Modern Minimalist Text-Based Logo Design

  • 진행 현황: Pending
  • 상금: $100
  • 응모작 접수(건수): 1182

콘테스트 개요

I'm seeking a designer who can create a modern, minimalist, text-based logo for my business. The logo should exclusively use text, so a keen eye for typography and layout is crucial.

Key Requirements:
- Expertise in modern and minimalist design
- Proficiency in designing text-based logos
- Strong skills in typography and layout
- Experience with Serif fonts, particularly Times New Roman

A successful candidate will understand the principles of minimalist design and be able to apply them to a text-only logo in a creative and engaging way. Please only apply if you can provide examples of previous work that fits this description.

I am looking to 'rebrand' using the Initials RFG and a catchy phase for our finance company based in Australia

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    최우수 응모작 선정 자료 파일의 다운로드(초간단!)

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