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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Pablo M.
data Scientist
$8 USD / Saa
Spain (11:38 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Juni 27, 2023
$8 USD / Saa
top skills:
navigating the Excel user interface, entering, manipulating and formatting data.
Use formulas and functions to perform calculations on data. Automate choices and data lookups using functions.
Analyze data and present the results in a user-friendly way. Create charts and tables that effectively summarize raw data.
Create easy-to-use spreadsheets. Validate data, find and correct errors. Create navigation aids for large workbooks.
Describe the various types of Machine Learning algorithms and when to use them
Compare and contrast linear classification methods including multiclass prediction, support vector machines, and logistic regression
Write Python code that implements various classification techniques including K-Nearest neighbors (KNN), decision trees, and regression trees
Evaluate the results from simple linear, non-linear, and multiple regression on a data set using evaluation metrics
The one outstanding trait that I found in Pablo is the ease of communication with him. That is so important i getting a project developed as designed. The logic required a good understanding of JS and he handled it very well. Will work with him again.
I'm pleased to acknowledge your exceptional attention to detail, flawless execution, and adherence to the project's specifications. You exceeded expectations by delivering a seamlessly integrated and fully functional project. Your professionalism, clear communication, and proactive approach truly stood out. I deeply appreciate the effort you put into making this project perfect. Thank you for your outstanding contribution!
Really good work. Pablo helped me understand how to use my social media to increase views and have more clients in my online store. Would hire again! Attention to detail, kind and very patient with my doubts!