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Hitilafu fulani imetokea. Tafadhali onyesha upya ukurasa na ujaribu tena.
Barua pepe imethibitishwa kwa ufanisi.
Abhishek V.
Full-Stack Developer | React, Django, Python
$50 USD / Saa
India (3:38 AM)
Alijiunga mnamo Machi 2, 2023
$50 USD / Saa
⚡ Looking for a Highly Skilled Freelance Developer? You’ve Found the Right Expert!⚡
As a versatile full-stack developer, I specialize in building robust, scalable, and efficient applications. With a solid track record of successful projects, I bring expertise in:
⚫ React JS, TypeScript, JavaScript – Building dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly web applications.
⚫ Python & Django – Developing powerful backend systems, APIs, and data-driven applications.
⚫ Web Scraping & Web Sockets – Extracting valuable data from the web and implementing real-time communication solutions.
⚫ React Native – Delivering cross-platform mobile apps with a seamless user experience.
I am committed to providing high-quality solutions that meet your needs and exceed expectations. Whether you’re looking to create a web app, build a mobile solution, or tackle complex technical challenges, I am dedicated to bringing your vision to life with precision and innovation.
Let’s work together to transform your ideas into successful, high-performing products!
Abhishek’s expertise is exceptional! After working with many freelancers who couldn't deliver my vision, Abhishek understood my requirements perfectly and created an outstanding webpage that exceeded expectations. He was punctual, always available, and skilled at turning ideas into reality. His professionalism and dedication made the process seamless. I highly recommend him and look forward to future collaborations!
It was a pleasure working with Abhishek. His quality of work and communication is excellent. He was patient with my requirement changes and worked with me to complete the project even when I extended the timeline. Will work again with Abhishek when I have new projects.