Contract Java programming project
Programmer should have at least three years hard-core Java experience
Programmer should have at least six years programming experience
Programmer should have at least two years sockets (any language) programming experience
programmer ideally will have SMTP protocol experience
programmer must have good understanding of multithreaded environment issues
Task is to take existing SMTP Daemon which currently only receives e-mail from a single vendors SMTP gateway, and harden it and test it to work with the real world Spam attacks, directory harvesting, and other Internet based attacks.
Daemon should be reviewed and have JUnit tests written to check against RFC 822 compliance.
Currently daemon uses [login to view URL] for output logging.
Resulting daemon should be able to run for two weeks without crashing or exceptions, or without memory leaks, and without loss of e-mail messages.
Results will be compared against TCP dump capture packet analysis.
Coder should be able to show TCP dump capture packet analysis versus debugging output from daemon.
Work will be performed on our servers,
and we will provide SMTP traffic from SMTP honeypots for testing purposes.
The SMTP Daemon currently forwards its messages via the Java JMS facilities,
this will not change.
This will be performed in a Red Hat Linux environment using CVS.
This is an existing project, and existing coding conventions & company conventions must be followed and observed.
More projects to successful programmer's
## Deliverables
1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables):
a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run condition in the Buyer's environment.
b) For all others including desktop software or software the buyer intends to distribute: A software installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) All deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder's Seller Legal Agreement).
## Platform
All worked to be completed on our servers via SSH