal and funding reports for the college and by department. More info: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/vikrant-lakhanpal/29/47b/172 덜 보기
님에 대한 채용 진행
20 years of C++ and Linux development experience. I also have experience in Drupal development and PHP.20 years of C++ and Linux development experience. I also have experience in Drupal development and PHP. 덜 보기
님에 대한 채용 진행
I am a marine technician with experience in marine robotics and working on scientific research vessels. Additionally, I hold a rating as an Ordinary Seaman in the U.S. Merchant Marine.I am a marine technician with experience in marine robotics and working on scientific research vessels. Additionally, I hold a rating as an Ordinary Seaman in the U.S. Merchant Marine. 덜 보기
님에 대한 채용 진행