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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Syed Muhammad A.
CMS Developer | 2D/3D Artist
$20 USD / Saa
United Kingdom (4:26 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Machi 13, 2020
$20 USD / Saa
I am Syed Adeel. I am providing CMS Development, NFT, 2D/3D design, 3D models, 2D/3D Animations, Logo Animations, services worldwide since 2011.
I have great knowledge in SEO, Social Marketing, WordPress development, WIX, Webflow, squarespace, Reactjs, JavaScript, eCommerce, Woocommerce, Shopify, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS. I have done SEO for 1500+ websites.
I've created over 500 WordPress websites. I've built from templates and completely custom and feel confident I can create whatever you need for your project. I can build a site that is easy for you to maintain or I can handle all of the maintenance for you. One-stop-shop!
Technological Expertise:
CMS Development (WordPress, Shopify, Webflow etc)
JavaScript (AngularJS, jQuery, Ionic, Reactjs, React Native)
Node.js & Python,
SQL ( SQLite, MySQL, and Postgres), NoSQL ( MongoDB, Firebase).
PHP (Laravel, CodeIgniter & Cake)
Google Map Service
Mobile Platform ( React Native, Flutter, Android Studio, IOS )
Firebase, Layer, REST, Socket, MySQL, SQLite, JSON, XML;
Skill Highlights:
Solution/Software Architect.
Senior Full-stack Software Developer.
Quality Content writer.
Digital Marketing Expert.
Being a Stanford Graduate, I can help you write the winning business/marketing plans, Grants, Market Research, Financials, Business analysis, writing proposals, feasibility studies, and designing pitch decks.
I offer internet search keywords as well as leads and deals. I will research the best keywords for your website and rank them on top of Google ranking. I have built around 600+ websites with 100% client satisfaction. Looking forward to building more.
I have written more than 1000 research papers, Several successful Business plans Articles Web content, and so on for my clients, and some of them are attached to my portfolio. The best thing is I can also assist you with your GRAPHIC DESIGNING tasks.
Why hire me:
1. SEO and SMO friendly content
2. Plagiarism-free
3. No grammatical errors
4. Professional Vocabulary
5. Well-researched
Hiring me for your projects can turn out to be the best decision and you'll surely get a taste of professionalism, dedication, top-notch quality, on-time delivery, and resourcefulness.
Syed Adeel
Syed Muhammad is a fantastic develeoper that is made of pure talent. The skill set makes his deliverables even beyond your expectation.
Great communication, solution oriented.
Highly and strongly recommended.