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Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Sabina Y.
CPA, Accountant, Finance, Bookkeeping | QBO, Xero
$15 USD / Saa
Bangladesh (7:01 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Desemba 24, 2016
$15 USD / Saa
A Certified Professional Accountant who is considered as world’s top 1% valuable talent by the top organizations. My career scope has expanded both locally and globally over the past 5 years as an Accountant, Bookkeeper, NetSuite, QuickBooks Online, Xero and Cloud Accountant as a whole.
Before you hire anyone, please let's setup a call so I can explain why there's a big advantage to hiring a Professional Bookkeeper with a solid Accounting and Finance degree specially in UK, USA, Canada EU. Very reliable!
As a young successful professional, I have accomplished my goal as an entrepreneur, investor, and I'm helping others to achieve their potential in business through Bookkeeping, Financial analysis, Financial reporting, Tax, US GAAP, IRS, advance excel, UK Tax, IFRS.
My Expertise; Services and Duties I perform_____
• Accountant / Full Charge Bookkeeper / Quickbooks / Excel and Word Professional
• Financial Reporting, Bank Reconciliations, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Budgeting, Cash Flow Planning, Inter-company Accounting, Inventory and Account Analysis Reporting.
• IRS, EIN, Schedule-C, Form K-1, Form-1040, Form-1065
Looking forward to meeting you.
Kind Regards.
Sabina is very responsive, takes feedback very well and quick turnarounds, even when we are taking longer to respond to her :) We have hired Sabina for 3 different projects!