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$9 USD (1시간 기준)TV video editor, jingles vocalist & translator.Main editor for ANT1 Thessaloniki and Makedonia TV social media campaigns and ads. I can write ads text content, do vocal narration in Greek and translate & add subtitles to videos. https://www.facebook.com/vantremo/videos/3013506972037301/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3s0Gx1ttcU&list=PLT1N6UMAq1ZjQ-iVWvJSdWP1xVu...Main editor for ANT1 Thessaloniki and Makedonia TV social media campaigns and ads. I can write ads text content, do vocal narration in Greek and translate & add subtitles to videos. https://www.facebook.com/vantremo/videos/3013506972037301/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3s0Gx1ttcU&list=PLT1N6UMAq1ZjQ-iVWvJSdWP1xVu1j6XUM&index=3 https://youtu.be/zDcZyPYvfW4 https://www.facebook.com/Eltrak.Group/videos/1447913678701339/?__so__=channel_tab&__rv__=all_videos_card https://www.facebook.com/MakedoniaTV/videos/333196513924081/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CW7eIocw1/ I edit commercials or trailers like this one https://youtu.be/jT1Y1FGUrsE?list=WL I have taken part in the production of the latest film by director Nico Mastorakis “Mykonos, The Soul Of An Island”. (Movie credits info with included name reference as associate producer at (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8378068/mediaviewer/rm2359774464) Here is a sample of an ad I did (directing & editing) for a local firm as a freelance. https://youtu.be/nvWBVkRnGuI Here a signature video I produced (co-directing & editing) for the city’s local chamber, where I also narrate the vocal (in Greek). https://www.veth.gov.gr/index.php?MDL=pages&Alias=VETH_VIDEO Here is a video from my personal YouTube page, created as a concept for Chalkidiki. https://youtu.be/1orV2kE-H6o The following is a sample of older TV work https://youtu.be/y_h9cv5jZjs These are some of the ones I edited, based on original edit or parts of sent promo material form major USA studios. The concept, planning, edit, text for vocals and execution are all part of my TV work. The Blacklist https://youtu.be/SLPWepMtJeo Shades Of Blue https://youtu.be/lzKmNm1nags The Young Pope https://youtu.be/RyuiJsOcEs4 In fact, most of Makedonia TV trailers that still air, are based on my delivered masters. I have a Cambridge Proficiency Certificate degree and after finishing my High School studies, I have been a student of the SBALA Anatolia American College in Thessaloniki, Greece. For the last 25 years, I daily subtitled and edited trailers. In the past, I also did real time online vocal translations in cases of breaking news. My latest online voice over translation was when Makedonia TV recently aired the Miss Universe show live. I also wrote the text content for trailers aired on the station, as well as narrated many voice-overs (in Greek). Most of the Makedonia TV Facebook and Instagram videos are mine. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3UxtqeHx_-/ I can adapt to different styles of edit, being fast or with a slower pace. https://el-gr.facebook.com/MakedoniaTV/videos/667744293638302/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CyXyGgqtu/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ANg__gdHJ/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9wcKCIgMeU/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9evMegl89O/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9eXHi1D56i/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BrqFbdiILO0/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BoMmiHpAWaG/ 덜 보기
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