NASA Sustainable Business Model Challenge

입찰 중
$10,000 USD
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콘테스트 관련 즐겨찾기 정보의 저장 완료!

Challenge Background 

Climate change presents one of the most urgent crises of our time, with increasing threats to life, infrastructure, economies, and ecosystems worldwide. Climate change is no longer a distant concern; its effects are being felt now and are projected to intensify if emissions continue unabated. The consequences are severe and irreversible for people today, with rapidly shrinking glaciers and ice sheets, rising sea levels, and more intense heat waves already occurring. Scientists predict even more profound impacts, such as an increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires, extended drought periods, and stronger tropical cyclones. By 2100, sea levels could rise by up to 6.5 feet1, displacing coastal communities and disrupting ecosystems. In the U.S., the effects vary by region—wildfires in the West have doubled in area burned, and rising sea levels threaten infrastructure in the Southeast.
Innovative, data-driven solutions are essential to mitigate these growing risks. From the unique vantage point in space, NASA collects critical long-term observations of our changing planet. NASA produces vast amounts of Earth system science data from satellites, radars, and ships, as well as model outputs, offering a wealth of opportunities for innovative thinkers to leverage these sources. The Sustainable Business Model Challenge is designed to identify and foster sustainable business models built around NASA's Earth system science data.
This challenge invites entrepreneurs, researchers, startups, and innovators to use NASA's publicly available climate and Earth system data sources to create sustainable business models to address climate challenges.
NASA is committed to broadening participation in its solicitations and fostering technology advancements, particularly in applications related to climate change. The Sustainable Business Model Challenge seeks to engage a diverse pool of innovators capable of building sustainable businesses that make use of NASA's Earth system science data or models. The primary goal is to catalyze the creation of business models that address pressing climate challenges and foster long-term, scalable solutions
By engaging new entrepreneurs and fostering innovation, the challenge also serves as a pathway to NASA's SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program, helping to scale solutions that can make a real difference in the global response to climate change.

Challenge Overview and Goals

This Challenge calls for the submission of innovative business concepts, supported by robust business models, leveraging NASA’s Earth system science resources to enable climate applications with paying customers that can sustain the business. The challenge seeks to move beyond simply building data-driven tools, focusing instead on the sustainability and viability of the associated business model.
The Challenge has four primary goals:
Foster Sustainable Businesses: Develop business models that not only offer technical solutions to climate issues but also ensure long-term viability, scalability, and market relevance.
Aligning NASA Data with Market Needs: This challenge calls on participants to align NASA’s data with specific market or customer needs, developing tailored data solutions that address unique, well-defined market opportunities. Participants will utilize NASA Earth system science data or related data sources to address real-world climate challenges, from disaster mitigation to ecosystem protection and beyond.
Create SBIR Pathways: Identify solutions with potential for commercialization and relevance to NASA’s SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program addressing sub-topics such as: Data Informatics & Green House Gas Monitoring, Decision Support Tools Leveraging NASA Earth Science Data, and Nontraditional Aviation Operations for Wildfire Response. 
Engage New Entrepreneurial Talent: Spark innovation by encouraging participation from new entrepreneurs and diverse talent pools, fostering fresh perspectives to address Climate challenges. 
Participants are required to develop a Challenge Submission that includes the following key elements:
A well-defined business model and value proposition statement that incorporates NASA climate or Earth system data sources to deliver a service or product
Assessment of market fit and customer base potential including preferred data delivery formats for customers
Description of the business’s unit economics
Commercialization plan that can be used in a SBIR Phase I application and addresses the business’ sustainability plan
Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of global climate innovation experts. Up to 10 winners will be awarded cash prizes of $10,000 each and receive the following additional benefits:
A tailored assessment of their readiness to submit a NASA SBIR proposal
Admission to a 10-week capability development training designed to strengthen their NASA SBIR Phase I proposal submissions

NASA’s Climate Data Sources, Considerations, and Use Cases

As a core requirement of this Challenge, participants must incorporate at least one NASA climate-related resource, e.g., climate data, projections, or models, into their business model. This dataset should play a critical role in the development of the proposed solution, demonstrating how NASA’s Earth science data can be applied to address specific climate challenges. Participants are encouraged to explore and leverage relevant datasets from NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), Global Climate Change Data Portal, Ocean Biology DAAC, or other related sources listed below. 
Successful submissions will illustrate how the selected data source adds value to the business model, meets a customer need, supports decision-making, or drives the scalability and sustainability of the proposed business.
Table 1. NASA’s Climate and Earth System Data Sources and Resources
NASA Worldview, EOSDIS
Provides access to NASA’s Earth science data from satellite, aircraft, and field missions.
NASA Earth eXchange (NEX)
Generates global downscaled climate projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6) and CONUS projections (NEX-DCP30-CMIP6), available from NASA and AWS. Produces ecosystem and carbon monitoring data from global geostationary satellites.
NASA Global Climate Change (Vital Signs of the Planet)
Provides data on global temperature, carbon dioxide levels, Arctic sea ice, sea level, and other critical climate indicators.
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)
Offers climate model data, including surface temperature, ocean heat content, and precipitation.
ClimateSERV enables users to easily visualize and download 180-day rainfall and temperature forecasts, as well as historic rainfall and vegetation conditions. The platform has an API, it can be accessed by going to the “help center” on the top right of the landing page, and then navigating to “developers API”.
SERVIR works with regional organizations globally to help countries use satellite and geospatial technology. Manages challenges of food security, water resources, land use, and disasters in various regions.
NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
Provides climate data related to population, land use, agriculture, and more. Integrates socioeconomic and Earth science data.
NASA Ocean Biology DAAC (OB.DAAC)
Archives and distributes oceanographic data related to biological, chemical, and physical ocean properties.
NASA Physical Oceanography DAAC (PO.DAAC)
Specializes in satellite data on the ocean's physical state, including sea surface temperature, salinity, and currents.
NASA Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC)
Provides data on atmospheric composition, radiation, clouds, and related climate variables.
NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO)
Provides climate modeling data for climate system analysis and prediction.
NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS)
Offers data products and models related to the global carbon cycle and carbon dioxide emissions.
Important Solution Consideration: 
Data Infrastructure and Delivery: To address the common pitfalls companies face with data infrastructure and delivery, it's essential to prioritize the development of a robust data engineering strategy. Many companies have struggled to efficiently manage the size and computational demands of commonly used geospatial data (e.g. raster and vector data), leading to challenges in product delivery. Optimal solutions should involve pulling data from NASA on-demand, rather than hosting large datasets internally, to minimize storage and compute costs. Additionally, enhancing API capabilities to effectively deliver tailored data products is crucial, as previous attempts have often fallen short. This approach will ensure that the data is not only scientifically accurate but also practically usable and scalable in real-world applications.
Caution with AI/ML Proposals: Given the complexities associated with AI/ML solutions, it is crucial to thoroughly evaluate how these technologies are implemented within the proposed solutions. Simply saying the solution is AI-enabled or using the latest buzz words will not be an effective approach to winning a prize award. Proposals should clearly describe how they will operationalize and scale AI/ML-generated data while maintaining reliability. It is essential for participants to demonstrate their ability to handle uncertainties and quantify the potential impact of errors, such as false positives and false negatives. This ensures that the solution can transition from a theoretical or research phase to a practical, deployable product that delivers real-world value and meets the customer requirements.
Potential use cases and business applications to consider exploring include:
Logistics: Optimizing delivery routes and schedules based on real-time and predictive weather data to avoid disruptions.
Agriculture: Helping farmers plan crop planting, irrigation, and harvests with precise weather forecasts to mitigate risks from extreme weather events.
Local Government: Assisting cities and municipalities in climate resilience planning and emergency response for natural disasters like floods or heat waves.
Sustainability: Supporting carbon monitoring efforts by providing data to help track carbon emissions and deforestation rates.
Energy: Analyzing energy infrastructure and weather impacts on renewable energy production, particularly for solar and wind farms.
Insurance: Assessing risks and pricing policies for properties vulnerable to climate change.
Real Estate: Helping real estate developers and investors assess the long-term climate risks to their assets and making data-driven decisions about property development.
Food Supply Chains: Helping companies in the food supply chain predict risks and shortages due to climate volatility, improving planning and logistics.
Corporate Sustainability: Enabling companies to track carbon emissions from their supply chains, identify areas for improvement, and reduce their overall carbon footprint.
Resilience Planning: Modeling the impact of climate change and natural disasters like floods and earthquakes on cities and infrastructure.
Disaster Response: Providing data-driven insights for emergency response teams to prioritize rescue and recovery efforts during natural disasters.
Biodiversity and natural resource management: providing insight and opportunities for improved planning and observations that support large-scale conservation and natural resource management decisions. 

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