Mpango wako wa uanachama unaruhusu tu ufautiliaji 0. Boresha hapa.
Umefaulu kuacha kufuata
Hitilafu wakati wa kuacha kumfuata mtumiaji.
Umefaulu kupendekeza
Hitilafu katika kumpendekeza mtumiaji
Hitilafu fulani imetokea. Tafadhali onyesha upya ukurasa na ujaribu tena.
Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Oanh N.
Chief Architect & Drawing SET
$15 USD / Saa
Vietnam (9:15 PM)
Alijiunga mnamo Agosti 2, 2022
$15 USD / Saa
❤️❤️❤️ HOW ARE YOU ❤️❤️❤️
I am an Pro architecture and have many experience of Residence.(NEW, Extension, Renovation)
Also I have many experience in 3d modeling and rendering of products.
My skills:
*** Drawing Set for permitting (TX, FL, CA, NY...)
(Floor plan, Elevations, Sections, Roof plan, Framing plan, Electrical Plan, Plumbing, HVAC)
*** interior, exterior design,
*** product design, Auto Cad drawing.
*** 3D Modeling, 2D Drafting
Software: Chief Architect, Autocad, Archicad, Revit, Sketchup, 3ds Max, Lumion
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ THANKS ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The architect assigned to my home project was a paragon of dedication and skill. With a tireless work ethic, they turned my ideas into a comprehensive and stunning design. The architect’s responsiveness deserves high praise; they were always quick to address my inquiries and integrate my feedback, ensuring a collaborative atmosphere throughout the project’s development.
The quality of work was exemplary, displaying meticulous attention to detail and an impressive command of sustainable design principles that added both form and function to the living spaces. Each request I made was not just met but was used as an opportunity to enhance the project, marrying my vision with architectural innovation.
I wholeheartedly endorse this architect to anyone seeking a professional who offers not just results, but a truly personalized and engaging design experience. The commitment to client satisfaction is evident in every aspect of their service, and I am eagerly looking forward to the completion of my home.
In short, this architect doesn’t only design structures but realizes dreams with exceptional talent and care.