I am an industrial engineer and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering with a specialization in Operations Research, where the goal is to optimize processes and resources using mathematical tools, statistical methods, and metaheuristic models. Additionally, I have completed a diploma in Artificial Intelligence, where I developed advanced skills in data analysis, machine learning, identifying trends and patterns, testing specific hypotheses, and predictive modeling. I am proficient in tools such as Python, R, Excel, Power BI, and Jamovi, which allows me to perform in-depth analyses and create effective data visualizations. My experience spans various industrial contexts, including finance, production processes, sales, customer service, logistics, and energy. I have applied this knowledge in multiple research projects, achieving significant results in optimization and predictive analysis. As the famous mathematician George Box said, "All models are wrong, but some are useful," and my goal is to use these models in the most useful and efficient way for your project.