Premium Quality Product Photography and Design

  • 진행 현황: Closed
  • 상금: $150
  • 응모작 접수(건수): 34
  • 수상자: Yeasmin2927

콘테스트 개요

I need 3 to 4 A-grade product photos that match the premium quality of my product, priced at $129 AUD. The goal is to create stunning, professional images that convey value and quality.

1. Backgrounds:
• I have photos of my product and a real-life beach sand image. I need my product seamlessly placed on the beach background.
• Alternatively, you have the creative freedom to design a better, more professional background if it elevates the visuals.
2. Detailed Feature Graphics:
• Highlight key product details (e.g., fabric type: 210T polyester, reinforced stitching, buckles, zippers).
• Include “blow-up” graphic elements, like zoomed-in callouts, to showcase these features clearly and attractively.
3. Professional Touch:
• Ensure the final images align with the premium nature of the product and look polished for advertising and e-commerce use.

If you’re skilled in Photoshop or graphic design and can deliver professional, high-quality visuals, please reach out with your portfolio and rates. Looking forward to seeing your creative expertise

추천된 기술

고용주 피드백

“Not what I was looking for at all. But it was my fault for not reviewing the contest terms and conditions. ”

프로필 이미지 Habibk55, Australia.

이 콘테스트의 최상위 응모작

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공개 설명 게시판

  • kapilkhanna1500
    • 1달 전

    Like seriously contest holder do you really want to pay 150$ for this artificial intelligene shit

    • 1달 전
  • EssamHandok
    • 1달 전

    #12 need more details to meet your needs with a special design for your product

    • 1달 전
  • mohammadr628
    • 1달 전

    Check my entry and let me know if you think it should be changed or reedited

    • 1달 전

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